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1972年,在襄阳山湾楚墓区出土了一件有铭文的铜器——上鄀府簠。上鄀铜器是建国以来的第一次发现,引人注目。黄盛璋先生最早著文定为鄀国的铜器。有的同志并定此器为湖北宜城东南鄀国之器。笔者认为此器非鄀国之器。而应为楚灭鄀后的楚器,兹略陈管见。先谈谈鄀的国名与地望问题。都国有上下鄀之分,已由传世两鄀铜器和新发现的上鄀铜器得到证实。上鄀之鄀。金文作鄀,下鄀  相似文献   

张志鹏  尹俊敏 《文物》2020,(4):62-66
南阳市博物馆收藏有一件上鄀太子平侯匜,系2012年被盗自河南省南阳市宛城区新店乡夏饷铺墓地,后被公安机关收缴,于同年入藏该馆。鉴于此匜新见,也未见有同铭器著录,且对鄀国历史与地理研究颇有价值,故予以介绍,并作初步研究。拟在此基础上,对鄀国史地问题作一初步探讨,以促进相关问题的深入研究。  相似文献   

襄阳山湾出土的鄀国和邓国铜器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄀国铜器《上鄀府簠》,于一九七二年出土于襄阳山湾春秋楚国墓地,是第六新生砖瓦厂工人制砖取土时挖出来的,估计应为墓葬随葬品。《上鄀府簠》,编号为襄山采:21,除器耳残脱(后焊接修复)以外,其它部位基本完好。器形由上、下器合成。上、下器基本相同,唯上器沿两边各铸有(板金)扣二个。  相似文献   

一《上鄀府簠》是文化大革命期间于襄阳山湾楚墓区出土的,它是建国以来第一次发现的鄀国青铜器,引起考古学界的广泛注意。黄盛璋同志最早认定它为鄀国青铜器,并认为郭沫若在《两周金文辞大系》一书中,定上鄀为宜城南之鄀是正确的。又说:“传统都以鄀国本在下鄀,后由下鄀迁都,郭沫若认为‘南郡之鄀为本国,故称上,上雒之鄀为分枝,故称下’”。最近《中原文物》1988年第2期刘  相似文献   

本文以北京大学藏秦《水陆里程简册》的新资料为突破口,对楚国■陵君铜器铭文所记■陵地望、器物年代与器主身份等问题提出了一些新的认识。封地■陵即《水陆里程简册》的"莪陵(津)",位于今湖北宜城市汉水之滨,同名异地及新置"■陵"的可能性较微。铜器的制作时代约在楚灭越至公元前223年楚覆亡之间,制作时代最可能在公元前278年白起拔郢以前。综合制器年代与器主的"王子"称谓可知,■陵君应是楚威王、怀王、顷襄王中某位楚王之子。  相似文献   

2006年12月,武汉大学历史地理研究所与钟祥市博物馆合作,对位处钟祥汉西地区的罗山遗址进行了田野考古调查,发现这是一处保存较好的东周时期遗址,具体年代约为春秋中晚期至汉晋,战国遗物较多见。结合文献分析,我们认为该遗址可能为春秋中期南迁的古都国、汉晋都县所在。  相似文献   

辨读湖北随州义地岗曾公子弃疾墓所出铜器铭文二则。曾公子弃疾斗铭文器名前之字应为"■",与楚文字多见的"■缶"之"■"一样,当读为"赴",说明器物移动使用的特征。曾公子弃疾、甗铭文器名前之字当是"葬",说明器物属专为陪葬而造,"葬"字写法与秦系文字同而与楚系文字异,值得研究曾、楚文字时注意。  相似文献   

董珊 《江汉考古》2012,(3):87-94
本文重新研究2007年出现的"救秦戎"楚铜器群。器物可分为四组,都属于楚昭王世。第三组的器主楚王酓恷即楚昭王;第一、二两组的器主竞之佱即楚昭王之兄公子启(字子闾),他参加了楚与晋争夺蛮氏之戎的战役而获胜,見《春秋》哀公四年《经》、《传》记载,铭文所记即此事。此事又见于湖北当阳季家湖楚城遗址出土的"救秦戎"钟铭和河南信阳长台关楚墓出土的荆历钟铭,救秦戎钟铭文称楚昭王为"秦王",信阳长台关之所以出土荆历钟,是因为信阳是春秋晚期的楚申县,而申公寿余也参加了此次战役。此外,文中还附带讨论了救秦戎铜器群与最近发表的清华简《系年》的关系。  相似文献   

六十年代以来,湖北随县、京山、枣阳和河南新野等地,先后出土多批商周时期的青铜器。其中又以随县地区出土数量最多。所出土的铜器中许多都铸刻有铭文。铜器铭文表明,这些铜器绝大多数为曾国所有。此外,还有鄂、楚、黄、息、陈、蔡等国之器。在一个地区出土如此丰富的曾国铜器,这在两周时期的列国铜器中也是少见的。自七十年代以来,相继发表了一些研究曾国铜  相似文献   

本文对士山盘铭文中的一段册命文字重新做出考释,重点探讨了"服"、"惩"和"宾"三字,认为"服"乃采服之"服","宾"是宾礼,其在金文中用于东道主一方;"惩"义为惩毖、惩戒,铭中与巡守有关。盘铭册命内容与以往册命类铭文均不相同,是一种新见册命形式。此盘的重要性在于:一,提供了关于册命铭文的新材料;二,提供了西周分封服制的新材料;三,提供了西周方国的新材料,尤其鄀和六子非常可贵,因为目前关于鄀国的材料都是迁都以后的,"六子"则是在铭文中首次出现;四,提供了有关巡守制度的新材料;五,提供了关于"宾"礼的新材料。  相似文献   

郑玄《周礼注》大量运用“若今”例,解说自周至汉发生了变迁的典制、名物、风俗、事类等。在“以今释古”方法论下,“若今”例有效地廓清了概念古今名实的变迁、被释语与释语间前后不一致、古今不对等的逻辑对应关系等问题,蔓成了一种具体的训诂方法——比况例释法。  相似文献   

Much has been published theorizing the origins of states, but ethnography has lagged behind in developing the conceptual tools to theorize the state, generally preferring to study the margins of states or “stateless” societies, even though they were enmeshed in or colonized by states. In recent decades states seem to have been bypassed by an interest in global and transnational phenomena that presumes states as political organizations to be increasingly irrelevant. This review examines three texts that cut across archaeological and socio-cultural anthropology to analyze contemporary research on states and propose new directions in the study of states.  相似文献   

Alex Demirović 《对极》2011,43(1):38-59
Abstract: In contrast to assertions that the capitalist state is either losing control or that it has returned, this article argues that during the last two decades the state itself has been reshaped. To understand the processes that the capitalist state is exposed to it is necessary to conceive of it as a series of form‐specific practices. Which practices form “the state” is not a result of pre‐given institutions but of conflicts and struggles. The capitalist state, separated as it is from the relations of production, must not be made synonymous with the national state. Only as a result of certain relations of force does bourgeois rule acquire the form of the national state. These relations between classes are currently being dissolved by the ruling classes. The capitalist state is being reorganized and is constructing new elements of a transnational network state, whilst the state itself is governed through new techniques—that is, those of governance.  相似文献   

Davina Cooper 《对极》2017,49(2):335-356
Merging means and ends, prefigurative politics perform life as it is wished‐for, both to experience better practice and to advance change. This paper contributes to prefigurative thinking in three ways. It explores what it might mean to prefigure the state as a concept; takes its inspiration from a historical episode rather than imagined time ahead; and addresses what, if anything, prefigurative conceptions can do when practiced. Central to my discussion is the plural state—taking shape as micro, city, regional, national and global formations. Plural state thinking makes room for divergent kinds of states but does not necessarily foreground progressive ones. Thus, to explore in more detail a transformative left conception of the state, discussion turns to 1980s British municipal radicalism. Taking up this adventurous episode in governing as a “thinking tool”, an imaginary of the state as horizontal, everyday, activist and stewardly emerges.  相似文献   

本文针对目前史学界多将渤海建国伊始称之为“震国”或“振国”的现象进行了探讨。根据中外文献及考古资料 ,作者认为渤海建国之初的国号应为“国” ,而“震国”或“振国”只能是它的俗称。  相似文献   

战国魏大梁城平面布局新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战国魏大梁城位于今开封市城区偏北部,其平面布局一直没有定论,本文综合考古钻探成果、历史文献并结合开封历史地理的实际情况,首次绘制了大梁城平面布局示意图。大梁城平面大致呈不规则的长方形,有郭城和宫城两部分组成,宫城位于郭城东南部。浚仪渠从郭城北部自西向东穿城而过。宫殿区位于宫城西部正中的高台区域,手工业区位于郭城北部的浚仪渠两侧。  相似文献   

After reviewing the historically specific characteristics of the modern nation state, this essay discusses both supranational and infranational forces which now work to undermine some of the powers and functions of even the oldest and most firmly established states. Two popular visions of alternative arrangements, associated with free-market ultra-liberalism and the philosophy of ‘small is beautiful’, are rejected, since neither the market nor the decentralization or breakup of existing states can provide adequate solutions to their problems. As trends in economic development increase the likelihood that wealth will be generated by a smaller proportion of total populations, the redistributive function of the public sector is likely to become more important than ever.  相似文献   

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