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Summary. Variation in Lateglacial lithic assemblages has led some researchers to sub-divide the British Later Upper Palaeolithic into two or more typologically distinct phases (Campbell 1977; Jacobi 1988). Until now, however, the chronological relationships between the different phases have been difficult to demonstrate. In this paper we present new dating evidence for two distinct blade technologies of Lateglacial type found in southwest Britain. The first corresponds to the 'Creswellian'(as defined by Jacobi 1991; Jacobi and Roberts 1992), and is dated to the earlier part of the Lateglacial Interstadial (c. 13–12,000 years BP); the second technology compares with European Federmessergruppen assemblages (literally, 'penknife group' industries, as described in Schwabedissen 1954) of the 'forested' phase of the Interstadial (c. 12–11,000 years BP). In addition to presenting the new dates, this paper explores the implications of treating the technologies as separate entities and puts forward preliminary ideas on differences in raw material use and other human subsistence behaviour.  相似文献   

We report new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates from the Central European sites of K?lna, Stránská skála, Bohunice, Vedrovice V, Vedrovice Ia, Moravský Krumlov IV and Dzeravá skala, which date to the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transition period. There are important unresolved questions surrounding the timing of archaeological events during this crucial period in European prehistory. Archaeological layers from this time period are at the limits of the 14C method and most of these sites lack good chronology. The results of this dating project suggest that some parts of the current chronological framework may need to be revised. Although in many cases our OSL results are broadly consistent with previous dates obtained by 14C, in other cases they reveal unexpected surprises. One OSL result from K?lna opens up the possibility that Neanderthals may have survived in this part of Europe past the 30 ka bp mark as has been argued for several Neanderthal sites in southern Europe. The large Szeletian assemblage recovered from Vedrovice V may be significantly older than previously thought, which undermines the idea that the Szeletian culture is exclusively an Early Upper Palaeolithic industry. More dating research is needed to confirm the more controversial results of this research.  相似文献   

This paper describes the discovery of the first open‐air Upper Palaeolithic site to be found in Scotland, at Howburn, near Biggar in South Lanarkshire. An account is given of the composition and distribution of the lithic assemblage, which is discussed in terms of its British and north‐west European context. Provisional parallels drawn are with the Late Hamburgian (Havelte) sites and assemblages of southern Scandinavia, northern Germany and the Netherlands. There is no absolute dating evidence for the site, but an age in the region of 12,000 14C yr BP, towards the end of the earlier (Bølling) Lateglacial Interstadial stage, is proposed on the basis of the lithic artefacts.  相似文献   

Popular and scholarly literature usually assumes that prehistoric artists were adult men. We show in other publications that young children from the Palaeolithic fluted in Rouffignac Cave, France, and hence the incorrectness at least here of the usual assumption. Our research also shows that females as well as males fluted in Rouffignac. Our methods for demonstrating this are forensic based on physiological research of relative finger lengths of males and females. We examine the profiles of the flutings of seven individuals and show that two are probably male whereas the remaining five are probably female. This type of study leading to where we identify individuals can produce responses to social questions about the fluters both as a group and as individuals.  相似文献   

Summary. The withdrawal of the Vistulan ice-sheet some 15,000 years ago permitted colonisation of the Oder and Vistula basins by a succession of Late Upper Palaeolithic peoples, amongst whom various distinct groups can be recognised. Magdalenian, Shouldered Point, Curved Back Point and Tanged Point technocomplexes are distinguished by the author, who discusses them with reference to the salient features of the archaeological assemblages, comments on the dating evidence, and considers both internal variability and possible relationships with industries in Western and Eastern Europe. The populations of this region, which coincides approximately with the boundaries of modern Poland, were hunter-gatherers exploiting late glacial and early postglacial game resources, but there is evidence that systematic use was made of other local resources, such as ochre (mined at Rydno), Jurassic flint and the chocolate flint of the Holy Cross Mountains. In this process some of the Late Upper Palaeolithic peoples travelled long distances and established wide contacts. Use of the chocolate flint by Swiderian groups of the Tanged Point technocomplex is proving to be a particularly worthwhile study: flint of this kind is found at some 300 out of 700 Swiderian sites. Actual quarrying places are known in the source area, with working and living sites occurring at various distances from them, offering considerable potential for a study of contemporary economic and social organisation and seasonal migration.  相似文献   

In this paper new evidence is presented for long‐distance trade in the western Atlantic in the Roman period, chiefly from Augustus to the second century AD, on the basis of documented shipwrecks and numerous amphora types. Well‐dated contexts from northern Portugal and Spain, as well as similar sites in northern France and Germany, suggest a thriving trade of amphora‐borne commodities during the Principate. The Atlantic route was initially developed during Augustus' campaigns against the Cantabri and Astures, and later consolidated with the exploitation of the mines in the north‐west of the Iberian Peninsula. Supplying the Roman armies in the German Limes gave a new impetus to this commercial route, complemented by the conquest of Britain.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):337-350

Previous analyses of vertebrate collections from Late Archaic (ca. 4500–3000 B.P.) shell rings on numerous Georgia sea islands indicate that fishes comprise the majority of individuals. Material culture associated with fishing is not recovered from these sites, however. Two methods are used to determine how people captured fishes using ichthyofaunal remains from five shell rings. Fish taxa are characterized according to schooling or nonschooling behaviors. Archaeological specimens representing the minimum number of individuals from the three most abundant fish families also are measured, and standard lengths of fish individuals are estimated using allometric formulae. The distribution of standard lengths are compared to expected size distributions of populations captured with specific fishing technologies, such as weirs, traps, nets, hooks, and spears. Results suggest that Late Archaic people of the Georgia coast fished estuaries using mass-capture technologies, such as weir, trap, and net fishing.  相似文献   

The chemical and structural analysis of raw Egyptian blue and green pigment cakes and of 50 pigment samples taken from paintings kept in the Louvre Museum was performed using a set of analytical techniques (X‐ray powder diffraction, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, Raman microscopy and UV spectrophotometry). The structural and morphological study of modern samples prepared on the basis of these results has provided technological data that help to explain ancient procedures. The role of the firing temperature, the atmospheric conditions in the furnace and the cooling rate are considered. The difference between Egyptian blue and Egyptian green pigment is proved. Manufacturing processes for their deliberate synthesis are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the origins of the symbolic–religious interpretation of Palaeolithic art. We analyse the relationship between the explanations that were given of the 'primitive' mentality in the second half of the nineteenth century and the birth of the religious interpretations of Palaeolithic art and we try to show how this union does not express a direct cause–effect relationship. In order for the union to take place, an intellectual change that would generate a new way of understanding the origins and the nature of art was necessary.  相似文献   

New absolute dates have been obtained for the Bilzingsleben (D.D.R.) archaeological site, using uranium-series analyses of travertine, and electron spin resonance (ESR) analyses of travertine and tooth enamel of rhinoceros. The results indicate that the site was apparently occupied during interglacial isotope stages 9 or 11. The surrounding terrain has been subsequently dissected by at least three discrete stages of fluvial erosion during succeeding glacial stages. Bilzingsleben is thus shown to be significantly older than the Lower Travertine at the nearby site of Ehringsdorf, assigned to isotope stage 7 by uranium-series dating. The latter assignment is confirmed by new ESR data presented here.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We provide causal estimates of the effect of immigration on house prices and construction activity in Spain over the period 2000–2010. During this period Spain experienced spectacular swings in both immigration and the housing market. Our instrumental‐variables estimates suggest that between 2000 and 2010, immigration led to an average 1.5 percent annual increase in the working‐age population. This was responsible for an annual increase in housing prices of about 2 percent, and for a 1.2–1.5 percent increase in housing units. Overall, immigration was responsible for one quarter of the increase in prices and about half of the construction activity over the decade.  相似文献   

The high proportion of sheep bones and the finding of implements used in cloth manufacture have led to suggestions that this Iron Age hill fort in Hampshire was a centre for wool cloth making. In the absence of textile remains from the site, evidence from other Iron Age sites with such remains is used to suggest that the sheep kept at Danebury are likely to have had mainly primitive hairy and primitive woolly fleeces with an annual moult and a range of colours. the absence of shears suggests a more primitive method of harvesting the wool. White wool and dyed textiles from the other sites indicates the possibility of dyeing. A reassessment of the textile implements suggests that the textile activity was no more than domestic production. the weight of the spindle whorls is discussed in relation to the sort of wool spun, but further experimentation is proposed to answer such questions as the true use of the weaving combs. the slingshots might have been hurled with a wool sling and not only at a human enemy or at game, but to control sheep flocks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Regional differences in real wages have been shown to be both large and persistent in the United States and the U.K., as well as in the economies of other countries. Empirical evidence suggests that wage differentials adjusted for the cost of living cannot only be explained by the unequal spatial distribution of characteristics determining earnings. Rather, average wage gap decomposition reveals the important contribution made by regional heterogeneity in the price assigned to these characteristics. This paper proposes a method for assessing regional disparities in the entire wage distribution and for decomposing the effect of differences across regions in the endowments and prices of the characteristics. The hypothesis forwarded is that the results from previous studies obtained by comparing average regional wages may be partial and nonrobust. Empirical evidence from a matched employer–employee dataset for Spain confirms marked differences in wage distributions between regions, which do not result from worker and firm characteristics but from the increasing role of regional differences in the return to human capital.  相似文献   

This paper provides a bridge between the literature examining the economic impact of air services and the literature analyzing the determinants of bilateral FDI flows. I estimate a gravity equation for the determinants of bilateral FDI flows between the Spanish region of Catalonia, home to the airport of Barcelona, and countries of all over the world for the period 2002–2015. I find evidence that the reduction in travel time due to the availability of nonstop flights scheduled with sufficient frequency increases the amount of FDI due to the enhanced transmission of information.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The least upper bound to the overall percentage error resulting from the omission of interregional feedbacks in input-output analysis is defined. This limiting value is the most informative of all upper bounds. A procedure for its computation is outlined and a number of experiments, using U.S. data, are discussed.  相似文献   

Here we show the results of a study concerning a small group of shaft‐hole axes found in northeastern Italy, made from amphibole‐rich metabasites, fine‐grained and free of phenoblasts. The main mineral phases are amphibole, ranging from actinolite to hornblende, and plagioclase (An10–15 and An70–77). The amphiboles generally show a needle shape and are often radially arranged. Quartz is present in thin veinlets, while ilmenite is widespread in small patches. The petrographic and geochemical features suggest that the axes originate from the southern thermal aureole of Tanvald granite in northern Bohemia. In accordance with this provenance, the typology of the tools shows similarities with the perforated shoe‐last axes spread across Central Europe during the fifth millennium bc and made from similar raw material. For the first time, these axes give evidence of long‐distance (about 800 km) contacts between northeastern Italy and Central Europe during the Neolithic.  相似文献   

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