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Cultural landscapes were prominent during the Early Roman period when agronomic knowledge allowed the spread of intensive land exploitation in most of the available land. The aim of this contribution is to explore whether for the Campania region (Southern Italy) archaeoenvironmental data would support continuity or change in the cultural landscape of Roman tradition in the 4th and 5th centuries. To do so, new data from two sites located on the northern slopes of the Vesuvius, both buried by the AD 472 eruption have been investigated. Charcoal analysis, 14C dating, and chemical analysis of organic residues were carried out in order to study the landscape and the food production at these sites. The results suggest the persistence of the Roman cultural landscape until the 4th and 5th centuries in this area. The landscape is in fact strongly marked both in agriculture and woodland exploitation and management, being characterized by managed chestnut forests as well as valuable cultivations of walnut, large vineyards, olive groves, and probably orchards and crops. The integrated approach with archaeobotanical and archaeometric analyses proves to be a powerful method for the study of the past landscapes, providing a good insight into the environment. Furthermore, this study provided the most ancient evidence of chestnut silviculture for wood.  相似文献   

在中国辽阔版图的西北角,有一片占到国土面积1/6的热土,那就是欧亚大陆的黄金地带,令游人心驰神往的新疆维吾尔自治区。在这里,壮观的自然景象应有尽有:从雪山草原到风蚀地貌,从云杉森林到高原湖泊,从长河落日到广袤草原,从戈壁绿洲到田园风光,人们不得不对它的广阔和博大发出由衷的赞叹。中国第一沙漠:塔克拉玛干曾几何时,新疆的"大",又何尝不是路途遥远、交通困难的代名词。新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠,是中国西部一片浩瀚、干燥的沙质荒地,横卧在新疆塔里木盆地中部。在维吾尔语中,塔克拉玛干是"进去出不来的意思"。  相似文献   

突出军事志的地方军事特色,是由地方志的地域性、军事活动的共同性决定的,同时也是军事志编写的质量要求和军事志的功能、价值所在。地方军事特色不是抽象的,它由区域位置、驻区部队、担负任务、组织实施等诸多要素构成。记述这些特色应把握好全局与局部的关系、共性与个性的关系、专志与通志的关系、本区与邻区的关系,具体而言是要熟悉地理环境,了解时代特征,合理谋篇布局,明确记述重点。  相似文献   

从冲突到和解:近代英美关系考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代是英美关系发展变迁的重要历史时期,在一个多世纪的时间里英美由战争、冲突逐步走向了接近与和解。在此过程中,国际体系及其变更、地缘政治、心理要素与文化制度的认同、新兴强国崛起和国家战略调整等诸多因素共同起到了重要的作用。作为英美历史性接近的结果,到19世纪末,英国启动了向美国“转让”世界霸权的进程。就深远影响来看,它还使美国开始更多地卷入欧洲事务和世界事务,并促成了20世纪国际关系中另一项重大事态的出现——美国世界霸权的逐步确立。  相似文献   

This essay explores the changing shape of Anglo-American feminist urban geography, through a discussion of material published in Gender, Place and Culture and elsewhere over the past decade. We contextualize this discussion in relation to the development of feminist urban studies since the 1970s, showing its enduring commitment to work across traditional analytical divides that obfuscate crucial aspects of the mutual constitution of gender and the urban. Focusing on two thematic areas--affective experiences of urban space, and the making of urban public spaces--we examine how this commitment is expressed in recent contributions to feminist urban geography. Both bodies of work successfully challenge a divide between scholarship that focuses on how cities constrain, disadvantage and oppress women, and scholarship that focuses on how cities liberate women. However, we are disturbed by a seeming bifurcation between work concerned with issues of recognition and work focusing on issues of redistribution, with the former being well represented in Gender, Place and Culture and the latter more likely to be aired in 'mainstream' journals. We conclude by reflecting on our lack of perspective on the trajectories of feminist urban geography outside of the Anglo-American context and ask whether the boundaries within which our review has been conducted are themselves gendered.  相似文献   

Marion Bowman 《Folklore》2013,124(3):273-285
Glastonbury, a small town in the south‐west of England, is considered significant by a variety of religious groups and spiritual seekers. While there is a large degree of peaceful co‐existence between people holding radically different worldviews, the contested nature of Glastonbury as a spiritual centre is occasionally played out by means of public displays of religiosity, the most obvious example of which is the procession. This paper compares Christian and Goddess‐oriented processions as case studies in the use of traditional means to assert historical, spatial and spiritual claims in contemporary Glastonbury.  相似文献   

暮紫 《民国档案》2007,(4):29-32
1943年苏联以与中方运邮不畅为由提出印刷品增量一事,新疆省一直未作明确答复。1944年苏联又以其与新疆邮件运送缓慢为由,要求重开新疆境内吉木乃邮局,考虑到当时新疆的局势,新疆省政府未同意此要求。  相似文献   

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