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朱凤瀚先生新近撰文介绍并作了详细讨论的觉公簋,由于其铭文关涉到晋国的早期历史,从而又影响到西周王年,故引起了学者的重视。之后,夏商周断代工程办公室的《简报》又登载了李学勤先生的  相似文献   


This paper traces briefly the history of early attempts to copy natural mineral waters and of the pioneer manufacturers of carbonated drinks. It deals with the shapes of cork-closed bottles used in the 19th century—in particular the ovate container—and the more important of the patent bottles devised by such inventors as Hiram Codd and Dan Rylands, to whom particular reference is made. Bottles for alcoholic drinks are excluded from this survey.  相似文献   

关于建设我国北方集装箱枢纽港问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
集装箱运输是世界交通运输发展的趋势,在这一进程中,集装箱枢纽港与支线港的形成与分化日益明显,它是集装箱运输规模效益发展的必然结果。随着我国集装箱运量的增加,合量布局我国集装箱枢纽港和支线港的问题日益突出,目前,香港和上海作为我国南方和中部集装箱枢纽港的地位已确立,而北方形成了大连、青岛、天津三足鼎立格局,合理布局北方集装箱枢纽港是我国北方各省区社会经济发展的客观要求。文章深入分析了北方主要集装箱港口的现状和潜力,并提出了我国北方集装箱枢纽港未来的发展战略。  相似文献   

集装箱港口作为国际物流的重要载体,对其结构与演化规律的认识有助于揭示区域贸易格局与货流变迁的规律。以东盟的马来西亚、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、缅甸等国家的19个港口为研究对象,运用基尼系数分析法、偏移-份额分析法,刻画了1994-2014年东盟集装箱港口吞吐量集散趋势、港口竞争特征。结果表明:东盟集装箱港口受各国经济快速发展、国际贸易活动和航线变化等因素影响,港口体系演变经历了三个阶段:1994-1998年,港口规模小、港口相互之间差距较小;1999-2003年,集装箱港口发展迅速,马来西亚、泰国、越南中转型港口开始形成;2004-2014年,马来西亚成为东盟新枢纽港、泰国和越南港口地位提升。  相似文献   

During the excavation of the Loyalist-period Butler Homestead site in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario a small cache of glass condiment bottles was discovered in a space identified as a larder or pantry. The form of the bottles suggests that they once contained dry mustard powder, the bottles of which are usually recovered from military sites when found in Canada. This paper examines the cultural history of mustard as a food and medicine, its role in eighteenth-century British cookery and agriculture, and demonstrates how this specific form of glass container tied a Loyalist household to local and international trade networks in British North America and England.  相似文献   

长江三角洲主要集装箱港口扩张与竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着全球经济和贸易的一体化发展,作为世界物流的最主要形式的集装箱运输也快速增长。尤其在长江三角洲地区,近几年来集装箱港口迅速扩张,各港口之间展开争夺腹地集装箱货源的激烈竞争。本文从长江三角洲主要集装箱港口设施建设以及集装箱运输的现状入手,通过该地区两大集装箱港口-上海港与宁波港对其共同腹地-浙江省的国际集装箱生成及流向的调查,引入腹地市场区位商的概念,分析两港口对浙江省集装箱货源的吸引力及竞争态势。  相似文献   

This paper is an exercise in theory building that explores container form, function, and distribution. Using ethnographic data, environmental reconstructions, and archaeological information, containers are examined within the framework of the container complex, the group of containers used within a system. The results reveal a robust patterning between stone boiling and direct fire boiling and environmental thresholds. It also shows that container fabric used in these cooking strategies patterns by environmental variables. The results are models of the distribution of cooking strategies and the container fabrics used for cooking that can then be applied to the archaeological record.  相似文献   

为了修复馆藏青铜虎耳八牛贮贝器,根据其变形的特点,在修复整形工作中,专门设计制作了一套矫形装置,获得很好矫形效果。在矫形过程中,该矫形装置具有很强的矫形恢复能力,特别是在矫形加力时在支撑点的作用下,可以避免器物在矫形过程中断裂现象的发生。而且操作简便、易用,因此该矫形装置具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

赵冉 《文博》2021,(1):58-62,103
齐国量制本以升、豆、区、釜、钟为单位,从战国开始发生急剧变化,与其他诸侯国量制趋于统一,"斗"进入齐国量制系统。这一过程并非是突然发生的,"斗"初始用"/卮"来指称,在《考工记》中"豆"这一旧量单位被借用来表示"斗",直到战国末期"斗"方正式成为标准量制单位。  相似文献   

When Hans-Jörg Rheinberger proposed the concept of epistemic things, he drew inspiration from the art historian George Kubler, who had considered the aesthetic object as resulting from problem-solving processes in The Shape of Time (1962). Kubler also demonstrated that a sequence of objects could retrace the progress that led to a solution that was afterwards accepted as the most classical. Parallel to Kubler, Rheinberger demonstrates how temporally extended activities of experimentation are condensed in the object, revealing the moments of innovation that lead to it. In the history of science as well as in art history, various trajectories can thus be grasped in the materially given. Rheinberger conceives of an object as a network of heterogeneous time strings. However, these are manifold: they cannot be thought of as making up a homogeneous temporality encompassing all the others as a temporal container and synchronizing them within it. Since the discovery of the Anthropocene, we no longer separate natural from cultural time, and no hegemonic historical narrative can be taken as unifying all the others. Historical epistemology as proposed by Rheinberger will be read as a contribution to constructing new models of natural as well as of cultural time.  相似文献   

湖北郧县辽瓦店子遗址东周遗存的发掘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辽瓦店子遗址位于湖北省十堰市郧县柳陂镇辽瓦村,东北距郧县县城12.5公里.东南距十堰市10公里。该遗址地处汉水南岸的二级台地上,背靠丘陵低山,东部有一条季节河向北流入汉江(图一)。由于汉水在此形成一处由西南向东北  相似文献   

试论现代物流的地理学研究及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王成金 《人文地理》2006,21(6):22-26
基于阐述现代物流的发展背景,本文介绍了国际地理学对现代物流的研究进展,分析了其主要研究论点;同时探讨了我国现代物流的地理学研究进展,并分析了物流地理学的提出和理论体系;然后探讨了现代物流的地理学研究切入点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2000,19(6):771-791
This article re-examines Halford Mackinder's conception of geography in general and his practise as a political geographer in particular by placing his work in the context of the history of geography. The nature and politicisation of early modern (c.1600–1850) geography are depicted, and used as a contextual standard against which to assess Mackinder's claims to have propounded a “new” geography and a “new” form of political geography. Mackinder's conception of geography is found to have been a substantial departure from the early modern one, in terms of its definition of geography, its textual format and its placing of geography in a broader educative structure. By contrast, Mackinder's political geography is shown to effect a far less radical break, for whilst Mackinder's rhetoric suggests that geography will drive his political analysis, it is in fact his pre-existent politics as a tariff-reforming conservative which drove his political geography. To the extent that geography acted as a container for politics, Mackinder was still in the tradition of the early modern period, although he did change the form of that argument.  相似文献   

In 2013 there was a spike in the illegal export of rosewood, a highly‐valued tropical hardwood, from Belize. Hewn by Maya workers at night, logs were sold to Chinese buyers. Although protected by international conservation agreements, container‐loads of rosewood were exported unprocessed, unmarked and untaxed. This article examines the rosewood exports, providing a critical analysis that seeks its underlying causes and lessons for development. Drawing on extensive archival research, interviews with multiple actors, and data on China's rosewood imports, the authors show that the exports reflect a long‐standing pattern: the extraction and export of unprocessed primary commodities from Belize's forests. However, contemporary patterns are not simply repeating colonial history. On the demand side, the recent rosewood boom was triggered by a rapid rise in demand from urban, middle‐class consumers in China, stimulating a new commodity chain. On the supply side, the ‘rosewood crisis’ was facilitated by a peculiar legal‐political conjuncture: it occurred during a period after the Maya communities had won legal rights to their forests through the courts, but before the state had recognized those rights. Thus the incomplete recognition of indigenous land rights collided with long‐standing patterns of forest extractivism and explosive demand in China.  相似文献   

Detractors of European integration and many of its protagonists invoke state territoriality where the social and the spatial come together in a “Territorial‐Administrative Complex”. Like the military‐industrial complex claiming once to procure security, protagonists claim to guarantee democratic legitimacy. At the same time, the interests of the territorial constituencies prevail over others. The underlying notion of space is absolute and of territory that of a container. Costs and benefits are calculated in terms pertaining to it. The underlying “meta‐geography” is one of boxes‐in‐boxes, but rather than viewing space as a container, based on academic literature in the matter, planners now pursue soft planning for soft spaces. In the face of the apparently incontestable claim of the Territorial‐Administrative Complex to a monopoly on the production of democratic legitimacy, the article points out, albeit rare examples of constitutional theorists challenge this monopoly. Voting in territorial constituencies, they claim, has never been properly argued for, making it an arbitrary institution.  相似文献   

Abstract: According to the theory of 'significative regionalisation' (Werlen), territorial entities may be understood as products of symbolic practices. However, the assumption that regions are not only made but also continuously performed in acts of communication effects the character of substantial research into ostensible and latent spatial imaginations apparent in communication processes. In this article, the reactivation of Mitteldeutschland (literally the 'centre of Germany') in a televisionseries about the region's history is the empirical starting point for conceptualizing contemporary processes of symbolic regionalization. The approach taken covers the entire communication chain from the editorial process to the film material up to everyday language use of the programs target group. Three empirical studies with specific methods of research (hermeneutics, argumentation analysis and semi-structured interviews) illustrate this interlinked process. As an analytical tool, a fundamental distinction between implicit 'common places' of spatial representation and more obvious and thus negotiable explicit features of spatial signification is suggested. The analysis elucidates that — even under conditions of contemporary globalization — the massmedia reproduce traditional practices of spatial representation, as, for instance, a persistent and taken-for-granted use of container images indicates. Regarding the explicit features, however, the medias' influence seems to be quite low. Mitteldeutschland's geography, as proposed by the television program, is questioned and negotiated in everyday symbolic practice. Up until now, the region thus remains continuously 'under construction'.  相似文献   

Pandora's pithos     
Large clay jars have long been popular for both wet and dry storage, but are particularly associated with Mediterranean wines and olive oil. Such ‘pithoi’ also underpin important historical shifts in social complexity and landscape investment, play prominent roles in Mediterranean social life, and thus offer an excellent opportunity to think about the deeper consequences of container culture.  相似文献   

俞珊瑛 《中原文物》2012,(3):63-67,113,1
浙江省博物馆收藏有一批商周青铜器,包括鼎、簋、爵、斝、觚等,来源不一。本文对其中15件礼器作了初步整理与分析,认为它们在器型、纹饰、铭文等方面皆具有较为明确的时代特征。  相似文献   

Research on mortuary practices has attracted a wide following for the role it can play in determination of individual social identity and population social structure. One aspect of mortuary practices that is rarely addressed, except where physical remnants are recovered, is the form of burial containers. Archaeothanatology is a taphonomically based methodology applied to infer the form of such containers when no material evidence remains. This paper shows how the archaeothanatological approach can be applied post hoc, with 133 adult burials from the prehistoric site of Ban Non Wat analyzed. Temporal changes in container form were expected as subsistence, technology, and social organization transformed over 1850 years. The deceased were predominantly loosely wrapped in non-durable material or placed in wide coffins, although individuals were buried in other contexts, with a peak in variety towards the end of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age. In combination with evidence from other sites in the area, our results identify a reduction in the variety of container forms used within sites in the mid to late Iron Age. We have shown the value of archaeothanatology as a contributor to research on mortuary practices, in particular having shown that it may be usefully applied post-excavation.  相似文献   

微观权力视角下的游船空间解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余构雄  戴光全 《人文地理》2018,33(1):137-142
研究以米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)的微观权力学说为理论基础,收集了多元文本/话语资料,采用批评话语分析为研究方法,对珠江广州城区段上的游船空间进行解读。研究发现:①游船空间权力的对象转变促使新的权力文化的诞生,游船空间中物的使用价值让位于符号价值;②游船空间的分层体现出类型学秩序,座位的排列则渗透着等级性秩序,由此生产出不同性质的社会空间及社会关系;权力对时间的分解及序列化,确保能最大限度地使用稍纵即逝的时间来创造利润;话语的编织及渗透,形成了一种强大的心理控制场;对身体的安置,能提升权力支配及管理的效率。最后,微观权力视角下的游船空间,体现出的是资本与权力在空间中相互串谋而引发的旅游空间异化。  相似文献   

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