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《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(3):284-298
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction To Remote Sensing of Environment , edited by beenjamin F. R ichason Jr, Kendall Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa
Models of Cities and Regions , by A.G. W ilson , P.H. R ees .and C.M. L eigh , John Wiley & Sons, Somerset
A Capital for Canada , by D.B. K night , University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper No. 182, Chicago
Choosing Canada's Capital , by D.B. K night , McClelland and Stewart Limited, Toronto
Theoretical Problems of Geography , by V.A. A nuchin , translated and edited by R oland J. F uchs and G eorge J. D emko , Ohio State
Ideology, Science and Human Geography , by D erek G regory , Hutchinson & Co.
This Scene of Man: The Role and Structure of the City in the Geography of Western Civilization , by J ames E. V anc e jr. Harper and Row, New York  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1982,26(3):283-292
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Agriculture: Resource Development and Spatial Organization (Geography of World Agriculture, Vol. 9), by P eter S cott
Canadian Agriculture (Geography of World Agriculture, Vol. 10), by M.J. T roughton
Rural Settlement in an Urban World , by M ichael B unce
Kanada einfach. Die Bauern verlassen die Schweiz , by W erner C atrina
Politics, Geography and Behaviour , by R ichard M uir and R onan P addison
Political Studies from Spatial Perspectives: Anglo-American Essays on Political Geography , edited by A lan D. B urnett and P eter J. T aylor
Spatial Analysis, Industry and the Industrial Environment: Volume 2 - International Industrial Systems , edited by F.E.I. H amilton and G.J.R. L inge
Handbook of Snow: Principles, Processes, Management and Use , edited by D.M. G ray and D.H. M ale  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Anglo-American Realm, by O tis B. S tarkey and J. L ewis R obinson
Resources of the Canadian Shield, by J. L ewis R obinson
The Political Economy of the Canadian North, by K enneth J. R ea
Population, Migration, and Urbanization in Africa, by W illiam A. H ance
Population Geography: A Reader, edited by G eorge J. D emko , H arold M. R ose , and G eorge A. S chnell
A Geography of Population: World Patterns, by G lenn T. T rewartha
The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume I, The Land of Iran, edited by W. B. F isher
The Makers of Modern Geography, by R obert E. D ickinson
The Transformation of the Chinese Earth - Perspectives on Modern China, by K eith B uchanan  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1976,20(2):240-254
Reading the Rocks: The Story of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842–1972, by Morris Zaslow, Macmillan, in association with the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and Information Canada, Toronto
Painters in a New Land, by M ichael B ell , McClelland and Stewart, Toronto
The Politics of Development: Forests, Mines and Hydro-electric Power in Ontario
Location and Space in Social Administration, by B ryan M assam , Macmillan, Toronto
An Introduction to Scientific Reasoning in Geography, by D ouglas A madeo and Reginald G. Golledge, Wiley, New York
Readings in Social Geography, sous la direction de E mrys J ones , Oxford University Press, Toronto
Suburban Growth, edited by J ames H. J ohnson , John Wiley, New York
New Dimensions in Urban Planning: Growth Controls, edited by J ames W. H ughes , Center for Urban Policy Research, New Brunswick, n.j.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Human Spatial Behaviour: A Social Geography , by J.A. J akle , S. B runn , and C.C. R oseman
Environment and Behavior: Planning and Everyday Urban Life , by J. D ouglas P orteous
La Geographie politique , par A ndré -L ouis S anguin , Collection SUP - le Géographe, n°24
The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach , by M anuel C astells , Edward Arnold, London
Metropolitan Impacts on Rural America , by R ichard L amb , University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper No. 162, Chicago
The Dispersed City: The Case of Piedmont, North Carolina , by C harles R. H ayes , University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 173, Chicago
The Transportation Impact of the Canadian Mining Industry , by I ain W allace , Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Regional Socio-economic Impact of a National Park: Before and after Kejimkujik , by M ichael F oster and A ndrew S. H arvey , Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Water Re-use and the Cities , edited by R oger E. K asperson and J eanne X. K asperson , University Press of New England, Hanover, n.h.
A Plant Geography of Alberta , by M argaret E.A. N orth , University of Alberta, Department of Geography, Studies in Geography, Monograph 2, Edmonton
Pattern of the Soil Cover (Struktura pochvennogo pokrova), by V.M. F ridland
Soils of Canada , by J.S. C layton , W.A. E hrlich , D.B. C ann , J.H. D ay , and I.B. M arshall , A Co-operative Project of the Canadian Soil Survey Committee and the Soil Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario; Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1977; Volume 1, Soil Report  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1974,18(4):411-423
Urban and Regional Models in Geography and Planning, by A. G. Wilson, John Wiley and Sons, London
Location Criteria For High Schools: Student Transportation and Racial Integration, by Fred L. Hall, Research Paper No. 150, Department of Geography, University of Chicago, Chicago
Language Shift among Migrants to Lima, Peru, by Sarah K. Myers, Research Paper No. 147, Department of Geography, University of Chicago, Chicago
East Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam; Geography of a Cultural Region, by Albert Kolb, Methuen & Co., London, Barnes & Noble Inc. N.Y.
The Atlas of Africa, edited by Regine Van Chi-Bonnardel, The Free Press, New York
The Atlas of Hawaii, edited by R. Warwick Armstrong, University of Hawaii, Honolulu  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Africa , by L. D udley S tamp , John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
The Geography of Modern Africa , by W illiam A. H ance
Canadian Cartography , vol. I., Proceedings of the Symposium on Cartography, edited by L. J. O'B rien
Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology , by L una B. L eopold , M. G ordon W olman , and J ohn P. M iller
The Natural Geography of Plants , by H enry A. G leason and A rthur C ronquist .  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1968,12(4):266-277
Book reviewed in this article:
The Journals of Captain James Cook: Volume 111 the Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 1776–1780, Parts one and two, edited by J. C. B eaglehole
Models in Geography, edited by R ichard J. C horley and P eter H aggett
Introduction to Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F red E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
Physical Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F red E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
Cultural Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F. E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
River Plains and Sea Coasts, by R. J. R ussell
Japan Advances—a Geographical Study, by P rue D empster
Urban Development in Canada, by L eroy O. S tone
An Advanced Geography of Northern and Western Europe, by R. J. H arrison C hurch , P eter H all , G. R. P. L awrence , W. R. M ead , and A lice M utton
Human Dimensions of Weather Modification, edited by W. R. D errick S ewell  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Times, Spaces, and Places: A Chronogeographic Perspective , by D on P arkes and N igel T hrift
The Sash Canada Wore: A Historical Geography of the Orange Order in Canada , by CECIL J, HOUSTON and WILLIAM J. SMYTH
La Situation démolinguistique au Canada , par R éjean L acharelle et J acques H enripin
Planning Industrial Development , edited by D avid F. W alker , John Wiley
Regional Development in Britain (2nd edition), by G. M anners , D. K eeble , B. R odgers , and K. W arren
Pipelines and Permafrost: Physical Geography and Development in the Circumpolar North , by P eter J. W illiams  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1975,19(3):251-264
Book reviewed in this article:
Principes de Géographie sociale , by P aul C laval , Editions M.Th. Génin
Urban Canada , by J ames and R obert S immons , 2nd edition
Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form , edited by L arry S. B ourne , R oss D. M ac K innon , J ay S iegel , and J ames W. S immons
Conservation by the People: The History of the Conservation Movement in Ontario to 1970 , by A.H. RICHARDSON
Physical Geography: The Canadian Context , by A llan F alconer , B arry D. F ahey , and R ussell D. T hompson
Modifying the Weather , by W. R. D. S ewell , et al.
Climate Canada , by F. K enneth H are and M orley K. T homas
The Geography of Puerto Rico by rafael P ico  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(2):180-193
Book reviewed in this article:
The Warm Desert Environment , by A ndrew G oudie and J ohn W ilkinson
Fundamentals of Geomorphology , by R.J. R ice
Social Areas in Cities. Volume 1, Spatial Processes and Form , edited by D.T. H erbert and R.J. J ohnston
Social Areas in Cities , Volume 2, Spatial Perspectives on Problems and Policies , edited by D.T. H erbert and R.J. J ohnston
Urban Health in America , by A masa B. F ord
Demographic Developments in Eastern Europe , edited by L eszek A. K osinski
Spatial Population Analysis , by P.H. R ees and A.G. W ilson , Macmillan, Toronto  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Canada: A Geographical Interpretation, edited by John Warkentin
Canada: Problems and Prospects , by J. W reford W atson
Problems and Trends in American Geography , edited by S aul B. C ohen
Man and Environment: Crisis and the Strategy of Choice , by R obert A rvill
The Indus Rivers: A Study of the Effects of Partition , by A loys A rthur M ichel
Water and Land: Two Case Studies in Irrigation , by T. L angford -S mith and J. R utherford
Goals for Urban America , edited by B rian J. L. B erry and J ack M eltzer
Geography of Manufacturing , by G unnar A lexandersson
Geography of Religions , by D avid E. S opher
Twentieth International Geographical Congress, United Kingdom 1964: Congress Proceedings , edited by J. W reford W atson
The Personality of North Simcoe County , by W. W. F ieguth  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(4):384-391
Book reviewed in this article:
Political, Electoral and Spatial Systems: An Essay in Political Geography , by R.J. J ohnston , Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979
Location and Public Problems: A Political Geography of the Contemporary World , by K evin R. Cox, Maaroufa Press, Chicago
Changing Canadian Cities: The Next 25 Years , by L eonard O. G ertler and R onald W. C rowley , M cclelland and Stewart, Toronto
The Manipulated City: Perspectives on Spatial Structure and Social Issues in Urban America , by S tephen G ale and E.G. M oore
I Came to the City , by M ichael E. E liot H urst , Houghton Mifflin, Boston
The Canadian Alternative. Survival, Expeditions and Urban Change , by W. B unge and R. B ordessa , Department of Geography, Geographical Monographs, York University, Toronto  相似文献   

Development Regions in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Canada , edited by A ndrew F. B urghardt
London School of Economics & Political Science and School of Slavonic Studies, University of London
Indians in the Fur Trade: Their Role as Trappers, Hunters, and Middlemen in the Lands Southwest of Hudson Bay 1660-1870 , by A rthur J. R ay
Environmental Data from Historical Documents by Content Analysis: Freeze-up and Break-up of Estuaries on Hudson Bay, 1714-1871 , by D.W. M oodie and A.J.W. C atchpole
Techniques in Pedology , by R ichard T. S mith and K enneth A tkinson
La Crise Urbaine: A Challenge to Geographers , edited by R.A. R oberge
Urban Home steading , by J ames W. H ughes and K enneth D. B leakly , Jr.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1983,27(3):295-304
Book reviewed in this article:
Recreational Land Use: Perspectives on Its Evolution in Canada , edited by G eoffrey W all and J ohn S. M arsh
Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts , by A lister M athieson and G eoffrey W all
The Rural Real Estate Market: Geographic Patterns of Structure and Change in an Urban Fringe Environment , by C hris B ryant
Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation , edited by B arry S adler and A llen C arlson
Historical Understanding in Geography: An Idealist Approach , by L eonard G uelke
Period and Place: Research Methods in Historical Geography , edited by A lan R.H. B aker and M ark B illinge  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1996,40(4):388-397
Population, Consumption, and the Environment:Religious and Secular Responses edited by HAROLD COWARD, State University of New York Press, Albany N.Y., 1995 Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option? edited by ERLET CATER and GWEN LOWMAN, John Wiley & Sons, in association with the Royal Geographical Society, Chichester, 1994 Tourism and Politics: Policy, Power, and Place by COLIN MICHAEL HALL, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1994 The Genius of C. Warren Thornthwaite, Climatologist-Geographer by JOHN R. MATHER and MARIE SANDERSON, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman and London, 1996 Reluctant Exiles? Migration from Hong Kong and the New Overseas Chinese edited by RONALD SKELDON, M.E. Sharpe Inc., New York, 1994 Paradise: Class, Commuters, and Ethnicity in Rural Ontario by STANLEY R. BARRETT, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1994 Geography and National Identity edited by DAVID HOOSON, Blackwell, Cambridge, MA, and Oxford, U.K, 1994  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1974,18(2):168-180
Book reviewed in this article:
The Best Poor Man's Country; a Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania, by J ames T. L emon
Canada: A Geographical Perspective, by L ouis -E dmond H amelin , translated by M. C. S torrie , and C. I. J ackson
The Cultural Geography of the United States, by W ilbur Z elinsky
The Mound Builders, Agricultural Practices, Environment and Society in the Central Highlands of New Guinea by E ric W addell
Geography of Transportation, by E. J. T aaffe and H. L. G authier
Freight Flows and Spatial Aspects of the British Economy, by M. C hisholm and P. O'S ullivan
Glacial and Fluvioglacial Landforms, by R. J. P rice
Weather Forecasting for Agriculture and Industry, edited by J. A. Taylor
Air Pollution and Lichens, edited by B. W. F erry , M. S. B addeley , and D. L. H awksworth  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1969,13(2):175-181
Book reviewed in this article:
The Cycle of Erosion in Different Climates , by P ierre B irot and translated by C. Ian Jackson and Keith M. Clayton
Canada's Changing Geography , edited by R. Louis G entilcore
Landform Studies from Australia and New Guinea , edited by J. N. J ennings and J. A. M abbutt
Africa in Transition , edited by B. W. H odder and D. R. H arris
Readings in Economic Geography , edited by H oward G. R oepke  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1970,14(2):177-190
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Atlas of Ontario / Atlas économique de l'Ontario, edited by W. G. D ean , cartographer G. J. M atthews
Water Management Innovations in England, by L. E. C raine
Water: Canadian Needs and Resources, by J. S. C ram
Residential Water Demand and Economic Development, by T. R. L ee
Life, Land and Water, edited by W. J. M ayer -O akes
Forecasting the Demands for Water, edited by W. R. D. S ewell and B. T. B ower
Strategies of American Water Management, by G. F. White, Ann Arbor
The Great Columbia Plain: A Historical Geography, 1805–1910, by D onald W. M einig
Imperial Texas: An Interpretive Essay in Cultural Geography, by D onald W. M einig
Cultural Geography, an Evolutionary Introduction to Our Humanized Earth, by J. E. S pencer and W illiam L. Thomas with cartography by Robert E. Winter
The Structure of Political Geography, edited by R. E. K asperson and J. V. M inghi  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1992,36(3):286-304
Between the Summit and the Sea: Central Veracruz in the Nineteenth Century by Alfred H. Siemens,
Atlas of Columbus and the Great Discoveries by Kenneth Nebenzahl
Chaos and Socio-Spatial Dynamics by D.S. DENDRRNOS and M. SONS, Applied Mathematical Series Volume 86
Out of Place: Restoring Identity to the Regional Landscape by Michael Hough, Yale University Press
The Polar Regions: Geographical and Historical Data for Consideration in a Study of Claims to Sovereignty in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions by S.W. Boggs, William S. Hein & Co. Inc.
Making Culture: English-Canadian Institutions and the Arts before the Massey Commission by Maria Tippett
Seeking New Horizons: A Perceptual Approach to Geographic Education by Henry W. Castner, McGill-Queen's University Press
The Making of the American Landscape edited by Michael P. Conzen, Unwin Hyman, Boston
Reflections and Visions: 25 Years of Geography at Waterloo edited by Richard Preston and Bruce Mitchell, Department of Geography Publications Series, No. 33,
The Soviet Scene: A Geographical Perspective by James H. Bater, Edward Arnold, London, 1989
The Soviet Union: A Systematic Geography (2nd edition) edited by Leslie Symons, Routledge, New York
Fire in the Rain: The Democratic Consequences of Chernobyl by peter Gould, John Hopkins University Press
Journal of a Barrenlander, W.H.B. Hoare, 1928–1929 edited by Sheila C. Thomson, Sheila C. Thomson
Field Experiments and Measurement Programs in Geomorphology edited by Olav Slaymaker, University of British Columbia Press
Conflicts of Interest: Canada and the Third World edited by Jamie Swift and Brian Tomlinson, Between The Lines
World Trends in Tourism and Recreation by Zbigniew Mieczkowski, American University Studies  相似文献   

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