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Before Marx the atomic swerve was little regarded by champions of Epicureanism: since Guyau it has been central, though attempts to explain the mechanism of free will by it have failed. This is because they assume the occurrence of swerves inside the soul. But the swerve is only attested for the downward‐falling atoms ‐and as an instantaneous side‐step not as a change of direction. Swerves are the pluralist counterpart to Aristotle's unmoved mover, a cosmological principle and not the cause of particular happenings. On this view good sense can be made of Epicurus’ hitherto puzzling statements on predestination, nouthesia, and luck.  相似文献   

从吴地到越地:吴越文化共轭中的湖州   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史上湖州的政区归属在吴、越之间逡巡不定,学术界对这一现象的思考虽颇不少,但尚未能给出一个圆满的解释。文章在厘清湖州政区沿革的基础上,利用感觉文化区的技术理念,即借助于各个历史时期观察者的感受,辨明自先秦以至明清,湖州地域文化的归属存在一个明显的离吴入越过程,这与湖州政区的变迁历程近乎一致。进而揭示出湖州行政归属变化的背后,有着深厚的地域文化因素作为支撑。本文期冀通过对这一课题的研究,以深入考察文化区与政区之间的内在联系,并希望就探明江浙两省之间的地域分异有所裨益。  相似文献   

Mapping Manila's Mega-Urban Region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The global rise of mega-urban regions (MUR) signifies the impending dominance of this new urban form. Focusing on Manila's MUR, this paper contributes by mapping the demographic landscape of the MUR to account for its spatial form, patterns and trajectories. Using a hotspot analysis of disaggregated barangay-level data, significant ‘local’ clusters of population growth and decline are calculated over two decades. When mapped, three local patterns are observed: (1) outward expansion of high- and low-growth clusters; (2) development of new growth nodes on the fringes; and (3) recent emergence of high-growth clusters in the core. The patterns illustrate the volatile and chameleon-like configurations of the MUR. The paper also demonstrates how calculated clusters may be used as contextual compasses to expose critical mega-urban processes. With local-level data on settlement histories, development projects and socio-political events, the paper historicises landuse change, demolitions and relocations to unveil site-specific dispossessions in the MUR.  相似文献   

Im Oktober 2000 führte die BAG zum zehnten Mal die über die Grenzen des Einzelhandels bekannte Untersuchung „Kundenverkehr” in mehr als hundertfünfzig deutschen St?dten durch. In Kooperation mit der Swiss Retail Federation sowie mit Unterstützung der femged (European Federation of Medium-size and Major Retailers) wurde die Untersuchung erstmals auch in der Schweiz und in ?sterreich durchgeführt. Es beteiligten sich insgesamt 463 Unternehmen an der Untersuchung, die knapp 9,5 Mio. Besucher gez?hlt haben und davon mehr als 360.000 Kunden nach bestimmten Parametern befragten. Die Daten für Deutschland wurden, wie in den Jahren zuvor, vom Institut für Handelsforschung an der Universit?t K?ln ausgewertet. Die Zahlen der Untersuchung in der Schweiz und ?sterreich wurden von der wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Beratungsgesellschaft ECON-Consult in K?ln zusammengetragen und analysiert.  相似文献   

刘继生  刘力 《人文地理》1993,8(2):20-26
本文论述了亚太地区政治形势的基本特征和经济发展的趋势,分析了亚太地区不同形式、不同层次的区域经济合作,并阐明了东北亚区域经济合作的新进展。  相似文献   

<正>三江源,中国三大河流——长江、黄河、澜沧江的发源地,一个平均海拔4000米以上广阔的平坦地带。这样的海拔高度曾让无数人望而却步,但也滋养了这里众多的野生动植物。如今的三江源,人与动植物和谐共处,处处吟唱着生态之歌。初探三江源走过楚玛尔河大桥,宽阔的楚玛尔河像系在三江源大地上一条赭红色的腰带,蜿蜒伸向天边。楚玛尔河流经藏羚羊在昆仑山东西迁徙通道的核心区,楚玛尔河大桥桥长2565米,是  相似文献   

称谓,说通俗一点,即是在学习、工作、生产、生活中,人与人交往时相互间的称呼。在民间有"十里的乡俗,五里的地道"、"十里不同俗"的说法。由于所处的地区及风俗习惯的不同,称呼  相似文献   

高志伟 《华夏考古》2007,1(2):107-111
本文通过对青海地区青铜器的成份分析及其铸造方法的分析,对该地区发现的青铜器来源问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

赵春青 《江汉考古》2004,1(3):56-62,96
本文从城址及其所处聚落群变迁的角度对黄河中游和长江中游地区的史前城址进行比较研究,认为在新石器时代晚期,长江中游率先出现城;铜石并用时代早期,长江中游出现城址群,而黄河中游始有单个城的出现;铜石并用时代晚期,长江中游出现中心城址与非中心城址的差别而黄河中游城址群始涌现,到了青铜时代早期,长江中游的城址衰落,而黄河中游都城兴起。  相似文献   

禚柏红 《收藏家》2008,(12):55-62
商周是中国青铜时代的鼎盛时期,商、周时代以其璀璨、神秘、独特的青铜文化,翻开了中国历史熠熠生辉的篇章。青铜器类别繁多,其中又以饮食器具为大宗。端庄厚重的烹煮或盛食器,精巧典雅的酒、水器,精致富丽的铜餐 具……既体现了贵族钟鸣鼎食的饮食生活,又彰显了青铜时代稳固庄严的礼仪秩序。考古资料表明,山东地区在商代时酒器与食器已经有了明确分工;  相似文献   

The US Capitol region ranks as one of the important biotech clusters in the US. This article documents the general dimensions of the innovative milieu and highlights the historical development of the cluster. The Capitol region biotechnology cluster, in essence, is the result of three reinforcing sets of factors: pre-existing resources, entrepreneurship and the incentives and infrastructure provided by government. Due to significant investments in science and technology the region was prepared to capitalize on technological opportunities in biotechnology as well as institutional policy changes that facilitated technology-based entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

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