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柯伟 《世界》2005,(12):13-13
“不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中死亡。”在中国股权分置改革如火如荼进展的今天,在已进行股权分置改革的上市公司除一家以外,均皆大欢喜高票通过其股改方案的今天,终于有人发出了不同的声音。金丰投资第一大流通股股东。江苏省作协副主席著名作家周梅森,在致“全国流通股股东”的一封公开信中,发出了“我的吼声:我愤怒!”并在致“非流通股大股东并国资管理部门”的另一封公开信中,强烈要求“恺撒的归恺撒,人民的归人民”。  相似文献   

王艳  吕波 《攀登》2008,27(4):137-139
该文以丰鹿公司修改公司章程为案例,就有限责任公司的股权转让的相关法律问题进行了探讨,认为公司法的章程应对股东转让其股权作出合理的规定,有限责任公司股权转让价格应当由受让双方协商一致后确定,必要时可以采用综合评估的方式确定股权转让的基准价格,引入市场机制转让股权。  相似文献   

李桂娥 《攀登》2007,26(1):119-121
本文通过对新《公司法》中关于一人有限公司规定的分析,阐述了理论与实践中的归一性股权转让协议的效力问题。认为该协议的效力并不能因为一人公司的合法化而得到解决。应当通过赋予利害相关者撤销公司之权及涉案公司补救之权的方式来衡平交易中的效率与公平问题。  相似文献   

陈启虎 《攀登》2004,23(6):49-51
资源产权问题、资源价格问题和环境污染问题是当前影响我国可持续发展的三个重要因素。本从理论和现实两个角度,通过对上述三方面问题产生的深层次原因进行剖析,寻求解决当前资源与环境污染问题的市场化途径。  相似文献   

卢静  路桂娟 《神州》2012,(30):41-41
随着我国经济建设的快速发展。廊坊市交通拥堵现象日益严重,公共交通在占用道路空间、道路环境污染和能源消耗等三个方面,具有其他交通方式无法比拟的优越性。采用数学最优化的分析方法,把公交线路、站点、时间进行优化设计。达到最大程度的方便市民出行。“公交优先”是解决廊坊市交通拥堵现象的主要途径,是实现廊坊市交通可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

卢静  路桂娟 《神州》2012,(29):48-48
随着我国经济建设的快速发展,廊坊市交通拥堵现象日益严重,公共交通在占用道路空间、道路环境污染和能源消耗等三个方面,具有其他交通方式无法比拟的优越性。采用数学最优化的分析方法,把公交线路、站点、时间进行优化设计,达到最大程度的方便市民出行。"公交优先"是解决廊坊市交通拥堵现象的主要途径,是实现廊坊市交通可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

申珂瑜 《神州》2014,(17):264-264
随着我国计划生育政策实施三十多年以来,独生子女家庭日益增多,随之而来的是失独家庭这一特殊家庭形式的出现并逐渐壮大。而失独家庭中父母随着年龄的增大也面临着与同龄人一样的养老问题,但由于其家庭的有特殊性使得失独老人的养老问题面临着多重的困境。本文将分析失独老人的养老困境,并从优势视角的角度出发提出解决对策,促使失独老人个人优势与社会环境的整合,使其走出养老困境,安享幸福晚年。  相似文献   

张春江 《神州》2013,(31):221-221
随着我国教育体系的不断发展完善,教育改革浪潮的不断发展推进。初中历史教学也在进行不断的发展创新,而快速的初中历史课程发展创新过程中也发现了一些实质性的问题,这与我国社会主意教育事业的总体步伐不相一致,严重阻碍了初中历史教学的发展。对于目前素质教育的推行,初中历史教学也在逐渐转变,在转变中暴露出的教学问题也应继续解决。因此,本文则从我国初中历史教学的现状出发,对初中历史教学中存在的问题进行简要分析,并提出相对的解决对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

李桂娥 《攀登》2012,(3):107-111
文章以青海省户籍制度改革为背景,以对西宁市失地农民的实际调研为依据,分析论证了西宁市户籍改革中存在的“小产权房”的法律问题,即按照《青海省深入推进户籍制度改革方案》的规定,对于失地农民转为城镇居民后,其住房面临的合法性、宅基地使用权的时限性、利益的无法预期性及宅基地所有权主体的不确定性等问题进行了一定的分析和论证,并提出了解决户籍改革中“小产权房”问题的具体构想。  相似文献   

长期以来 ,法律史学界把中英《马凯条约》第十二款关于英国有条件放弃治外法权的承诺视为晚清法律改革的主因。而历史的真相是 ,1 90 2年商约谈判时张之洞主导制定了这一条款 ,首倡“修律以收回领事裁判权”说 ,其目的在于推进国内向西方学习的进程 ;1 90 7年后张之洞又否定了“修律以收回领事裁判权”说 ,其目的是为了反对沈家本在他看来过于“西化”的法律改革模式 ,以维护其“中体西用”的法律改革思路。这一过程表明 ,领事裁判权问题始终只是晚清主持改革者推进法律变革的手段。事实上 ,晚清法律改革作为清末新政的一部分 ,也是服从和服务于新政这一整体政治局势的 ,它本身并没有自己额外的起因和目的。  相似文献   

清末徽州新式教育经费的筹措与配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徽州传统教育资源丰厚,旧有的田产租息、宾兴款项成为新式教育经费的重要来源之一。清末政府限于财力,实行"就地筹款、官不经手"的办学方针,为了维持学堂的正常运转,徽州办学绅董广拓财源,开征捐税,但是商人与地方民众却强烈反对抽捐兴学,地方官府出于维持地方社会安定的考虑,并没有采取强制措施,而是依违于学界与民众之间。由于事属草创,学堂还没有制定出一套严格的经费管理制度,存在浪费现象,这对学堂的发展造成了一定的负面影响。  相似文献   

In recent years urban entrepreneurialism has become a metropolitan strategy to cope with the challenges of an increasingly flexible global economy. Building on a debate about the problematic nature of this strategy we argue that cooperation of cities, or metropolitan cooperation, constitutes a new policy option for local actors which has the potential to overcome the negative effects of urban competition. In order to explore this potential we analyse the fundamental changes of the local state and existing cooperative efforts. This analysis shows that so far metropolitan cooperation is mainly experimental in character and a policy option that moves forward by trial and error and by learning from success and failure. We see this as partly due to a lack of an adequate theoretical framework dealing with the economics of urban systems. By way of synthesizing different academic discourses we suggest a conceptualization of metropolitan cooperation which takes into account the potential economic benefits and institutional requirements of cooperative behaviour of urban actors. Based on these considerations we establish criteria for suitable thematic fields of metropolitan cooperation and suggest forms of institutionalization.  相似文献   

This article explores LGBT politics of space in Jerusalem, a contested and fractured city. By interpreting the challenges and contradictions inherent in the Jerusalem Open House (JOH), a social movement and community space in Jerusalem, the article will show how the discourse and the practice of the JOH lead to a politics of holding. This LGBT spatial politics consists of striving to include oppositional politics, emphasizing the consolidation of public and private LGBT politics of home. The JOH persistently maintains a politics of holding, continually balancing inclusion, creating a home-like space and framing the organizational space as a shelter for all LGBT individuals in Jerusalem, while adopting a politics of visibility. This visibility enhanced processes of politicization which at many points stand in contrast to the JOH’s goals of being accessible, inclusive, and safe. The politics of holding illustrates the religious, political, national, and ideological fractures’ at work in producing a unique kind of LGBT spatial politics in the conservative Jerusalem space.  相似文献   

Satellite-based multi-spectral remote sensing data were used in an attempt to identify control signatures for known prehistoric copper smelting sites in Thailand. It had been hoped that these characteristic signals could then be used as a reference for the detection of unknown Southeast Asian metal production sites, with the overall intention of strengthening the evidence base for early technological interactions with China and India. Regrettably, control signatures were not identified from the ASTER data due to issues of scale, chemistry, and vegetation, but we are able to offer reasons for this setback that might lead other scholars to develop successful applications of this methodology in more amenable (non-tropical) environments. Combined with ground truthing, intensive survey, excavation, and the technological analysis of metallurgical assemblages, this potentially useful and cost effective approach could lead to improved data density for the metal technology transmission discussions currently spanning Eurasia.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of several decades of neoliberalism in Eastern Europe, the social fabric of post-socialist societies is frayed. In this context, nationalist cultural policies and everyday displays of national belonging have emerged as key instruments of social solidarity. There has recently been a drive of state initiatives in Latvia in the field of cultural policy aimed at strengthening national identity. In this paper, we focus our attention on one particular cultural policy initiative, Latvian Films for Latvian Centenary. Drawing on qualitative interviews with 16 film directors who participated in the Centenary film programme, the paper explores how artists and cultural operators involved in this programme are mobilised as national(ist) subjects and how they see their work within such a framework. We argue that nationalist cultural policy can be successfully implemented because the artists, themselves formed as responsible political and moral subjects in the tradition of Latvian cultural nationalism, share a regard for culture and the arts as a resource for sustaining the political statehood and the national community. However, the artists also recognise the limitations of their work as a source of social cohesion and solidarity in a society that is ethnically divided.  相似文献   

Loring M. Danforth with photography by Alexander Tsearas. The Death Rituals of Rural Greece. 1982. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 170 pages (text) with 31 photographs. $30.00 cloth, $12.50 paper.  相似文献   

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