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The Battle of Cheriton in 1644, one of many English Civil War battles, was a major turning point in the war. The battle has not been studied in detail, but the battlefield has been subject to extensive amateur metal detecting. Until now, only a very small percentage of the Cheriton battlefield assemblage has been examined. This paper aims to gain a new understanding of the events of the battle by analysing the assemblage of small finds that has been collected from the battlefield site. The result of this analysis is that the true location can now be provided with some certainty, along with a better understanding of the events and range of weapons used at the battle.  相似文献   

Archaeologists use a method of evaluating the characteristics of flakes, called scoring, to distinguish geofacts (pseudo-artefacts or eoliths) from artefacts. Lower total scores are considered indicative of a natural source of the finds, while higher ones support the opposite. However, this method has some limitations. The most important are the small quantity of assemblages subject to such an analysis and the unclear boundary drawn by a ranking within a point-based score evaluation between collections with finds of cultural and anthropic origin. Here, we present a method that minimizes these limitations. It consists of a statistical approach using scoring percentages, a new method of visualizing them and the application of clustering. This way, we obtained clear differences between pseudo-artefacts and artefacts by considering flakes from six flint assemblages from Central Europe as well as an experimental assemblage.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis conducted on an assemblage of artefacts recovered from an old jetty site in Holdfast bay, South Australia are presented. More than 5,000 artefacts were recovered during excavations in the 1970s at the site where the State's first settlers landed. Various objects were raised from the seabed, representing aspects of social, religious, economic, military, commercial, and maritime activities. The artefacts were recently recorded, catalogued, and analysed in an attempt to trace the history and development of the township from its early years as well as to assess the significance of the site.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study into the effectiveness of core sampling for discovering Palaeolithic and Mesolithic hunter-gatherer sites in the Netherlands and northwestern Belgium. Earlier work established optimal sampling strategies for use in archaeological heritage management survey in the Netherlands. However, the statistical model used for this was based on a limited amount of data on the distribution of lithic artefacts in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites. For the current study we have analyzed the distribution of artefacts in a selected number of excavated sites, and estimated discovery probabilities of these sites through simulation. The simulation results indicate that discovery probabilities are lower than expected due to the effect of clustering of finds. Furthermore, the density of flints in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites is generally lower than the estimates that were used for setting up the optimal sampling strategies, and a substantial number of sites is very small. This means that, in order to discover Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites with sufficient reliability, we will have to apply more intensive survey strategies than have been recommended up to now.  相似文献   


The PCWP agenda has contributed a great deal to the discipline of world politics, empirically, methodologically and theoretically. However, there is scope to expand upon certain aspects of this body of scholarship. In particular, the agenda is developing some unfortunate hierarchies in its focus on high-budget ‘blockbusters’ at the expense of data from the everyday. It is displaying a lack of imagination in terms of its methodologies and forms of output, despite the aesthetic and creative nature of many of the artefacts. Finally, it is evincing a reluctance to explore representations beyond the textual or the visual, at the expense of other forms of representation, including sound, taste or, as I argue in this paper, artefactuality.  相似文献   

Voltammetry of microparticles using a paraffin‐impregnated graphite electrode (VMP/PIGE) was applied as a very local and non‐invasive analytical technique in order to investigate the presence of remains of metallic plating on two ferrous and one cuprous artefact from the medieval period. The analyses have been performed locally and selectively on regions presenting particular features, such as texture, cohesion and colour differences. The results confirm local differences in chemical composition, leading to conclusions about the presence of metallic plating on these artefacts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a choice experiment study of a proposed wetland restoration project which aims to preserve archaeological artefacts from Stone Age villages which are presently buried within the topsoil. Wetland restoration can avoid destruction of the artefacts due to agricultural cultivation and drainage, and in addition improve biological diversity and recreational opportunities. The results indicate that even though the artefacts are not visible or usable for the population of today, but may contain information and potential value for future generations, the strongest preferences displayed is for ensuring permanent protection of archaeological artefacts, rather than biological diversity and recreational opportunities. The results are discussed in relation to the Prospect Theory: people value a loss of cultural heritage higher than a gain of new cultural goods or services. This insight is of general interest to cultural economics and cultural policy, especially with respect to heritage protection.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of heated/fired materials of archaeological importance from various parts of India was attempted. A single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure was used for palaeodose determination in the quartz grains extracted from the heated materials using the luminescence produced by blue light stimulation. In most pottery samples, the palaeodose obtained using SAR-OSL is ∼6% lower than the palaeodose measured using thermoluminescence (TL) method. Broadly, there is good agreement between the SAR-OSL and TL ages of the artefacts and their archaeologically expected ages. The results suggest that routine dating of heated/fired materials using the SAR-OSL procedure is more practicable, especially when the TL sensitivity of the quartz grains is poor and availability of datable material is limited.  相似文献   

Determining culinary practices is critical for understanding phytocultural complexes, transported landscapes and human niche constructions. Starch analysis is an exemplary method for reconstructing human–plant dependencies. However, certain types of artefacts from the Greater Caribbean region, such as flaked lithics, lithic griddles, coral artefacts and shells, have not been extensively analysed for starch remains. Moreover, there has been no comparison of culinary practices between The Bahama archipelago and the Greater Antilles (the presumed origin of foodways transported to The Bahama archipelago). The paper investigates 60 bivalve shell artefacts for starch remains, which were recovered from three archaeological sites: El Flaco and La Luperona (Dominican Republic), and Palmetto Junction (Turks & Caicos Islands). In contrast to ethnohistorical narratives that characterize shell tools exclusively as manioc peelers, the starch remains recovered in this study suggest a broader suite of plants and functions. The results provide evidence that a diversity of plants (Dioscorea spp., Dioscorea trifida L., Fabaceae, Ipomoea batatas L., Manihot esculenta Crantz, cf. Zea mays L., cf. Acrocomia media O. F. Cook, and Zingiberales) were prepared with these shells. This new evidence contributes to ongoing discussions about culinary practices in the Caribbean and other related late precolonial (c.800–1500 ce ) foodways.  相似文献   

Amber beads from the Cioclovina hoard (Hunedoara County, Romania), dating from the transitional period between the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age, were analysed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy – variable angle reflectance (FTIR-VAR) and Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman). The aim was to determine if the raw material came from the shores of the Baltic Sea, on the Amber Route which crosses Central Europe, or if it originated from the area of the main amber occurrences in Romania, in Buz?u County, around the village of Col?i. All applied analyses strongly suggest that a large part of the amber from the Cioclovina deposit has a Romanian origin, and thus no connection with the Amber Route.  相似文献   

考古发掘中出土玻璃器历来受到研究者的重视。其中,通过对古玻璃化学组成和结构特征的科学分析,以探讨其工艺技术及产地问题,是古玻璃研究的重要组成部分。经过多年的研究,学界已对中国古代玻璃的起源、工艺技术特点及产地等问题  相似文献   

秦始皇帝陵兵马俑自发现以来一直是学者们研究的热点,许多专家都做过秦俑面部特征的定性研究,但缺少定量论据。利用人脸识别技术对秦俑面部特征做定量分析,分析过程包括图像预处理、面部检测筛选、面部特征提取、面部特征向量表示、面部特征向量相似度计算、面部特征向量相似度分析等。通过单个秦俑面部相似度Top-N直观分析秦俑面部特征;通过热力图分析多个秦俑面部相似度,发现10个“特征鲜明”的秦俑及10个“大众脸”的秦俑;用直方图可视化秦俑面部相似度分布,揭示了秦俑面部相似度符合正态分布的规律。人脸识别技术为秦俑研究提供了一种定量分析思路,相关思路可以用于秦俑五官单特征、服饰纹理等分析,也为更大规模秦俑面部特征定量分析奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

The analytical performance of non-destructive portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) is compared with that of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) for the elemental characterisation of a group of glazed stonewares from North-East Asia. As a non-destructive technique pXRF is potentially well suited to the elemental analysis of high value archaeological and museum collections but has yet to be critically evaluated for the analysis of archaeological stonewares. In this study we use multivariate evaluation to compare results from non-destructive pXRF in relation to ICP-OES and NAA analysis for the same group of samples. We conclude that, although pXRF is comparatively limited to a small number of major, minor and trace elements, these are sufficient to identify the same compositional groups as high dimensional ICP-OES and NAA datasets for this assemblage.  相似文献   

Ten Early Bronze Age (BzA1, 2200–2000 BC) copper artefacts from the central Valais region from Switzerland were studied for their elemental composition and lead isotope ratios. In order to answer the archaeological question of a local copper supply, a database for copper minerals across the Valais (Switzerland) has been established. This database contains 69 data on lead isotope ratios as well as additional information on the minerals and geochemical associations for copper minerals from 38 locations in the Valais. Comparisons of the artefacts were also made with data pertaining to minerals from various deposits from Europe and Anatolia taken from the literature. The provenance of the materials is very diverse. Some of the data are compatible with the data from the copper mineral deposits of the Valais region. Moreover, three copper lunulae were identified as possibly Tuscan, which suggests contacts between Italy and the Valais region. This pattern also establishes a multiplicity of provenances for the metal and cultural influences in the Alpine environment of the Rhone Valley of Switzerland at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Iron has been one of the most critical technotraditions that had lasting impact on social formation throughout the Iron Age and historical period. Iron was used in warfare and subsistence economy. Our knowledge on ancient iron smelting and working have generally been derived from ethnography and ethnohistory, which is by all means, time, region, and raw material specific. Scientific analyses of ancient iron have contributed in understanding this heritage to a respectable extent, yet a comprehensive knowledge about the evolution of iron making through time and space in India eludes us. In this work, a comparative study of iron artefacts from two Iron Age/Megalithic-Early Historic sites of Tamil Nadu, south India, that is, Mangadu (burial site) and Ambal (habitation-cum-burial site) is carried out to understand the iron thermal-processing capabilities. The retrieved artefacts were examined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for elemental composition. The imaging of the artefacts was done using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), and Optical Microscopy (OM). In addition, phase identification was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS). Combination of these analyses illustrates that inhabitants of Mangadu and Ambal were aware of the iron alloy manufacturing/processing techniques such as forging and hammering.  相似文献   

In the cover sand area of the NW European plain very little is known about fireplaces within Mesolithic settlement areas. Yet the frequent occurrence of burnt ecofacts (hazelnut shells and bone) and artefacts (flint and quartzite) clearly indicates the presence of (surface) hearths on nearly every campsite. Most of these hearths are non-structured and are thus barely visible in the soil. Furthermore in most spatial studies minimal effort has been made to locate these ‘invisible’ hearths as accurately as possible. This paper discusses the potential and modalities of detailed spatial analysis of burnt artefacts and ecofacts, using recently obtained archaeological and experimental evidences. It is concluded that such an analysis can offer interesting insights into the dynamics of Mesolithic hearths.  相似文献   

Artefacts made of wood coming from archaeological excavations provide insights into human cultural behaviour of the past. They show how man utilised natural resources and how the development of woodworking techniques and artistic endeavour were developed. Within archaeological contexts, waterlogged anaerobic conditions generally preserve the appearance of artefacts, although wood is subject to severe decay processes. The said conditions can transform the original material into a new one, thus demonstrating specific differences from those of the “fresh” wood of the same species. In order to assess these new properties correctly, an integrated diagnostic approach is needed, one which includes a multidisciplinary (micromorphological, physical and chemical) evaluation of the state of preservation.  相似文献   

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