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展辰 《旅游纵览》2013,(9):44-48
1玫瑰城作为世界新七大奇迹之一,红玫古城佩特拉用其沁入人心的美震撼着世人,佩特拉在希腊语中是“石头”的意思,又因周围的岩石基色为粉红色,在朝霞和夕阳的映照下尤其迷人,世人又称它为“玫瑰城”.2故事的曲线就像被风吹过的波纹一般立体,也许纳巴泰人想谨守红玫古城的秘密,担心外面世界的纷扰会干预他们的悠闲生活,他们紧紧地守护着佩特拉的一切.而化石上的神奇花纹似乎在向人们讲述着两千多年前有关历史的故事.  相似文献   

北石 《旅游纵览》2016,(6):22-27
正翻开世界史,在人类文明史中所出现的四大文明古国,无一例外地都诞生和成长于北纬30°的区域。非洲的尼罗河孕育了古埃及文明,西亚的幼发拉底河与底格里斯河孕育了古巴比伦文明,印度的恒河孕育了古印度文明,黄河流域是华夏民族的发祥地,孕育了伟大的中华文明。但并不是所有在30°线上的国家都曾出现过独树一帜的文明与辉煌,约旦,就是这样一个存在。  相似文献   

Since their discovery in 1993, the Petra papyri have drawn the attention of both historians and archaeologists because of the amount of information they contain. The content of the papyri essentially deals with the property inheritance and transaction of a certain Theodoros son of Obodianos and his family in Petra and its vicinity, in the period between AD 537 and 593. The present paper focuses on the titles of Petra mentioned in these papyri and on their importance for the understanding of Petra in the Roman and Byzantine periods. Petra's full titles are: ‘Imperial Colony Antoniana, Distinguished, Holy (?), Mother of the Colonies, Hadriana Petra, and Metropolis of [the Province] Tertia Palaestina Salutaris’. The main components of these titles are attested elsewhere, but they appear in their entirety in the Petra papyri for the first time. The various titles of Petra as they appear in the papyri concerned clearly indicate that Petra continued to style itself as an important place in the Byzantine Empire. The picture that emerges from Petra's titles and other evidence from the papyri is that, in the sixth century Petra was still a place inhabited by relatively wealthy people, which had a major role in the economy of the Byzantine Empire.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the Petra Papyri since their discovery in 1993. However, little has been published on their connection with taxes, and our understanding of Petra and trade has changed considerably in the last couple of decades. The papyri provide plenty of information concerning the material culture of Byzantine Petra. The purpose of this paper is to review the economic and historical information in the papyri related to taxes on the land, and to understand the economic reality in Petra and its hinterland during the Byzantine period. The papyri indicate the existence of a stable society and continuity of human settlement in Petra and its neighbouring areas such as Udhruh and Al-Sadaqa, especially after the frequent earthquakes that threatened the region between the fourth- and seventh-centuries AD. It is clear from the papyri that there is an advanced tax system in the Petra region during the sixth-century AD.  相似文献   

约旦。佩特拉。 我只记得热风吹过耳边,石头变幻着色彩。这两样,已让人终生难忘。 早在到达那里之前,那条峡谷的照片我已经见过千百次。  相似文献   

Since their discovery in 1993 the Petra papyri have drawn the attention of both historians and archaeologists because of the amount of information they contain. They deal with the property of Theodoros, son of Obodianus, and his family in Petra and its vicinity in the period between AD 537 and 593. This paper focuses on agriculture and its importance in Petra and the surrounding area in the sixth century AD, according to the information derived from the scrolls. It appears that agriculture played a major role in the economy of Petra and its hinterland at the time these documents were written. The papyri repeatedly mention agricultural lands throughout the region and in many cases specify their locations and toponyms. Some of the latter are significantly still in use. There is also information about springs, some of which are still active and contribute to local agriculture. Some papyri even contain information about the type of plants grown in the area. Finally, the authors present the current state of agriculture at selected places and compare it with the state of agriculture in the sixth century AD in the study area.  相似文献   

田恬 《世界遗产》2014,(11):104-109,10
曙光再现失落之城 佩特拉有时候也被称作“失落之城”,它的历史可以追溯到铁器时代.公元前6世纪,阿拉伯游牧民族纳巴泰人在此定居,勤劳的纳巴泰人在陡峭岩壁上雕凿出这独特浩瀚的城市,并使其成为运送丝绸、香料与其他贸易路线的重要枢纽,连贯中国、印度和阿拉伯南部以及埃及、叙利亚、希腊和罗马.如今在佩特拉见到的大部分遗址都是纳巴泰人建造的.纳巴泰人选择佩特拉主要有以下理由:第一,它易守难攻,唯一的入口是狭窄的山峡,敌方无法调集大军攻城,可说是一夫当关,万夫莫开;第二,它资源丰富,环抱城市的高地平原上森林繁茂,木材丰富,牧草肥沃,利于游牧;第三,它水源充足,一股终年不断的喷泉为它提供了可靠的水源.  相似文献   


In 1993 an architectural competition for the construction of a shelter over a Byzantine church excavated in Petra between 1991 and 1992 was held by the American Center of Oriental Research in Amman, Jordan. While a prize was awarded, none of the concepts presented were translated into a construction project. A contract was instead awarded to architect Robert Shutler, who worked in close cooperation with Jordanian and international archaeologists and heritage managers, and a reversible space-frame shelter was built. This paper examines the issue of defining criteria for shelter construction, and stresses the need for cooperation among stakeholders and specialists as part of the conservation process from the decision to shelter to the implementation of the project.  相似文献   


It is often suggested that only a fairly small percentage of the buried population was commemorated on stones before the 19th century. However, there has been little empirical study of what proportion is represented on monuments for different periods. This work compares the number of individuals whose names appear on surviving monuments in historical burial grounds, and the number of individuals recorded in parish records. Although there was considerable variation between graveyards, the mean proportion of those registered as having been buried and who were also commemorated was 8·23%, the figure being much higher in rural areas and much lower in urban ones.  相似文献   

在经历了早王朝阶段漫长的发展之后,两河流域文明的滚印在阿卡德时期出现了飞跃性的发展,表现出了全新的特点:印文的使用变得更为普及,图案内容更为复杂,类型更为多样。阿卡德王国是两河流域首个统一地域国家。印文的这种发展状况与阿卡德王国领土持续扩张、王权观念日渐强化、国王采取一系列手段确立和巩固中央政府的统治密切相关,是统治者为增强被征服地区和民族在政治、文化上的认同感而采取的一系列重要措施之一。  相似文献   

龚文 《东南文化》2004,(1):84-85
本文论述篆刻艺术家方介堪先生的艺术成就,并重点从鸟虫书印和印学著述两方面加以评析。  相似文献   

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