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“世家”解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“世家”——世世永祭之庙。西周以来,礼制规定诸侯五庙——始祖庙、高祖庙、曾祖庙、祖庙、父庙。后四者为亲庙,前一庙为始庙。亲庙每世一迁,四世之后即行毁轶,不再祭祀;而始庙则世世永祭,因此得称“世家”。孔子受世世祭祀、陈涉被明令置守冢三十家,因此他们均享有世世永祭之庙,他们都被列入了“世家”。  相似文献   


This article seeks to establish the evolution of the post-medieval two-part house with its central chimney-bay. Seven East-Anglian buildings have been selected to illustrate this thesis.  相似文献   

<正>澳大利亚丹特里雨林是世界上最古老的热带雨林,Mossman Daintree RD引导着人们从海岸深入雨林腹地,参加位于丹特里村的一些探索雨林的行程。这附近住宿的选择并不多,不过其中最好的一家Daintree Ecolodge或许会给你前所未有的住宿体验。Daintree Ecolodge位于公路旁边,位置有点儿隐蔽,我第一次寻找它的时候错过了,因为除了相当不明显的入口标志之外,那里完全就是延续几十公里的原始雨林的样子,而这家"生态小屋"就坐落在丹特里雨林深处。  相似文献   

The period of late antiquity, c. ad 200–500, saw a dramatic increase in the social, political and religious significance of domestic textiles, as is revealed in references in literature and art, as well as in the finds of archaeological textiles in Roman Egypt. This paper explores the roles of textiles, particularly hangings and curtains, in such domestic settings in the late Roman period from a social perspective — how they served the increased concerns with privacy, visibility, mystery, boundaries and shifting gender relations that are amply attested in late Roman culture. I argue that, alongside more permanent forms of permeable boundaries, textiles were exploited for their unique inherent qualities in order to serve diverse needs in the late Roman house, and filled a central role in late Roman domestic life that was more far significant than their scant remains suggest today.  相似文献   

康震评说李清照康震著中华书局2007年11月版定价:20元李清照是中国文学史上最杰出的女词人。她存世的作品仅仅几十篇,怎样成就一代词宗的美誉?在封建礼教日盛的南宋,她为何再婚又毅然迅速离婚? 人比黄花瘦的  相似文献   

By focusing on two successive phases in the traditionalisation of the Maori meeting house — exhibition and aestheticisation in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and standardisation and tribalisation during the 1930s and 1940s — I seek to illustrate how the diverse projects of national identity, tourist marketing, ethnology and state-directed rural development converged to displace meeting houses out of time. I argue that while the short-term effect of this displacement was to suppress developing traditions of oppositional Maori agency this was not the case in the longer term, nor was it always the intention of those engaged in the process.  相似文献   

土族民间有许多精通土族民居文化这门艺术的木匠,在他们娴熟的技艺下,一座座被当地老乡称之为“大房”的民居就盖了出来。“大房”的种类因地域的差别其分类方法略有不同。有的地方分四种之多,有的地方却只有  相似文献   

This article applies the theory of “conditional party government” (CPG) to the interaction between the majority party and the Appropriations Committee in the period following the Republican Revolution of 1995. We extend the analysis of Aldrich and Rohde (2000b) by examining how actions within the committee have changed over time and analyzing whether behavior and outcomes continue to match the expectations of CPG theory, particularly with respect to the times in which power in Congress switched from the Republicans to the Democrats and back. The conditions of the CPG theory continued to be met so that we can continue to test the theory's predictions. We show that following the Republican Revolution, the role of the party remained paramount and the party leadership maintained its influence over the direction of policy. While in the majority, both parties used the Appropriations Committee as a vehicle for policy change and the party leadership monitored committee actions, either by blocking policy shifts away from what the majority party wanted or facilitating changes in the desired direction.  相似文献   

This article combines the historical record of presidential-congressional relations with previous scholarly findings to develop a model that identifies the members of Congress whose support is critical to the president's ability to build enacting coalitions. It then analyzes the relationship between President Obama and the House of Representatives during the 113th Congress as a case study that demonstrates the model's utility. Conventional wisdom and political pundits suggest that presidents working in divided government will have impossible difficulty working with Congress, but history suggests otherwise. The president's ability to successfully build enacting coalitions during divided government requires him to perform two rather disparate tasks. First, the president must minimize the amount of presidential party members who cross party lines to vote against the president's position. Second, the president must entice at least some opposition party members to cross party lines and support the president's position. Using data from 1981 to 2015, I find that representatives’ behavior on presidential support votes are related to constituency-level presidential strength, electoral vulnerability, ideological moderation, and ideological extremity. I use these results to identify the critical members of the 113th Congress. When a majority of these critical members supported President Obama's positions his legislative efforts were successful. When a majority of these members opposed the president's positions, the House Republican majority defeated the president.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2009,28(1):15-26
The publication of Geoffrey Holmes's British Politics in the Age of Anne , arguably, did more than any other volume of the period to reinvigorate interest in the house of lords in the Augustan period. The upper chamber, which had been largely overlooked by historians such as Sir Lewis Namier and Robert Walcott, had come to be regarded as a very inferior partner to the house of commons, populated by great landowners whose principal interest was to see the furtherance of their kinship networks. Holmes's work demonstrated clearly the central role of the Lords in British political life and revised radically the accepted orthodoxy that family predominated over ideology in the early 18th century. This article seeks to reassess Holmes's contribution to the study of the Lords in the light of research undertaken since the publication of British Politics and to suggest some ways in which Holmes's model, which remains broadly unassailable, might be reshaped.  相似文献   

Using polling data from 1982 to 2009, I develop a model of public opinion toward the Speaker of the House. I show that, in addition to economic and institutional factors, the speaker's ideology and events associated with the speaker's responsibilities in office affect the public's opinion toward this congressional leader. I also examine the partisan differences in the formation of public opinions about the speaker. I find that minority party partisans are more likely to have negative evaluations of the speaker when the speaker has more ideologically extreme views which lead to higher levels of polarization. In addition, members of different parties weigh economic and institutional factors differently in their evaluations of the speaker.  相似文献   

This note illustrates one aspect of the process whereby the palace of Westminster evolved from a royal residence into the seat of parliament, explains how the housekeeper of that palace came to be associated with the house of lords and lists the holders of the office from the 16th to the 19th century.  相似文献   

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