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King Gesar has been circulating among Tibetans for some 1,000 years or more.The longest epic in the world, passed down through the ages in the oral form, has even drawn the concern of the international community. UNESCO has approved activities in honor of the millennium of the epic. Public opinion hails this as a major event important for the protection of traditional Tibetan culture and the promotion of various ethnic groups in the world.The epic is a concentration of ancient tales, legends, sayings, and various kinds of folk arts. Thus far, 150 volumes have been located; they contain some 1.5 milion lines.  相似文献   

New Books     
One Hundred Cases of Tibetan Folk Culture
The author is Sakong Wangdu. The book records one hundred cases of basic Tibetan folk culture in its original forms. In particular, these cultural elements include many that have yet to be written down hence they are gradually being lost. The book promotes a positive approach to the rescue of the traditional folk culture of Tibet and is written in an easy-to-read style for the mass of people in pursuit of a better understanding Tibet and Tibetan culture. The China Tibetology Publishing House produced this book in February 2013 at the price of 36 Yuan (ISBN 9787802535619).  相似文献   

The dietary structure and customs of the Tibetans1 include both simple and complex elements.The transition from a diet composed mainly of tsampa and butter tea to the integration of alien and industrialized foodstuffs into the Tibetan dietary culture reflects,in a way,the processes of adaptation,integration and vicissitude of the Tibetan rural community during modernization.This article attempts to discuss the relationship between the traditional culture and modernization in Tibetan rural communities during the process of cultural interaction and modernization by studying the dietary structure and customs of Tibetan farmers in Nyang-re Township located in the north outskirts of Lhasa,Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR).  相似文献   

One reason Tibetan culture is rich is that it teems with traditional art forms. Here is an outline of a few of them.Climbing Up PolesBeginning during the Tubo period, this item remains very popular with Tibetans today. Frescoes in the Samye Monastery show there are a dozen ways to climb poles. Generally, a long pole is planted and fastened with four ropes. The performers display their skills at the upper end of the pole, such as "standing upside down,"and "somersault". Frescoes found in th…  相似文献   

Ethnic Tibetans are one of the 56 ethnic groups in China and have a long history of relations with other ethnic groups. In recent decades, in combination with scholars in the fields of history, ethnography, anthropology, archeology, philology, ethno-genetics, folk culture, and religious studies, Tibetan studies has become a major discipline that explains much about the ancient peoples of the Tibetan Plateau. In this  相似文献   

A Tibetan opera troupe unexpectedly came to Dacho Temple in the suburbs of Beijing that was built during the Liao Dynasty.The OriginIn October 2005, the National Ethnic Minority Cultures Fair was held in Beijing. The Shoba Lhamo Tibetan Opera Troupe, which attended the fair as a member of the Tibetan Delegation, performed and won the excellent performance prize of the China folk opera competition. The traditional Tibetan opera item Zholwa Sangmo (segments) won the gold prize of Chin…  相似文献   

The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,primarily in Nanjing city and Beijing city,the capital of the Ming dynasty.At the same time,Chinese culture represented by Chinese Buddhism and its art was also introduced into Tibet and other Tibetan areas.  相似文献   

News in Brief     
Tibetans Celebrated Butter Lamp Festival
The traditional Butter Lamp Festival was celebrated in Tibet on Dec. 27, 2013 (Oct. 25 in the Tibetan calendar) to commemorate Tsongkapa, founder of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. On this day, numerous butter lamps were lit up on windows sills and balconies day and night as a religious offering to the great Buddhism master.  相似文献   

<正>With a reddish color,strong flavor,and smooth aftertaste,Ya'an Tibetan tea is a symbol of the unbreakable bond between the Tibetans and ethnic Han people.For us tea producers,Mingshan in Ya'an,Sichuan is a special place because it is the hometown of Tibetan brick tea.Our journey in Ya'an is one of hard work,happiness,and fulfillment.Namse Tibetan Tea Factory is now an  相似文献   

正The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,  相似文献   

King Gesar is a long epic created by the Tibetan people over aprolonged period of history. Given strenuous efforts to sing andperform it, the epic, unlike other ancient works of its type, is stillPerformed in the rural and pastoral areas in Tibet.The epic, unique to the Tibetan race, faithfully reflects the life of the ethnicgroup, social format, history, wisdom of the people, their aspirations and ideals,as well as the imagination and talents of the Tibetans.Obviously, King Gesar is a trea…  相似文献   

The Tibetan language spoken by the Tibetans belongs to the Tibetan-Burmese branch of the Sino-Tibetan family. It has about six million users who live mainly in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and four other Tibetan-inhabited provinces: Qinghai Province, Sichuan Province, Gansu Province and Yunnan Province. The standardization of Tibetan terminology is an essential part of China's national policy on nationality and national languages. A special column named "Tibetan Language and its Terminology Standardization" is included in this issue to describe the birth, use, and development of Tibetan language especially the standardization of its new terminology.  相似文献   

The Tibetan people have a long history and a richculture.They are distributed across the Tibet Autono-mous Region,mostly in Qinghai province and a partofSichuan,Gansu and Yunnan.They call themselves“Bod”and“Bodrigs.”Those living in Tibet are called“Bodpa”;those in western Sichuan,“Khampa”;thosein Qinghai,southern Gansu and northwestern Sichuan“Amdowa”;and those in northwestern Sichuan areknown as“Gyarongwa.”This shows that Tibetan cul-ture is widespread with regional differentiation.Theymaintain traditional rites of passage associated with  相似文献   

In the Tibetan areas, the color white occupies a conspicuous position in daily life. Representative of this are snow-white hada scarves. A love of the color has gradually evolved into worship of it. Tibetans also have their own tradition in the use of Arabic numerals.Arabic Figures "3"and "9"Since ancient times, the Chinese have attached great importance to the choice of a wedding date. Tibetans favor the number 3 and its multiples. Based on this belief, the day for the male side to send pe…  相似文献   

<正>Nyingchi City situated at the southeast of Tibet is known for its Tibetan pigs,selling pork contributes a key part of the villagers'family income.The pork of the Tibetan pigs is more expensive than the common pork in the markets,because it is believed with better taste and good for health.In many Tibetan farming areas and especially in the eastern Nyingchi,normally,each family raises ten to fifteen Tibetan pigs.It is called the Tibetan pigs,because the pig breed was said to be domesticated from wild boar,according to local Tibetans.  相似文献   

正On October 13th,2015,the original dance drama,Dreams,gave its debut in the National Center for the Performing Arts.A work of traditional art of the highest quality with a modern atmosphere set in recent years,Dreams blends well the holy,secret,grand,and pure Tibetan culture and original dance with a Western  相似文献   

Tibetan Buddhism,one of the important sects of Buddhism,is believed by a lot of researchers to have disseminated into Tibet from India,Nepal and its adjacent Han nationality congregating areas in around 7th century.The subsequent spread of Buddhism in Tibet experienced two periods of fast diffusion,during which the original Buddhist doctrine merged with Tibetan traditional culture,and a new form of religion with typical Tibetan characteristics came into being.  相似文献   

In Tibetan the Gordong dance is called "chor", referring to a folk dance unique to the Tibetan race. However, no one knows its source, although most believe it evolved from ancient religious ritual.In Tibet, religion held an important position in social life, and religious activities exerted great impact on daily life. Gradually, such a religious ritual evolved into what is now the Gordong dance, made unique by various historical, cultural, economic and environmental influences, customs and …  相似文献   

When talking about Tibetans, people naturally think about Tibet (Tibet Autonomous Region, which will be referred to as TAR in the following text), but seldom realize that the Tibetan region extends far past the borders of Tibet. Based on Tibetan historical and cui tural differences, the Tibetan region of China can be divided into three major sections: Kham (khams), Amdo and Weizang(dbus-gtsang). Nowadays, as a result of administrative divisions, the Tibetan region belongs to different administrative areas in five provinces. Weizang includes most of today's Tibet Autono- mous region. Kham and Amdo are both historical conceptions, Kham lying to the east of Weizang and Amdo to the northwest. Kham and Amdo are divided into different administrative areas. Kham includes today's Chamdo Autonomous Prefecture (TAR), Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture and part of Aba Autonomous prefecture (Ganzi and Aba both belong to Sichuan Province),  相似文献   

Kasdarwin, meaning in Tibetan "a dance performed by people wearing armor", was a kind of sacred folk performance which, before the Heshui people of olden times went out for a battle, was conducted for the soldiers to pray for victory and their relatives to pray for their safe return. Meanwhile, as one of valuable relics of China's primitive dances, it fully embodies the perfect fusion of ancient Chiang and Tubo Culture.  相似文献   

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