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正黑颈鹤是唯一一种生活在高原上的鹤类,它在云贵高原越冬,在青藏高原繁殖,是我国特有的物种。前几年就听我国鹤类专家——北京林业大学的郭玉民先生说,西藏是黑颈鹤的重要越冬地。对此一直充满好奇的我,很想探个究竟,猴年春节过后,我们便踏上了进藏寻找黑颈鹤的征程。老年组出征且出师不利订好2月26日上午8点的飞机,我和北京林业大学的郭玉民老师、东北老乡老纪先生早6点便在首都机场碰面。让人意想不到的是老纪和郭老师竟  相似文献   

正If the Tibetan antelope is an elf among the highland animals,then the black-necked crane is undoubtedly the socialite among the birds on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Gruidae are divided into four genera and fifteen species,of which the black-necked crane is the only one living and multiplying on the highland.The herdsmen in Changtang give it a sweet  相似文献   

正"筑室兮水中,葺之兮荷盖;荪壁兮紫坛,播芳椒兮成堂"。《湘夫人》中湘君为表达对湘夫人的思念,欲在水的中央为湘夫人建一座舒适的房屋,把荷叶盖在屋顶上,用荪草装饰墙壁,用紫贝布置坛场,在房子里遍撒香椒,让香味充满整个中堂。诗人屈原运用浪漫主义情怀和对理想主义的向往,写下了这一千古绝唱。但水神湘君是否真的为湘夫人建成了水中房屋,已经  相似文献   

Every winter,tourists to Tibet make sure to allow time in their itineraries to observe the flocks of black-necked cranes in Lhundrup County,Lhasa City.Often,blacknecked cranes fly from the prairie of Nagqu to the valley of Lhasa River during the winter months and then fly away once spring comes.Their annual appearance thus adds significant charm to an already mesmerizing snow-covered highland.  相似文献   

<正>有关资料显示,2004年12月,大山包被列为"国际重要湿地",原因主要是每年冬季,这里栖息着国际濒危物种、国家一级保护动物——黑颈鹤。黑颈鹤是世界上唯一一种高原鹤类,是藏族人民心目中神圣的大鸟,俄国探险家普热尔瓦尔斯基于1876年在中国青海湖发现了它,是世界15种鹤中被最晚记录到的一种鹤。  相似文献   

When we had finished our work in Shiquanhe, site of the Ngari Prefectural Adminis-tration, on July 15,2002, we set out on our return journey. The first leg took us to Geze County, some 427 km from Shiquanhe. To get there as early asipos-sible, we decided to leave at 7:30 am.  相似文献   


In Tibet today, visitorsfrom the West arenumerous in number.Many of them haveblonde hair and have actuallybecome"scenic spots"in theremote city, tucked away onthe"roof of the world."Veryoften,they love to visit the  相似文献   

The handicrafts of ethnic groups embody their culture and aesthetics. The workmanship not only reflects the developmental situation of the local crafts industry, but  相似文献   

EDITOR'SNOTE:AccordngtothePRCStateCommissionforBewControl,"Chinaenforcesabedcontrolpolicyevenamongtheethnicminorthes,butpeoPletherecanhavemorechildrenthanintheHanareas.Inethnicminortyareasinremot6regions,womencanhavemorethan3chiden.ForfarmersandherdersintheTibetAutonomousRegion,thereisnorestric-tionwithregardtobirths." ItwasreportedoverseasthatTibetispressinqaheadwiththebirthcontrolpolicyenforcedhytheChineseGovern-mentiallegedIV,womenwhohavealreadyhadtWochiIdrenareforcedtoabortwhen…  相似文献   

When I first saw a Mani stone mound fromafar, it impressed me as a Tibetan mansitting in mediation. Piled up with stonescarved with images of Buddha and sutralines, it is surrounded by fluttering, colorful sutrastreamers.l thought of pilgrims who prostrated themselves allalong the way to their goal. From the fluttering sutrastreamers above that Mani stone mound came thechanting of the Six syllable Charm:Om Mani PadmeHum!!!!!!!Blanched by wind and rain, the Mani stone moundhas turned a dul…  相似文献   

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