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当前中国社会兴起了历史热,公众对于史学知识需求加大,作为传统的史学普及化的承担者,通俗史学有着许多弊端。在此情况下,借鉴美国公共史学运动的经验,一些学者提出了公共史学概念,力图在历史热的背景下,提倡公共史学,促进史学的普及化。由于通俗史学的弊端,未来通俗史学必然会被公共史学"兼并",成为公共史学中的一部分。当然,公共史学在美国发展完善,但在中国刚刚起步,还不完善,但未来史学普及化的趋势是向公共史学转变。未来史学普及化的承担者将从传统的通俗史学转向公共史学。  相似文献   

学生教育管理作为高校的一项基本职能,高等教育作为准公共产品,使得高校的教育管理也具备了准公共管理的性质。文章结合教育管理工作实际,就公共管理视角下的高校学生教育管理改革的现实路径进行粗浅分析与阐述。  相似文献   

学生教育管理作为高校的一项基本职能,高等教育作为准公共产品,使得高校的教育管理也具备了准公共管理的性质。文章结合教育管理工作实际,就公共管理视角下的高校学生教育管理改革的现实路径进行粗浅分析与阐述。  相似文献   

和谐社会构建背景下,提升政府公共危机治理能力是构建社会主义和谐社会的根本保证。目前我国和谐社会构建中制约我国政府公共危机治理能力的因素主要体现在危机意识淡薄、危机管理法制不健全、危机管理系统不完善等方面。因此,政府应当从意识、法律、机构、财力等多个面,提升政府公共危机治理能力。  相似文献   

在公共文化服务的背景下,博物馆在未来的文化建设中将发挥更加重要的作用,在承载民族文化记忆、促进民族文化传承、助力优秀文化传播、推动公共文化共享等方面的社会责任都有新的扩展。  相似文献   

You are probably aware of the fact that homes are being wrecked daily due to the fact that married women are permitted to work in factories and offices in this land of ours. You and we all know that the place for a wife and mother is at home, her palace. The excuse is often brought up that the husband cannot find employment. It is the writers’ belief that if the women were expelled from places of business,…these very men would find employment. These same womens’ husbands would naturally be paid a higher salary, inasmuch as male employees demand a higher salary than females.1  相似文献   

张守广 《近代史研究》2007,5(4):143-146
星五聚餐会是由中国银行总经理张公权发起而逐渐形成的一个以定期的聚会、座谈为主要活动方式的社会团体。1932年3月,该团体开始在上海举行定期聚餐座谈,抗战时期先后迁到香港、重庆等地举行,抗战胜利后主要在上海、重庆举行,一直延续到1952年为止。在前后20年间,星五聚餐会的聚餐座谈活动多达近千次,极少间断。与聚餐会直接相联系的有各地中国国货公司的创建,以及包括西南实业协会在内的抗战时期后方各主要工业团体组织。随着星五聚餐会影响的扩大,在抗战时期的昆明、贵州、桂林、成都以及抗战胜利后的武汉等地的工商实业界中,都出现了星五…  相似文献   

徐希军 《安徽史学》2017,(6):111-115
1930年代,安庆人力车业兴盛,车辆数和从业者逐年增加,已达饱和状态.人力车夫经营性质略分为租车、私车、私人包车三类,故而收入不等,总体普遍好于务农.这是人力车夫源源不断的主要动因.人力丰行业实行多头管理,工务局发放营业执照和日常检查,公安局发放号牌,财政局收取车捐.人力车夫问题所反映的是中国近代化进程中产业结构的不合理、进城务工与留乡耕种的收入差异,最根本的还是城市交通的落后为人力车夫提供了生存空间.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代是吴晗学术历程中的辉煌时段。他一直受到唯物史观派与史料派的双重影响,出入于两派之间。吴晗在学术起点上具有二元性,同时蕴涵着社会史学与考据史学两种基因。正是这种学术上的综合与兼容,使吴盼的研究成果获得了恒久的生命力。  相似文献   

Miron  Guy 《German history》2003,21(4):476-504
The decline of the emancipation of the German Jews in the early1930s and its ending under the Nazi regime motivated their variousspokesmen to reevaluate their past, by discussing the heritageof the major emancipation heroes. Based mostly on the Jewishpress, which was quite free to handle an internal Jewish dialogueuntil 1938, the article examines the representations of MosesMendelssohn, David Friedländer, Rahel Varnhagen, HeinrichHeine and Gabriel Riesser in the Jewish public of this time.It demonstrates how spokesmen of the major German-Jewish politicalcamps—the liberals, the Zionists and the Orthodox—referredto these figures in different ways in their effort to createa useful past for their readers. Thus, whereas radical Zionistand Orthodox Jews presented Mendelssohn's legacy as the beginningof the process of assimilation which was doomed to fail, others,who were mostly but not only liberals, portrayed a much morepositive Mendelssohn. For them, Mendelssohn did not demonstratethe roots of the 1930s German-Jewish decline, but rather thesources of its potential recovery. Friedländer, Varnhagenand Heine were frequently mentioned as betrayers of Jewish honour,but certain spokesmen referred to them differently. Riesser,whose nineteenth-century heroic struggle for emancipation seemedin the 1930s to be a total failure, was still embraced by certainJewish liberals as a hero who did the best for his time. Thearticle also shows how the escalation of the late 1930s moderatedinternal Jewish historical polemics, almost creating a Jewishconsensus about the past.  相似文献   

<敌乎? 友乎?>一文,学术界评价不一.本文在对该文写作的策略意图进行考察的基础上,以其为中心对蒋介石 30 年代对日思维的基本内容进行了探讨.本文认为:在写作意图上,该文主要是为了推动将华北当局与关东军的交涉转变为国民政府与日本政府外交部门的交涉,借以消减日军武力威胁的压力.而其中所表达的对日思维,则是以中国存亡为核心,以中日友好为理想原则,结合国际关系、军事战略、中国国家地位,阐述了日本现实扩张政策的局限性和危险性;同时,也结合转型时期中国国家的特点,阐述了中国不会亡于日本的必然性,以及中国抗日政治的基本思路.这些集中体现了蒋介石的对日思维,是其抗日思想的理论基础.  相似文献   

I examine three American researchers in the 1930s and 1940s who populate the no-man's-land of medical genetics, between the heyday of "mainline" eugenics and the medical turn in human genetics in the 1950s. In scientists' narratives, William Allan, Madge Macklin, and Laurence Snyder appear as pioneers of medical genetics and genetic education. Allan was a country doctor with an interest in heredity. Snyder, a Harvard-trained geneticist, entered medical genetics through population-genetic studies of human blood groups. Macklin came from a background in academic medicine. Allan, Snyder, and Macklin believed in a genetic approach to medicine well before genetics offered clinical benefits. Although hereditary diseases had begun to overtake infectious diseases as causes of death and illness, formal genetics offered medicine little more than a few explanatory principles. These researchers made their case by a) listing mostly hopeful potential applications of genetics to disease; b) blurring the distinction between genetics and heredity; and c) engaging in preventive genetic medicine, that is, eugenics. Examining their careers reveals some of the texture of eugenic thought in American medicine as well as the continuities between the early eugenic phase of human genetics and the professional medical genetics that today's practitioners take as the origin of their field.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代两种中国近代史话语之比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20世纪30年代存在两种不同的中国近代史话语,一种是以陈恭禄的《中国近代史》为代表的“近代化话语”,另一种是以李鼎声的《中国近代史》为代表的“革命话语”。这两种话语在关于中国近代史的基本观点、理论预设及叙事方式上,根本不同乃至相反。这一方面是因为他们具有不同的政治倾向,另一方面是因为他们有各自不同的西方思想渊源。  相似文献   

一般认为20世纪二三十年代"疑古"与"释古"两条学术路向分别代表了破坏古史和重建古史两条不同的路线。这一看法大体成立。但二者在观念上也有不少相通乃至相同的地方。一方面,"重建派"学者在研究中也运用了与顾颉刚非常相似的"层累说"观察古史的构成,而历史研究中的"故事眼光"更成为贯穿"疑古"和"释古"的一条道路。另一方面,"疑古派"在辨伪过程中也发展出来一些与"重建派"非常相似的具有建设意义的观念,但因其给人留下的"破坏"的形象过强而被忽视了。  相似文献   

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