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武汉会战,是抗日战争时期中国军队在武汉地区同日本侵略军展开的一场会战。传统观点认为:武汉会战大致是从1938年6月12日日军侵占安庆开始,到同年10月25日中国守军主动放弃武汉为止,历时4个多月。本文的主要贡献是根据新发现的相关史料,认为武汉会战应从1938年4月23日至24日安徽省和县保卫战开始,这就将武汉会战开始的时间提前了一个多月,整个会战的时间增加到6个月有余。并对人们知之甚少的和县保卫战进行了梳理和评价,提高了可歌可泣的和县保卫战的地位,颂扬了抗战女英雄成本华的抗战精神。  相似文献   

1985年暑假,我们一行数人曾远游青海湖,路经日月山。时而上坡,时而下坡,时而朝左拐,时而向右弯。越野车在青藏公路上疾驰。迎面而来的是卡车,卡车,没完没了的卡车。车号牌上以“26”开头的,显然是青  相似文献   

黑龙 《清史研究》2007,215(1):104-109
康熙二十九年(1690)六月,清军与准噶尔军在内蒙古乌珠穆沁左翼旗境内的乌尔会河①发生了双方历史上的第一次大冲突,是役以清军的惨败告终,史称"乌尔会河之战"。这是一场极为重要的战役,对随后的乌兰布通之战及噶尔丹的败亡均产生了深远的影响。由于史料原因,乌尔会河之战尚未被充分论述,也未见专文发表。笔者利用各种文献史料,考察此次战争的起因,战场的布局,双方的兵力、装备、战术、指挥等环节和战争的结果,以供研究者作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):39-62

'The Clerical Population of the Northern Province in 1377–1381: a New Estimate'. Recent research has demonstrated the completeness and usefulness of the hitherto largely disregarded collectors' enrolments of the Clerical Poll Taxes of 1377–81 for the historian. This article makes use of a new edition of these enrolments and other recent research into the secular clergy and the religious houses of Northern England to draw up a new estimate of the numbers of clergy, secular and religious, in the York Province of the English Church. The estimate is compared with the last detailed estimate in the field, that of Josiah Cox Russell, whose estimates were published in the 1940s.  相似文献   

This article asks how the 25 January 2011 revolution in Egypt led to the entrenchment of existing forms of privilege and marginality. To answer this question, critical scholars have taken for granted the revolution's linear temporality and focused largely on institutional processes at the state level following the fall of President Hosni Mubarak. In contrast, I provide an original take on this question through extensive ethnographic engagement, focusing on moments of rupture and urban spaces of contestation at the time of the revolution and beyond. More specifically, I trace the significance of an understudied moment during the revolution: the ‘Battle of the Camel’, when horse/camel drivers who sell rides to tourists at the Pyramids charged at protestors in Tahrir Square. An ethnography of this moment allows me to draw out the complex temporalities of the revolution by recognizing diverse moments of contestation by marginalized subjects at its different ‘stages’. This article traces how these alternative temporalities were driven but also obscured by longer-term patterns of tourism and urban development. It finds that relations of power and marginality were reproduced through tourism and elite Egyptian visions of temporality and authenticity in the key urban spaces relevant to this battle – the Pyramids of Giza and Tahrir Square. These sites were positioned as spaces of Egypt's ‘authentic’ past and future respectively, reinforcing a colonial and neoliberal narrative of development that made possible the protection of tourism and elite priorities and the remarginalization of ‘underdeveloped’ camel drivers and street vendors in these sites.  相似文献   

Recent interpretations of the British Neolithic either consider the shared beliefs of this period or the short-term engagement of individuals with their material surroundings. This paper argues that, while both approaches provide exciting agenda, they fail to address the marked regional differences which exist within the range of monuments, and indeed have actually shifted Neolithic studies away from a consideration of such variability. A comparison of the monuments from North Yorkshire with similar evidence elsewhere in lowland England illustrates the value of an approach which concentrates on long-term trends in the continuity or transformation of social structures. It is proposed that the absence of causewayed enclosures and the early development of single-grave burials demonstrate a distinct social trajectory which continued with the construction of the later henges. The monuments are therefore seen to reflect long-term continuities in the social history of North Yorkshire.  相似文献   

《国性爷合战》是日本剧作家近松门左卫门的代表作,学界研究者多认为其主题思想是表达了作者的侵华意识。本文通过考察此剧的创作过程,划定剧作的创作依据,又考虑到通俗文艺与文学、历史著作在创作目的上的不同,再结合当时日本社会背景、大众舆论倾向进行分析,认为此剧主题思想以“侵略意识”一言蔽之似有偏颇,其中“光复中华”、“中华认同”的因素也不容忽视。  相似文献   

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