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Noël Gray 《European Legacy》1996,1(7):2113-2118
Questions of Evidence: Proof, Practice, and Persuasion across the Disciplines. Edited by James Chandler, Arnold I. Davidson, and Harry Harootunian (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994) 518pp. $45.00 cloth $19.95 paper.

The Creation of Scientific Effects: Heinrich Hertz and Electric Waves. By Jed Z. Buchwald (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994) 428pp. $32.95 paper $75.00 cloth.  相似文献   

This essay explores how the figuring of place throughout the fiction and drama of Samuel Beckett registers and critiques narratives of place in Irish nationalist discourse. The Irish place-names of Beckett’s texts are read in relation to a toponymic re-territorialisation in post-independence Ireland, a process which enervated place identities synonymous with a Protestant culture and history. In this way, the essay argues that the celebrated “placelessness” of Beckett’s work and the collapse of spatial agency experienced by his protagonists is informed by the construction of nation-space in the country of the author’s early life. The preponderance of scatological place-names in the Beckett oeuvre is approached in these terms and read as a mode of resistance to the self-sacrifice to nation demanded in emplacement.  相似文献   

A noted specialist on nationalism and identity issues in Russia and Central Asia reviews three of the main geographical metanarratives circulating in contemporary Russia. These are teleological master ideas that seek to explain Russia's essence and place in the world as a function of its territorial size and location. All of them argue that a specific element gives Russia its uniqueness among nations: Russia's territory is larger than other countries in the world and forms a specific continent (Eurasianism); Russia is going higher in the universe (Cosmism); and Russia is going farther north (Arctism). The author proceeds to discuss each metanarrative in turn before outlining their similarities in the concluding section of the paper. These similarities include the shared backgrounds of their leading proponents, their basis in public resentment over perceived slights and injustices of the past, and a conviction that Russia's size and location promise a brighter future. More broadly, she argues that each metanarrative combines conspiracy theories, occult experiences of modernity, and a willingness to transcend political realities.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):215-218

This article is a response to the piece by Stephen Strehle in issue 5.1. It is recognized that a variety of theological and political perspectives come from the US, but argues that this is a poor illustration of contemporary political theology. Strehle, it is suggested, has a mistaken understanding of US history and represents a strand of American thought which has failed to acknowledge the faults of an imperial past, in particular the crimes committed against ‘native’ peoples. The war against Iraq is presented as a further illustration of an imperial mentality which pervades parts of US culture. Strehle fails to recognize the flaws apparent in the morality of the West. The critique of the place of just war theory in contemporary geo-political conflicts is challenged, as is the assertion that the church has a duty to follow the government of the day. The article ends with a recognition of the value of, and inspiration resulting from, much US political theological thought.  相似文献   

<正>上海雅叙艺术品展览有限公司(香港万达国际拍卖有限公司),经营营运资金近80000万,具备香港拍卖资质,和境内外多个一线拍卖公司达成战略合作伙伴联盟,是一家以鉴定、拍卖、艺术品营销策划为经营范围的综合性公司。以中国古代、近代高端艺术品的拍卖交易为主导。主要从事国内外拍卖会委托前期征集与后期预展拍卖等策划服务业务,业务遍布意大利、新加坡、英国及香港、澳门、台湾、欧美等国家和地区,公司提供艺术品电子商务服务、艺术品收购服  相似文献   

<正>佳士得香港《授权单位》/拍卖/收购/游轮交易/购宝会/私洽上海雅叙艺术品展览有限公司(香港万达国际拍卖有限公司),经营营运资金近80000万,具备香港拍卖资质,和境内外多个一线拍卖公司达成战略合作伙伴联盟,是一家以鉴定、拍卖、艺术品营销策划为经营范围的综合性公司。以中国古代、近代高端艺术品的拍卖交易为主导。主要从事国内外拍卖会委托前期征集与后期预展拍卖等策划服务业务,业务遍布意大利、新加坡、英国及香港、澳门、台湾、欧美等国家和地区,公司提供艺术品  相似文献   

The archives of the parlement of Paris are not only exceptionally important historically but also exceptionally complex. This article begins by surveying the formation and history of these archives. It treats their cataloguing and the many collections of copies and extracts that have been made, before discussing the ways in which archivists have treated and researchers have utilized the series, as well as the perspectives the series can open to historical research. The archives of the Parlement illustrate the full range of problems posed by conservation, communication to the public, and utilization, They reveal with special clarity the complementarity and interaction (verging on confusion) that necessarily occurs among the approaches taken by historians on the one hand, and archivists on the other. The archives of the Parlement also demonstrate that researchers' knowledge of the history of the archives goes beyond simple archival practice and contributes to the recognition of documentation as a «source» of history.  相似文献   

Discerning art in verbal messages, a primary concern of ethnopoetics, is contested and complex. Skeptical linguists argue that linguistic richness is epiphenomenal and should be reduced to underlying principles. Even sympathetic anthropologists and linguists often dismiss the aesthetic uses of language in favor of semantics or social structure. Dell Hymes and Saskia Kersenboom suggest that such attitudes cause us to miss much, and show that the means of narration, editing, and transmission of verbal art are key to both its local appreciation and wider dissemination. I argue that a preoccupation with universals versus particulars is not very beneficial.  相似文献   

汉语中的"越…越…"结构总体上可分为小句内的和小句间的两种。在对此结构进行英译时,可根据不同分类,遵循一定的规律,进行有选择的翻译模式。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the photographs and installations of artist Richard Wentworth in order to examine his urban imagination and the cultural politics of rubbish that underlie it. In doing so this paper contributes more broadly to understandings of rubbish and material culture, and to geography's attention to artistic understandings and inhabitations of urban spaces. Central to this analysis are the geographies of Wentworth's work, its production, consumption and circulation. The paper attends to three nested sets of practices: the ‘everyday’ practices of people which draw Wentworth's eye, the potential of creative cultural practices for developing critiques of space and place, and the practices of the artist. As a result the paper pushes forward debates around the relationship between geography and art, reflecting on the analytical value of art practice to contemporary social-cultural geographies.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(3):145-149

The glaring contrast between the furore over the repatriation of the unknown El Negro and the continuing neglect and subordination of some 100,000 of his San and other Remote descendants is considered. Botswana's Foreign Minister shows respect for EI Negro, but Botswana's treatment of the San today is the worst in the region. Relocation of ‘unwanted’ San , carried out using highly authoritarian methods, continues to occur, and the San population remains in general without secure land rights. The grounds given by the Botswana government for relocations have included maintaining the ‘pristine environment of game reserves’, but the possibility of extensive diamond mining within the Central Kalahari Game Reserve seems also relevant. The relocations and the lack of rights have recently prompted protests and expressions of concern about the future of Botswana's San population from powerful human rights groups. It is in the context of those protests that the ceremonies surrounding the reburial of El Negro, promoted by the authorities, are to be understood.  相似文献   

立秋的前几天,天气转凉了,但是我家店里的夏装还剩许多许多件,妈妈为此心烦意乱。后来,爸爸便想带我赶菜场,把店里剩下的衣服便宜卖出去。我一听可急了,要知道爸爸赶的菜场就在我学校的前面,那一带有好多我们班同学的家。我急忙说:“那可不行,我不去,万一被我们班同学看到了,那多丢人啊!我不去……”妈妈生气地对我说:“小小的年纪,虚荣心倒蛮强的,人家大学生还出来打工呢。”“可是……”“没什么可是不可是,一定要去。像你这样大手大脚地花  相似文献   

Although President Eisenhower’s 1953 ‘Atoms for Peace’ speech typically is associated with the promotion of nuclear power, it also recommended other peaceful uses of the atom, including applications in agriculture. ‘Developing’ countries in particular took a keen interest in food preservation, grain disinfestation, fertilizer studies, insect control, and mutation breeding, all using irradiation. A conflict of philosophies emerged at the United Nations between the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The IAEA stood accused of promoting a narrow range of technological solutions, ignoring more sensible but less sensational techniques, and tempting the poorest countries of the world to achieve ‘modernization’ with unproven technologies. The present essay outlines the origins of FAO/IAEA conflict and collaboration in the 1960s, and explores the failed effort of plant geneticist Ronald Silow to stop what he saw as the IAEA’s hijacking of agriculture at the UN.  相似文献   

The global has become an important, but sometimes amorphous conceptual category in understanding recent historical change for a range of literatures—including those pertaining to postmodernism, globalization, and science and technology studies. This article attempts to offer one empirical reference point on how conceptions of the global entered into one of the signature technology and business ventures of the 1990s: Iridium, a pan‐national corporation initiated by Motorola to provide worldwide cellular telephony via satellites and handheld mobile phones.  相似文献   

Direction des Archives de France, La Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Guide des sources conservées en France 1939–1945 (Archives nationales, 1994), 1217pp., 350F., ISBN 2 86000 235 9

Burrin, P., La France à l'heure allemande 1940–1944 (Seuil, 1995), 559pp., 160F., ISBN 2 02 018322 6  相似文献   

Investigation of social values is essential to understanding relationships between people and place, particularly in Indigenous cultural heritage management. The value of long-term ethnographic studies is well recognised, however, such approaches are generally not possible in many heritage studies due to time or other constraints. Qualitative research methods have considerable potential in this space, yet few have systematically applied them to understanding Indigenous peoples’ relationships with place. This paper reports on a qualitative study with Alngith people from north-eastern Australia. It begins by exploring the embodied, experiential nature of Alngith peoples’ conception of Country and their emphasis on four interrelated themes: Respect, Care, Interaction and Closeness when describing relationships to Country. We suggest that Alngith people-to-place relationships are underwritten by these ideals and are central to local expectations for respectful, inclusive heritage practices. The results also reveal new perspectives and pathways for Aboriginal communities, and heritage managers dissatisfied with the constraints of ‘traditional’ cultural heritage assessment frameworks that emphasise archaeological methods and values. The paper further demonstrates how qualitative research methodologies can assist heritage managers to move beyond the limitations of surveys and quantitative studies and develop a deeper understanding of Indigenous values, concepts and aspirations (social values).  相似文献   

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