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本文研究原居住在江南中街单位职工的迁居行为,浅析其形成迁居意向的过程和择居特征。结果表明:单位职工的迁居比例超过60%,且迁居空间模式以近距离的近域迁移为主,近岗迁移和郊区迁移为辅,迁居方向联系较弱。分析其原因:经济改革和城市经济发展是促成单位职工迁居的基本前提,迁居户的经济能力是根本的决定依据,决定了迁出地和迁居形式。本文调查对象-单位职工具有一定的职业及收入共性,因此他们在迁居时所考虑的因素还包括了居住惯性,家庭生命周期、生活方式改变的需求及作为单位职工特定的社会因素等。  相似文献   

"This paper questions the plausibility of the assumption of interregional equilibrium in recent research into migration and the valuation of amenities in the United States. It is shown that it is difficult to develop a satisfactory explanation for continuing net migration which is compatible with the equilibrium assumption, and that recent relevant research generally fails to support the idea that the U.S. economy is in equilibrium. The association of higher rent levels with in-migration is explained as a short-run phenomenon. If the spatial economy is in disequilibrium, then the valuations of amenities assuming equilibrium will be biased, being probably too low in areas of net in-migration and too high in areas of net out-migration."  相似文献   

"This paper is devoted to the spatial distribution of Quebec's international immigrants, and to the main territorial stakes related to this type of migration. After analysing international immigration as a flow (distribution of the cohorts of immigrants who entered Quebec during a given period) as well as a stock (distribution of all immigrants surviving in Quebec and their redistribution through internal migration), a critical analysis of the territorial stakes as defined by various agents (active at different levels) is proposed." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

L'histoire des communautés italiennes du Nouveau Monde nous renvoie exactement l'image que nous aurions pu dessiner en analysant l'histoire de l'Italie. De fait, le processus de construction et celui ensuite de destruction d'un imaginaire italien unitaire sont les mêmes. Emilio Franzina a proposé de ne pas voir dans cet effet‐miroir le simple reflet de l'histoire nationale, mais, tout au contraire, d'y découvrir le rôle de l'émigration dans la construction de la nation italienne. Si les élites de la mère‐patrie proposèrent un modèle d’ “italianité” que les classes inférieures ne comprirent pas, l'émigration obligea celles‐ci à élaborer leur modèle d'unité linguistique et comportementale. Dans cette perspective, l'émigration devint un des éléments principaux de la construction d'un horizon culturel national en Italie : le retour de la moitié des immigrés qui rentrèrent avant la Première Guerre mondiale, ainsi que les voyages en Italie de ceux qui restèrent aux Amériques, contribuèrent à la “modernisation” politique et économique de leur réseau natal.  相似文献   

Abstract The impact of the recent Customs Union (CU) agreement between Turkey and the European Union on internal migration is studied using an intra‐industry trade Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model with intersectoral capital mobility under two alternative specifications for the labor market: the traditional Harris‐Todaro approach and the existence of a “wage curve” in the urban sector. Under both specifications, the numerical results show that the CU is welfare enhancing and causes a reduction of the urban‐rural wage gap as suggested by theoretical studies. At the same time, it leads to rural‐to‐urban migration and raises the capital rent, results that are counter intuitive with respect to the dual economy literature. Furthermore, the rise in formal labor demand and the migration response to the CU have not resulted in an increase in urban unemployment (i.e. the “Todaro paradox”), but rather to a fall in the unemployment pool. The study also shows that the Bhagwati‐Srinivasan proposal of maximizing welfare by uniformly subsidizing the entire labor market is impracticable, especially if the high wage union sector can negotiate employment conditions.  相似文献   

Petrographic analysis of 49 sediments and 63 Neolithic ceramics from eight sites of Estremadura and six sites of the Algarve of central and southern Portugal, respectively, discerned distinct production technologies for each area. Raw materials available near archaeological sites were utilized. Fabrics that do not correspond to regionally available materials, however, indicate imports or migration. This suggests the existence of bidirectional maritime routes rather than south–north only, as predicted in current models of the neolithization of coastal Portugal. Seven ceramics and seven sediments were selected for elemental analysis. The results supported the patterns in the petrographic analysis.  相似文献   

在近代安徽,就族田的田产经营而言,出租给外姓中、贫农耕种是主要经营方式;地租形态主要是实物地租,且租率较一般私田低;大部分欠租是在催缴过程中通过协商解决.就族田的地租经营而言,宗族通过放贷、购田和投资工商业实现地租的增值;宗族放贷地租的利率大大低于一般私人放贷;族田地租向近代工商业转化已渐露端倪.  相似文献   

TREVOR J. BARNES 《对极》1988,20(3):207-238
This paper examines the different theories of agricultural land rent proposed by the neoclassical, Marxist, and neo-Ricardian schools of economic thought. In so doing the paper undertakes two tasks: first, to explore the different definitions of scarcity that emerge from each school; and secondly to check the consistency between the view of scarcity and the analytical theory of rent that each school proposes. It is concluded that for each of the schools there is an inconsistency between their respective view of scarcity and the corresponding theory of rent, although the reasons for that inconsistency vary. It is further argued that although this inconsistency cannot be resolved for the case of neoclassical economics, there is some prospect of resolution for Marxist and neo-Ricardian theories.  相似文献   

We test whether investors rationally react to rent news when pricing houses. Previous literature on house pricing uses aggregated housing price and rent data to estimate the rent news. We analytically demonstrate that using aggregated data biases the rationality test because it forces researchers to estimate the rent news using the cross-project average dynamic relationship among the housing return, rent growth, and macroeconomic dynamics and, hence, misses the heterogeneity in the dynamic relationship. Our empirical tests using proprietary project-level housing data from China's megacities find that the bias from missing the heterogeneity is economically substantial.  相似文献   

Vern Baxter 《对极》2014,46(4):1014-1031
This paper presents results from a study of environmental harm created in the collision of real estate speculation and the political process that governed extension of the urban frontier of New Orleans into its eastern wetlands. Near term concerns of rent‐seeking real estate capital and the contested politics of urban infrastructure expansion challenged a fragmented state charged with regulatory oversight and protection of investments in land and citizens. The paper engages theoretically the relative inattention of urban political ecology theory to rent as a way to theorize how capital flows through land, and argues for increased attention to the problem of land rent and the multiple scales of political engagement that manage ecological crisis immanent in the metabolism of nature and society under capitalism.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We develop and demonstrate an empirical methodology for measuring rent gradients in the presence of consumers that have varying tastes for distance to the city center. We derive easily calculated measures of rent gradients, own price elasticities, and income elasticities. We demonstrate the ease of calculation of these functions, even in the presence of consumers who have nonidentical preferences. We also demonstrate how to test for bias in rent gradient estimation that arises from assuming identical preference functions.  相似文献   

Quintin Bradley 《对极》2023,55(4):1110-1127
The slow response of volume housebuilders to changes in demand has been cited as a contributing cause of a global crisis of housing affordability and allegations of land banking have persistently dogged the industry. This article reviews the supply responsiveness of speculative housebuilders in the United Kingdom and Australia through the neglected Marxian analytic category of absolute rent. Absolute rent directs attention to the relationship between the value of land and the cost of housing and models a market in which landowners may withdraw land from supply to inflate prices. Through the lens of absolute rent, the real estate practices of the housebuilding industry can be understood as a strategy of artificial scarcity straddling land and housing markets. The findings of this investigation demonstrate the insights to be gained by a return to absolute rent that valuably expand the current debate on the supply and cost of housing.  相似文献   

Three specialists on Russia's oil and gas sector examine the process whereby resource rent has been extracted from oil and gas production and distributed within the Soviet (and later Russian) economy. A particular focus is on changes in the way such rent now is collected and allocated to different levels of the territorial-administrative hierarchy as a result of a transition from command to market economic relations. Special attention is devoted to the introduction of new taxation regimes and other mechanisms of rent extraction and redistribution. 4 tables, 42 references.  相似文献   

Matthew B. Anderson 《对极》2019,51(4):1035-1056
This study examines the role of class monopoly rent in shaping the spatial form and pattern of urban redevelopment processes in the contemporary neoliberal city. Since an initial flourishing literature during the 1970s and 1980s, urban land rent theory has fallen from the analytic radar of critical urban studies since the early 1990s, with the influence of class monopoly rent often considered an aberration of how capitalist real estate markets normally operate, if not rejected. Consequently, class monopoly rent has never been systematically elaborated. Based on an empirical analysis of Portland's Pearl District, this study suggests that the influence of class monopoly rent in contemporary processes of urban redevelopment is far more pervasive than often recognised, representing a “standard institutional practice” that is endemic (rather than aberrational) to the working of neoliberal urban governing regimes, and embeds in the social and physical landscape in a multiplicity of ways.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  We use agent-based models to consider rent ceilings in non-Walrasian housing markets, where bargaining between landlord and tenant leads to exchange at a range of prices. In the non-Walrasian setting agents who would be extramarginal in the Walrasian setting frequently are successful in renting, and actually account for a significant share of the units rented. This has several implications. First, rent ceilings above the Walrasian equilibrium price (WEP) can affect the market outcome. Second, rent ceilings that reduce the number of units rented do not necessarily reduce total market surplus. Finally, the distributional impact of rent controls differs from the Walrasian setting.  相似文献   

Three urban determinants of rent from agricultural land around metropolitan areas are incorporated into one rent model. The urban market factor and the transport cost as expressed in the Thünian crop rent equation are discussed in terms of their relevance to metropolitan areas. Then the effects on rent of the urban land market and urban economic change and their relationships with the market factor are examined. Graphic and mathematical expressions of a multideterminant model based on the combined crop system are developed, followed by a discussion on several variations of the model.  相似文献   

This paper brings together two separate rural and small town community research areas. The first involves patterns of migration while the second involves the economic restructuring of work in Canada's single-industry resource-dependent communities. Our expectations regarding household migration in such communities still derive largely from Lucas' model of community development in single-industry towns where significant migration activity declines as the community matures. However, contemporary economic restructuring pressures are upsetting this stability and it is therefore appropriate to re-examine the conceptual model. Household mobility is examined using information for three communities in British Columbia's central interior. The “reasons for moving” which households identify are first examined to delineate a set of migration motivations. This is then extended by looking at the types of communities from which the households have moved. A community typology, based upon population size, frames a discussion which emphasizes previous residential experience with metropolitan and non-metropolitan locations. The findings suggest that most inmigrants come for employment opportunities. The findings also suggest that while urban locations are important contributors of in-migrants, most relocated from other rural and small town communities. The scale of contemporary economic restructuring and the scale of migration as a component of local population change suggest that there are a number of alternate futures for community development beyond the “Maturity” stage Lucas identified. Beyond the detailed results, implications for small resource-dependent communities include that: 1) in-migration for employment is an important community change dynamic, 2) the uncertainty of employment stability due to industry restructuring may be creating a ‘transient‘ cohort of workers, and 3) both of these processes generate important social geography pressures which in turn can affect local community development. L'intérèt de cet article est de réunir deux thèmes de recherches différents sur les communautés rurales et les petites villes. Le premier touche à la répartition de la migration et de la mobilité alors que le second touche à la restructuration économique du travail au Canada dans les communautés monoindustrielles essentiellement dépendantes d'une seule activité. La migration des ménages dans de telles communautés s'explique largement à partir du modèle de développement communautaire des villes mono-industrielles à vocation unique de Lucas, là où l'importance de la migration dæcline en fonction de la maturité de la communauté. Toutefois, les pressions économiques contemporaines de restructuration bouleversent cette stabilité, il est donc nécessaire de réexaminer ce modèle conceptuel. La mobilité des ménages est analysée en utilisant l'information de trois communautés de l'intérieur de la Colombie Britannique. Dans un premier temps, les raisons du déménagement que les ménages identifient sont étudiées pour décrire l'ensemble des motivations de migration. Ensuite, cette analyse des motivations est complexifiée en considérant les types de communautés que les ménages ont quitées. Une typologie des communatués basée sur la taille de la population soulève une discusion qui met l'accent sur l'expérience résidentielle antérieure dans les contextes métropolitains et non-méntropolitains. Les conclusions suggèrent que la plupart des migrants viennent pour les opportunités d'emplois. On observe également que bien qu'un certain nombre d'entre eux soient issue des localités métropolitaines, la plupart se sont relocalisés à partir d'autres communautés rurales ou des petites villes. L‘échelle de la restructuration économique et l’échelle de la migration comme composante du changement de la population locale suggèrent qu'il existe plusieurs possibilités pour le développement de la communauté audelà de la phase de “maturité” telle qu'identifiée par Lucas. Au-delà des résultats détaillés, les implications pour les petites villes mono-industrielles essentiellement dépendenates d'une seule activité incluent: 1) que la migration pour l'emploi est une dynamique importante de changement communautaire, 2) que l'incertitude dans la stabilité, des emplois, causée par la restructuration de l'industrie peut créer une classe de travailleurs de passage et, 3) que ces deux processus influencent la géographie sociale de ces villes mono-industrielles, et parconséquent, les stratégies de développement communautaire.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the new rent seeking strategies in housing implemented during Spain’s financial crisis. The Spanish Model presents a paradigmatic case of the need for capital to reinvent itself through the articulation of new mechanisms for the production and appropriation of urban rent, as the crisis revealed the limits of strategies that were implemented during the bubble period. Amongst these new strategies, the paper analyses the rescue of financial entities, the creation of a ‘bad bank’ and the establishment of Spanish REITs. These mechanisms are leading to financialisation of rental housing and the emergence of vulture funds as new transnational owners of housing.  相似文献   

在英国租占威海卫32年里,英国是怎样对威海卫实行殖民统治这是认识和研究英租威海卫历史的一个根本问题。《1901年枢密院威海卫法令》的颁布,确立了威海卫的基本政治制度。英国从政权设置、司法制度、社会治安、乡村控制等方面,逐步建立起一套政治高度集权、控制严密的殖民统治体制,从而实现了其对威海卫的全面控制。  相似文献   

Economic forces in the Thünen rent diagram and the equivalence of certain Thünian and Ricardian land rent concepts are shown diagrammatically. The usual, linear rent line requires fixed production coefficients in agriculture and constant costs in transportation. The ability to substitute among land and other inputs in agriculture makes the rent line convex to the origin, as do decreasing costs in transportation. Increasing cost transportation makes the rent line concave. Traditional, subsistence agriculture is likely to produce a more strongly convex rent line than modern, large-scale agriculture.
Les forces économiques dans le diagramme de rente de Thünen et l'equivalence de certains concepts de rente foncier Thünien et Ricardien sont exposés graphiquement. La courbe de rente linéaire exige des coëfficients de production fixes en agriculture et des coûts de transport fixes. La capacitéà substituer entre la terre et d'autres facteurs de production en agriculture, ainsi que des coûts de transport décroissants, donnent une courbe de rente convexe par rapport à 1'origine. Des coûts de transport accroissants donnent une courbe de rente concave. Une agriculture à petite échelle, traditionnelle, donnera probablement une courbe de rente plus convexe qu'une agriculture moderne, à grande échelle.  相似文献   

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