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Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century European blue glass trade beads from aboriginal sites in the eastern Great Lakes area of North America have been analysed non-destructively using low neutron dose instrumental neutron activation analysis, so that the beads could be returned to their keepers. Dark blue (cobalt-coloured) beads are readily separable from turquoise (copper-coloured) beads. Differences in the chemistries of the turquoise blue beads appear to be useful in separating glass beads from the two centuries. Low calcium, sixteenth-century turquoise beads tend to distintegrate by a leaching of the alkali metals.  相似文献   

J. MIAO  B. YANG †  D. MU 《Archaeometry》2010,52(1):146-155
Using Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction, the Pb–Sn–Sb triple oxide yellow and lead–tin yellow have been identified on two pieces of cloisonné enamel (Falangcai) porcelains. Lead–tin yellow and lead antimonate yellow have been identified on famille rose porcelains manufactured before and after 1911, respectively. The replacement of the Pb–Sn–Sb triple oxide yellow by lead–tin yellow and that of the lead–tin yellow by lead antimonate yellow are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines how Richard Bernard’s commentary on the Book of Ruth, Ruths Recompence (1628), was constructed so as to deliver its messages, specifically those reflecting Bernard’s concern with living well. Attention is drawn to certain parts of the exposition which exemplify Bernard’s views and one part, especially, which caused him perplexity. This last pertains to a central element of Ruth which challenges Bernard and his early modern predecessors, in particular, in expounding the book. This is Ruth’s approach in Chapter 3, following the advice of her mother-in-law, Naomi, to their kinsman, Boaz, on the threshing floor, alone by night to request marriage according to the levirate law. Such an approach is contrary to the voluminous literature in the early modern period setting out how women should conduct themselves. Regarding other parts of the exposition, the article shows how Bernard taught such lessons as desirable relations between masters and servants.  相似文献   


Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687) was a notable Dutch statesman who penned over 75,000 lines of verse in eight languages. He made visits to England on no less than seven occasions and wrote a significant body of poetry, primarily in Dutch, but also in Latin, and very occasionally in French and English, during these visits. In this article, a detailed account is given of the poetry, which Huygens wrote in England. It provides a case-study of someone writing Dutch, and indeed Latin, verse in England in the early-modern period. Furthermore, during a time when the fortunes of Britain and the Northern Netherlands were very closely linked, it illustrates how a Dutchman responded in verse to aspects of English social and cultural life, and events such as the execution of Charles I, and the Great Fire of London of 1666.  相似文献   

中国出境旅游市场发展变化与趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
厉新建 《人文地理》2006,21(3):83-87
文章通过对中国出境旅游市场规模、结构、时间模式、消费水平、组织方式等方面变动情况的回顾,认为2005年出境旅游市场将可能继续冲高到3500万人次,保守估计也在3250万左右,还指出了我国出境旅游高消费的几个方面原因,初期的高消费现象将随着市场的成熟而逐渐理性;在以团队出境为主的基础上,将在近程出境旅游目的地快速推进自由行的模式。文章最后讨论了出境旅游政策短期内变动可能性,认为出境政策的变化将是缓慢推进,而且对于出境市场开放所能产生的效用应该建立理性预期。  相似文献   

霍巍 《考古学报》2021,(4):463-474
目 次 一 救亡图存与重建古史:早期中国考古学的历史选择 二 从考古学文化到区系类型:中国考古学的探索与发展 三 坚定文化自信:新时代考古学的历史使命 习近平总书记"9·28"重要讲话深刻阐述了我国考古工作取得的重大成就和重要意义,为新时代中国考古事业发展指明了前进方向,也为如何构建中华民族历史、认识中华文明丰富内涵、坚定文化自信提供了理论依据[1].考古学在中国是近代化的产物,从它自西方传入中国、并且植根于中华大地这片沃土伊始,一方面在学术目标、理论建设和田野实践等环节就不断形成自身的历史传统,不再是西方考古学的翻版,而是努力朝着建设中国特色和中国风格的考古学体系迈进;另一方面,在不同的时代,中国考古学者也承担起不同的历史使命,不断续写新篇,继往开来,为中华文明和世界文明做出了独特贡献.回顾百年中国考古学史,每当时代发展的重大转折关头,中国考古学都在顺应历史变革、引领社会思潮、坚定文化自信上起到重要的历史作用.  相似文献   

中国国民的健康指数及其区域差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用“健康指数”来表征我国国民的健康状况,以预期寿命为核心,选择27项与寿命有密切关系的、能反映人的身体素质和化素质的健康指标,综合求得健康指数,基本上反映了各地区人群的健康状况及其区域差异,表明我国大城市和东南沿海地区人群的健康状况较好,西部地区稍差。  相似文献   

中国民歌文化的地域特征及其地理基础   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在简述民歌文化研究状况的基础上,作者分析了中国民歌文化区形成的历史基础;并从文化地理的角度,探讨了民歌文化的地域整合性。然后将全国民歌文化区分为七大区域,包括:以江南小调为代表的"江南水乡风格",以北方号子为代表的"粗犷刚劲风格",以"信天游"、"花儿"为代表的"西北高原风格",以云、贵、川山歌为代表的"西南高原风格",以长调为特色的"北方草原风格",异域风格的新疆民歌以及高山雪原上的民歌,作者还论述了各区域民歌文化的特征及形成的地理基础。  相似文献   

X-ray fluorescence analysis is a non-destructive method, very useful for qualitative and quantitative determination of chemical elements in paintings, frescoes, enamels, etc. Measurements have been carried out on ancient Persian mural painting allowing the identification of about ten different pigments. Furthermore, many oil paintings have been examined. For example, about thirty regions of different colour tonalities concerning the ‘Deposizione’by Raffaello Sanzio have been analysed; in this way it has been possible to determine the composition of several pigments used by the author and to identify some restored regions. The enamels of a ligneous Egyptian panel have also been studied; the results are in good agreement with those obtained using conventional methods.  相似文献   

中国人理想景观模式与寺庙园林环境   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
李祥妹 《人文地理》2001,16(1):35-39
文章探讨中国人理想景观模式的形成及结构特征,认为中国人理想景观模式是中国文化生态经验对隐蔽和探索结构的强化,景观审美感受上以神秘隐幽为主;中国寺庙园林是这种景观理想的物化,其园林环境和建筑布局都表达了中国人对理想景观模式的追求;作为中国人文旅游资源的重要组成部分,寺庙园林在旅游开发中必须突出其文化内涵,营造氛围,使游客体味它的深层次的美。  相似文献   

全球技术空间体系及我国的对策初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孔翔  曾刚 《人文地理》2003,18(5):42-45,21
全球技术空间体系是指技术存量在技术势差激励下,在全球范围内各区域间交流运动所形成的复杂空间网络。它突出地表现为技术存量在不同区域、不同等级的技术供给者、消费者以及联结它们的技术流通渠道中的交流运动。技术势差、技术廊道是全球技术空间体系形成的必要条件,而知识产权保护是保证技术流动长盛不衰的制度保障。本文仅从体系形成的基本条件、现实障碍、特征及区域效应等方面简要分析了全球技术空间体系的形成机制,进而探讨了中国面对全球技术空间体系的政策选择。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the implication of production-technology uncertainty for the exclusion theorem. The paper presents the result that the risk-averse firm facing production technology uncertainty prefers an intermediate location to avoid risk under certain conditions. The firm chooses an intermediate location (over a corner location) particularly if its degree of risk aversion overwhelms the inherent convexity of profit with respect to location. The latter depends, in turn, on the structure of production technology characterized by the elasticity of substitution and returns to scale parameters.  相似文献   

N. BRUN  M. PERNOT 《Archaeometry》1992,34(2):235-252
Opaque red glass was used in the Celtic world for enamels and inlays. Forty artefacts, of various dates and found in various places, have been sampled and studied. They all belong to the same type, a soda-lime-silica high lead glass coloured by crystals of cuprous oxide. There is only one subgroup: glass lumps from the Mont-Beuvray oppidum contain manganese, less iron, and less lead. This change could be the result of Roman influence. Although most of these glasses form a surprisingly homogeneous group, no conclusions as to their origin can be inferred from our present knowledge.  相似文献   

一、前言中国铜元诞生于1900年,到现在一百多年的历史。中间经历了清朝晚期、中华民国时期,极少数地方直到中华人民共和国成立之后仍有铸造和流通,其历史不可谓不长。近现代的中国铜元,反映了近现代的中国货币制度,而且实物存世丰富,可惜长期以来一直没有得到史学界的重视,近代史学界也只是从总体金融货币史的角度偶尔提到一些铜元铸造与发行情况,还往往犯以讹传讹、张冠李戴的错误。这不能不说是一种遗憾。本文试图通过梳理中国铜元收藏与研究的历史过程,并希望通过对前人成果的分析,找到某些对当代收藏与研究具有启发意义和参考价值的研究…  相似文献   

五、衰落与延续(50-70年代的国内外情况)1949年新中国成立之后,因众所周知的原因,钱币研究事业冷淡下来了。唯一的成果就是50年代彭信威先生耗尽一生心血编著出版的《中国货币史》,其中谈到铜元的文字,不超过900字,约当全书百分之一的篇幅,然而作者强调了中国铜元的特性和特殊历史地位,认为铜元“在中国钱币史上成为一个独立的部门”。但这个设想,一直没有得到进一步的阐释和论述。此后整个钱币学的研究随着钱币收藏的衰落而衰落了。在中国钱币收藏与研究事业停步不前的六、七十年代里,世界各地对中国钱币的收藏与研究并没有中断。在50年代,…  相似文献   

试论中国政治地理学的研究对象、基本内容及理论框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从政治地理学研究对象的分析入手,阐述了中国政治地理学的研究对象及基本内容,并对其基本理论框架的构建作以探讨。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国城市空间分布发展变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阎小培  王玲 《人文地理》1996,11(3):19-23
本文通过分析改革开放以来我国城市的发展及其空间分布变化的特征,对我国城市空间分布的规律作了初步探讨  相似文献   

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