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幸福不仅是个人的心愿,也是城市管理者的执政目标之一,因此,对于城市中普遍存在的通勤时间过长所带来的心理影响研究十分必要。本文采用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,考察了通勤时间对于个人主观幸福感的影响。实证结果显示,通勤时间对于个人幸福感存在显著的负向影响,随着个人通勤时间的增加,个人幸福感也随之降低。通勤时间与生活满意度也同样呈现显著的负相关,这也证明了结论的稳健性。通过进一步考察通勤时间负面影响的异质性发现,通勤时间对幸福感的影响在不同社会群体间存在差异,对于个人收入高、教育程度高、家庭收入高的居民而言,通勤时间所造成的负面心理影响更大。因此,政府应重视通勤对居民幸福感的影响,并致力于提高交通效率。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between individual commuting behavior and household responsibilities, with a focus on gender differences in that relationship. Using the Dutch Time Use Survey for the years 2000 and 2005, we analyze the relationship between commuting time, home production, and childcare. To deal with reverse causality, we use Propenstity Score Matching techniques to obtain imputed data for individuals. We find that the effect of home production on commuting time for women is more than double that for men, while childcare time has an effect on women's commuting behavior only. Our results shedding light on the Household Responsibility Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we extend the partial equilibrium urban model of DeSalvo (1985) to include mode choice. DeSalvo demonstrated that the urban model of Muth (1969) was robust to the extension to leisure choice. We show that the model is robust to mode choice as well. In addition, we derive the comparative static results that commuters choose higher speed modes for longer commutes, at higher wage rates, with greater tastes for housing, and with lower housing prices. Also, for a given distance commuted, we derive the comparative static result that commuters chose shorter duration commutes at higher wage rates. Whereas it is typically assumed that marginal commuting cost is positive and non‐increasing with distance, we derive these results. Moreover, we derive the results that marginal commuting cost rises with an exogenous increase in housing price and falls with increased tastes for housing. We also explore the effects of exogenous commuting‐cost changes on the endogenous variables of the model. The remaining comparative static results on housing consumption and location are qualitatively the same as in DeSalvo.  相似文献   

朱菁  董欣  贺建雄  潘湖江 《人文地理》2015,30(3):118-124,49
为解决早晚高峰交通拥堵问题,有必要研究居民通勤特征,为城市规划、管理提供参考。本文以西安为实证研究对象,采用空间分层随机抽样法发放问卷进行调查研究,并将研究结果与东部类似城市北京进行对比。研究发现西安居民通勤以公共交通为主,但地面交通中私家车高于公交车;通勤时间反映职住分离程度低于东部;以内部通勤和内向通勤为主,同时,运用引力模型对通勤流与城市空间结构的关系进行计算,发现通勤流反映城市空间结构为单中心,在分析通勤特征背后原因的基础上,从城市规划的角度提出相应的治堵建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Recent research suggests that in nonmonocentric cities compensation for commutes takes the form of both lower housing prices and higher wages. This paper develops a random utility model that predicts the probability of an actor choosing to commute between each residence and job in a metropolitan area conditional on the observed location of housing units and job sites. The model allows commuting time, origin-specific amenities, land prices, destination-specific amenities and wages to influence actors' choices. We estimate the model using maximum likelihood and generalized least squares techniques and data on commuting between each of 38 origin and 15 destination jurisdictions in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The empirical results show that, all else equal, a one percent increase in commuting time reduces the probability that a route (origin-destination combination) will be chosen by almost five percent. Origin-specific amenities are not completely capitalized into land prices and destination-specific amenities are not completely capitalized into wages. Desirable residential amenities include school quality and a low ratio of day to night population. Desirable workplace amenities include a large share of white collar jobs and a high density of employment.  相似文献   

This paper studies the connection between interregional commuting and interregional migration, using data from the Czech Republic. In principle, prior commuting could either raise or lower the propensity to migrate, depending on whether the existence of commuting alters the benefits of migration by more than it changes the costs. The Czech data, however, indicate that commuting raises the likelihood of migration overall and for nonelderly age groups. But for the elderly, the effect is the reverse, with prior commuting making migration less likely.  相似文献   

Different economic theories suggest that residential and labor market relocations are mutually related. This has been verified in various empirical studies. We analyze this relationship based on a bivariate duration model of residential and labor market mobility. This specification is motivated by a search model that allows for simultaneous search on the labor and housing market, taking commuting costs into account. We investigate this relationship by using information on job and residence durations. In order to be able to analyze properly empirical duration data, we derive the statistical distributions of interest. Our empirical results based on a Dutch sample of full-time employed workers show that residential and labor market mobility depend positively on one another, which is in line with the theoretical search model presented. Moreover, we present easy-to-interpret measures for this dependency.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the influence that rural‐to‐urban commuting has on rural employment growth, and whether the strength and spatial reach of this effect depend on commuters’ levels of education. A main finding is that rural‐to‐urban commuting has a robust positive impact on rural employment growth in services and retail. There is no significant difference in how far these effects reach into rural Sweden for commuters with different levels of education. These results suggest that a viable policy for local employment growth in rural areas with reasonable commuting times to urban centers is to improve the commuting to urban centers.  相似文献   

网约车的普及重塑了居民的通勤行为。城市建成环境作为居民通勤出行的制约因素,是交通地理学的重要研究议题。采用海口市滴滴出行订单数据,刻画格网尺度的居民通勤时间与通勤距离的空间分异格局,并运用地理探测器分析城市建成环境对居民通勤出行的影响。结果表明:(1)早晚高峰通勤时间在空间上表现为中间集聚、四周分散的分布特征;早晚高峰通勤距离呈现梯度递增的圈层结构。(2)不同维度的建成环境因素对通勤时间和通勤距离的影响程度不一;其中距公交站距离、距市中心距离、职住比、道路邻近度是核心影响因素;人口密度、就业可达性、路网密度产生较为显著的影响。(3)从影响效应看,交通区位优越、职住趋于平衡、道路邻近度高、就业可达性好能引导网约车与多元交通协同发展。结果可为改善交通出行环境、优化居民通勤结构提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于地铁刷卡数据的城市通勤与就业中心吸引范围研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许园园  塔娜  李响 《人文地理》2017,32(3):93-101
地理时空大数据为通勤行为和城市空间结构研究带来了新的机遇。基于一周地铁刷卡数据,采用出行链(trip-chain)数据模型对用户一天的出行进行描述,建立通勤识别规则,识别出上海市域的职住空间和通勤格局。上海市域平均通勤时间为35 分钟,通勤主流向是向心流,说明上海市域依旧表现出强单中心结构。市域就业单中心与居住郊区化并存,中心城区多核心就业已经形成。在此基础上进一步分析中心城区13 个就业(次)中心的吸引范围、模式以及在整个市域的影响力,讨论多中心发展对职住平衡与通勤消减的意义。结果表明:多中心发展有利于城市通勤的合理分配,虽然次中心的平均通勤时间不一定减少,但是就业(次)中心已经表现出对邻近地区的通勤吸引和对主中心的通勤分流。  相似文献   

北京市居民通勤特征研究——基于千余份问卷调查的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文婧  王星  连欣 《人文地理》2012,27(5):62-68
在千余份问卷调查的基础上,对北京市4个不同居住-就业空间结构样本区进行了不同交通方式、不同样本区居民的通勤距离、时间、效率等特征比较。结果表明:公共交通是北京市居民通勤的主要方式;随着通勤距离的增加,居民最常选择的交通方式从非机动车向公交再向地铁转变;北京市居民通勤时间相比于其他国际大都市偏长;私家车通勤效率最高;换乘对交通效率有较大负影响,在大型居住-就业中心通勤流中这一问题尤为严重;职住平衡的区域较之于居住或就业中心有着相对短的通勤距离和时间,以及相对高的非机动车出行比例。  相似文献   

This paper performs a comparative static analysis to derive the effect of a change in the wages of the rich living in the suburban area of a city on the welfare of the poor living in the central area of the city. It assumes that commuting cost is a function of distance and wages. A sufficient condition for an increase in the wages of the rich to harm the welfare of the poor is that the time cost of commuting is greater than the operating cost of commuting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examine the effects of the spatial configuration of workers' residence and workplace location on intraregional residential and job moving decisions of workers belonging to two‐earner households. We hypothesize that two‐earner households' residential mobility depends positively on the commuting distance of both spouses, but negatively on the distance between workplaces. Further, we hypothesize that workers' job mobility depends positively on the worker's commuting distance, negatively on the spouse's commuting distance, and positively on the distance between workplaces. Using data for Denmark, it appears that these hypotheses hold, and that the effects of the spatial configuration are rather large.  相似文献   

大连市民通勤特征研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
以大连市民日常生活行为调查的结果为基础,根据就业人口及就业岗位的分布信息等进行通勤工具、通勤时间、通勤距离等通勤基本特征的分析,并着重从通勤发生的角度,研究通勤现象的距离衰减规律及其空间结构模式。  相似文献   

Few studies empirically estimate the effects of metropolitan growth on nonmetropolitan communities at a national scale. This paper estimates the growth effects of 276 MSAs on population in 1,988 nonmetropolitan communities in the United States from 2000 to 2007. We estimate the distance for growth spillovers from MSAs to nonmetropolitan communities and test the assumption that a single MSA influences growth. We compare three methods of weighting cities’ influence: nearest city only, inverse‐distance, and relative commuting flow to multiple cities. We find the inverse‐distance approach provides slightly more reliable and theoretically supportable results than the traditional nearest city approach.  相似文献   

A Network Approach to Commuting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present a model for commuting in a network of towns. A basic assumption is that all individuals have a given residential location and that every node in the network has a fixed number of jobs. We then propose a general model for the commuting of labor between the nodes in the network.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  Firms offer compensation not only through wages, but also offer transport-related fringe benefits such as transport benefits (company cars, travel, and parking benefits) and relocation benefits to job applicants. We argue that these benefits are not randomly offered to employees, but depend on the job applicants' commuting costs. The firms' choice between these benefits affects the workers' incentive to move their residence closer to the workplace. Using information on firms' recruitment behavior in the United Kingdom, this paper shows empirically that the applicants' journey-to-work time induces firms to offer these benefits to job applicants. The implications of transport-related fringe benefits for commuting and relocation are found to be rather distinct. Transport benefits make employees less sensitive to the costs of commuting, whereas relocation benefits induce employees to move closer to the workplace.  相似文献   

Identifying integrated urban areas is an important issue for urban analysis and policy evaluation. In this article, we provide a set of FUAs suitable for monitoring urbanization in Ecuador, a less developed country without commuting data. We do so substituting such socioeconomic flows by available information on road structure, which allow us to work with accessibility based on a varying travel time. In order to build Ecuadorean FUAs, we calibrate our methodology considering Colombian data. We perform several sensitivity analysis and robustness checks to Ecuador with alternative sources of socioeconomic flows. We conclude that the use of GIS data and the calibrated thresholds provide a set of FUAs similar to the ones that would result of using commuting information.  相似文献   

城市扩张带来通勤距离和通勤时间的增加,影响了城市居民生活质量的提高。因此,探究通勤时间影响因素对于改善通勤交通状况,提高居民生活质量具有现实的必要性。利用决策树分类方法中的CHAID模型,以南京市为例,在问卷调查数据整理和分析的基础上,论文探讨了南京市居民通勤时间影响因素和因素间的交互效应。结果表明:居民通勤最先选择的交通工具是最主要的影响因素,职业类型次之,性别、每月交通费、住房信息以及公共基础设施可达情况等也影响不同类群居民的通勤时间,但影响程度递减。最后,论文归纳了南京市居民关于通勤时间影响因素的若干特征,相应提出了改善通勤状况的建议。  相似文献   

曹晨  甄峰  汪侠  姜玉培 《人文地理》2020,35(1):114-122
中国城市出现的居住和就业"空间不匹配"现象,对就业者日常通勤时间和方式产生了重要影响,进而影响就业者健康状况。依托南京市居民身体活动和健康状况问卷调查数据,根据不同通勤方式身体活动量的大小将就业者的通勤模式分为积极通勤、公共交通通勤和机动车通勤三种,构建多项Logistic回归模型探究城市就业者通勤模式的选择及相关影响因素。结果表明:(1)就业者对自身健康的主观认知和客观身体健康状况以及是否散步等健康行为显著影响通勤模式的选择;(2)通勤时间、加班等与工作相关的变量与就业者机动车通勤显著正相关,雨雪天气与积极通勤显著负相关;(3)个体社会经济属性中性别、年龄、家庭人口规模以及是否拥有小汽车等显著影响通勤模式选择。基于研究结果,本文对如何引导就业者选择更加积极和可持续的通勤模式提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

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