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Part of the structure of Aldworth’s Dock (in use during the 17th century) and probably the 16th-century St. Clement’s Dock were identified by excavation. The feature interpreted as St. Clement’s Dock produced an important collection of late 16th-century pottery. [NCR: ST/586726]  相似文献   


The study of a large hoard of Merida-type ware from Portugal found during excavation in Southampton prompts an examination of Portuguese pottery in 16th- and 17th-century England, its trade, uses and context.  相似文献   


Archaeological excavations carried out in Gov?e ??near ?alec, Slovenia, have confirmed the location of the 16th-century Protestant church, destroyed by the Counter-Reformation Commission in 1600. These excavations have revealed the foundations of a polygonal nave, remains of the enclosure and part of a graveyard. This article focuses on the results of analysis of the burials, providing new information on 16th-century material culture. It provides historical background of the area and of the construction of the church, and presents the results of the excavation with emphasis on the graveyard, providing new information on Protestant burial customs employed in the late 16th century.  相似文献   


The excavation of two kilns of late 17th-early 18th-century date is described. The range of products, and method of manufacture, are discussed in the light of an inventory of 1708.  相似文献   


Backfill material from a 12th- to13th-century quarry, north of Wallingford, south Oxfordshire, comprises sandy loam overlain by Cretaceous (early Cenomanian; Mantelliceras mantelli Macrofaunal Biozone) Glauconitic Marl Member, of the West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation as identified by its abundant, biostratigraphically useful, foraminifera and ostracods. A local outcrop source of the Glauconitic Marl Member, less than 1 km north of the quarry pit, is the likely provenance of this material, and a contemporaneous road, which was discovered adjacent to the medieval quarry by magnetometer surveys and archaeological excavation, would have aided its transportation, into the town via the North Gate. We hypothesise that the use of a calcareous marl to overlay sandy loam deposits probably encouraged land restoration when the quarried area was returned to pastoral agriculture.  相似文献   


This report describes the excavation in 1965 of two adjacent wood-fired pottery kilns producing decorated and undecorated coarse wares and glazed fine wares during the second half of the 17th century. One kiln was of single flue type; the other, larger kiln, was double flued. The post-medieval kilns at Potterspury in Northamptonshire are reasonably well documented and it seems fairly certain that the kilns at present under discussion belonged to Leonard Benton. Their working lives began slightly before 1646 and terminated shortly after 1664. The products of the kiln are very diverse and include a great variety of the lead glazed, slip decorated wares which bear remarkable similarities to the Metropolitan wares of the London area and to the late 17th-century slip wares of Yorkshire.  相似文献   


The remains of Hall Place, St. Neots, a late 17th- or early 18th-century house facing Church Street, were encountered during the excavation of an Anglo-Saxon settlement in 1961. Hall place had been built over the site of a large timber-lined cutting, perhaps a fishpond, which had been filled up with domestic rubbish and demolition debris during the course of the 16th century. The fishpond contained a large group of finds including both local and imported pottery, metalwork and leather objects. Pits, wells and other late and post-medieval structures and features were also found in the garden areas behind Hall Place and other Church Street houses.  相似文献   


The Coalbrookdale Watercourses Project took place between 2000 and 2006, and comprised the most extensive renovation of the water-power system in over a century. Ironbridge Archaeology undertook historical and archaeological investigation as part of the project. The archaeological work was closely integrated into the engineering programme, and the results of excavation and research were able to inform conservation. This paper outlines the historic origins of the waterpower system in Coalbrookdale, and describes the archaeological work undertaken during the project. The results of the work suggest that the basic layout of the original 16th- and 17th-century system is preserved in the present-day arrangement of culverts, sluices and pools. This inter disciplinary project has provoked new ways of looking at this apparently well-known landscape of industry.  相似文献   


The excavation of pottery and clay pipe kilns at Potovens has indicated the essentially local character of the wares produced and the limited nature of their market. From the late 15th century until the third quarter of the 18th-century potteries were being worked on the margins of the common land north of Wakefield, and documentary evidence provides the names of the potters and details of their activities.  相似文献   


During the excavation of a 16th-century vessel at Biddinghuizen in the Netherlands, barrels containing the remains of thousands of herring were found. The skeletal element distribution made it clear that these fish had been preserved by means of gutting. The large amount of material, combined with the differences in the size and composition of the samples taken allowed the complex to serve as a good reference framework for the variability in the occurrence of preserved herring of this type. The method, described by Seeman (1986), of identifying gutted herring on the basis of archaeological material has been extended to include more diagnostic skeletal elements, criteria for sample sizes and requirements concerning the elements that must be present in a sample to obtain reliable conclusions.  相似文献   


The rapid recent redevelopment of 'brownfi eld' sites in Sheffi eld has resulted in the large-scale demolition and clearance of industrial sites and the loss of important sources of information about the city's historic industries. The ongoing archaeological investigation of former steelmaking, cutlery and edge-tool sites is therefore essential to understanding the complexities of growth, development and diversity of these industries. This paper presents the results of the excavation of three types of Sheffi eld furnace found at the Don Steel Works and the Saville Works, two 19th–20th-century steel works on Savile Street. The works are notable as case studies of urban industrial development in a burgeoning and technologically advancing era in steel manufacture, and represent the early stages of the rapid mid-19th-century expansion of the Sheffi eld steel industry.  相似文献   


Well preserved ancient shipwrecks are rare in the archaeological record, but when discovered, they can provide valuable information on a wide range of research issues if analyzed and documented properly. In this paper we discuss the significance, potential, and constraints of mapping methods applied during the underwater excavation of shipwreck sites with special emphasis on stratigraphy, documentation of finds, and reconstruction of site formation processes. As a case study, we present the digital photogrammetry and computer vision software programs used in the excavation of the 4th-century b.c. shipwreck at Mazotos, Cyprus. Our goal is to develop a targeted documentation and mapping method of ongoing shipwreck excavations so that others can address complex research questions concerning this unique discipline of archaeology.  相似文献   


This report describes archaeological research at three house sites in rural Ireland. The anthropologically-based research began in 1994 with the goal of attempting to understand the material conditions of daily life in the 19th-century Irish countryside. The excavation results presented here were obtained from individual households in counties Roscommon, Sligo and Donegal, at sites dating from the early to mid-19th century. Two of the sites are known to have been abandoned as a result of forced eviction. Particular attention is paid to the ceramics found.  相似文献   


Archaeological excavation in 2007 on the site of a late 18th-century brewery and associated pump-house at Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport uncovered an assemblage of pottery within the backfill of the latter structure. This was one of a small number of Admiralty victualling yards responsible for the provisioning of ships and shore establishments of the Royal Navy at home and overseas. Analysis of the pottery and other finds, supplemented by documentary research, has provided an opportunity to study items distributed by the yard to the messes of ships of the Royal Navy in the early 20th century.  相似文献   


Printed and documentary sources, archaeological excavation, dendrochronology and geophysical survey are employed to investigate the history of Aberglasney, a small country house near Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire (SN 5815 2213). Traditions about its garden layout, parapet walkway, a gatehouse and a yew ‘tunnel’ are examined. Circa 1600, Bishop Anthony Rudd (1549–1614) probably built a ‘cwrt’ enclosure aligned north-south. The gatehouse belonged to this or a later house. In 1770 or later, the Dyer family rebuilt the house, probably redesigned and rewalled the entire estate layout, when an earlier farm building was converted into the parapet walkway and stock pens, in an area later known as the ‘cloistered court’. In Victorian times this feature, originally a farmyard, became a pleasure garden, part of a typical Georgian-Victorian complex including a kitchen garden, glasshouses, orchards and fishpond. A yew grove was established, most likely c. 1805, when the Philipps family began planting in a Picturesque style. Abandoned c. 1950, house and garden became dilapidated. The site is now the object of a radical development programme, involving inter alia the stabilization of all buildings fabric, and imposing 16th-/17th-century style formal gardens over the 18th-/19th-century kitchen garden and orchard.  相似文献   


Excavation by the Museum of Copenhagen in Pilestræde, Copenhagen, in 2004 revealed a 17th-century dyer's workshop, in which the first example of a dyeing vat known from excavations in Denmark was examined. Evidence is presented to show that this would have been used in dyeing indigo. A well-preserved latrine dating from the beginning of the 18th century was also found. Multidisciplinary study showed that both the vat and the latrine contained well-preserved remains of plant foodstuffs that were exotic for their time. The finds are exceptional, not only because post-medieval archaeology is a new discipline in Denmark, but because opportunities for excavation rarely arise in the city.  相似文献   


The importance of this town house in a small Kentish river port lies in the survival of both architectural and historical evidence, providing complementary lines of enquiry. During restoration the original plan and the internal arrangements of this late 16th- or early 17th-century house were recorded. From documentary searches the successive owners of the property and their inventories describing the contents of individual rooms were traced.  相似文献   


The impending destruction of a small, crenellated stone fortification of 17th-century English construction located on the coast of the Caribbean island of Nevis prompted its preservation by record. Each interior and exterior elevation has been recorded by scaled drawings and photographs. Limited excavation of the interior revealed that there had been a mortared floor which continued through the only doorway, unusually located to face the sea. Documentary research has suggested its construction date, analysis of sediments showed that the sea never entered the building, and mortar analysis confirms its difference to later building techniques on the island. Details indicate that the building was not well-designed as a defensive structure. Artefact recovery attests to the subsequent use of the fort, probably when no longer a military or militia building, and includes imported and local pottery. The fort was demolished just before Christmas 1996.  相似文献   


Excavations by Oxford Archaeology North in 2003 revealed extensive structural remains of the former Percival, Vickers and Co. Ltd glass works, one of the principal 19th-century glass manufactories in Manchester. A detailed account of the excavated remains, focusing on the significant developments in furnace design inherent in the exposed structures, has already been published in volume 29.1 (2007) of the Review. However, an in-depth analysis of the 187kg of glass fragments recovered from the excavation was omitted, and this shortcoming is addressed in the present paper. Scientific analysis of the glass compositions revealed that a variety of recipes were used, and these related closely to the different ways that glass was being worked on site, as evidenced by the various types of waste. A relatively small but nevertheless significant number of vessel fragments were also recovered, allowing the output of the glass works to be characterised for the first time.  相似文献   


Large-scale redevelopment has taken place over the last seven years in the area now known as Temple Quay which lies between Temple Way and the Floating Harbour in Bristol (Fig. 1). Bristol and Region Archaeological Services have carried out excavations, evaluations and watching briefs on the various phases of this redevelopment. These have mainly been concerned with the Portwall, a defensive structure built during the mid 13th century, which ran from north to south through the development area. In 1994 the archaeological work included the total excavation of the medieval Tower Harratz (sometimes known as Tower Harris) and a Civil War gun battery or redoubt built infront of the tower. This note deals with the discovery of a group of late 17th-century stoneware waste during the archaeological work at Tower Harratz and its association with a pottery known from documents to have been established there in about 1695.  相似文献   

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