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Marbury v. Madison, decided in 1803, is famous for being the first case in which the Supreme Court asserted its power of judicial review. The typical American history textbook includes at least a few lines about how the Court, under the "Great Chief Justice," John Marshall, struck down part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 and claimed its authority to stand as the ultimate guardian of the Constitution.  相似文献   

本文力图通过对罗斯福政府在印度支那问题上持有何种立场及其为此采取了哪些措施,以及这些措施产生了多大作用的考察,来全面揭示罗斯福政府的印度支那政策及其同日后美国的"越战悲剧"之间的关系。  相似文献   


The Venice Charter has been the benchmark for principles governing architectural conservation/restoration for over thirty years. We asked Jukka Jokilehto to comment on the context in which it was drawn up. Now often referred to simply as the ‘Venice Charter’, the correct full name of this document (of which we print the text in an appendix) is: ‘The International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites’, adopted by the IInd International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments, Venice, 1964.  相似文献   

Ninety-nine obsidian artifacts from fortified and non-fortified sites in the Pambamarca region of northern Ecuador were analyzed with XRF to examine patterns of procurement of obsidian by soldiers in the Inka army and by the local Cayambes who were resisting Inka conquest. The results show that the Inkas acquired material from several different sources, a pattern consistent with provisioning by subject peoples in partial fulfillment of labor obligations. The Cayambes also acquired material from multiple sources, although they may not have directly procured material from all of the sources because the external boundary of Inka territory bisected the region of obsidian sources. That frontier may have prevented the Inkas from accessing one source, Callejones, from which the Cayambes acquired some of their obsidian. In addition, the Inkas were acquiring some obsidian from the Yanaurco-Quiscatola source, which had been previously abandoned around AD 1000.  相似文献   

The new book by Vladimir Uspensky (alternatively, Uspenskiy), Professor and Chair of the Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, Faculty of Asian and African Studies of Saint Petersburg State University (Russia), deals with various aspects in the history of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing; the time is mainly the period from the middle seventeenth to the early twentieth century. During the reign of the Qing dynasty, the ruling class, namely Manchu and Mongolian nobility, patronized Tibetan Buddhism. This aspect of Qing history is studied too little in Chinese and foreign works, and Uspensky's book fills this lacuna. One can see that the author successfully achieved his aim, as he has drawn a vivid picture of institutions and cultural activity among Tibetan Buddhists in Beijing.  相似文献   


Much has been made of the presence or absence of seventh- and eighth-century coins on several sites in Greece, primarily in Athens and Corinth. Kenneth Sefton and Peter Charanis have paved the way for a cultural-historical interpretation of coin finds, but a thorough comparison of both single and hoard finds from Greece with others from the Balkans suggests a very different interpretation. Instead of signalising decline, low-denomination coins, especially from Athens, may point to local markets of low-value commodities, such as food, as well as to the permanent presence of the fleet.  相似文献   

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