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On a spring day, I went back to my hometown in a rural area. The spring plowing was about to begin. In the suburbs of Lhasa, farmers have made use of seeding-machines, so that only one or two people are able to finish sowing a large piece of land in a very short time and the spring plowing can be concluded in just a few days. However, in my hometown, each family raises one or two head of strong farm cattle, and they are still used to pull the plows.  相似文献   

There are many anecdotes and legends amongst Tibetans concerning encounters between human beings, bears and marmots. One of them tells of the merciful old monkey who married an ogress and she gave birth to three brothers. The elder one was a bear with a white chest. He lived on a mountain summit and looked strong and brave. The youngest was a yellow marmot with four short legs that enabled him to move easily in and out of an underground hole. The second one was human being, and treated as the family treasure because he was smart and ingenious. Naturally, he became the family master.  相似文献   

hi Feb. 1910, he was born in a manor of Horkhang family in Gyama Valley in Maizhokunggar Cotunty which was 100 kilometers from Lhasa City. He was instructed by Sherab Gyatso, the famous scholar from Qinghai Province. In 1934, he formally became the heir of the Ngabo family. In Feb, 1951, he was appointed by the 14th Dalai Lama and the Kasang Government (the local government of Tibet) as chief negotiator with the central government in Beijing.  相似文献   

When the black-necked cranes are hunting for foods, specialcranes will be responsible for guarding (parents guardingthe family in turn). Generally speaking, the number of guardsdepends on the total number of cranes in a flock.The cranes are afraid neither of livestock, vehicles nor people. In thefarmland, they play at ease only some ten meters from the farmers.However, the cranes are afraid of outlanders, although it is hard to specifythe range of outlanders.Cangqu Zholma, a specialist in bir…  相似文献   

A systematic examination of Ramesses Ⅱ's large family of over 100 children and at least a dozen wives reveals that the Great Royal Wives Nefertari and Isetnofret, along with their children, enjoyed a privileged status within the hierarchical structure of the royal family. Nefertari owed her supreme status to being mother of Ramessse Ⅱ's first born son Amunhirkhopeshef, while Ramesses Ⅱ was still crown prince under Sety I. Isetnofret's sons and daughters were also favored because she gave birth to the second born son Prince Ramesses Jr. Isetnofret herself did not enjoy prominence on the monuments until after the death of Nefertari, nor was she buried in the Valley of the Queens. The remaining offspring of these wives also benefited from the prestige of their mothers and eldest brothers. Other early wives gave birth to the majority of Ramesses Ⅱ's children, but these women are now completely anonymous. Other attested wives of the king include his five daughter-wives and two Hittite Princess-brides. No other Egyptian wives are known for Ramesses Ⅱ. Monumental sources that privilege Queen Nefertari, and the children of both Nefertari and Isetnofret, reveal a hierarchical structure of the royal family.  相似文献   

<正>APRIL 14TH At dawn I suddenly received a message asking me about the safety of my family members after the earthquake in my hometown,Yushu.On hearing this I was shocked and immediately called my parents' family in Yushu.There was nobody answering the phone in the house.I began to worry and made a call to my brother-  相似文献   

Vegetarianism is booming in Lhasa.Tenzin Drama,Lozang Nyima and Zhang Qjao are typical of vegetarians in Lhasa.Tenzin is a housewife and her family always maintains the principle that some of their income must be used for rescuing animals.One autumn she saw a couple of des- perately frightened pregnant sheep being pushed to- gether into a blood-covered slaughter area.Since then she was determined to be vegetarian.Tenzin has a friend  相似文献   

In 2007, Lhundrup Tsomo's family added a new shrine, while the old picture of Chairman Mao Zedong, which was originally posted on the wall of her old house, was moved and re-pasted in a central position on the wall of the new house. Obviously,  相似文献   

Encountering a change in the family hierarchy in 2005 that was erstwhile headed by Lhundrop Tsomo she had no more right to speak with authority but rather must defer to her son-in-law,Dondrup. Despite Lhundrop Tsomo's poverty,caused by many reasons,neighbors argued the fundamental cause of such an inferior economic situation was mostly because of idleness and the lack of financial management skills of the whole family.For example,villagers claimed,  相似文献   

Known primarily for his reformist proposals in the areas of military affairs, foreign policy, the salt monopoly, and the grain tribute system, the influential early nineteenth-century literatus Bao Shichen 包世臣 (1775–1855) also made throughout his life numerous suggestions regarding the improvement of agricultural practice and of rural life. Contrary to the arguments of his older contemporary Hong Liangji that the empire was facing an imminent demographic and provisioning crisis, Bao argued that there was ample possibility for increasing crop yields, and improving popular livelihoods, if a more rational approach was taken to cropping decisions, farm labor allocation, agricultural commercialization, and local-level social organization. Bao was fond of quantification, and, far more than Hong, employed statistical analysis (albeit crude) to bolster his arguments. Fundamentally committed to increasing the power and wealth of the imperial state in the face of threats both foreign and domestic, Bao was highly optimistic that this could be achieved simultaneously with fulfilling his other basic commitment, relieving what he saw as widespread popular immiseration.  相似文献   

Medical charity in northeast China evolved through the confluence of three processes: the foundation of state medicine, the legal and political transformation of private charities, and the militarized competition for influence between China and Japan. Following the plague of 1910, a series of Chinese regimes began building medical infrastructure in areas under their control, but their ultimate inability to establish a comprehensive public health program left private charities to fill the gaps. In contrast, the Japanese administered concessions in Kant6 and along the South Manchuria Railway instituted a farsighted and multivaleneed medical policy. The Japanese model did not merely tolerate medical charities, it reserved for them a very specific role in the larger strategic framework of healthcare provision. Under the client state of "Manzhouguo," the Japanese model further evolved to channel medical voluntarism into a hybrid state-charitable sector.  相似文献   

In the decades before the full-scale war with Japan in 1937, a robust series of institutions connected the bourgeois with intellectuals (which included professionals and journalists, as well as academics) in Shanghai. Collectively, these institutions can be understood as forming an urban "cultural nexus of power" that allowed non-state actors to effectively control aspects of Shanghai's political life. This bourgeois-intellectual alliance was not inevitable; no similar bonds existed between these same two groups in Beijing. It was forged in Shanghai due to the city's unique historical position as a Treaty Port and its dynamic economy, which included an extensive structure of private higher education and a market-based publishing industry. Unlike the rural "cultural nexus of power" originally described by Prasenjit Duara, this urban nexus grew stronger during the political and economic changes of the early twentieth century. War and revolution in the 1930s and 1940s, however, destroyed the connections between the bourgeoisie and the intellectuals, ending the vibrant urban environment they had created.  相似文献   

Jin He 金和 (1818–1885), a pioneering poet of mid-nineteenth century China, wrote in a colloquial style strongly influenced by the ballad tradition. Jin’s style was prose-like and broke all the structural limitations of earlier poetry in order to create formal innovations, while at the same time experimenting with new subject matter. Liang Qichao 梁啟超 (1873–1929) and Hu Shi 胡適 (1891–1962) considered Jin He and Huang Zunxian 黃遵憲 (1848–1905) to be the major poets of the nineteenth century. Jin had a major impact both on other late nineteenth-century poets and on the “Poetic Revolution” that led to the rise of modern Chinese literature. However, his verse has been largely ignored ever since. Among the most striking contributions Jin made to the literary transition in the nineteenth century was his innovation in presenting the female knight-errant 女俠 (nüxia). This invented image of the female knight-errant reflected a new tradition of women’s voices in the literary works of his time, and had a great impact on the representation of swordswomen in modern literature. This paper examines how the image of nüxia in Jin’s writing is distinct from those found in past poetry, how the female knight-errant in Jin’s works inverts conventional gender norms, and how Jin’s female knight-errant image is both connected with and distinct from those in other literary forms.  相似文献   

This lecture is concerned with some historical issues of "China," "territory, culture" and "identity" that are placed against the background of politics, culture and scholarship in contemporary China. I want to draw attention to the question of how historians understand and interpret "China." It addresses the following questions. First, where did the idea of "China" come from? and how did it become a topic of scholarly research? What kind of dilemmas does "China" confront in its current condition and historical interpretation? Second, how do various new historical theories and methods in international academic circles enrich our understanding of "China"? Third, how does China's history and reality challenge the theories of "empire" and "nation-state"? Fourth, is it possible to write "East Asian history"? Does "national history" prove still effective in describing China or East Asia?  相似文献   

刘彦麟 《神州》2013,(35):10-10
The Old Man and the Sea is a novella which is created by American modern fictions writer Hemingway in 1952. And it is also the author&#39;s last published novel during his lifetime. Once it appeared, it caused a strong international reper-cussions and set off a burst of&quot;Hemingway hot&quot;in literary circles at that time. It tells a story of Cuban fisherman Santiago who did not catch any fish in eighty-four sequential days. And at that case, he finally caught a big marlin by himself. But the fish is too big, he took three days to drag it exhausted and tied up in the side of his boat. However, fortune is fickle, he attacked by sharks repeatedly in the return journey. Finally, he returned to harbour with only a head, a tail and a spine of the fish. In such difficult conditions, Santiago went to sea again with a child.  相似文献   

After entering Beijing in January 1949, the Communist Party immediately sent cadres to local factories in order to mobilize female industrial workers into a women's movement and to establish the idea of "revolutionary citizenship." The Party wished to nurture this idea in both the local political arena and in women's lives inside and outside the factories. This article demonstrates that a host of factors defined revolutionary citizenship, including party directives, choices in revolutionary strategy, cadres' interpretations of directives and their own initiatives, and workers' reactions to mobilization. It was in this complex mix of mobilization, women's strategies to protect and advance their own interests, and the politics of group representation in the revolution, that female workers came to understand the meaning and impact of revolutionary citizenship and the shape of labor-state relations in the emerging socialist China.  相似文献   


This paper describes a method to reconstruct birth histories for women in the 1900 and 1910?U. S. census IPUMS samples. The method is an extension of an earlier method developed by Luther and Cho (1988 Luther, N. Y., and L. Cho. 1988. Reconstruction of birth histories from census and household survey data. Population Studies 42 (3):45172. doi: 10.1080/0032472031000143586.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The basic method relies on the number of children ever born, number of children surviving, number of children coresident in the household and age-specific fertility rates for the population to probabilistically assign an “age” to deceased and unmatched children. Modifications include the addition of an iterative Poisson regression model to fine-tune age-specific fertility inputs. The potential of birth histories for the study of the U.S. fertility transition is illustrated with a few examples.  相似文献   

The first case of synesthesia was reported in 1812 (Jewanski, Day, & Ward, 2009 Jewanski, J, Day, SA and Ward, J. 2009. A colorful albino: The first documented case of synesthesia, by Georg Tobias Ludwig Sachs in 1812. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 18: 293303. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). However, it took almost seven decades before the idea of synesthesia entered the mainstream of science and, subsequently, art. There are no known new cases described between 1812 and 1848, but in the following three decades there are at least 11 reported cases of synesthesia and many reviews of these cases. This comes at an important period in the history of the neurosciences, and for sensory physiology in particular. However, the literature that describes synesthesia during this period is largely unknown to contemporary researchers and historians. The aim of this review is to discuss the reports of synesthesia during this period, providing translations of some key passages, and to place these reports within the contextual framework of nineteenth-century neuroscience.  相似文献   

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