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Recent publications in the field of population of interest to students of human geography are reviewed. Particular attention is paid to works concerned with the demography of China.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been published about the population change in New Zealand between 1936 and 1986. During this time an intellectual and demographic revolution also took place simultaneously. From 1961 and 1986 the population increased from 2.4 million to 3.3 million mainly because of Polynesian immigration, and the elderly and females also increased. The Maoris became urban. Mortality stayed stable, but fertility declined to below replacement level in the 1980's. Murray Wilson (1988) analyzed the relationship of fertility and mortality in terms of a post-transitional (developed) society like Australia or the European norm of a 2-children family. In his view the youth culture, television, and female aspirations greatly influenced childrearing. Daniel Noin (1988) examined the current state of geographical research on mortality from a methodological point of view finding wide differences in mortality in Quebec, Brussels, Paris, and London attributable to culture. Mosley and Chen (1984) argued that social, cultural, and economic factors to mortality are mediated by individual, household, and community variables. Jones and Moon (1987) dealt with medical geography in the context of the consumption of health care and disease ecology. Momsen and Townsend (1987) addressed the role of women in developing countries stating that gender is socially created and it examined the worldwide subordination of women. In the 1980's a host of other authors have also touched on the subject of the demography of gender analyzing discrimination against female children, unmarried American women, and single parent families. Yet Fahey (1988) stated that gender was only regarded relevant by Australian geographers as a demographic variable.  相似文献   

Recent work by Australian and New Zealand scholars in the field of population geography is reviewed. Consideration is given to their contributions to theory, methodology, collection and analysis of new data sources, surveys of current trends and prospects, development of new areas of inquiry, and migration studies.  相似文献   

Contributions to the study of migration, fertility and mortality are discussed in this literature review article. Characteristics of migrants and the social and economic impact of migration are mentioned as well as temporal or spatial trends in fertility, research on the family and the household, secular changes in fertility patterns, and theoretical developments. Also covered are mortality variations and the relationships between fertility and mortality.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the general patterns of demographic change, historical population geography and migration and works that were published during 1995-96. The review includes works of geographers, demographers, historians, and others, where there are clear geographical implications. The aim of the review is to show that population geography thrives and indicates some of the challenges it faces in the light of developments both in related areas of geography and beyond the discipline in, for example, demography and history. The paper begins by examining recent methodological and substantive trends in economic, social and cultural geography. Then, it demonstrates the relevance of demographic phenomena to those fields where they are largely ignored.  相似文献   

Population geographers are involved in contemporary policy issues, the production of quality work, and successful communication of research findings. This article reviewed some contributions population geographers have made to the understanding of the geographic impact of aging and the consequences of migration. Geographers have come late to the study of aging and have focused primarily on four main policy issues: 1) fertility decline, 2) housing demography, 3) aged patterns of housing and migration, and 4) government policy. Fertility decline research has highlighted information diffusion theories for fertility decline by researchers such as Zelinsky, Skeldon, and Noin. Changes in attitudes and the removal on constraints has been examined by Woods. Residential mobility studies have been the focus of researchers such as Gober, Moore, and Clark, and Myers. Regional labor markets and the movement of the "baby boom" through the life course have been examined by Miron, Plane and Rogerson, and Clout, who studied the empty nesters and the movement out of suburbia. Private residential housing has increased for the elderly in England and Wales (Hamnett and Mullings), and seasonal migration of Minnesotans results in lost sales revenues and high health and social costs for those too ill to travel (Craig). Geographers have not accomplished a significant thrust into the literature on demographic aging. Contributions to the transnational and international literature have resulted in internal migration studies by Clout on "counterurbanization" in northwestern industrial Europe, while Fielding, Baltensperger, Marchand and Scott, and Jones have examined the continuing rural-urban migration. The loss of urban population has been associated with inner city problems, the impact of labor supply and market demand, and the revenue and health care consequences in the work of Champion, Gibson, and Champion and Illeris, and Craig. Impacts are felt differently by geographic location, and assorted models have been developed for examining interregional migration. Population movement between countries will be a future major policy issue associated with disparities in development. The benefits and disadvantages of immigration have been examined. Refugee movements have been a neglected are of study.  相似文献   

The author reviews recent changes in population research from a geographical perspective. "The deaths in 1990 of two of France's most distinguished demographers, Alfred Sauvy (1899-1990) and Jean Bourgeois-Pichat (1912-90)...seem an appropriate starting point from which to review progress in population research in the early 1990s....Relative to the lifespans and works of Bourgeois-Pichat and Sauvy, it is possible to discern progress in population studies as a whole and population geography in particular. Advances in technical aspects of measuring mortality, fertility and migration have been most marked, as have attempts to inter-relate these demographic processes. Progress towards explanation of population-related phenomena has been slower. Advances have not been towards building more sophisticated general theories, but towards new and more insightful forms of explanation." The author then summarizes other research literature on fertility, migration, and population subgroups. The geographical scope is worldwide.  相似文献   

The status of population geography as a field of study in Australian universities is first discussed. The author then reviews studies on various aspects of Australian population geography, including fertility, mortality, international migration, internal migration, and the geography of aging populations.  相似文献   

The author reviews current trends in the study of population geography and identifies a movement of the subdiscipline during the 1980s toward a possible redefinition as spatial demography. He then outlines the main research topics pursued by population geographers during this period. The geographical scope is worldwide.  相似文献   

"This is the last of three reports discussing major avenues of progress in the alleviation of population geography's poor reputation. The first examined the route of policy-relevant research, the second considered the importance of sound scholarship and, as promised, this report will explore the part that can be played by improved communication and dissemination of our work...."  相似文献   

The author reviews recent research activities and policy-oriented studies that reflect the increasing concern of population geographers with population redistribution and related government policies  相似文献   

The area of research that is considered the proper domain of population geography is defined. In addition to an areal approach to the analysis of various aspects of population, such as growth, structure, migration and settlement patterns, there is great need for synthetic regional population studies, integrating all aspects of population within a particular territory. Causal relationships must be explained and the study of population must be related to the study of economic location.  相似文献   

Tibet covers a land area of1 .2 million square km. In 1953,when the PRC conducted itsfirst national census, the thenTibetan government told theCentral Government Tibet had apopulation of 1 million. Today, after the passage ofseveral decades, there are 2.615million people in the TibetAutonomous Region. Theyinclude 2.41 million of theTibetan ethnic group (92.2 per-cent of the total), 155,300 whoare Han (5.9 percent), and 59,000of other ethnic minorities (1.9percent).  相似文献   

More 100-Year-Olds in TibetWhen Yuzin, aged 101, woke up tofind warm sunlight comingthrough the windows of her room, sherose to wash and breakfast. After this,she made a small pot of buttered tea andcarried it on a ritual walk around theBuddha pagoda in the village. As a matter of fact, Yuzin is one of116 people aged over 100 years old inTibet. In 1991, however there wereonly 57 such people.  相似文献   

PopulationandEnvironmentinTibet¥WANGSHAOQUANAtthe1992UNConferenceonEnvironmentandDevelopmentinBrazil,ZhaxifromTibetdeclaredth...  相似文献   

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