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To study the tropical nightglow emissions in the vicinity of the Brazilian magnetic anomaly, two balloons were flown in February 1973 and 1977 carrying photometers. The behaviour in the tropical nightglow of the 630 and 557.7 nm lines is described and compared with predictions based on recent ionospheric models. Possible effects of the magnetic activity on the F2-layer in the tropics are suggested which are not accounted for by the ionospheric models.  相似文献   

Simultaneous zenith measurements of the forbidden OI 630 nm and permitted 777.4 nm nightglow emissions have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7°S, 45.0°W; geomag. 11.9° S), Brazil, during the period February 1983-May 1984, a period of medium solar activity. This first long series of simultaneous observations has been analysed to study the mean seasonal-nocturnal variations of these emissions in conjunction with simultaneous ionospheric data, obtained at the same location. Salient features of these observations are presented and discussed. The OI 630 nm emission mean seasonalnocturnal variations show the presence of pre- and post-midnight enhancements, with intensity levels slightly lower in the winter season. The OI 777.4 nm emission mean seasonal-nocturnal variations show a monotonie intensity decrease in time, with very low intensity levels during the winter season. A comparison has been made between the F-region peak electron densities, and heights determined from the optical and ionosonde remote sensing methods. In general, a good correlation is found between the measured and the nightglow inferred ionospheric parameters. The observed airglow intensity variations are also compared with those predicted by a semi-empirical low latitude ionospheric model.  相似文献   

Absorption was calculated at two height levels in the ionosphere, from different electron density profiles. The correlation between absorption and foF2 was studied. This study bears out theoretical results that riometer absorption occurs mainly in the D-layer and less in the upper parts of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis was made of ionospheric slab thickness, τ, and total electron content, TEC, for southern Australia using GPS satellite measurements. It was found that at mid-latitudes τ has similar overall diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations in the southern hemisphere as in the northern hemisphere. However, there are appreciable differences between τ in the two hemispheres which would justify appropriate modifications to ionospheric models based on northern hemisphere data before being applied confidently to the southern hemisphere. The usefulness of GPS satellites together with ionosondes over a spread of latitudes was demonstrated in determining long-term variations of TEC and τ over a large area. It was concluded that as few as four GPS receivers could provide TEC for the whole of Australia in real-time, though approximately six receivers in convenient locations would be required in practice.  相似文献   

Ionospheric electric field values are presented, obtained simultaneously by the double probe technique on board a rocket and by two incoherent backscatter radar installations. The measurements were performed during auroral activity over northern Scandinavia. The spatial distribution of the field reveals pronounced local variations.  相似文献   

The velocity of the terminators may be used to calibrate the measurements of ionospheric movements and this has been successfully carried out for an H.F. radar system.  相似文献   

Three measurements of ionospheric electric field were made during the 24 h ALADDIN rocket programme at Wallops Island (37°50′N, 75°29′W) on June 29–30, 1974. The first of these used a double probe instrument, flown at 1500 Local Solar Time, and the second and third measurements were made by barium cloud releases at evening and morning twilight. These three electric field vectors have been compared with the predictions of a number of models of electric field due to the dynamo effects of various atmospheric tides, and also of a possible magnetospheric origin. On the assumption that the measurements were made at a location equatorward of the afternoon convergence and poleward of the morning divergence in the electric field patterns related to the Sq current cystem, Stening's model of the diurnal variation of the electric field induced by the (1, −2) tidal model at the time of the Summer solstice correctly predicts the directions of the observed electric field. Forbes and Lindzen's model, incorporating the three major propagating tidal modes as well as the evanescent (1, −2) mode, also bears an acceptable relationship to the ALADDIN electric field directions. The ALADDIN E-field magnitudes are comparable with those obtained by ground-based observations (incoherent scatter) from Millstone Hill and from Saint Santin but are about half of Stening's model values, and three times those of Forbes and Lindzen.While the Millstone Hill E-field directions are compatible with the ALADDIN observations, Saint Santin E-field directions, at the same latitude but 75° difference in longitude, are distinctly different from ALADDIN, implying that longitudinal differences are significant.  相似文献   

A differential-phase technique utilizing the radio transmissions of NNSS satellites was used to make measurements of the latitudinal variations of ionospheric vertical total electron content (TEC) in the southern mid-latitude trough region from the location of Macquarie Island (a cis-auroral site; geographic coordinates 54.5°S, 154.95°E, geomagnetic coordinates 64.5 S, 177.67 E, L = 5.38) for a period of 14 months during 1987–1989. The differential-phase method provided a means of observing a relatively large expanse of ionosphere whilst centered on the cis-auroral region which was well suited for trough studies. By monitoring the two transmitted radio signals at 150 and 400 MHz from the Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS) polar orbiting satellites it was possible to deduce the latitudinal variation of ionospheric vertical TEC for the duration of the satellite pass. The absolute TEC was derived from Faraday-rotation and ionosonde data obtained during the same period.The main findings of this work have been the high incidence of daytime troughs for all seasons and the relative low incidence of night-time troughs. Both summer and vernal equinox seasons display a greater occurrence frequency of daytime troughs than the winter and autumnal equinox seasons. Winter-time troughs at any time are less frequent than for any other season. Comparisons with the northern-hemisphere trough display a marked difference in occurrence frequency and distribution of troughs. An attempt to explain some of these features in the light of the high-latitude convection theory is offered. Case studies are given for all seasons to highlight these findings.  相似文献   

Plasma densities obtained from EISCAT's UHF incoherent scatter system are compared with profiles inverted from the digital ionograms of a co-located dynasonde. Excellent agreement is found for the bottomside ionosphere when conditions of horizontal stratification and classical photochemical equilibrium prevail. However, departures from such conditions are frequent and intense at Tromsø. Compensating errors of EISCAT calibration and long pulse convolution are resolved by analysis of power profile data. Good agreement is recovered for tilted and more complex ionospheric structure, provided that accurate echo location data are used to confirm a common volume. Monotonic inversion of the ionograms is inadequate. Dynasonde recordings are analysed to show characteristic structure in vertical and horizontal planes as a context for EISCAT measurements along a fixed (magnetic field) direction. Incoherent scatter and modern total reflection sounding, used together and coordinated in one consistent data reduction system, could produce a far more powerful ionospheric diagnostic program than either technique seems capable of providing alone.  相似文献   

Height-integrated electrical conductivities (conductances) inferred from coincident Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar and DMSP-F7 observations in the high-latitude ionosphere during solar minimum are compared with results from photoionization models. We use radar and spacecraft measurements in combination with atmospheric and ionospheric models to distinguish between the contributions of the two main sources of ionization of the thermosphere, namely, solar UV/EUV radiation and auroral electron precipitation. The model of Robinsonet al. (1987, J. geophys. Res.89, 3951) of Pedersen and Hall conductances resulting from electron precipitation appears to be in accordance with radar measurements. Published models of the conductances resulting from photoionization that use the solar zenith angle and the solar 10.7-cm radio flux as scaling parameters are, however, in discrepancy with radar observations. At solar zenith angles of less than 90°, the solar radiation components of the Pedersen and Hall conductances are systematically overestimated by most of these models. Geophysical conditions that have some bearing on the state of the high-latitude thermosphere (e.g. geomagnetic and substorm activity and a seasonal variation of the neutral gas distribution) seem to influence the conductivity distribution but are to our knowledge not yet sufficiently well modelled.  相似文献   

Regular zenith measurements of the OI 630 nm nightglow emission have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7°S, 45.0°W; geomag. 11.9°S), Brazil, since 1975. The long series of observations during the period 1975–1982, including the ascending phase of the last solar cycle, permitted studies of solar cycle effects and seasonal variations. A large intensity increase, about seven times, from low solar activity to high solar activity has been observed. Also, the seasonal-nocturnal intensity variations show large changes between years of low and high solar activity. The characteristics of the variations observed are closely related to the equatorial electric field variations, since the observation site is under the southern equatorial ionospheric anomaly crest.  相似文献   

This paper reviews current knowledge on links between the Earth's magnetic tail and the auroral oval, and identifies some problems remaining. It considers electrons as tracers of the geomagnetic field, boundaries between different regions, plasma flows, and pressure balance conditions. The auroral arc is considered as a standing discontinuity in the flow of central plasma sheet (CPS) plasma field-aligned current systems are also proposed. The plasma instability responsible for the breakup phase of an auroral substorm is also discussed.  相似文献   

The solar and lunar variations in the phase path, group path and amplitude of a fixed frequency transmission were obtained at the September equinox over a slightly oblique path. The phase of the lunar semidiurnal tide in the phase path and amplitude were similar, the maxima occurring near 0200 lunar time, whereas the group path had a maximum near 0800 lunar time. These results were compared with other results obtained near the same location. The results suggest a complex situation in the E-region, where the height of the lunar current depends on season, and also suggest that the location and distribution of the solar and lunar currents may be different.  相似文献   

Using ray tracing we investigate, on a qualitative level and in the linear approximation, the effects of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MS TIDs) arising when powerful HF radio transmitters are operated in conjunction with antenna arrays designed for ionospheric modification (heating) and for radio location of the Moon. It is shown that the HF radio wave focusing effect, arising during the movement of the MS TIDs, can give rise to a strong inhomogeneous and nonstationary modulation of the space-time distribution of the field intensity of a powerful radio transmitter both at heights near the reflection region (in heating experiments) and at the exit from the ionosphere (in radio location of the Moon). The excess of intensity over an unperturbed value for typical parameters of MS TIDs in experiments on ionospheric modification can reach values of hundreds of percent: a ‘spot’ of increased intensity of the wave field can have the size of about 1–10 km, and can move with a velocity close to the MS TID phase velocity.In the case of lunar radio location, the inhomogeneity and nonstationarity of the wave field intensity distribution at the exit from the ionosphere substantially complicates the evaluation of the corresponding distribution on the Moon's surface and the interpretation of the Moon-reflected radio signal characteristics.  相似文献   

The propagation of MF and HF radio waves along ionospheric ducts is studied in detail by developing a waveguide model of the ducts and determining power levels of ducted echoes. The Earth's magnetic field is included, making the propagation medium anisotropic, and influencing the ray paths through field curvature. Electron density gradients, along and transverse to the field lines are considered, and both circular and elliptical duct cross-sections are treated. Propagation characteristics of the ducts are determined by ray tracing using Haselgrove's equations. Comparison with analytical solutions for simple waveguides is used to elucidate the effects of field line curvature and focussing. Distributions of returned echo power have been calculated for ducts with various cross-sections and different depletions in electron density. It is found that field aligned ducts with diameters of the order of several kilometers behave as effective waveguides for both direct and conjugate ducting modes. However, the percentage depletion required for guiding is higher than previous calculations using simplified theory. The field line curvature causes most power distributions to be shifted upwards from the duct centre. It also causes ducting to be confined to the upper boundary of ducts, especially if they are elongated in the vertical direction. The variation of power across a duct can be quite complicated and distinctive. For direct ducting, there is a clear relationship between the total integrated power across a duct and the electron density gradient and propagation frequency.  相似文献   

The occurrence of spread-F from seven latitude regions for ionosonde stations (78 in all) located from L-shell = 3.3 to 1.05 has been investigated (using the superposed-epoch technique) relative to four different levels of geomagnetic activity. Data for 14.5 years were used. For moderate, high and very-high geomagnetic activity a significant peak in spread-F occurrence is found for the four latitude regions closest to the auroral zone. These peaks are delayed (after the geomagnetic activity) by a matter of days, the delays being greater for the lower levels of activity and also greater for regions further from the auroral zone. Similarly, delayed dips in spread-F occurrence are found for very-low geomagnetic activity. Analyses for the remaining three regions (those closest to the equator) failed to show corresponding delayed peaks or dips in the occurrence of spread-F relative to the appropriate levels of geomagnetic activity. It is suggested that (for the three highest levels of geomagnetic activity) the mechanism which is responsible for the suppression of spread-F in equatorial regions may operate at these low latitudes and thus counterbalance the other mechanism which is responsible for the positive correlation found for the higher-latitude regions.  相似文献   

The density and bulk velocity distributions of warm magnetosheath particles and cold ionospheric O+ and H+ ions are calculated along a polar cusp (cleft) magnetic field line. The warm collisionless plasma is injected at 12 earth radii, and interacts with the cold polar wind electrons and ions of ionospheric origin. After magnetic reflections in the exosphere (above 1400km altitude) most of the ions move upwards along tail magnetic field lines and feed the plasma mantle flow. The bulk velocity of these warm protons is approximately 200km s−2 and happens to be proportional to the average thermal speed of the magnetosheath ions at their injection point in the magnetosphere. The density in the plasma mantle is found to be about half that in the entry layer. The electric potential distribution is deduced from the quasi-neutrality condition, A large parallel electric field corresponding to an electrostatic double layer is obtained for the assumed boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Empirical models can predict the average monthly behaviour of the ionosphere and allow for day-to-day variability. Significant departures from these predicted conditions can be forecast using a range of solar, magnetic and ionospheric observations. The main improvements needed in the prediction models is that they should be made more precise, by introducing variable prediction limits, and should be improved by harnessing the impressive power of the current physical models so that ionospheric data can be assimilated in near real time. This strategic objective will lead to ionospheric weather forecasting.  相似文献   

Alterations of the 01 6300 Å nightglow during ionospheric heating experiments at Arecibo (Puerto Rico) are considered. The experimental results led to deexcitation rates of O(1D) atoms by collisions with molecules of nitrogen and oxygen in the range (1–6) × 10−11 cm3 s−1. This range is in fair agreement with previous results, for such a quenching coefficient, which have employed different measurement techniques.  相似文献   

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