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东亚和东南亚之间的"环中国海",是一个以中国古代船家为主体的、由"四洋"航路连接起来的相对独立的海洋贸易圈。16世纪欧洲洋船东渐,环中国海船家接驳环球航路,建立起东、西方经济与文化融合的海洋全球化体系。迄今为止环中国海内外先后调查、发掘的三百多处古代沉船,分属于9-15世纪的中国及相邻各国的商船沉址,及16-19世纪的环球航路体系中的东、西方各国沉船。古代沉船的时空分布与内涵变化,再现了环中国海"四洋"本土海洋贸易体系的繁盛与变迁,以及全球化背景下环球航路的发展轨迹、东西方海洋经济与文化的融合进程。  相似文献   

李岩 《南方文物》2006,(1):86-89,74
1.名称 1.1名称 该沉船单位的名称。根据我国水下考古的实际情况,沉船的编号由国家有关部门统一命名。  相似文献   

2012年国家文物局水下文化遗产保护中心与青岛市文物局联合组织开展了青岛海域以胶州湾附近海域为重点的近代军事水下文化遗产调查工作。工作尝试以区域视角和专题形式展开。为了提高工作效率和针对性,调查工作分为两部分,一是前期的基础工作,从文献档案角度搜集沉船线索,梳理沉船相关信息,为水下考古调查提供基础;二是开展水下考古物理探测,获取相关的探测信息。本文即是对工作过程和取得成果的初步报道。  相似文献   

"蒙巴萨沉船"是一艘有40门大炮的葡萄牙快速帆船,名为圣·安托尼奥·塔纳号。于1697年在阿曼阿拉伯人与葡萄牙人的作战中沉没于肯尼亚蒙巴萨市老港口耶稣堡前的水域。20世纪70年代开始发掘,是世界上最早的水下考古工作之一。中国瓷器是发掘中最重要的出水物品。作为一批重要的纪年资料,完整性和保存状况良好,其功能不同于一般的贸易品,是一艘军舰上官兵使用的日常用器,具有重要的学术价值。本文全面报告了蒙巴萨沉船出水的238件(片)中国瓷器,对不同窑口和器类进行了统计,探讨了顺治、康熙时期的"一叶盘"和广东产粗胎罐两类器物。研究表明,这些中国瓷器主要是景德镇窑、福建南部和广东的产品,分为精细和粗率两类产品,可能分属于船上不同等级的军人。但整体上比荷兰东印度公司的沉船中出水的瓷器质量要低。可见,葡萄牙人在丢失了印度洋航线的贸易主导权后,依然在进行着小规模的瓷器贸易。他们应该是从景德镇不同于荷兰东印度公司的作坊中订货,而且是水平较低的景德镇民窑瓷器和更加粗陋的福建地区民窑瓷器,因此产品的质量和风格都有一些差别。  相似文献   

我国古代舟船起源甚早,《易经·系辞下》已载有:"刳木为舟,剡木为楫,舟楫之利,以济不通,致远以利天下。"从早期的独木舟,到汉唐时代木板船,再到宋元、明清时期的各式帆船,其发展绵延悠久,脉络明晰。新中国成立以来,通过考古工作在全国各地均发现了不同时期的沉船实物,逐渐揭开了我国古代舟船发展的历史面貌。谈及沉船,我们总是容易想到水下考古,想到沉没于茫茫大海的古船,比如颇受各界关注的广东南海Ⅰ号宋代沉船即为此类。殊不知,我国古代内河航运也十分发达,而古代沉船遗迹的发现与探索更是缘起于陆地考古,包括因河道或海港历史变迁而形成的淤陆沉船。由于这两类沉船遗迹所处埋藏  相似文献   

我国在历史上的海上丝绸之路中国航段开展的水下考古:在福建平潭发现了装载五代越窑青瓷的沉船遗址;在福建连江、莆田、龙海、平潭、漳浦等海域发现宋、元、明、清各时期的沉船遗址;对广东"南海Ⅰ号"和海南西沙群岛"华光礁Ⅰ号"等宋代沉船遗址、广东"南澳Ⅰ号"明代沉船遗址以及平潭"碗礁一号"清代沉船遗址等进行了水下考古发掘。这些水下考古工作都取得了许多重要的学术成果,对海上丝绸之路及其相关问题研究都有重要参考价值和意义。  相似文献   

彭维斌  林蓁 《南方文物》2007,(3):《南方文物》-73-76,77
对古代航海船只上社会群体生活状况的研究是社会史研究的重要课题,也是人类航海史研究不可或缺的内涵构成。但由于资料的缺乏,海上社会生活研究一直没有得到足够的关注。近些年来,由于考古工作者对沉船的科学发掘及对生活遗迹与遗物的详细纪录,使得古代海上社会生活的研究获得越来越丰富的资料。本文以"圣·迭哥"号沉船考古发现为基础,并结合文献资料、航海日记以及其他古代沉船的相关信息,对古代海上社会群体的生活状况以及社会关系进行了复原与探讨,以期能为海上社会生活史的深入研究做基础性的工作。  相似文献   

千百年间人类在同自然的抗争中,并非是无往不胜的,付出重大牺牲代价后,在海洋中遗留了大量的痕迹——沉船。这些沉船分别记录着不同历史时期人类文明,探索研究内中的奥秘,是解决诸多古代问题锁匙之一。中国的近海海域是连接中国大陆与外部世界的重要通道,[第一段]  相似文献   

张燕 《神州》2014,(10):60-62
1月4日,北京房山唐刘济墓2013考古成果发布会举行,时隔4个月之后房山长沟唐幽州卢龙节度使刘济墓重回公众视野。根据这位1200多年前叱咤风云的历史人物留下的蛛丝马迹中织补一段被掩埋的历史。  相似文献   

本文在对墨西哥恩塞纳达沉船的出水资料进行实地调查的基础上,按类型学方法对出水的中国瓷器及其相关统计信息进行了报告,并对瓷器生产时代、船只沉没时代以及船只的归属、货品的贸易性质等问题加以探讨。  相似文献   

During 2015, the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries led a systematic seabed mapping survey along the Arctic coast of Alaska in search of whaling ships abandoned in 1871. The purpose of the expedition was to determine if wreckage from these abandoned ships was still present in the survey area, and, if so, to assess and document its location, status and condition. The project mapped approximately 50 km2 of seabed using sidescan sonar and magnetometry and identified six sites that contained wreckage from at least two whaling ships. Magnetometry data also suggested that additional wreckage may be buried in the seabed.  相似文献   

Architectural reconstructions of plankhouses are central to the study of household and community organization on the Northwest Coast of North America. However, the sample of substantially excavated houses is constrained by their size, stratigraphic complexity, and typically limited surface expression. We present the results of a magnetic gradiometry survey of the Dionisio Point site (DgRv-003) village, occupied ca. a.d. 500–700 on the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Survey of four house platforms reveals patterning of magnetic anomalies consistent with the structure of shed-roof houses, a design recorded ethnographically and identified archaeologically at the site. These results suggest a consistent pattern of spatial and, potentially, social organization of the households. The similarity of patterns suggests that magnetometry may be useful for guiding plankhouse excavations elsewhere on the Northwest Coast, providing a means for expanding our knowledge of houses without relying solely on traditional excavation methods.  相似文献   

广东汕头市“南澳Ⅰ号”明代沉船   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年4~7月,对广东汕头市南澳Ⅰ号沉船进行发掘。发现的船体纵长约27米,有17道隔舱板和16个隔舱。发掘出水各类遗物1万余件,以漳州窑青花瓷为大宗,应为漳州窑16世纪末至17世纪初的产品,沉船所属年代与此大致相同。南澳Ⅰ号沉船的发掘为研究不同地区间的物质文化交流提供了直接证据。  相似文献   

Between 2010 and 2012, the AROURA project conducted magnetometric prospection in the ancient polder around the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1300–1190 b.c.) fortress of Glas, mainland Greece. As had been hypothesized, the anomalies detected were consistent with a system of agricultural fields. This system appears to have been irrigated and drained through previously identified hydraulic mechanisms in and around the polder. Comparison of soil profiles of anomalies with those of background areas, including their magnetic susceptibilities, corroborated magnetometric data. Anomalies were traced from sampled to unsampled areas through corresponding reclassified satellite bandwidths. Constituent sediments of features discovered were dated to the Late Bronze Age through AMS radiocarbon and OSL analyses. The results validated the use of extensive geophysics to detect and investigate ancient agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Survivor‐camps were an unavoidable and particular category of terrestrial shore‐camp when European scientific, mercantile and imperial interests began to impinge significantly on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. In 1783 the packet Antelope was wrecked in the Palau Islands and the account of the ‘new’ archipelago, first published in 1788, was, after Cook's voyages, the most popular Pacific text in the late‐18th century. The results of archaeological and geophysical research at the camp reported here contribute to a nuanced account of early culture contact and of survivor‐camp behaviour, demonstrating the significance of shore‐camp remains for understanding maritime societies. © 2010 The Authors  相似文献   

This contribution collates information about wrecked slaving vessels discovered or sought by maritime archaeologists since 1972. To date, only a handful of firmly identified, active slave ships have been subject to excavation, but additional work has been carried out on wrecks of former slaver ships and possible slavers. The impending 200th anniversaries of the abolition of the British and US slave trades (2007 and 2008, respectively) appear to have stimulated a new wave of interest in slaver wrecks, and these new initiatives are also discussed.  相似文献   

The empirical investigation of several geophysical time series indicates that they are composed of segments representing different natural regimes, or periods when events are strongly autocorrelated. Using a data transformation method developed by Hurst, these regimes are differentiated by rescaling the time series and examining the resulting transformed trace for inflections. As regime signals are not completely mixed and have rather long run lengths, Hurst rescaling produces a clustering of extremes of the same sign and elevates the Hurst exponent to values greater than 0.5. These regimes have a characteristic distribution, as defined by the mean and standard deviation, which differ from the statistical characteristics of the complete record. Analysis of sunspot numbers, monthly precipitation records from the midwestern United States, and annual watershed discharge yield regimes that correlate to well-documented periods of extreme activity. Rescaling appears to be useful in screening time series of unknown characteristics to differentiate periods dominated by regime-specific physical processes.  相似文献   

Hero stones have been erected since early times to remember those who died in battle, and have been reported from various provinces of India. Most show land-battles, but those in the Archaeological Museum, Goa and Eksar in Mumbai show naval warfare. The Old Goa stones belong to the Kadambas who ruled Goa from 950–1300 AD. The Eksar stones to the reign of king Bhoja of Malwa in 1020 AD. Similar hero stones with boat motifs of the 18th to 19th centuries AD have been reported from Aramda in Gujarat. This paper examines these stones and assesses their significance for the maritime history of India.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

Just before WWII, the British government prepared for an aerial onslaught that was predicted to raze cities and cause mass casualties. By 1938, the Air Raid Precautions Act officially stated that population protection would be through dispersal, meaning evacuation and small-scale protection, local authority responsibility often devolving to householders. Archaeological records of remaining air-raid shelters are relatively rare and under threat. This paper reports on geophysical surveys on three sites in Stoke-on-Trent and London. Results found three intact Stanton shelters in Stoke-on-Trent, located by GPR, electrical resistivity, magnetometry, gravity and electromagnetic methods. In London, partially demolished shelters and an intact, mass public shelter were both detected by EM and GPR methods, with subsequent intrusive investigations confirming results. Study outcomes show hitherto-neglected wartime shelters are in varied condition, with geophysical surveys able to detect, characterise and assess them, helping bring WWII British history into the wider scientific community and public domain.  相似文献   

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