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明清时期宗族势力对贵池傩戏的作用考析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清时期贵池傩戏盛演不衰,它以"社"为组织单元,由"社"下的傩神会承办,实质上由宗族势力举办,宗族不仅为傩戏的衍生提供了良好的社会环境,而且对傩戏起了强大的组织与保护作用,使傩戏得以传承不缀;同时宗族势力又限制并束缚了贵池傩戏的发展,使之一直保持古朴的原初形态;因之,保护贵池傩戏的一切措施和机制,均应围绕着宗族展开。  相似文献   

正池州傩戏,源于原始宗教和图腾崇拜意识,主要流传于贵池、石台和青阳一带,集中于池州市贵池区的刘街、梅街、茅坦等乡镇几十个大姓家族,史载"无傩不成村"。池州傩戏以宗族为演出单位,以戴面具为表演特征,以请神祭祖、驱邪纳福为目的。池州傩戏由傩仪、傩舞、傩戏三大部分组成,内容涉及音乐、舞蹈、宗教、美术、考古和民俗等多个领域,是我国现存"最古老、最完整"的古戏曲之一,被誉为"戏曲活化石"。2006年,池州傩戏被列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗  相似文献   

吕光群 《江淮文史》2008,(3):158-167
池州是傩戏之乡,许多村社都曾有傩舞傩戏流传,至今已有480余年。贵池刘街乡的姚、刘、汪、章、金、曹、吴、唐、王等姓家族,至今仍然在春节期间循着代代相传的规矩,演出自己的傩戏?  相似文献   

胡迟 《江淮文史》2012,(4):128-142
在采录池州傩戏前,我们又看了.一遍非遗申报文本,简介上开宗明义:池州傩戏源于原始宗教意识和图腾崇拜意识,主要流传于中国佛教圣地九华山麓方圆百公里的贵池、石台和青阳等县(区),尤其集中于池州市贵池区的刘街、梅街、茅坦等乡镇几十个大姓家族,史载“无傩不成村”。她无职业班社和专业艺人,至今仍以宗族为演出单位,演员由本宗族男丁担任。以请神祭祖、驱邪纳福和娱神娱祖娱人为目的,以戴面具为表演特征的古老艺术形式。  相似文献   

<正>拍摄地点:安徽池州拍摄时间:1月31日INFO:Canon EOS 5D Mark III,f/2.8,1/60s,ISO1600傩戏是原始宗教文化与戏剧文化相结合的综合体,安徽池州是傩戏之乡,有"无傩不成村"之说,池州傩戏是一种古老的戏曲剧种,也是皖南地区每年春节期间最重要的一项年俗活动。傩戏演出一般都会持续到深夜,不管有多少观众他们照演不误。村民们对于傩戏的执着,对于护佑自  相似文献   

在思想史研究领域,明末清初的思想界从来不曾寂寞。学者们为它贴上了“实学”、“经世”、“启蒙”等各种标签。吴震先生的新著《明末清初劝善运动思想研究》(台湾大学出版中心,2009年9月)则为这一阶段的思想贴上了“劝善”的标签。全书除《导论》外,下分《明末清初劝善思想溯源》、《阳明心学与劝善运动》、《晚明心学与宗教趋向》、  相似文献   

葛兆光,复旦大学文史研究院院长、历史系教授,研究领域是中国宗教、思想和文化史,著有《禅宗与中国文化》,《道教与中国文化》、《中国思想史》等。  相似文献   

1981年9月,文物出版社出版了精装本《云梦睡虎地秦墓》一书,秦简《日书》图版及释文遂首次公布于众。10年来,海内外学者对《日书》进行了多方面、多层次的探索,取得了不少成果。作为流行于战国秦代中下层社会的日常宗教迷信手册,《日书》集中保存了丰富的社会宗教文化资料,实应视为《史记·封禅书》与《汉书·郊祀志》的辅助篇,故对《日书》宗教内涵的研究发掘具有重要意义。一些学者在《日书》宗教研究方面已经提出许多颇有创见的观点。目前学术界一般认为,战国时代秦的政治、经济和军事是处在领先水平;而在思想文化方面则落后于山东诸雄,甚至落后于西周。对此,笔者不敢苟同。从思想文化发展的阶段  相似文献   

安徽皖南地区历代地方志书都记载了盛唐诗人李白在宣城、当涂、南陵、秋浦等地的游历与创作。其中明嘉靖、万历等《池州府志》、《贵池县志》记载了李白游秋浦的过程和他的名作《秋浦歌十七首》。贵池县(今池州市贵池区),唐时名秋浦县,因境内秋浦河而得名。李白一生,  相似文献   

清朝安徽贵池人郎遂所撰《杏花村志》是中国唯一被选入钦定《四库全书》的村志。该志旁征博引,考据细微,较详细地介绍了杏花村的山川形势、名胜古迹、建置丘墓以及其他相关情况。  相似文献   

对中国傩的源生与流变问题的探讨,有助于我们深入理解傩的文化内涵和学术意义。中国傩源起于自然崇拜,""的初始原型当为禳星祈福的女巫,是远古星宿崇拜的一种反映。禳星祈福的女巫是古代方相氏的最初形貌。中国傩在距今约二万年前甚至更早时期便有可能产生。傩由北向南迁移与图腾崇拜有关,""与"隹""鸟"的结合是太阳、鸟图腾崇拜的历史印证,是稻作农耕文化的内在要求。驱""巫仪是鬼神崇拜的产物,方相氏在驱""仪式中以巫的角色担负着驱疫恶鬼禳解邪祟的使命。道教、佛教的兴起与发展丰富了中国傩舞、傩仪的形式与内容,促进了傩戏的产生。  相似文献   

李琳  金媛  李园园 《民俗研究》2020,(3):110-117
有"中国戏剧的活化石"之称的傩戏"咚咚推"保存了侗族先民遗留下来的多种傩戏剧目,向世人展现了侗族人民各种繁复有序和神秘有趣的习俗,是侗族先民原始农耕信仰的现代展演;"咚咚推"以盘古大王和飞山大王为傩神,除了在表演时对傩神举行各种请、迎、会、送的舞祭仪式外,演出的剧目也表现了作为移民后代的天井寨人为增强家族凝聚力而保持的祖先英雄崇拜。"咚咚推"作为天井寨人独有的一种戏剧形式,为研究南方民族在迁徙过程中的文化传承与文化交融提供了极为难得而生动的活动文本。  相似文献   

湘西苗族巫傩文化的人神关系伦理意蕴,主要表现在:既相信自己又相信神灵的宗教观念,娱人娱神、以人为上的宗教情感,仪式模拟“难题考验”的宗教活动三个方面,其中凸显了人的主体地位。  相似文献   

In the context of global warming, changes in extreme weather and climate events are expected, particularly those associated with changes in temperature and precipitation regimes and those that will affect coastal areas. The main objectives of this study were to establish the number of extreme events that have occurred in northeastern New Brunswick, Canada in recent history, and to determine whether their occurrence has increased. By using archived regional newspapers and data from three meteorological stations in a national network, the frequency of extreme events in the study area was established for the time period 1950–2012. Of the 282 extreme weather events recorded in the newspaper archives, 70% were also identified in the meteorological time series analysis. The discrepancy might be explained by the synergistic effect of co‐occurring non‐extreme events, and increased vulnerability over time, resulting from more people and infrastructure being located in coastal hazard zones. The Mann Kendall and Pettitt statistical tests were used to identify trends and the presence of break points in the weather data time series. Results indicate a statistically significant increase in average temperatures and in the number of extreme events, such as extreme hot days, as well as an increase in total annual and extreme precipitation. A significant decrease in the number of frost‐free days and extreme cold days was also found, in addition to a decline in the number of dry days.  相似文献   

陈德广 《人文地理》2006,21(2):12-16
通过对56篇中国旅游地理学博士学位论文和76篇北美论文的比较研究发现:中国旅游地理研究的博士学位论文滞后于北美,但中国博士论文增长速度快于北美;北美论文选题视野宽泛而中国论文选题视角比较狭窄;北美旅游地理博士学位论文选题的学科本位特征比较明显,而中国旅游地理博士学位论文选题的实践驱动比较突出;由于中国和北美旅游业发展背景和所处发展阶段不同或研究者对旅游地理问题认识的差异使其博士学位论文选题倾向有明显不同,即使在同一时期也有不同的研究热点。在北美,旅游影响研究和旅游景观/形象/感知研究是两个长盛不衰的课题且涉及的论文数量最多;在中国,涉及最多的研究领域是区域旅游开发/发展和生态旅游。  相似文献   

近十年来中国人口迁移研究及其评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张文新  朱良 《人文地理》2004,19(2):88-92
本文对20世纪90年代以来的中国人口迁移研究进行了总结与评价。文章首先概述了近10年来中国人口迁移研究的主要特点;然后对中国人口迁移研究的主要内容即迁移人口的社会经济特征,人口迁移的空间格局,影响因素,作用,人口迁移政策建议以及人口迁移研究中的理论与方法等方面进行了总结;最后指出了人口迁移研究中存在的问题与未来应该加强研究的领域。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that folk beliefs flourished in early modern Finland which had formally been Christianized for centuries. These folk beliefs seem to propose, in the modern view, that people in the past believed in the existence of non-human beings, such as trolls and spirits, and considered a variety of material things from artefacts to landscape elements to have special properties, such as agency, consciousness, and personality. Folk beliefs, however, may have been misrepresented due to the assumption that they originate in religious-like thinking. This paper reconsiders the nature of folk beliefs, their relationship with religion, and their significance to archaeological interpretation both theoretically and through a case study. It is argued that folk beliefs in early modern northern Finland – and in other similar contexts – can be understood in terms of local perception and engagement with the material world. Folk beliefs, in this view, were embedded in the dynamics of everyday life, and they are, at least in the specific case discussed in this paper, indicative of two-way relatedness between people and various constituents of the material world. The archaeological implications of this view are discussed in the context of the 17th-century town of Tornio on the northern Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed measure of multidimensional poverty, the Freedom Poverty Measure, the difference in poverty rates of major cities, inner regional, and other areas have been compared. The population living in ‘other areas’ had the highest proportion of individuals living in freedom poverty. Those in inner regional areas (P = 0.0303) and those in major cities (P < 0.0001) were significantly less likely to be in freedom poverty than those in ‘other areas’. However, when breaking the analysis down to look at the different poverty rates for different age groups across the three regional classifications, it was found that there was no difference in the likelihood of being in freedom poverty between children in inner regional and other areas, adults in inner regional and other areas, and older people in inner regional and other areas. This may indicate that the disadvantage experienced by those living in regional centres has been overlooked in the past and is an emerging contemporary issue for health and education equity as well as economic equality.  相似文献   

Previously overlooked in archaeological research, natural sounds emitted from the underground affect humans and culture. In this paper, it is suggested that noises generated by subterranean ground movement, water, wind, and wildlife are a reason why residents in Mesoamerica perceive caves, waterholes, limestone sinks, and mountains as sacred. Too, a mental grasp of the sounds, conceptualized as anthropomorphized voices and music, may have been employed as an ideological basis for authority in Maya society. Support is shown using examples of ethnohistory, ethnography, and archaeology. Called for is the systematic collection and study of underground sounds, as artifacts, to define the noises as possible use determinants in ritual venues and settlement sites. Their potential importance as early warning devices for destructive agents in the natural environment suggests that an understanding of the noises and their regard by residents in the region could contribute to theory-building in anthropology, particularly in issues of human-environment relations, and sociocultural development.  相似文献   

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