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White-ground lekythoi ceramics offer important evidence for funeral practices in Ancient Greece (5th century BC). The images painted-on these oil containers provide the best visual narrative for the events surrounding death, including indications that the vessels themselves were used as part of the funerary rites. However, until now, their specific function and treatment within the funeral ceremony was not well understood. We present here material evidence that the vessels were ritually burned, together with the body of the deceased, during cremation, as evidenced by a diffuse purplish-red discolouration found on many white-ground lekythoi. Through EPMA and μXAS studies, we show that: (1) this characteristic purplish-red discolouration is due to the presence of metallic copper nano-particles embedded in a glassy layer; (2) this metal-glass matrix formed as the result of a high temperature reaction between painted-on Cu-based pigments (e.g., Egyptian blue) and the white-ground ceramic slip; and (3) the reaction occurred under a reducing environment. Given the mortuary context for these vessels, we propose the reduction firing to which the vessels were exposed was that associated with the cremation of the body. The observation of discontinuous formation of the purplish-red discolouration along adjoining fragments supports the hypothesis that the vessels were broken prior to being burned. The majority of lekythoi in museum collections lack information on their original archaeological context, and our data suggest the presence of this purplish-red discolouration may serve as a visual marker for cremation. As such, it is expected our findings will provide a new basis for interpreting how this important class of ceramic, and associated iconographic imagery, relates to Athenian funerary practices and the ancient Greek notion of death.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of 18 glass beads from Early Sarmatian period burials were determined using electron probe microbeam analysis and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. The beads were made from high-magnesia-soda-lime-silica glass, leaded-soda-lime-silica glass, low-magnesia-soda-lime-silica glass and low-magnesia-high-potash glass. Multivariate analysis of the major oxides suggests that there are five distinct glass recipes used to manufacture these beads. These various glass recipes indicate the involvement of the Sarmatians in exchange/trade networks linking the Eastern Mediterranean, the Indian subcontinent, and China.  相似文献   

A scapula malformation is described in two burials from the site of the late medieval Dominican friary at Ipswich, UK. The changes appear most consistent with primary scapular neck dysplasia. One of the burials also showed clear signs of leprosy. The burials are of lay benefactors of the friary. The Ipswich Dominican friary had no known function as a leprosy hospital. Finding of burials of lepers other than in burial grounds of leprosaria is highly unusual for medieval England. Scapular neck dysplasia has a strong genetic component in its aetiology. This, coupled with its rarity, suggests a close genetic link between the two burials. The findings suggest that in this case, family ties with the friary overrode the normal medieval custom of interring lepers in leprosy hospitals. This illustrates that even rare skeletal variants may convey useful biocultural information about past populations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From where did the early inhabitants of the Badagry coastal area of southwestern Nigeria originate? Has the area been occupied from “ancient times,” as claimed by oral traditions? What was the nature of the environment and subsistence of these early inhabitants? Excavations at Apa, west of Badagry, provided answers to these questions. A radiocarbon date of 2670 ± 90 bp showed that human occupation there is at least 3000 years old, and implied occupation during the Late Stone Age. The occupation was in two phases: a prehistoric phase, during which Apa site 1 (Ap1) was occupied, and an historic phase, with occupation of Apa site 2 (Ap2). Sedimentological and archaeological data also showed that the environment at the beginning of occupation was similar to today. The presence of a groundstone axe, charred palm kernels, and charcoal at the Ap1 site is interpreted to imply the clearing and burning of vegetation, probably preparatory to planting and the exploitation of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) from about 2670 ± 90 bp. D'où sont venus les premiers habitants de la région côtiere Badagry du sud-ouest du Nigeria? Est-il vrai que la région a été occupé depuis les temps anciennes, comme confirme les traditions orales? Quelle étaient la nature de l'environnement et du subsistence de ces habitants préhistoriques? Des fouilles archéologiques à Apa, a l'ouest de Badagry, ont fourni des réponses nécessaires à ces questions. Un date radiocarbone de 2670 ± 90 bp a montré que les activités humaines de ce site date au moins de 3000 années, qui indique que l'occupation des habitants à c'endroit étais durant la periode de l'Age de la Pierre Recent. L'occupation de cette region était en deux phases: un phase prehistorique, la période pendant lequelle le site d'Apa 1 (Ap1) était occupé, et la phase historique, qui a marqué l'occupation du deuxième site d'Apa 2 (Ap2). Les données de la sedimentologie et de l'archéologie ont aussi montrent que l'environnement au commencement d'occupation était similaire de nos jours. On pense que la presence d'un hache “groundstone,” de l'amande de palmier et du charbon à la site d'Ap1 indiques la déstruction de la vegetation, preparant probablement la terre pour la semence et l'exploitation du l'huile de palme (Elaeis guineensis) d'environ de 2670 ± 90 bp.  相似文献   

The considerable collection of skeletal remains from the royal Church of St. Mary (c.1050–1540 AD) in Oslo constitutes part of The Schreiner Collection at the Department of Anatomy, University of Oslo. The remains reveal a high incidence of skeletal trauma, especially injuries caused by sharp‐edged weapons and extensive violence. Evidence of sharp force trauma was primarily observed on the crania. There were a surprisingly few injuries on postcranial skeletal elements. The injuries were mostly observed on middle‐aged and older men, but also on women and subadults. Some of these injuries may be linked to the civil wars in Norway during the 12th and 13th centuries. In most cases, the trauma distribution pattern suggests standardized fighting techniques. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we report on Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) of a sample of ceramics from Nasca, Peru collected by Alfred Kroeber in the 1920’s and curated at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. The analysis was conducted for two principal reasons: (1) to test the efficacy of LA-ICP-MS when compared to INAA; and (2) to evaluate samples that post-date Early Nasca (where focus has primarily been placed). We show here that LA-ICP-MS is a viable alternative to INAA, present some of the compositional variability in the Kroeber samples, and propose some explanations for this variability.  相似文献   

Four out of fifteen burials from the Tylos period ( c .200 BC – AD 200), presented by Toft Jensen in this number of AAE , contained bones of the domestic chicken ( Gallus gallus ) and represent the earliest remains of that species found on the island of Bahrain.  相似文献   

The investigation is based on bone element data of early Mediaeval human skeletal samples from eight differing environmental conditions in lowland and mountain range localities of southern Germany. Reconstruction of plausible subsistence strategies revealed close correlations with the respective ecological potentials of the localities as indicated by proxy data on geomorphology, climate, and soil quality. In general, lowland situations showed mixed dietary patterns with a prevalence of agricultural farming, whereas in mountainous areas the emphasis was on dairy farming production and horticulture. This points to subsistence activities during the early Middle Ages that are closely adjusted to differing environmental conditions. An obvious deviation from this pattern in one locality (Kirchheim unter Teck) is explained in terms of successful socio-cultural buffering of limited but effective exploitation of the natural setting.  相似文献   

Results of the statistical analysis of spatial distribution of ceramics at Chicha-1, Zavialovo-5, and Linevo-1 indicate ethnic heterogeneity and the presence of native and immigrant ceramic traditions within separate sites and even within single dwellings. The arrangement of pottery inside residence structures follows certain regularities. All residents, however, were apparently involved in the same manufacture.  相似文献   

甘肃崇信于家湾周墓出土玉器研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言 于家湾墓地位于甘肃崇信县城东北3.5公里,地处汭河北岸,是甘肃省迄今发现时代最早、墓葬最多的周文化墓群.考古工作者先后于1982、1984、1986年3次对于家湾先周至西周墓葬进行了发掘,出土大量青铜器、陶器、玉饰及料珠等①②.  相似文献   

One of the difficulties in interpreting hunter-gatherer mortuary practices is that many mortuary theories are derived from sedentary societies and rely upon an excavated record. This paper is an analysis of both historical and archaeological evidence of Aboriginal burial practices in the Murray River region of southeastern Australia. The archaeological data relies primarily upon analysis of burials exposed through erosion rather than systematic excavations which limits the range of burial characteristics that may be recorded and interpreted. The mortuary practices identified are highly patterned but regionally and locally variable. It is argued that the evidence demonstrates the persistence of place for Aboriginal people. The existence of persistent places is further related to a potentially fluid but structured connection between people and land.  相似文献   

Intramural child burials are rare in Bronze Age settlements of the Southern Urals. The study addresses this type of burial at sites associated with the Sintashta and Petrovka traditions. Their analysis generates two interpretations: one related to fertility and ancestor worship, the other to family relationships and the mentality of the people living in the Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Epipalaeolithic hunter-gatherer communities in the Southern Levant exhibit numerous complex trends that suggest that the transition to the Neolithic was patchy and protracted. This paper explores the changing nature of occupation at the Epipalaeolithic site Kharaneh IV, Jordan, through an in-depth analysis of the lithic and faunal assemblages. Focusing on the analysis of a single deep sounding (unit AS42), we address how Kharaneh IV occupations link to the local landscape and environmental changes. As an aggregation site, Kharaneh IV represents an interesting locale to explore the changing nature of aggregation and social cohesion prior to the origins of agriculture, as well as changes in technology and subsistence between the Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic. We explore the tempo and nature of transition from one archaeological culture to the next through changes in technology and how this reflects the people making and using tools, to understand how foragers adapted to a changing landscape.  相似文献   


Paraffin flotation has been used extensively in archaeoentomology and paleoentomology in the last four decades but not tested systematically. Its efficiency is here assessed. Eighty-five per cent of the identifiable coleopteran remains were recovered regardless of any variables. Some explanations of the method's variable efficiency given in published literature were tested, namely the experience of the technician, the nature of the residue, and the taxon and body part. Difference in recovery rates between four categories of workers proved significant. Residue type influences the efficiency of the method but the type of sclerite was of little importance in the process. Overall, however, paraffin flotation was shown to be sufficiently efficient and its continued use is recommended.  相似文献   

The well-known snake burials from the Late Dilmun building complex at Qalat al-Bahrain are discussed in the context of pre-Islamic Arabian, Mesopotamian, Elamite, Avestan, and Vedic Indian evidence. Ancient attitudes towards snakes are reviewed with the aim of confirming or eliminating one or more of these traditions as the likeliest cultural context for the snake sacrifices of Bahrain.  相似文献   

We report thin section petrographic and geochemical analysis of a total of 20 Middle Bronze, Late Bronze/Early Iron Age ceramics excavated from Didi Gora and Udabno I located in the Eastern part of the Republic of Georgia and 31 clay samples from eight different regions in the surrounding areas of the sites. The major and trace element compositions of the ceramics and clays were determined using a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique. The results indicate that the ceramics were manufactured from local clays in Eastern Georgia, mainly from two local clays without any preference of one of the sources during the Middle Bronze, Late Bronze/Early Iron Age.  相似文献   

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