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This paper shows four statistical methods that examine the distribution of points on a network (such as the distribution of retail stores along streets). The first statistical method is an extension of the nearest-neighbor distance method (the Clark-Evans statistic) defined on a plane to the method defined on a network. The second statistical method examines the effect of categorical attribute values of links (say, types of streets) on the distribution of activity points on a network. The third statistical method examines the effect of infrastructural elements (such as railway stations) on the distribution of activity points on a network. The fourth statistical method examines the compound effect of multiple kinds of infrastructural elements (say, railway stations and big parks) on the distribution of activity points on a network. These methods are discussed with empirical examples.  相似文献   

雒占福  高旭  张永锋  李兰 《人文地理》2020,35(6):95-105
影子教育作为普遍而又特殊的人文社会现象尚未引起空间科学的关注。本文基于POI数据,融合GIS空间分析及地理探测器等方法,探究了兰州市影子教育机构空间分布特征及影响因素。结果表明:①兰州市影子教育机构总体表现出“西疏东密”的河谷带状分布,并呈现“一主多次”的组团式空间结构;②内部差异较大且不同类型机构的分布特征不同,区位选择的尺度差异明显且集聚形态各异;③不同类型机构的专业化水平差异显著,形成了不同功能型的专业化空间单元;④城市居住小区、商服环境、主流教育机构及交通可达性是影响影子教育空间布局的重要因素,由此驱动形成了不同类型的空间布局模式。  相似文献   

This paper shows a statistical method for analyzing the spatial relationship between the distributions of two different kinds of activity in a region. One kind of activity is discretely distributed as points in a region (such as the distribution of retail stores), and the other kind of activity is continuously distributed over the region (such as the distribution of population). First, three models representing the relationship between the above two distributions are formulated. Second, statistical methods for fitting these models to data are developed and the measures of fitness are proposed. Third, using these measures, the relationship between the distributions of thirty-seven kinds of retail stores and the distribution of population is examined in a suburb of Osaka in Japan.  相似文献   

高苹  席建超  刘盛和 《人文地理》2020,35(1):104-113
以重庆市黄水镇为案例,以GIS空间分析方法为基础,研究2004年以来黄水镇旅游城镇化空间过程,并揭示其动力机制。主要结论如下:①黄水镇旅游城镇化空间过程经历了传统社区的旅游化功能提升、第二居所为主导的度假功能扩展以及各种休闲组团的综合功能配套三个阶段。②土地利用转移的主要方向是住宅用地尤其是第二居所用地。旅游商服用地也加速增长,传统商服用地也有所扩展,在空间上传统商服用地主要沿老街分布,旅游商服用地沿新街集聚。③旅游城镇化实质上是游客、政府、社区居民、旅游企业等不同利益主体之间反复博弈的结果。研究也发现,以黄水镇为代表的小城镇旅游城镇化是一种以"就地就近"城镇化为基础,实现"自发自觉"文化保护与传承,通过建立"共建共享"多主体共治体系,形成"外向型"旅游服务业主导的理想化模式。  相似文献   

Drawing from deep longitudinal and ethnographic work, this article interrogates a set of key relationships between bodies, gender and infrastructure in the context of understanding cities such as Bharatpur and Dhangadhi in Nepal as well as Delhi, India. This article seeks to make two contributions. First, utilizing feminist political geography approaches, we examine bodies as infrastructure, referring to how the social and material work of the body helps to build, develop and maintain cities through gendered infrastructures in the everyday. We show conceptualizing bodies as infrastructure reveals important and intimate dimensions of the everyday politics and social and material forms that enable critical resources to flow and integral networks be built in cities. Second, we demonstrate from our comparative case studies the ways that gendered “slow infrastructural violence” accrues through patterns of infrastructural invisibility. Particular bodies act as urban infrastructure in everyday and unremarkable ways, shaping the uneven social and political consequences of embodied infrastructural configurations. We specifically examine slow violence and informal financial infrastructure in Bharatpur and the provisioning of health in Dhangadhi followed by the exploration of slow violence and fragmented water in Delhi. This article thus raises a simultaneous call for theoretical engagement with the socio-materiality of infrastructure and the body, an increased regard for the multiplicity of urban infrastructures, and an interrogation of gender and infrastructural politics in cities where more people will be living in the future and where politics and infrastructure are being actively created.  相似文献   

This paper proposes two statistical methods, called the network K‐function method and the network cross K‐function method, for analyzing the distribution of points on a network. First, by extending the ordinary K‐function method defined on a homogeneous infinite plane with the Euclidean distance, the paper formulates the K‐function method and the cross K‐function method on a finite irregular network with the shortest‐path distance. Second, the paper shows advantages of the network K‐function methods, such as that the network K‐function methods can deal with spatial point processes on a street network in a small district, and that they can exactly take the boundary effect into account. Third, the paper develops the computational implementation of the network K‐functions, and shows that the computational order of the K‐function method is O(n2Q log nQ) and that of the network cross K‐function is O(nQ log U3Q), where nQ is the number of nodes of a network.  相似文献   

During earthquake emergencies in existing city-centers, streets network permits inhabitants to reach safe areas, and rescuers to access damaged zones and help population. However, the network can suffer from blocks due to debris of collapsed or heavily damaged buildings. Understanding urban fabric modifications and classifying elements vulnerability are fundamental steps while dealing with risk-assessment and risk-reduction strategies. This article offers a first quick approach for assessing seismic vulnerability of paths network by considering interferences with building heritage damages. Quick data about existing urban fabric (e.g., buildings typology; streets and buildings geometries) are combined for developing new vulnerability indices for streets network. The earthquake macroseismic intensity is introduced for evaluating probable street blockages and summarizing the overall rating of risks in critical network locations, thus intensity that is not included in other current quick methods for streets-building interference is here taken into account. Risk-reduction strategies based on the proposed indices could minimize the interventions on architectural heritage, maximizing the safety of evacuees. These new indices could be combined with traditional assessment of buildings vulnerability, and evaluations on pedestrians’ and vehicles evacuation flows, for evaluating management strategies.  相似文献   

This paper, based on historical and contemporary dynamics of railway infrastructures in Kenya, analyses how mega-infrastructures are central in state practices of infrastructural territorialisation – an infrastructure-based production of territoriality as a historically and geographically specific form of spatio-political order and organisation, imbued with social tensions, stemming from the state-led imposition of a techno-politics onto its territory. Focusing on territorial and political objectives of the state advanced through the Uganda Railway and the Standard Gauge Railway, the paper demonstrates how both of these projects have been central in colonial and contemporary practices of infrastructural territorialisation, albeit in mercurial ways that do not fully represent original techno-political intensions of the state. This discussion, first, highlights how megaprojects – although primarily analysed by recent geographical scholarship as advancing contemporary geographies of global capitalism – also contingently coalesce with state (re)territorialisation practices. Second, undertaking these analyses in the Kenyan context, the paper shows how, despite shared historical dynamics of contingent state territorialisation – and the reconstitution of racial and socio-economic inequalities, advanced through megaprojects that in Kenya are socially interpreted through historical experiences of colonialism – current infrastructural territorialisations are also different; whilst the colonial territorialisation of Kenya emerged as relatively unchallenged, its present state territory-making is undermined by both the global character of megaprojects and the external actors that the state relies on for its practices of infrastructural territorialisation.  相似文献   

在界定港口后勤功能内涵的基础上,本文以长三角地区为例,选择不同价值链环节上的港航服务企业为港口后勤要素,通过分析2002-2018年港口后勤要素结构变化和空间演替,从区域和城市两个尺度阐释长三角地区港口后勤功能转型及空间分异特征。研究结果表明:长三角区域及各城市的港口后勤功能均在不断优化,大型港口城市的转型态势较中小型港口城市更显著;不同城市后勤要素的增速不同,中心城市上海的高端要素增长显著快于其他城市,其他城市在中低端要素增速方面具有一定的优势;3类后勤要素的增速存在明显差异,中高端要素的增速远大于低端要素,且空间分布上较低端要素更集中;区位和行业特性共同导致港口后勤要素在不同尺度上的集散特征也显著不同。  相似文献   

广东侨乡聚落的景观特点及其遗产价值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
广东侨乡聚落景观是 19世纪中期与西方开通之后逐步形成的。华侨的勤劳不仅带来了侨乡经济的繁荣 ,而且带来了侨乡思想观念的变化 ,建筑形式的刷新就是这种变化的写照。广东五邑等地侨乡出现的风格独特的碉楼民居、骑楼商业街、公共建筑及私家园林等 ,在中国传统建筑的基础上 ,大胆引进西方建筑元素和手法 ,创造出一组组式样独特的“另类”建筑景观 ,使历来沉稳、厚重的中国传统建筑增添了不少活泼、升腾之感 ,从而丰富了聚落天际线。这种侨乡聚落景观的形成 ,成为一种特定时代的特殊的历史见证 ,是一笔重要的历史文化遗产 ,应予积极保护  相似文献   

刘晖 《安徽史学》2015,(4):95-103
平汉、陇海铁路相继筑通并在郑州交汇,为郑州城市的成长提供了前所未有的历史机遇及新生动力机制,城市的发展态势、空间结构、外在景观及城市功能均发生显著变化。大量人流、物流的汇聚,使火车站附近区域快速发展,并在火车站与老城区间形成了功能鲜明、以商品贸易为导向的新市街,城市空间大为拓展。郑州城市由老城区向火车站聚集发展,火车站和新市街逐渐成为新的生活中心,改变了以官府衙门和寺庙为重心的传统城市布局,城市空间结构随之变容。基于商业贸易对交通的需要,郑州城市平面与铁路沿线呈辐射状延伸,依托铁路形成新的功能分区,城市功能由此转换,交通功能得以彰显。  相似文献   

The noise level of the Romanian broadband stations operating since 2006 has been studied in order to identify the variations in background seismic noise as a function of time of day, season, and particular conditions at the stations. Power spectral densities and their corresponding probability density functions are used in this paper to characterize the background seismic noise. At high frequencies (> 1 Hz), seismic noise seems to have cultural origin, since significant variations (up to 55 dB) between daytime and nighttime noise levels are observed at almost all of the stations. However, this variability appears not to influence the detection capabilities of the Romanian Seismic Network in case of intermediate-depth earthquakes and earthquakes with magnitude over 3.0. For smaller magnitude events (Mw < 3), we showed that the number of stations detecting an event decreases during daytime. We studied the seasonal variation of the seismic noise for primary and secondary microseisms (with emphasize for the latter) and we demonstrated that the noise levels are higher in winter than in summer. We also observed a shift of the double-frequency peak from lower periods in summer to longer periods in winter. The polarization analysis indicated that the main sources of secondary microseisms for stations close to the Black Sea are coming from the Black Sea, while for the others the main sources are found in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Finally, the analysis of the probability density functions for stations located in different geologic conditions has pointed out that the noise level is higher for stations sited on softer formations than those sited on hard rocks.  相似文献   

Endogenous growth models are built around the concept of a knowledge stock. This knowledge stock can also be interpreted as a localized stock that operates at the regional level, as is common in the regional innovation systems literature. We use data from the second, third and fourth Community Innovation Surveys (covering 1994–1996, 1998–2000 and 2002–2004) to measure the build-up of knowledge at a very low regional aggregation level (“across streets and hallways”) in the Netherlands. In doing so, we account for regional agglomeration effects. We find that such local knowledge stocks have a small influence on innovation and are far outweighed by firm-specific characteristics.  相似文献   

Spatial clusters contain biases and artifacts, whether they are defined via statistical algorithms or via expert judgment. Graph-based partitioning of spatial data and associated heuristics gained popularity due to their scalability but can define suboptimal regions due to algorithmic biases such as chaining. Despite the broad literature on deterministic regionalization methods, approaches that quantify regionalization probability are sparse. In this article, we propose a local method to quantify regionalization probabilities for regions defined via graph-based cuts and expert-defined regions. We conceptualize spatial regions as consisting of two types of spatial elements: core and swing. We define three distinct types of regionalization biases that occur in graph-based methods and showcase the use of the proposed method to capture these types of biases. Additionally, we propose an efficient solution to the probabilistic graph-based regionalization problem via performing optimal tree cuts along random spanning trees within an evidence accumulation framework. We perform statistical tests on synthetic data to assess resulting probability maps for varying distinctness of underlying regions and regionalization parameters. Lastly, we showcase the application of our method to define probabilistic ecoregions using climatic and remotely sensed vegetation indicators and apply our method to assign probabilities to the expert-defined Bailey's ecoregions.  相似文献   

This article examines the newsboy as both an important figure of early twentieth-century Irish streets and also a vital final link in the chain of media production and distribution at the time. Despite the advent of industrial communications and manufacturing processes in print culture well before the end of the nineteenth century, newspapers in particular were ultimately dependent upon boys as young as eleven years old to sell copies, especially in urban areas. Newsboys were very visible and audible figures on Irish city streets, and presumably because of this were themselves the subject of frequent newspaper stories. This article explores the way in which newsboys were both part of the newspaper industry while simultaneously being represented in the press as exemplars of the urban working classes for middle-class readers.  相似文献   

This paper develops a statistical method for analyzing the relative location of points in a bounded region. The location of points in relation to the center of the region in which they are located is discussed. Four spatial objects called reference objects are defined to represent the relative location: (1) the boundary, (2) skeleton, (3) nucleus, and (4) global center. The distribution of distance between points and a reference object yields a cumulative distribution function (CDF). Comparison of CDFs for a reference object allows us to analyze whether the points tend to be located close to the reference object or, for instance, whether the points are clustered around the center of the region. The significance of the CDF is statistically tested by Monte Carlo simulation. The method proposed is applied to the distribution of restaurants in retail clusters.  相似文献   

Louisiana’s coastal wetlands have been disappearing at an alarming rate over the past several decades, with the greatest harm experienced by vulnerable populations (poor and racialised residents). It was not until 2005 that the state legislature responded with a much-lauded Master Plan tasked with integrating the construction of new flood control infrastructure with wetland restoration. Seeking to unsettle this initiative, we develop a historical-geographical materialist approach to follow the entanglements between infrastructural production and capital accumulation in Louisiana over the past several hundred years. In so doing, we present a two-fold argument: that the making and mastering infrastructural violence has always been part of the historical unfolding of the socio-spatial dynamics of capitalism; and that infrastructural development has played an integral role in this duality at every historical turn. The capitalist state, at both the federal and state levels, has played a vital role in producing and controlling this violence.  相似文献   

胡永庆 《华夏考古》2005,(3):106-110
在基本建设工程中,围绕学术课题进行文物考古科学研究是加强文物保护的重要途径。本文根据丹江口水库河南省淹没区的文物分布情况和既往的文物考古研究成果,对设置学术课题的重要性和必要性以及设置学术课题的基础条件进行了论述,进而就所设置的几个主要考古学术课题进行了必要的说明和分析。  相似文献   

This article critically examines the GND (Green New Deal) platform by exploring the reality of energy development under the European Green Deal (EGD). Taking a special interest in degrowth positions on energy development, the article argues that the European Green Deal is an exercise in necropolitics; intensifying market relationships, extraction, and infrastructural colonization. The article proceeds by reviewing and discussing recent environmental justice and degrowth positions on energy infrastructural development. The methodology outlines desk-based research on resource extraction as well as on the European energy markets. This accompanies multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork, charting environmental conflicts along a 400kv high-tension power line. This line goes across France, Catalonia and Southern Spain, stretching into Morocco and occupied Western Sahara. Unconventional research techniques, such as hitchhiking, enabled mobility and expanding the informal interview pool. Outlining the objectives of the EGD, the next section examines three aspects of its necropolitics. First, necropolitical economy reveals the reality of energy market liberalization under the EGD. Second, necropolitical extraction examines the expansion of mining and mineral processing, which are necessary for the EGD and ‘mainstream’ GNDs. Third, necropolitical operation reveal the reality of ‘a rapid rollout of renewable energy deployment’ by examining infrastructure conflicts along a 400kv power line between France and Spain. The process of infrastructural colonization is detailed, which also introduces different land defender perspectives on degrowth. Affirming the argument that the EGD is an exercise in necropolitics, the conclusion discusses important ways to expand degrowth, energy ecologies and real energy transition.  相似文献   


The article discusses flags in respect of their different forms (kind or type of occurrence) and functions served (role and meaning). The author raised the following research questions about the current use of flags in the city: when, what flags and why they are flown along the city streets? The following thesis was put forward that flags hung by Gdynia City Hall are a reflection of its development policy. The paper is based on data obtained from the City Hall of the Baltic city of Gdynia (Poland) and semi-structured interviews conducted in September 2015 with two clerks responsible for flag display in the city. The distribution of flags along the streets in Gdynia varies in time and in space. The ancient invention which is the flag is currently used in Gdynia in two forms (traditional flags and promotional banners) and it fulfils two functions: signalisation and identification. Flags have become a visual sign of the eventification and festivalisation of urban politics and, at the same time, of the public space of Gdynia.  相似文献   

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