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埃及学与中国   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
埃及学自诞生之日起,至今已有近两个世纪的历史,并且越来越引起人们的注意和兴趣。中国与埃及都是世界上最古老的明国家,在解放前的旧中国,知识分子已经开始接触和介绍埃及学。新中国成立后,由于种种原因,埃及学没有发展起来,  相似文献   

中国的埃及学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诞生于19世纪20年代初期的埃及学,是一门世界性的学科。目前,世界上所有发达国家都建立了自己的埃及学,其中规模较大的有美国、英国、德国、法国等国。世界各国埃及学研究共同组成国际埃及学家协会,定期召开学术会议,广泛进行国际合作与学术交流,使全世界埃及学研究之间的联系更加紧密。本拟就我国的埃及学研究从无到有的发展历程作一阐述。  相似文献   

埃及学是由拿破仑军事远征和西方列强对外扩张催生的产物。它的建立和发展见证了埃及沦为殖民地的全过程。在英法等国收集文物、争夺考古发掘特权的过程中,诞生于殖民时期的埃及学经历了在欧洲列强文化中成长以及在夹缝中生存的不寻常历程,而西方学者语境下的埃及学所构建的古埃及历史与文化,使得现代埃及人处于两难的境地。  相似文献   

诞生于1822年的埃及学,是一门研究古代埃及的语言、文字、历史、文学、艺术、宗教、建筑和科技的综合性学科。埃及学发展至今已经有近200年的历史,但埃及学作为一门世界性的学科,对人类文明做出重要贡献是在20世纪以来逐渐取得的。经过数代埃及学家的共同努力,埃及学已有很大发展,古埃及文明是属于全人类的,日新月异的埃及学研究成果已成为全世界共同的文化财富。  相似文献   

Their lack of Arabic skills limits non-Egyptian Egyptologists in their ability to gain insights into Egyptian culture. The overwhelming reliance on European languages in the field limits the contributions that Egyptian Egyptologists are able to make to the field. The effects of these factors are discussed and suggestions are made as to how the situation can be ameliorated.
Resumen La inhabilidad de hablar el árabe limita los egiptólogos no-egipcios en su capacidad de comprender de la cultura egipcia. El abrumador dominio de las lenguas europeas en el campo limita las contribuciones que los egiptólogos egipcios pueden hacer por la disciplina. Se discuten los efectos de estos factores y se sugiere como se puede mejorar la situación.

Résumé La faible connaissance de l’arabe par les égyptologues non-égyptiens limite leurs capacités à comprendre la culture égyptienne. Dans le domaine de l’Egyptologie, la dominance des langues européennes limite les possibilités de contribution des Egyptiens égyptologues dans le domaine. L’effet de ces facteurs est discuté et des suggestions sont faites afin de déterminer comment la situation pourrait être améliorée.

德国埃及学家阿道夫·埃尔曼是国际埃及学界一位大师级学者,他著述宏富、门生众多,在国际埃及学研究领域享有极高的声誉和地位。埃尔曼最早对古埃及语的不同阶段进行了细致的划分,确立了一些重要的古埃及语语法规则,最终构建了对古埃及语文学研究的历史语言学方法,从而将埃及学研究推进到一个新的高度。正是由于埃尔曼的努力,使得埃及学发展成为一门科学,同时也奠定了德国学者在国际埃及学研究领域中的领导地位。  相似文献   

Abstract. The Hebrew Bible, though generally seen mainly as a religious document, has also provided models of secular national identity. A number of biblical motifs have been revived in modern cultural nationalism: for example, the importance of moral regeneration, attacks on internal and external enemies of the nation, and the unification of disparate groups despite geographic dislocation. The Hebrew Bible also anticipates various forms of conflict in modern national identity: between the individual and the group, chosenness and egalitarianism, the narrowly national and the universal. In the two centuries after the invention of printing, the Hebrew Bible in vernacular translation had a decisive influence on the evolution of nationalism, particularly in Britain. The Bible was essential in the culture of empires but also, paradoxically, inspired defeated, suppressed and colonised people to seek freedom. A number of modern national poets, notably Whitman and the Hebrew poets Bialik and Greenberg, adopt a free verse neo‐prophetic mode of expression. The Hebrew Bible can, therefore, be read as the archetypal, and most influential, national document from ancient times to the rise of modern nationalism.  相似文献   

Bible Coins     

埃及学是近代诞生的一门新兴学科,是研究古代埃及的语言、文字、历史、文学、艺术、宗教、建筑和科学技术的一门综合性学科。埃及学的诞生。带来了持续百年之久的考古发掘热潮;埃及象形文字的成功释读。极大地丰富了人们对古代埃及这一人类文明宝库的认识。  相似文献   

According to Leo Strauss, the Hebrew Bible is to be regarded as being in “radical opposition” to philosophy and as its “antagonist.” This is an influential view, which has contributed much to the ongoing omission of the Bible from most accounts of the history of political philosophy or political theory. In this article, I examine Strauss's arguments for the exclusion of the Bible from the Western tradition of political philosophy (i) because it possesses no concept of nature; (ii) because it prescribes a “life of obedient love” rather than truth-seeking; and (iii) because it depicts God as “absolutely free” and unpredictable, and so without a place in the philosophers' order of “necessary and therefore eternal” things. I suggest that Strauss's views on these points cannot be accepted without amendment. I propose a revised view of the history of political philosophy that preserves Strauss's most important insights, while recognizing the Hebrew Bible as a foundational text in the Western tradition of political philosophy.  相似文献   

In spite of the papal permission to translate the Bible into Chinese that the Jesuit China mission received in 1615, there was no complete Catholic translation of the whole Bible in China until the 20th century (1954). The task of translation was considered too difficult and tedious and, in addition, somewhat dangerous and superfluous. A prerequisite for the translation of the Bible was the arduous linguistic work of various missionaries, who faced difficult work indeed with dictionaries, questions of grammar, and the challenges of establishing a Christian terminology. It was only by the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century that Catholic missionaries in China again focused on the idea to combine the Bible with catechism. The translations from and works on the Bible published by the Divine Word Missionaries in Shandong (1882–1950) were without any doubt a partial, but important contribution to the complete Chinese translation of the Bible. This project can be understood as a distinctive achievement in the Bible apostolate at the local level. This article focuses on a wide variety of aspects and levels of this apostolate. Readers find here that the translation of the Bible accomplished much in the dissemination of Biblical knowledge, certainly not only in South Shandong.  相似文献   

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