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蜀地对外交通并非像李白诗中所说的:“蜀道难,难于上青天”,而是有着四通的地区。本对北道中的褒斜道及秦汉时期的三次维修,石门的开凿进行了详细介绍,并对金牛道、阴平道、斜骆道、骆谷道进行了介绍。  相似文献   

恽甫铭 《收藏家》2011,(5):73-74
齐白石《六虾图》,作于1948年,是齐白石绘予抗日民族英雄董其武将军的作品。画幅纵102.8、横34厘米,富有气势。齐白石写此作时,年88岁,正值艺术创作顶峰时期,6只"白石虾"跃然纸上,水墨淋漓,栩栩如生,焕发出永恒的艺术之美。齐白石写虾的作品中,  相似文献   

齐良芷 《收藏家》2008,(11):47-51
2008年9月16日,是先君白石老人逝世51周年纪念日。光阴荏苒,转眼间就是半个世纪。老父离世之际,我还是个26岁的青年,而今已届耄耋之年了。每忆当年在老父画案前看老人家作画,听老人家教诲,为老人家磨墨调色,得老人家手把手地传授画艺的往事,不觉感慨万千。我家兄妹共10人,老父独钟于我这个小女,自我记事起20余个春秋,  相似文献   

刘建业 《收藏家》2011,(3):80-82
在中国绘画史上,父女两代皆为艺术大师的,为数极少。明代文从简、文父女,清代马元驭、马荃父女,始终被画界尊为楷模。其他如清中期的王文治和他的女儿王玉燕,也被世人称为父女双杰。但王氏父女,一个以书法著称,一个以绘画传名。已算不得两代绘画大师了。  相似文献   

This paper discusses three medieval sewn‐plank reconstructions undertaken in the Sultanate of Oman in the past 40 years: the Sohar, Jewel of Muscat, and al‐Hariri Boat. It describes the specific methods of sewn‐plank construction for each vessel and examines the different methods of documentation applied during the three projects. It concludes with a comparison of the data derived from single‐wadding (al‐Hariri Boat) and double‐wadding (Jewel of Muscat) sewing techniques to highlight the differences between the two methods and emphasize the importance of documenting such reconstructions.  相似文献   

Painted Glass     
C. Winston 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):14-23
The consideration of contemporary ‘designed landscapes’ around late medieval castles is now well-established. However, all too often the consideration of such a landscape is not accompanied by an equally detailed study of the building from which it was viewed, particularly the ‘viewing windows’—windows suggested to be deliberately placed within a building to provide a view over, across or towards a specific element of a designed landscape or the wider natural landscape. This paper discusses such windows, and also wall-walks, within the architectural context of one particular castle. It identifies three basic questions which should be asked in relation to any view (how did the viewer look, what were they looking at and why did they choose to look at it?), and seeks to demonstrate that windows and wall-walks intervene between the viewer and the view to the same degree as they facilitate the act of looking. An appreciation of these processes is crucial to understanding late medieval concepts of viewing.  相似文献   

正在中国众多的公路当中,挂壁公路当属最奇险的了,整条公路就那样穿行在壁立千仞的悬崖之上,下面就是万丈深渊。和去美国一定要走一回66号公路一样,驰骋在太行山绝壁之上的挂壁公路,也成为每个自驾狂在中国的终极梦想之一。说来惭愧,3年前的十一假期曾经和同伴开着我的黑色小车行走过太行山的两段挂壁公路,回来之后的照片竟然一直拖着未整理。这次机缘巧合再次造访,绝没有再拖延下去的理由了。中国一共有7条挂壁公路,全部位于南  相似文献   

The study of traditional boats has enhanced our knowledge of the maritime past. Traditional boats are both river‐ and sea‐worthy. They have been used in rivers for transporting cargo to inland ports from ships anchored at sea, and have often been used in naval warfare. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the sewn‐plank boats of Goa, their building techniques and other features in order to understand their quality and how they were used in the past for an inland river‐transport system. © 2011 The Authors  相似文献   

《封龙山颂》及《白石神君碑》北岳考论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北元氏的《封龙山颂》和《白石神君碑》透露出当时社会神秘主义信仰在山川神崇拜方面的重要信息,也有助于我们理解当时人有关五岳的意识。碑文所见封龙山“北岳之英援”说及白石神君“气通北岳”说,都体现出元氏地方封龙山、白石神君祀所和秦汉北岳之祀之间的特殊关系。从现有资料看,秦汉时期的北岳很可能是指今河北中部的恒山,而山西浑源的北岳祠祀兴起稍晚。《封龙山颂》所谓“遭亡新之际,去其典祀”,似乎暗示大致在王莽时代,传统北岳祠祀内容发生了重要的变化。  相似文献   

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