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手工皂用它独特的魅力将艺术与文化、生活、时尚融为一体,在我们的日常生活中悄悄蔓延.而随着工业化社会的快速发展,有太多的污染因素让我们的生活质量下降,越来越多的年轻人,尤其是90后,更多的喜欢使用绿色健康的产品,手工皂就变成他们日常清洁肌肤的首选.它水晶般的质感和特有的清香吸引着人们,更因为手工皂的制作工艺不添加任何化学成分,极尽环保,备受人们青睐.  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):165-168

A unique moulded lamp was recovered at the 'Temple of the Winged Lions' by the American Expedition to Petra. It displays the signs of the zodiac running clockwise round the filler hole. Apparently beginning with the sign for Scorpio, the regular order of zodiac representations was not followed. A female bust (a goddess?) is shown on the handle, and a walking cock, with a schematized plant, is shown next to the wick hole. This is only the second representation of the zodiac known in Nabataean iconography. The other example surrounds the bust of the 'Vegetation Goddess' from Khirbet et-Tannur.  相似文献   

On 12 July 2006, Hezbollah's kidnapping of two young Israeli soldiers was the catalyst for a sudden escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. Lebanon was host to more citizens and permanent residents from Australia than any other country in the world. This article examines the monumental challenge faced by the Australian authorities in rescuing and repatriating its citizens who were caught up in the conflict. It does so through the conceptual lens of ‘remote crisis management’ i.e. episodes where one country's traditional crisis management challenges of rapid threats, uncertainty and the need for swift decision making are compounded by ‘political remoteness’. In other words, it lacks both political sovereignty and local infrastructure capacity for crisis resolution in a faraway county. The article focuses particularly on the remote crisis management challenges of making sense of the crisis, communication with a range of interests, and the logistical challenges of arranging and installing rescue and evacuation procedures. It also addresses the significance of Australia's prior evacuation experiences, as well as the capacity it had built in local and international networks. The article draws on a range of primary and secondary sources, including interviews with public servants and community representatives.  相似文献   

This article attempts to study the impact of mobile technology, as represented by mobile phones, on low income communities, as represented by farmers in the Bekaa Valley, the largest farmland of Lebanon. It aims to identify areas where the mobile phone has a positive impact on farmers' lives, family, friends, work, finance, and health; and areas where the mobile phone has a negative impact on farmers' lives, in addition to identifying some important associations among the variables. The results show that more than 38 percent of farmers own a mobile phone. The benefits of having a mobile phone are improved work, better income, improved family and social ties, more freedom and independence, better health, and better finance. High cost and accessibility were the two major drawbacks. Owning a mobile phone is associated with education, better work, better income, better health, and better finance. It is independent of gender and income. The study recommends that telecommunication companies in the area should expand their services to low‐income communities, improve coverage, and reduce cost.  相似文献   

A new radiocarbon laboratory has been established recently at the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission. This laboratory consists of benzene synthesis line and a low background liquid scintillation counter, Tri-Carb 3180 TR/SL for measurements with Bismuth Germanate (BGO) guard detector. The effectiveness of the benzene line was tested firstly by preparing benzene from a wood sample after carbide and acetylene receiving. Normalization and standardization of the liquid scintillation counter was carried out, as well as the Factor of Merit (E2/B) was determined for three different counting regions. To assure accuracy and reliability of results, reference materials were used. Based on z-score and u-score evaluation, as well as Student’s t-test, acceptable data were obtained from travertine and wood samples available through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA-C2 and IAEA-C5), and humic acid (U) and murex shell (R) from the Fifth International Radiocarbon Intercomparison (VIRI). After that, a preliminary study was done, which is the base for future research in order to assess the anthropogenic impact and degree of environmental pollution in terms of radiocarbon isotope ratio (Δ14C) deduced from the Percent Modern Carbon or PMC. This work represents the results of four reference materials and those of five green grass samples. The Δ14C of green grass samples collected from two different clean zones were found to be 50‰ and 52‰, while the values of those collected from different polluted zones were 23‰, 7‰ and 15‰.  相似文献   

The vast majority of Palaeolithic tools that survive in the archaeological record are lithics. Tools made of marine shell are rarely found in Western Eurasian contexts, regardless of the time period. This paper reports the discovery of a Glycymeris valve from the Upper Palaeolithic level of Ksar Akil (Lebanon), excavated in the 1940s and stored in a museum since then. The shell comes from level IX, whose lithic industry is attributed to the Levantine Aurignacian. Careful macroscopic and microscopic analysis revealed that the shell had been worked deliberately into a scraper-type tool. The shell was directly dated, at ~37 ka BP, an age much older than expected for its context, which was anticipated to be ~30 ka BP. This illustrates the potential problems relating to the AMS radiocarbon dating of bivalve shell material from the Levantine coast.  相似文献   

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