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赵赟 《安徽史学》2003,(5):84-89,83
本文拟以土地数据考释为中心,把有关徽州地区历史赋税资料与现代统计资料数据结合起来进行研究,从而就载籍时间断面数据的考查、纳税单位与耕地数据的区分、耕地面积“峰值期”的确定等几方面来探讨徽州特定时期的纳税单位能够反映“真实”的耕地面积,并以此为基点对嘉道时期的耕地面积进行再估计。  相似文献   

黑水城出土西夏文卖地契研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史金波 《历史研究》2012,(2):45-67,190,191,193
已公布的1件黑水城出土西夏文土地买卖契约及本文公布新发现的11件西夏文草书土地买卖契约,为了解西夏黑水城地区的土地买卖及相关情况提供了宝贵资料。西夏晚期,该地区相当部分农民生活困苦,不得不出卖土地换取口粮,从而导致寺庙和地主兼并土地的现象。契约提供了关于农户的耕地数量、耕地和院落、土地四至的信息。从一些有连带关系的土地买卖契约,还可大致勾画出部分土地和灌渠的分布情况。而契约中有些农户分散居住在各自耕地上的特点,则反映出党项民族游牧习俗的影响和当地耕地较多的地方特色。契约中关于渠道、给水等内容反映了当地农业依靠灌溉的特点,补充了西夏法典《天盛律令》有关水利管理的规定。这些契约继承了中国传统契约的形式,并形成自己的风格,是唐宋契约和元代契约的一种中间过渡形式。  相似文献   

正明朝廷有一项规定,亲藩受赐田地载于金册,免缴全部税粮,免除差役。这意味着大量占有土地、资产和资源的王公贵族以及官僚阶层游离于税收之外。明朝后期,免税土地的范围越来越大,大量应税耕地滚雪球一样集中在特权阶层名下,变成免税耕地。公元1502年,全国田地总数8357485顷,实际缴纳田赋的土地只有  相似文献   

《古今图书集成》辑录了省、府、县三级土地数字,上限"原额"大体是明万历清丈后的数据,下限截至康熙二十二年(1683年)。这种基于分县统计资料的全国性大汇总,是明清土地问题研究不可或缺的断面"基准"数据。征引的方志有些现已难以查到了,故而登录的土地数字就愈显得珍贵。可是,《古今图书集成》辑录的土地数字来源于官修方志无论在统计口径,还是在数据单位内涵上均存在着繁简不一、登记纷乱的现象,误差也很大。只有对其资料来源、属性和存在的问题作切实的了解和尽可能详尽的考订,才能发挥其应有的利用价值。本文对《古今图书集成》所载土地数字存在的时间断面、土地类型、统计系统和数字属性等问题进行考证鉴别,旨在厘清土地数字的真实性、可靠性,发挥其应有的价值,达到科学收集和利用历史数据的目的。  相似文献   

旧中国地主富农占有多少土地   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
土改前后有的学者宣称,旧中国地主和富农,占有全国60%到80%的耕地。但事实并非如此,我们从各省土改档案及农村调查资料中了解,占人口6%至10%的地主、富农,据有全国28%到50%的耕地。而占人口84%到90%的农民。仅有50%到72%的耕地。至于土地经营方式,各省都以出租为主,只有少量土地由农民自己经营。  相似文献   

文章以日照市为研究对象,根据2003-2012年土地调查数据及相关统计数据,分析了日照市10年间耕地数量减少的影响因素,运用主成分分析法,找出导致耕地减少的主要驱动因子为经济发展和人口增加,并有针对性的提出保护措施。  相似文献   

针对近代广西农民的贫困问题,本文利用民国时期的一些统计与调查资料,以实证分析方法,从耕地和劳力使用的视角进行分析探讨.认为造成近代广西农民贫困的主要原因是人口压力大、人均耕地过少、不合理的土地制度,以及农村剩余劳力找不到转移方向致使无法有效利用关系紧密.  相似文献   

亩制差异对土地数据的影响及相关问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
往往为研究者所忽略的两种土地登记体系引起的土地数据差异,是降低册籍数据使用价值的重要因素。本文从土地数据计量单位的内涵变迁出发,在分析地方性亩制对明清土地统计数据登记之影响,及其引起的赋税等相关问题的基础上指出,在历史时期土地利用计量分析和区域社会经济研究中,土地登记体系与亩制问题应予以足够重视。  相似文献   

十分珍惜和合理利用每寸土地,切实保护耕地是我国的一项基本国策。贯彻落实这一基本国策,必须要开展实施土地的可持续利用。结合洞庭湖区土地资源的实际,提出了本区土地资源可持续开发利用的新举措:针对面临的新环境,制定科学的土地利用规划;适应经济结构的战略性调整,优化土地资源利用结构;根据区内洪涝风险特点,建立避灾、减灾的土地利用新模式;加强土地生态建设,大力发展环保产业;加强土地资源的资产化管理,提高土地资源利用效益;健全土地法规和政策,保障土地可持续利用。  相似文献   

冀增胜  杜文剑 《神州》2014,(9):244-244
随着我国人口的增多耕地的绝对和相对减少,人地矛盾日益突出。为保护耕地,实现我国耕地总量动态平衡,土地整理工作已成为土地管理的中心内容。为从更高的宏观管理层次对农用地进行规划利用,给管理决策者提供一种客观科学的决策工具,以适应土地整理工作的未来发展。  相似文献   

大都市边缘区住宅开发是大多数开发商的可能选择。此类开发区的土地利用性质和利用强度、地域空间结构及地理景观等方面都与城市中心区有着根本的区别,其价值处于高度动态发展中,地价迅速提升成为必然。本文首先剖析大都市边缘住宅区土地价值提升的可能性,并探讨了该类型的小区土地价值提升的评价思路、方法、对象及其参评指标体系确定等问题,最后将评估方法应用于广州市南村开发区进行了实例研究。  相似文献   

本文利用牛津大学所藏清代回疆档案文献资料和清代其他文献相互印证,对库车和沙雅尔两地的赋税征收制度中若干问题进行了探讨。清代回疆粮赋征收制度具有如下特点:主要土地占有形式"原垦地亩"和"官地"二者田赋的征收是"视岁收数目"而非土地面积,显示出与中原地区自古以来的赋税征收制度的差异。制度规定以籽种的十倍作为实际产量来征收田赋,在此基础上总体上确定某地田赋总额。回疆各城粮赋征收额是一个变化的数据,变化的原因是多方面的。粮赋实际征收中出现明显的负担不均衡的现象。  相似文献   

The impacts associated with floodplain management adjustments should be understood. This paper addresses this need by describing the perceived and actual impacts floodplain regulations have had on residential land values in a portion of London, Ontario. The institutional arrangements for floodplain regulation and the actual practice of regulation in the City of London for the period 1978–1989 are described. Actual impacts on land values were determined through use of a geographical matching technique based on data obtained from mls sources and permit data available at the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority office. Perceptual data were acquired from a questionnaire survey of floodplain landowners. Findings indicate that most residents perceived that no impact on land values was associated with floodplain regulations. This view was supported by the analysis of actual home transactions  相似文献   

Accurate mapping of land use/cover conditions provides essential information for managing natural resources and is critical for further examination of land use/cover change and its subsequent impacts on the environment. Remote sensing offers a means of acquiring land use/cover data in a timely manner, with optical remote sensing images commonly being used in land use/cover related studies. The persistent cloud cover during the rainy season in Southeast Asia, however, presents a challenge for using optical images in land use/cover mapping. Integrating multi‐sensor images of different spectral domains is thus desirable because more information can be extracted to improve the mapping accuracy. The purpose of this study is to assess the potential of using multi‐sensor data sets for land use/cover mapping in a tropical mountainous area in northern Thailand. Optical data from Landsat Thematic Mapper, radar images from Advanced Land Observing Satellite/Phased Array type L‐band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR), and topographical data were used, providing complementary information on land use/cover. Classification and accuracy assessment were conducted for 12 different combinations of the data sets. The results suggested that short crop mapping using multi‐temporal Phased Array type L‐band Synthetic Aperture Radar images offered insights into the distributions of crop and paddy fields. Because of the mountainous environment of the study area, combining topographic data of elevation and slope into the classification greatly reduced the confusion between different land use/cover types. Improvement of classification accuracy was evident especially in separating evergreen and deciduous forests from other vegetation types and discriminating urban village and the fallow field classes.  相似文献   

Solar data have been used as parameters in a great number of studies concerning variations of the physical conditions in the Earth's upper atmosphere. The varying solar activity is distinctly represented by the 11-yr cycle in the number of sunspots. The length of this sunspot period is not fixed. Actually, it varies with a period of 80–90 yr. Recently, this variation has been found to be strongly correlated with long-term variations in the global temperature. Information about northernhemisphere temperature based on proxy data is available back to the second half of the sixteenth century. Systematic monitoring of solar data did not take place prior to 1750. Therefore, a critical assessment of existing and proxy solar data prior to 1750 is reported and tables of epochs of sunspot minima as well as sunspot cycle lengths covering the interval 1500–1990 are presented. The tabulated cycle lengths are compared with reconstructed and instrumental temperature series through four centuries. The correlation between solar activity and northern hemisphere land surface temperature is confirmed.  相似文献   

In investigating an area with deserted fields and boundaries in the province of Östergotland, Eastern Middle Sweden, pollen analysis has been used as a tool in describing the ecological base of different phases in the development of the cultural landscape. The characteristics of the early Iron Age expansion have thus been proven to be the simultaneous expansion of cattle breeding and arable farming. This indicates an integrated system, with intensely tilled fields, knowledge of manuring and, therefore, need of a vast fence system to gather the cattle and make efficient use of the manure.Assuming a social organization of families with a size of eight to ten individuals, the amount of land required to feed each unit has been calculated. Three hectares of arable land, 30 ha of meadow land and 30 ha of pasture is suggested as a possible combination to support a family. Using a desk computer, units with these proportions of land have been randomly located in an area of 2 × 2 km2 taking soil differences into account. Agrarian units can be located several times at random and the resulting land-use patterns studied. The simulated results often very well describe the actual land-use pattern during the early Iron Age as indicated by deserted fields, boundaries and dwelling sites.  相似文献   

对2000年、2005年及2010年的遥感影像图进行解译,得到3个时期的土地利用分类图,运用景观指数法和空间分析法等方法,对长株潭地区聚落的空间演化特征及动因进行分析,并分析了聚落与耕地之间的空间关系。结果表明:长株潭地区聚落的面积、数量规模和分布密度加速扩大,集中分布在高程200 m以下;聚落空间演化的自然动因是低地平原指向,而社会动因是人口规模的变化;提出耕地与聚落面积比指数(K)概念,根据K值的大小可以将耕地与聚落的空间组合关系分为3类地区:耕地资源紧缺区、耕地资源平衡区、耕地资源盈余区;聚落与耕地的空间转移关系可以分为两大类:持续稳定型和动态变化型;长沙市周边耕地转为聚落的趋势十分明显;聚落空间扩张对耕地的影响存在一个空间临界点,城市化速度越快,临界点的位置距离聚落越远。  相似文献   

Studies of historical change in cultivated land use in Northeast China have become important in the discussion of food supply safety and the reconstruction of land use/cover changes in China. This paper subjects a number of sources relating to land use change in the three provinces of Northeast China to comparative analysis. The data examined include Russian survey data (1914), data from local and regional Chinese governments during the Republic of China (1931), data from the Japanese Society of Manchuria Railway (SMR) for 1940 and various sets of contemporary Chinese data for the second half of the 20th century. A unified method of reconstructing the data and estimating the rate of cultivated land use change in Northeast China during the 20th century is developed here. A relational model is proposed for this purpose. It establishes a general framework for relating the various sets of data generated in different time periods and indicates ways in which the data have to be calibrated to ensure their comparability. The calibration of the data involves correlation and regression analysis. The results of the comparative analysis show that the area of and rate of change in cultivated land use in Northeast China increased until the last decade of the twentieth century. Increase rates were particularly high between 1914–1931 and 1950–1960.  相似文献   


Native place names are landmarks which may provide quantitative and qualitative evidence usefully referred to for the land claims question. This paper describes the context and the method of a research project which draws from the lower Mackenzie Valley toponymic data of the last century some useful conclusions related to the actual native land claims in that region.  相似文献   

以广东省五华县为例,以行政村为单元,在政策指标测算法的基础上,从自然环境状况、经济保障能力和社会因素等3方面构建理论潜力修正模型,将理论潜力修正为可实现潜力,并根据土地适宜性评价估算增加耕地潜力,以期为科学编制农村土地整治规划提供依据。研究表明,五华县农村居民点用地布局分散、规模小、空间差异显著,呈现出沿河谷、沿交通线路分布的典型特征。到2020年,农村居民点整治理论潜力为5683.91 hm2,北部村庄的整治潜力较大;可实现潜力修正系数为0.54,与理论潜力相差较大,各行政村之间差异明显;新增耕地潜力系数介于0.32-0.94,预计新增耕地1943.41 hm2,琴江、五华河沿线村庄的新增耕地潜力较大。建议实施差别化的农村居民点整治对策,推进五华县农村土地整治。  相似文献   

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