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<正>在云南省迪庆藏族自治州维西傈僳族自治县叶枝镇的高山峡谷中,在"三江并流"("三江"泛指:金沙江、澜沧江、怒江)区域核心腹地,有一个鲜为外人所知的小村子,这里只居住着100多户人家,他们属于傈僳族,这个村子有个非常吉祥的名字——同乐村。这里位于大山深处,偏离国道、省道,一条弯弯曲曲的村道沿着山脚前行10几公里,假如没有当地人领路,谁也不知道在这村道的尽头会有如此一个  相似文献   

<正>The Spring Ploughing Festival is the most ceremonious Tibetan traditional festival that takes place just after the Tibetan New Year in the Tibetan calendar.The Spring Ploughing Festival in Jingdrol Village basically follows Tibetan ancient customs and is still held today.  相似文献   

那只可爱的“水饺” longchamp水饺包 到今天,10ngchamp已经50多岁了,自从拥有了英国名模凯特摩丝的代言,便起死回生般地拥有了新的活力。longchamp集团2008春日的新款包包,依然不变的是严谨精致的做工,而包包的种类,  相似文献   

游侠 《旅游纵览》2017,(4):38-43
沙漠,在我们的印象里,总与高温、毫无生机联系在一起.而美国西南部的莫哈维、大盆地、索诺兰和奇瓦瓦沙漠,每到春天,总会遍地盛开五颜六色的野花. 莫哈维-大盆地沙漠,死亡谷国家公园 位于美国加利福尼亚州西南和内华达南部的莫哈维沙漠,总面积近14万平方公里,是北美最为干旱的地方;其北部接壤的大盆地沙漠则占据了大部分内华达州.莫哈维—大盆地沙漠也是美国最大的沙漠地区,而美国除阿拉斯加以外面积最大的死亡谷国家公园就位于这两个沙漠的交界地.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Lin Tian is a senior reporter with the Xinhua News Agency. He followed the PLA into Tibet in 1950, and worked there for a total of six years. When the Democratic Reform took place in Kaisum, he was sent to cover the event. The following are extracts from his diary about the period.Formers serfs and slaves won their first bumper harvestatter the bemocratic Reform. Cering Ozhub drivin9home his own mule loaded with highIand barIey. LlN TlANFirst Democratic Life(June 6, 1…  相似文献   

雷金息 《旅游纵览》2020,(1):96-103
<正>青山俊秀,碧水迂回。三条河流从村边奔流而去,涓涓不息的河水是秀水村的灵气所在。秀水村风光旖旎,地灵人杰,人才辈出,有着延绵千载的山水文脉,是历史上著名的"状元村"。在这里可以追溯中国几千年科举制度留下的文化印记。广西壮族自治区富川瑶族自治县秀水村始建于唐开元年间,立村建寨已有1300多年。漫步老街古巷,左边老祠堂,右边古戏台,前方小桥流水,后面青山滴翠。微风吹过,留下的只有惬意。文化古迹星罗棋布  相似文献   

<正>福溪,一座千年瑶寨,一首潇贺古道上不老的歌谣。福溪村历史悠久,文化深厚,这里有宋代理学鼻祖周敦颐的讲学堂及其后裔居住的民居,却是一个鲜为人知的历史文化古村落。福溪村始建于南宋,兴盛于明朝,至今已有一千多年的历史。位于秦汉潇贺古道,楚粤通衢旁。北宋时始有人迹,南宋开始兴盛,至明清时已是远近闻名、官宦辈出的知名村寨。  相似文献   


Investigations at the Guard site (12D29), located in Dearborn County, Indiana, have provided evidence pertaining to the development of early Fort Ancient villages. Recent geophysical survey and excavations alongside many new radiocarbon dates have allowed for improved understanding of household architecture and intrasite variability. Although some scholars have hypothesized that Middle Fort Ancient villages developed out of small early Fort Ancient hamlets, the Guard site provides explicit evidence for villages early in the Fort Ancient sequence. Guard also contains key Mississippian indicators for interaction, particularly wall-trench architecture and a Ramey knife. These findings demand that we reconceptualize the inception of Fort Ancient villages.  相似文献   

张国伟 《世界》2010,(5):128-137
今年的春天比起往年晚了许多,蛰伏了很久的我们,身体早已开始发痒。人间最美五月天,趁着和煦的春风。快快行动起来到大自然中去舒展筋骨!如果恰巧你身在酒店,该怎么办?放心,丝毫不会耽搁。除了健身房外。酒店还有更多妙招等着你来体验。  相似文献   

Geleg was born into a serf family. His fatherwas elected deputy chief of DonggarTownship, Doilungdeqen County, after theDemocratic Reform in 1959-60, but died when Geleg wasonly 15 years old. Years later,he was promoted to be secretary of the CPC DonggarTownship Committee andremained in the post for 20years.In the 1980s, Gelegresigned and joined handswith some of his friends andrelatives to carry on long-distance transport business.Money kept rolling in, and hissuccess inspired others to…  相似文献   

The history of settlement in Ilahita village, an Arapesh community in the East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, is pronounced by incessant, behaviourally mediated adjustments between changing internal and external social environments. Having grown to immense size and structural complexity partly in response to Abelam encroachment and cultural exportation, Ilahita began to come apart once warfare was suppressed in the 1950s. The twin processes of social denucleation and physical disintegration have greatly accelerated during the post-independence period, as new religious, economic, and legal institutions, along with galloping population growth, combine to promote a shift from collectivist to individualist modes of social agency and identity. Despite the novelty of these circumstances, village death in Ilahita signals a reversion toward the kind of settlement which existed before the village was ever born. The case of Ilahita is presented for its ethnographic interest and as an illustration of settlement dynamics which perhaps occur more generally under Melanesian social, cultural and historical conditions.  相似文献   

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