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On Feb.24,2013,an annual Butter Lantern Festival was held in the Labrang Monastery in Xiahe County of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Gansu Province on the Chinese Lantern Festival.Each Chinese Lantern Festival,the monks would place the butter lanterns made of the Tibetan specialty of yak butter in the square before the sutra hall of the Labrang Monastery as a means to pray for good fortune and harvest.  相似文献   

正Tibetan culture not only includes subtle and profound spiritual treasures,but also rich and complicated village regulations and folk conventions including unique national traditional craftsmanship.In function and artisanship,Tibetan boots,the carrier of traditional Tibetan craftsmanship,are a good presentation of how civilizations and people have learned and borrowed from each other  相似文献   

潇潇  Jack HG  Shirly 《世界》2012,(11):140-147
20岁,你想特立独行;30岁,你找到了人生的另一半,急切地想要为爱正名;40岁的你,妻儿相伴,带给他们幸福的生活是最重要的承诺。寻访一座陌生城市,如何找到最适合自己的那一间酒店?不妨依照年纪,精心挑选。  相似文献   

正Yajiang County in the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is named Yaquke in Tibetan, meaning"mouth of the river". It is located upstream the Yalong River and has 35 peaks over 5,000 meters above sea level. Jiezhu Village is named"the village of Kangba men", located in Yajiang County's town of Xi'eluo, and it is one of the birthplaces of the Kangba culture, being 60 kilometers from Yajiang County at an  相似文献   

正On the Mt.Wagu mountainside,spring has brought warm temperatures.Large numbers of red poultry seek out something to eat under the trees or flutter around with open wings."Don't just pass these off as ordinary mountain chickens,"the farmers say to me."They are as precious as gold in the minds of villagers!"  相似文献   

The author examines the problem of the present state of the environment in the desert irrigation districts of southern Kazakhstan and Central Asia. A drop of the level of the Aral Sea and the formation of new land on the exposed seabed, the desiccation and desertification of the Amudarya and Syrdarya deltas caused by an intensification of agriculture have been proceeding against the background of a series of dry years. Irreversible environmental changes are having a negative impact on the socioeconomic conditions of the Aral region. The author, basing himself on the results of scientific investigations related to the Aral Sea problem, proposes a number of measures designed to moderate this negative impact.  相似文献   

开封市产业空心化的历史考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无论发达国家或是发展中国家,都会面临着产业空心化问题。通过对开封市经济数据的分析及实地调研,发现开封市的产业空心化属于离制造业现象:经济地位明显下降,固定资产日渐减少,工业发展缓慢且结构不尽合理,第三产业比重低且结构失衡。指出开封市产业空心化具有欠发达区的共性特征-贫困恶性循环积累性,同时也是其特定的区位条件所引致的。最后提出开封市产业空心化的防治措施:以增强技术创新为核心,进行体制机制、科研体制、教育制度创新及人才的激励机制等;以需求结构变化为导向,调整、优化产业结构,加强财政、金融改革及基础设施的支持力度;加速完善硬件设施,改变市区的对外联系等。  相似文献   

关于开展《中国中部崛起纳入国家行动》的倡议   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
中国是一个幅员辽阔,环境多样,民族众多,人口量大,空间发展不平衡的世界级大国。半个多世纪以来,政治上经历了"站起来"(新中国成立),"跑起来"(改革开放)和"飞起来"(跨入宇航时代)三大历史阶段。  相似文献   

福建省实施PPT旅游战略的构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
袁书琪 《人文地理》2001,16(6):47-49
实施PPT旅游战略的必要性和可行性来自福建省情,要树立开发旅游与扶贫的新观念,争取各种援助项目,采取政府主导与协调的方式,提高当地居民参与程度,加大市场开发力度,实施旅游精品战略,建立行业和地区的互动机制,保护自然与社会生态环境。  相似文献   

A controversial new Criminal Justice and Public Order Act in Great Britain contains measures to curb the lifestyles of a group known collectively as "New Age Travellers". This paper examines these travellers as "folk devils" of the Conservative "New Right" on a number of levels: their lifestyle does not conform to that espoused by authoritarian or libertarian Conservatism; moreover, they violate the spatial order of contemporary British society by trespassing against the dominant social representation of the countryside — the "rural idyll". In Parliamentary debates speakers drew on the rural idyll to defend the exclusivity of access to the countryside. Notably, whilst Gypsies were seen as having a legitimate if highly marginalized position in the rural representation, few saw any place for New Age travellers.  相似文献   

This essay considers why Jewish antiquity largely fell outside the purview of ancient historians in the Germanies for over half a century, between 1820 and 1880, and examines the nature of those portraits that did, in fact, arise. To do so, it interrogates discussions of Jewish antiquity in this half‐century against the background of those political and national values that were consolidating across the German states. Ultimately, the article claims that ancient Jewish history did not provide a compelling model for the dominant (Protestant) German scholars of the age, which then prompted the decline of antique Judaism as a field of interest. This investigation into the political and national dimensions of ancient history both supplements previous lines of inquiry and complicates accounts that assign too much explanatory power to a regnant anti‐Judaism or anti‐Semitism in the period and place. First, the analysis considers why so little attention was granted to Jewish history by ancient historians in the first place, as opposed to its relative prominence before ca. 1820. Second, the essay examines representations of ancient Judaism as fashioned by those historians who did consider the subject in this period. Surveying works composed not only for the upper echelons of scholarship but also for adolescents, women, and the laity, it scrutinizes a series of arguments advanced and assumptions embedded in universal histories, histories of the ancient world, textbooks of history, and histories dedicated to either Greece or Rome. Finally, the article asserts the Jewish past did not conform to the values of cultural ascendancy, political autonomy, national identity, and religious liberty increasingly hallowed across the Germanies of the nineteenth century, on the one hand, and inscribed into the very enterprise of historiography, on the other. The perceived national and political failures of ancient Jews—alongside the ethnic or religious ones discerned by others—thus made antique Judaism an unattractive object of study in this period.  相似文献   

任建兰  张伟 《人文地理》2003,18(2):79-82
本文在对发达国家和发展中国家的贸易环境观进行比较分析的基础上,指出绿色贸易壁垒是发达国家在贸易活动中进行环境保护的主要手段。发达国家的贸易环境保护引发了一系列的环境问题,而发展中国家却遭受了许多不平等待遇。发展中国家应采取积极措施,协调贸易与环境保护问题。  相似文献   

Contemporary accounts of the inner urban fringe tend to focus on the transition from rural to urban land use and rural–urban conflicts, rather than highlighting the landscape at the city edge in its own right. It is argued in this paper that such dichotomous accounts neglect the complexity, values and conflicts of fringe landscapes. The study illustrates that an investigation into the relationship between attempts within spatial planning to design orderly places for urban expansion and the evolvement of places out of order offers a way to analyse landscape transformations at the fringe beyond the rural–urban divide. This approach will offer a multifaceted analysis of the landscape, which in turn will facilitate a more open discussion on land use and values within planning. A theoretical discussion on the interplay between ordered and disordered places is followed by a case study of the interactions between a disordered place and the ambitions within spatial planning to create order. The study has been conducted at the fringe of Burlöv (in southernmost Sweden). By way of conclusion, the findings of the case study are summarized, along with arguments that underline the need for further case studies of fringe landscapes.  相似文献   

规划理念转变与非城市建设用地规划的探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在总结归纳国内相关研究与实践的基础上,对当前非城市建设用地规划的发展进行评价和思考。认为非城市建设用地规划的发展需要首先树立前瞻主动、务实客观的规划观。进而在快速城市化的背景下,探索化解或缓和中心城市发展与农村城市化两个方面用地扩张压力的途径,调节用地供需矛盾。最终在充分研究的基础上形成非城市建设用地管理的刚性内容,即强制性措施及与其相关的实施、监督以及绩效评价机制。最后论文结合在南京沧东地区的相关实践介绍了非城市建设用地规划理论研究的初步应用成果。  相似文献   

辛亥革命首义之地军用钞票试考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
辛亥革命时期的历史货币,特别是军用钞票,由于发行有地域性,印数有限,加上时局变迁。回收焚毁等原因,留存下来数量极少。湖北为辛亥革命首义之地,又是迎击清王朝派兵会剿的主战场,因此,这里的军用钞票尤为引人关注。1949年钱万能编的  相似文献   

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