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我国古代的典当业发展到明清时期达到空前兴盛阶段,究其原因,明清商品货币经济的发展以及政府的"利典"政策等为明清典当业兴盛提供了良好社会环境,而典当业自身的行业特点则成为明清典当业兴盛的内在动因。  相似文献   

明代由于商品货币经济的发展,其典当业在中国典当史上表现出了独有的特点:地域性典当业行帮、当票、隐语行话的出现;典当业与商业经营相结合;典当业主的地主、官僚、高利贷者三重身份以及明代典当业虽高度发展但却不很规范等。文章还探讨了明代国家对典当业的政策,即从明初的禁止到万历年间的认可,对典税采取“分征”,对典商利率及计利方法做出法律上的规定、禁止官吏经营典当等。同时又论述了明代典当业“济他人之急、图自家之利”的社会功能  相似文献   

本文根据苏州档案馆所藏的档案史料,从历史人文地理的角度,对清末民初苏州典当业的分布,作了较具体而微的探究。研究显示:清末民初苏州的典当业主要集中于北部和西南部中心城区以及阊门一带。从典当业的选址和经营状况来看,典当适合在中心城区和商业文化繁荣的城厢附郭以及周边市镇生存和发展。典当业分布的地理区位,与苏州城市经济及其功能分区息息相关,这反映了传统典当业依附于商业经济发展的“寄生性”。  相似文献   

现存于安徽档案馆和南京大学历史系的清末上海德安押当票是现今留存下来极为少见的典当业当票之一,对于典当业的研究有着特别的意义。它真实地记录了押票及当票的格式和内容,能够清晰地反映出典当业类型之一的押业经营特点,同时也能说明典当业的经营状况及其与特定时空下的社会经济的互动关系。  相似文献   

典当业在中国古已有之,西周及春秋战国时期的人质,即是典当业的萌芽,稍后又以物为质。据考,南北朝时就有典当的有形组织了。其初本为僧院主持,仅属慈善性质,以济贫救灾为宗旨,称作“长生库”。以后由富商经营时,便叫“质库”,也有叫“典肆”、“质肆”、“解库”的。典当业的源起与  相似文献   

武昌在解放前是湖北省的省会.是全湖北省的政治中心.但在经济上远远落后于汉口。典当业是经济部门之一,说得更具体一点,它是一种经营质押放款的金融业。武昌的典当业也远远比不上汉口。但武昌典当业的兴衰,也常与省内其他地方的典当业相类似,了解了武昌典当业的情况,对其他地方的典当业也会有所窥知。  相似文献   

李梅兰 《神州》2011,(3):159-160
“道德”.是我们熟知的词汇,它遍及我们的生活空间。对于“人”来说,道德就像空气一样重要。空气是我们赖以生存的氧气的来源,而道德则是“人”之所以是“人”的根本属性,即社会性。可是现代人的功利主义思想的加强,对物质的欲望使人们忘记了一切。因此,就让物质经济完全决定道德而丧失道德的相对独立性吧。如果能帮助人类更好的发展,道德从今以后丧失其相对独立性,完全依附于物质经济,经济进则道德进!经济发展则道德高尚!  相似文献   

学术道德与社会文化环境蒯大申谈“史德”,推而广之,就是谈如何树立或维护健康的学术道德。眼下倡廉之声洋洋乎盈耳,这是因为在某些当权者那里,廉洁失落得太多了;今天大家呼唤“史德”,也是由于如今史德、学术道德之败坏已到了十分骇人的程度。“物”的压迫、金钱的...  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济中,社会逐渐凸现出种种职业道德问题,为了更好地进行社会主义现代化建设,实现构建社会主义和谐社会目标,本文从“经济人”与“道德人”的关系进行深入探讨,读解经济与道德关系在社会主义职业道德建设上的本质与表征,进而探讨社会主义市场经济下的现实道德问题,并提出相应的对策思路。  相似文献   

“华川隆”当铺是民国中期,四川省隆昌县典当业中较为突出的一个,其特点有两个:一是办理典当业务;二是除办理银钱业务外,还发行钱票。民国时期,由于商品经济发展等原因,货币流通日见扩展,典当业又有进一步的发展时,四川大部份地方仍沿袭清末习惯,把典当业一般分为四个等级:最大的叫典铺,其次是当铺,再次是质铺,最小的叫押店。民国初期至中期(1912年至1935年),四川省隆昌县钱庄,银行尚未建立,市面资金的流通,是靠私人抵押,以物作当,农民在春耕后青黄不接时,需要口粮过活,则出卖青苗;而私人则按抵价给款,或者按每石…  相似文献   

Measured in strictly economic terms of profits, diversified exports, hard currency earnings and a more favorable trade balance, Costa Rica's beef cattle economy took a giant step toward modernization between 1950-1985. Unfortunately, this modernization had a minimum of socially desirable and environmentally adaptive components. Costa Rica, like other developing Latin American countries, is learning that economic development frequently entails painful social and ecological costs.  相似文献   

This article investigates the British Catholic merchants’ commercial strategies during the Nine Years War (1689–1697) and the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1713). By focusing on the tactics deployed by John Aylward and his partners in France and England, I argue that Catholicism fundamentally sustained Aylward’s trade by ensuring access to various markets and safer commercial plans. Catholicism had not only an economic dimension and Catholics in trade proved non-communal, working with co-religionists, family but also with non-Catholics in order to pursue profits. This article tells us how Catholicism, despite being a political and social impairment, was the key to success in commerce. It contributes to recent scholarship on religious minorities in trade and on how commerce functioned in the English Channel and in European waters at times of warfare.  相似文献   

华人在老挝一向安居乐业。二战以后 ,老挝华侨华人社会经历了较大的变化。 1 975 -1 986年 ,老挝当局在越南政府排华政策的影响下 ,基本上铲除了华人赖以存在的经贸根基 ,大部分华人离开了老挝。当今的老挝华侨华人社会 ,无论在经济基础和籍贯结构方面 ,基本上都不是历史上华侨社会的延续 ,而是由少数留在本地的华人、 80年代后期回归的华人以及来投资的新华侨重新建构的。当前 ,老挝华侨华人主要从事商贸活动 ,有较高的经济地位和社会地位 ,但尚少有政治诉求。  相似文献   

Between 1780 and 1820 crucial changes took place in the economic and cultural relationship between Denmark–Norway and its North Atlantic dependencies. In Greenland, the state imposed a stringent set of social and economic controls, at the same time when the restrictions on trade in Iceland and Northern Norway were relaxed. In 1776 the Royal Greenlandic Trading Company was established, but during the eighteenth century the waters around Greenland were a hub of international whaling trade as Dutch, American, and British ships came into contact with the Inuit, who were legally under Danish-Norwegian social regulation. This article uses records of Danish officials in Greenland and those of incidental observers to understand the disjuncture between the law of Denmark–Norway and the realities of Disko Bay. The officials contended with better equipped foreign ships, the Inuit desire to trade with these ships, and communication problems with the capital. This period is characterized by experimentation with different methods of production, contrasting strongly with the later nineteenth century, in which Danish–Greenlandic policy became more restrictive. By the nineteenth century international whaling trade had followed the declining whale stocks westward to the Canadian and American waters, so Denmark-Norway could impose these restrictions more easily.  相似文献   

土尔扈特蒙古西迁至伏尔加河流域后,其经济状况可以概括为:传统游牧经济由盛而衰;以互通有无为基础的对俄贸易往来不断;为俄国军事战役出兵助战获得战利品和报酬成为特殊的收入来源;突袭其他民族和控制贸易路线是增加财富的渠道之一;捕鱼成为相当一部分生活贫困的土尔扈特人赖以维持生计的重要方式。作者认为经济状况恶化是促使土尔扈特蒙古东归的原因之一。  相似文献   

冷战时期,无论安全领域的利益汇合点还是经贸领域的利益汇合点,都在解冻、维系和推动中美关系中发挥着重要作用,但是这两个利益汇合点的作用并不是等同的,彼此间的安全需求大于经贸需求,而且社会制度和意识形态的根本对立并没有因安全利益汇合点而消失,其对中美两国关系的消极影响一直存在。  相似文献   

《汪氏典业阉书》研究——清代徽商典当业的一个实例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
汪庆元 《安徽史学》2003,(5):90-92,98
《汪氏典业阉书》是研究徽商的新资料。其内容反映了徽州典商跨入近代社会门槛时资本运作的情况。阄书之“总帐”载明清代徽典资本构成为两部分:“承祖业分受财本”和“生息资本”。其中社会存款约占总资本的28%。“墨议”中“四典并无会票在外”一款说明徽典普遍经营会票,具有良好的商业信用。汪氏典业析产和徽典经营会票不能获利的情况表明,在当时市场条件下,徽商资本已难以壮大。  相似文献   

English summary

During the beginning of the 17th Century, reindeer‐husbandry developed as the dominating economic form of the Sami in Swedish Lappland. Sami society was transformed from a hunting to a pastoralist society, with profound alterations in social and economic structures. In this paper the role of trade as an agent of change in reindeer‐pastoralist economies is studied with an emphasis on conditions in Lule lappmark during the period 1760–1860.

In the middle of the 18th Century, the Sami held a dominating position in the trade of Lule lappmark. Sami traded with the Swedish trading system on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, and with the Norwegian trading system on the Atlantic coast. Through this trade, the Sami both disposed of their own reindeer products and conducted important middle‐man trade between the two national trading systems. In addition they carried out a large local trade in Lapland with their own products and with purchased goods.

By the middle of the 19th Centuy. the picture is completely different. The dominating Sami position had been lost and trade with Norway all but disappeared. The initiative in the local trade had gone over to the settlers. All this had occured without any changes in the assortment of goods, trading‐patterns, the volume of trade or prices. The reasons where manifold. The most important ones, however, are to be found in the population development of Lapland and the increase in population and production on the coast of Bothnia.

In Lapland a strong population movement occured with the change from a traditional Sami way of life towards a more settled one based on agriculture. At the same time, the number of settlers with a Swedish ethnic background vigourosly increased. On the coast of Bothnia the population tripled between 1750 and 1850. During this period an important proto‐industrial development also took place based on wood and iron, wind‐ and water‐power. All this meant that the relative importance of traditional Sami goods received from reindeer‐husbandry diminished, even if actual supply and demand remained stable.

The great volume of trade with reindeer‐products and the many important goods received in return demonstrates the importance of trade for the reindeer‐pastoralist economy. The trading‐goods were to a large extent technically superior to the products produced within the frames of the reindeer‐pastoralist economy. The most important factor was, however, the fact that the surplus production left in exchange for these goods, only demanded a small increase in labor input.

Within the reindeer‐pastoralist society, trade has a role as promotor of property‐differentiation and social stratification. Through hoarding of silver the rich reindeer‐owner could withdraw a substantial part of his property from the eternal plague of reindeer‐pastoralism ‐ the ever occuring bad years with heavy losses of reindeer. After such a year, he could use the silver to buy food, saving his diminished herd from slaughter and quickly building it up again. The owner of a small herd, without any silver, had to slaughter the few reindeer that survived in order to live; hence social differences could be conserved over generations.  相似文献   

During the 1970s and early 1980s it was generally accepted, by both Soviet and Western specialists, that in the Soviet Far East the expansion of exports to the nations of the Pacific Basin offered a solution to the region's economic problems. However, recent policy statements suggest the rejection of this export-led development strategy. This study examines the changing structure and dynamics of Soviet trade with the Asian-Pacific region. At present, for a combination of economic and political reasons, Soviet trade with the Asian-Pacific region is dominated by exports of machinery and equipment and petroleum to the socialist nations of the region, inasmuch as Japanese demand for Soviet natural resources is stagnant. Therefore, because of the resource orientation of the Far Eastern economy, contemporary trade relations do not favor the expansion of the Soviet Far Eastern export base. Consequently, the future role of the region in the national economic system will be determined largely by the availability of domestic capital investment funds.  相似文献   

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