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Excavation on the site of a late 17th-century and early 18th-century clay tobacco pipe kiln and workshop at Roy’s Orchard, Pipe Aston, in north-east Herefordshire has revealed that the site was probably used concurrently by a number of pipemakers, from c. 1680 to c. 1720 or slightly later. In addition to marked and unmarked pipes, the waste from the site includes unmarked wig curlers of two types. Chemical analysis of a sample of pipes and wig curlers and of pipeclays which might have been the source of the clay reveals that the wig curlers are probably products of the Pipe Aston pipemakers and that they were made in two batches, corresponding to their typological classification. The source of the clay used has been shown conclusively not to have been the locally available Silurian clays but a Coal Measures seatearth, comparable with the outcropping at Ironbridge Gorge. Samples of Devon Ball clay and Coal Measures clay from Clun, a closer outcrop than Ironbridge, have been analysed and can be discounted as potential sources of the Pipe Aston pipeclay.  相似文献   


Based on the first extensive research into Bavarian clay tobacco pipes dating from 1600 to 1745, this paper synthesizes written sources and material culture with the aims not only of contributing to post-medieval ceramic studies but also of examining the implementation and impact of a tobacco monopoly within an early modern state. After discussing the methodology, pipes are examined as a medium for mercantilist-driven actions and as indicators of socio-cultural change. The archaeology of Bavarian clay tobacco pipes throws light on the operation of an economic system and on only partly recorded or unrecorded activities such as smuggling and illicit manufacture.  相似文献   


A significant number of clay tobacco pipes in the style of the Ottoman ‘chibouk’ can be found in museums and private collections on the islands of Malta and Gozo. Indeed the smoking of these pipes remains a folk memory with the majority of senior citizens. It became obvious that very few of these artefacts were made locally and that the Maltese, being at the geographical centre of Mediterranean culture, might have received their imports from anywhere.

In 19th-century Tunisia (Malta’s nearest North African neighbour) three-quarters of the European population were Maltese migrants. Therefore, this study set out to discover whether Tunisia was a source of supply.

In Tunis it became obvious that although clay tobacco pipes had turned up in local excavations, little attention had been paid to them and a fuller examination was welcomed. A by-product of this examination was to establish a locally made Tunis pipe, although little evidence was found for trade to Malta in that particular commodity.  相似文献   


A watching brief behind the Royal Oak, a coaching inn on the London to Chester coach route, revealed an inn-clearance group of c. 1800. It consisted primarily of plain creamwares and provided an opportunity to study the type of material used in a coaching inn at this time. The group also contained a significant assemblage of clay tobacco pipes. These included the longest stem yet found of this period and early products of the important Broseley manufacturer Noah Roden.  相似文献   

Several clay smoking pipes (chibouks) were recovered during the course of two archaeological surveys conducted during the late 1970s and early 1980s in Saudi Arabia. At the time these projects took place, no published clay tobacco pipe typologies existed, forcing the participants to assign a cursory date of ‘Ottoman period’ to the pipes. Since then, considerable archaeological research has been done on the Ottoman clay pipe. The following concerns the refining of the dates of these tobacco pipes in light of new studies.  相似文献   

郭灿江 《收藏家》2012,(3):41-44
汝窑是我国宋代五大名瓷之一。因在宋代汝州境内(今河南宝丰)烧造而名。对于汝窑创烧的起因,南宋叶真在《坦斋笔衡》有“本朝以定州白瓷器有芒,不堪用,遂命汝州造青窑器,故河北、唐、邓、耀州悉有之,汝窑为魁”记载,说明汝窑是在接受宫廷的任务后,开始重点烧造供宫廷所用青瓷器的。正是由于皇家和官府的重视,  相似文献   

考古学文化命名原则对古代瓷窑遗址命名方式的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓷窑命名方式有以古文献记载的内容命名以及按现今地名命名两种方式。采用古文献记载的方式大致可分为以窑址所在州县名称命名、以窑址所在的小地名命名、以窑场所在方位命名、以窑场生产性质命名和以督窑官或窑场主姓氏命名五种方式。按现今地名命名的方式多受通行的考古学文化命名方式的影响。但两种命名方式都存在混乱的情况。根据考古学文化命名的原则,本文为古代瓷窑遗址命名提出三点建议,强调在窑址命名中注重窑址内涵中的稳定因素和窑址的空间分布范围。  相似文献   


Archaeological recording of the former Crown Pipeworks in Broseley has established that since the site was taken out of the common in the early 17th century its buildings were warehouses, offices and dwellings before being converted to a manufactory of clay pipes in 1881. This article discusses the complex phasing of the buildings and their early uses, describes the manufacture of clay pipes at the works between 1881 and 1960 and places the works within the context of the clay industries of the industrial revolution period. It then argues that, in addition to being the most complete surviving example of a clay-pipe manufactory, the works is a valuable document of shifts in the organisation of the factory system consequent upon a declining industry.  相似文献   

三国西晋的越窑青瓷,品质、器类、装饰皆臻于顶峰。同时,生产工艺也达到极高的水准。文章以尼姑婆山窑址为例,从龙窑与窑具、装饰、成型、修坯、上釉、烧成等多个方面,论述了越窑青瓷的生产工艺,认为装饰、模制成型工艺最能代表当时的水平。这些复杂工艺在东晋以后失传,与北人南迁破坏了当地的制瓷传统,从而导致窑业萎缩的历史背景密切相关。  相似文献   

随着2012年景德镇蓝田窑的发现和发掘,出土了大量的青釉瓷器。通过对窑址及出土陶瓷文物的整理与研究,专家提出蓝田窑是目前为止景德镇发现的早期烧制青瓷的窑址之一,其中出土的部分青瓷应为唐代时期烧造。因此,研究蓝田窑唐代和五代时期青瓷对探索景德镇早期青瓷的发展有着至关重要的作用。鉴于此,本研究以唐代和五代景德镇蓝田窑青瓷为研究对象,利用能量色散X射线荧光光谱分析仪、热膨胀仪等对24件唐、五代蓝田窑青瓷样品进行了测试,对比分析了唐代和五代景德镇蓝田窑青瓷的组成和工艺特征,为研究景德镇早期青瓷及其初步发展提供了一定的数据支撑。  相似文献   


In 1986 excavations for house foundations at Polesworth in northern Warwickshire (SK 263 980) uncovered a pottery waster dump. Fine wares, lead glazed and unglazed coarsewares, including a number a horticultural vessels, were recovered, together with kiln furniture. An archaeological excavation adjacent to the construction site revealed stratigraphy relating to the backfilling of a clay pit with potting waste early in the 18th century. Documentary and other evidence shows that the pottery was in production from the late 17th to early 19th centuries.  相似文献   


A series of clay tobacco pipes made in the Virginia colony in the 17th century were adorned with rouletted stars. In considering the many possible readings of their iconography, this study explores the social use of the celestial landscape, arguing that stars and constellations represented familiar features in a landscape otherwise alien to Chesapeake immigrants. They were therefore among the points of convergence which served to provide a foundation for dialogue across ethnic boundaries. Algonquian, European, and West African star lore are considered to the extent that available evidence allows, in recognition that a diversity of authors contributed to the pipes' lavish embellishment.  相似文献   


The origin of the term ‘Churchwarden pipe’, now used to describe any long-stemmed clay—and sometimes even brier—pipe, is examined and the suggestion made that it was originally invented by the prominent Broseley, Shropshire, clay pipemaking family of Southorn to describe a specific type among their long-stemmed pipes. The Southorn family, whose products were possibly the premier-quality British clay pipes of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, is also discussed in the light of available evidence, much of which is confused or contradictory.  相似文献   


Cow manure was added to clay and fired in an electric kiln to examine its effect on the plasticity and firing ability of the clay. Two firing temperatures were tried. The experiment and the results are reported here. Dung was used. and continues to be used. as a tempering material and additive to increase plasticity in pottery around the world.  相似文献   


A considerable number of I. K. Bruner's railway bridges are still operational, varying in size from the great Royal Albert Bridge over the Tamar to a host of small masonry bridges for accommodation roads over or under his broad-gauge main lines and subsidiary routes like the Taff Vale Railway. There were, however, few bridges built by him apart from his railway works, and it could have been safely assumed that all such bridges which survive would have been clearly recognized as having been built by him. Yet this has not been so with one particular road bridge, for which Bruners responsibility has been either doubted or ignored, even though it survives in excellent working order. The bridge in question is that over the River Dee at Balmoral.  相似文献   

During the development project at 20 Fenchurch Street in the City of London, archaeological excavations were undertaken adjacent to Rood Lane. This uncovered part of a 16th- to mid 17th-century brick built cellar which had collapsed sealing in situ pottery, glass, clay tobacco pipes and a stove tile, an event interpreted as the result of the Great Fire of London in 1666. The composition of this artefact assemblage suggests it was derived from a property used to providing large-scale entertainment, with a high proportion of the material associated with drinking. This article situates this group within the context of other similarly dated victualling establishments from the City of London.  相似文献   

宋代官窑是长期以来学术界研究的热门问题,尽管许多方面都取得了一定的进展,但仍有不少问题尚未最终解决,如:北宋朝廷为什么命令汝州烧造青瓷?北宋朝廷亲自设窑的地点在何处?汝州张公巷窑是不是汝州新窑,即狭义的北宋官窑?南宋余姚官窑的地位以及与内窑等窑口的关系如何?乌泥窑位于何方?等等。本文对这些问题进行了较深入的探索,提出了一些具有学术价值的新观点。  相似文献   

白底黑花装饰风格的瓷器,始终是陶瓷、科技界和陶瓷爱好者关注的热点。临水窑(磁州窑)与介休窑白底黑花风格的瓷器之间有着密切的联系,但是对于两窑产品的科技分析甚少,至于两者的对比研究更是无从谈起。因此,本工作利用岩相分析、SEM-EDS等方法分析了临水窑(磁州窑)、介休窑样品的瓷胎、化妆土及瓷釉的化学成分和显微结构。比较分析显示,两窑样品的瓷胎均为低硅高铝配方,且介休窑瓷胎中的Al2O3含量更高;两窑瓷胎粗糙,Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高,致使其呈浅黄色。瓷胎表面均施有化妆土,所不同的是,介休窑的瓷胎表面施有两层化妆土,其靠近釉的一层化妆土(h2),Fe2O3、TiO2含量极低,靠近胎的一层化妆土(h1),Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高;临水窑样品的瓷胎表面仅施一层化妆土,其Fe2O3、TiO2含量较低,但高于介休窑近釉层化妆土中的相应含量。介休窑瓷釉为典型的高钙釉,而临水窑则为典型的碱钙釉和钙碱釉。不难认识到,介休窑似在临水窑白底黑花及化妆土工艺的基础上,因地制宜,勇于创新,形成了成本低廉、技术先进的两层化妆土工艺,在当地原料较为粗糙的条件下,生产出质量较好的白底釉下彩绘瓷器。  相似文献   


In the summer of 1986 The Conservation Section of Taunton Deane Borough Council asked the Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society for advice on a malthouse at Halse which was the subject of a planning application for conversion into two dwellings. The site was surveyed in November 1986, and research into its history revealed an elderly farm worker who could remember it in use and some of the characters associated with it. The archaeology and history of the site are described.  相似文献   


This paper describes the marked clay pipes found in the Barbican area of Plymouth, and lists all the unmarked types found. The deposits are rich in pipes of Dutch manufacture, particularly of the early 17th century. New light is thrown on local pipemaking from the 17th to the 19th century. The influence of London and southern England is strong both in the styles of Plymouth-made pipes and in the imports to Plymouth. Few pipes from Bristol were found and none from Broseley or the North.  相似文献   

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