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Gegen Lemche's Behauptung von dem “Alten Israel” als Produkt einer Verfasserschaft der hebräischen Bibel in der persischen oder hellenistischen Zeit, sprechen meiner Ansicht nach folgende Faktoren:

  1. Die Vielfalt des alttestamentlichen Materials.

  2. Die Korrelation zur Geschichte der Nachbarvölker.

  3. Die gesellschaftskritische Verkündung der “vorexilischen” Propheten.

  4. Die sprachlichen Entwicklung innerhalb der hebräischen Bibel.


Diffusion and continuity equations for O+ and H+ ions were integrated along a magnetic field line between 500 and 3000 km. Three sets of equations were used:
  • 1.(1) the standard ones;
  • 2.(2) modified according to the formulae given by St-Maurice and Schunk;
  • 3.(3) those derived by Conrad and Schunk.
The differences between solutions obtained for each set of equations and the importance of the modifications introduced in the diffusion equations are discussed.  相似文献   

“Consensual Corporatism” under the Hawke Labor Government is a process of policy decision‐making engendered both by a reaction to perceived past Labor policy‐making failures and the context of the collapse of the long post‐war economic boom.

This paper argues:

  1. 1) that the perceptions of economic crisis in Australia in 1983 were accurate and that the Hawkeist consensus model was a correct (though not really corporatist) reaction to the policy requirements of the mid‐1980s;

  2. 2) that, primarily because of the fragility of the institutional‐cum‐political base of the Hawke “consensual corporatist” policy process it will take an unusual combination of continuous good management and good luck for the model and its progenitor government to survive beyond the next election.


In this chapter, the issue of how the huge multiethnic metropolis of Teotihuacan was fed will be addressed reassessing data from four different contexts:
  1. 1.
    The apartment compounds where people dwelled
  2. 2.
    The neighborhood centers where many people of different origins worked
  3. 3.
    The palatial structures of the ruling elite
  4. 4.
    The rituals inside the main pyramids
My extensive excavation project at the multifamily apartment compound of Oztoyahualco 15B:N6W3 (1985–1988) provides the primary dataset to address the first context; there, the faunal and floral remains relate directly to food preparation and consumption, as well as fuel provisioning, manufacture, and domestic ritual. My project at the multiethnic neighborhood center of Teopancazco (1997–2005) addresses the complexity of multiethnic relations established through caravans linking Teotihuacan with allied sites along the corridor towards the Nautla region of the Gulf Coast of Veracruz. Foreign fauna, as well as cotton and other raw materials and products, arrived to Teotihuacan through these caravans, together with migrant specialized craftsmen/women. The third context will be addressed through my excavations in Xalla, a huge palatial complex to the north of the Pyramid of the Sun, where the ruling elite participated in ceremonial and sacrificial activities. The fourth context will only be mentioned briefly and is related to the excavations in the main monumental structures, where faunal and floral remains were associated with consecration rituals, as well as those found in the fill of these structures.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possible effects on the middle atmosphere of
  • 1.(i) solar variability in emission in the u.v. and far u.v.,
  • 2.(ii) solar proton events,
  • 3.(iii) relativistic electron precipitation events,
  • 4.(iv) corpuscular heating in auroras,
  • 5.(v) joule heating by the auroral electrojet,
  • 6.(vi) auroral NO production and
  • 7.(vii) gravity wave emission by the auroral electrojet. It is important to establish the maximum depth in the atmosphere to which these effects go, in order to be able to determine whether the reflection of planetary scale waves from the troposphere is substantially altered by them.

Examples are given in the present paper of nocturnal ionospheric stratifications in lower midlatitudes, with the following characteristics:
  • 1.(1) clear night-time stratification or low frequency F retardation, implying stratification
  • 2.(2) a marked decrease in foF2 and a marked increase in h'F2 and hpF2
  • 3.(3) a marked increase in electron concentration under the peak
  • 4.(4) a close correlation with polar substorms, as deduced from the local magnetograms. It is suggested that the stratifications are due to particle precipitation and to modification of the low-latitude electric field by polar substorms.

The effect of the midday recovery of absorption (MDR) during the polar cap absorption (PCA) of 19–21 March 1990 is investigated using data from 25 riometer stations in both hemispheres. The measured variations of absorption are compared with those calculated from a model. Three main aspects are considered:
  • 1.(1) The solar and geophysical conditions under which the effect appears,
  • 2.(2) The essential morphological features of the phenomenon,
  • 3.(3) The relative contributions of (a) diurnal variations in the geomagnetic cut-off energy and (b) an anisotropic pitch-angle distribution of the solar protons to the development of the MDR.
The principal morphological features of the MDR effect are found to be as follows:
  • 1.(a) the width of the area affected by MDR is about 10° of invariant latitude,
  • 2.(b) there are two regions, respectively below and above 65° latitude, in which the MDR properties are different,
  • 3.(c) the maximum duration of the MDR effect is about 12 h,
  • 4.(d) there are distinct geomagnetic conjugucy effects in MDR.
There are solid reasons to suggest that the MDR at latitude 65–70° is due to the combined influence of a diurnal variation of geomagnetic rigidity, and the pitch-angle anisotropy of the solar protons. The MDR at lower latitudes (Λ = 60–65°) seems to be produced primarily by diurnal variations of the cut-off rigidity.  相似文献   

Historically, within anthropology, sport has been perceived as an inconsequential form of entertainment spectacle, seemingly at variance with, and secondary to, broader political and social discourses. An analysis of these four works, however, provides an opportunity to explore shifting representations surrounding issues of culture change and identity production within the anthropology of sport, with an emphasis on three inter-related themes:
  1. theories and methodologies for representing the intersections between culture change and sport;

  2. historical shifts in modes of representation and writing within anthropological sports studies, and

  3. representations of identities within sport.


Measurements of ‘excessive’ absorption by atmospheric water vapor, i.e. absorption in excess of water monomer absorption and droplet scattering predictions, are analyzed for the infrared and 5–17 cm−1 regions. Both fair weather and fog data are considered. It is found that observations in both spectral regions can be explained by the clustering (hydrogen bonding) of ~ 10−3 of the vapor molecules. The development leads to several tentative conclusions:
  • 1.(1) equilibrium cluster populations (and maximum absorption) are only attained forvaporin contact with liquid water;
  • 2.(2) the clusters are formed by evaporation, are large, and cannot be modeled by Boltzmann statistics;
  • 3.(3) cluster modes can account for unexplained spectral features at 5–17 cm−1;
  • 4.(4) excessive absorption both in the infrared and 5–17 cm−1 regions probably can be explained by the same cluster species.

Sumatran population growth and influences

Sumatra, Indonesia's large western Outer Island region, had general, urban and rural rates of population growth during 1961–71 as much as 50% or higher than those for the remainder of Indonesia. The rapid population growth in Sumatra, continuing into the later 1970s, has been associated with a variety of influences. Among these were:

  1. New or improved economic activities encompassing large‐scale extraction of crude oil, natural gas, tin, bauxite, and forest products; some coal mining; continued fisheries, commercial small‐holder and estate types of agriculture; and new or expanded manufacturing.

  2. Large‐scale transmigration, in‐migration from elsewhere in Indonesia other than Java and Bali, and intramigration within Sumatra have led to increased populations and densities in at least five major areas. The southern area of Lampung Province and to a lesser extent eastern South Sumatra have had notable growth from transmigration flows; several coastal plains areas in Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, and Jambi provinces, from upland to lowland or other in‐ and intra‐migration flows.

  3. Traditional ethnic, religious, and regional linkages within a predominantly rural village system have remained strong. These cultural conditions provide a background for understanding the continuing overwhelming rural character of Sumatra's people.

  4. Although urban growth was more rapid than rural growth in Sumatra during 1961–71, most of this urban growth was concentrated in and around a few relatively large urban centres; the remainder of the urban growth was in the many other urban places, most having the aspect of overgrown villages.

  5. Differential growth rates for total, rural, and urban populations were associated with differing perceptions at local, provincial, Sumatra‐wide, or national levels — of the areas having the best opportunities for improved living. With a few exceptions, Sumatra's upland areas have lost large numbers of people to near‐by and only recently highly accessible lowlands. Small, but crucially important, numbers of ambitious and more highly educated people have left Sumatra for Jakarta or other areas of actual and perceived greater economic opportunity.

  6. In 1971 the sharply contrasting and increasing population densities of Sumatra emphasized several areas of greater economic development on the one hand; areas of continued limited accessibility or economic activities oil the other. If trends of the 1961–71 decade persist, the 1981 Indonesian census results for Sumatra should indicate increased populations and densities, particularly in the southern Lampung area of agricultural inflow and in the lowlands around Sumatra's large cities which also should continue to have sizeable population increases.


In the period 1961 and 1980, Sumatra's population increased from nearly 16 to 28 million; a rise of 78%. This population growth was at least 50% faster than the Indonesia national average, and exceeded only by Maluku. Local and intensive demographic and economic analysis is needed to explain fully this rapid demographic increase. Sumatra's abundant resources of tin, bauxite, petroleum, natural gas, forest and agricultural products during the 1960s and 1970s supported these population increases, as well as providing export income to aid other Indonesian areas.

The chief population changes within Sumatra are:

  1. Rapid percentage population growth in Lampung, Jambi, Bengkulu, and Riau provinces. However, population numbers increased most in North Sumatra, Lampung, and South Sumatra.

  2. At the more detailed, kabupaten scale, Sumatra's 1961–80 population growth was very uneven, ranging from nearly 229% in central Lampung, over 97% in eight other kabupaten, to as little as 21.8% around Lake Toba in upland North Sumatra. Actual or perceived economic opportunities, sizeable migration flows, and high natural increases favoured some areas; resulted in outmigration flows from others.

  3. The nineteen municipalities (only seventeen according to some sources for 1961) rose to twenty kotamadya by the mid‐1960s. Collectively, their urban populations increased from less than 2 million in 1961 to 4.25 million in 1980. Medan, in particular, now is the dominant city not only of Sumatra, but also of all Indonesia beyond Java‐Madura. Only Sawahlunto in upland West Sumatra remained almost stagnant through this period.

  4. Population densities rose throughout Sumatra, but at greatly different rates. At the kabupaten scale at least seven areas of relatively high population density, plus a few localized urban‐ or resource‐centred areas elswhere, stood out from other, much less densely populated areas.


A dual coherent 50 MHz auroral radar installed at Siple Station, Antarctica, continuously monitored echo intensity and mean-Doppler velocity from 29 December 1976 until late March 1978. We describe here the experimental technique and present some statistical results including yearly averaged echooccurrence patterns and irregularity drift velocity characteristics. Our results show that:
  • 1.(1) the irregularity drifts are approximately westward (poleward electric fields) in the evening, and eastward (equatorward electric fields) in the morning following the electric field reversal in the region of the Harang discontinuity;
  • 2.(2) the Harang discontinuity under disturbed conditions (average Kp = 50) as seen by both radars is located around 2100–2300 MLT;
  • 3.(3) the relationship between the irregularity drift velocity and the actual electron drift velocity is strongly dependent on the angle between the radar beam and the earth's magnetic field, as predicted by linear theory.

Eighteen days of EISCAT data were used in a systematic study of the high latitude trough. Apart from a few days at midwinter, the pattern was the same in all cases. Near midnight the reversal of plasma flow from westward to eastward caused significant frictional heating of the ion population. At the same time a strong plasma velocity was observed upwards along the magnetic field line. This was the result of
  • 1.(i) a southward neutral wind
  • 2.(ii) a vertical wind driven by Joule heating
  • 3.(iii) diffusion. Both enhanced recombination—associated with the increase in ion temperature—and the escape of plasma along the field line contribute to the drop in electron density.

In 1989 the Council of the Royal Society of London established a Study Group to investigate the current status and future requirements of solar-terrestrial monitoring in the United Kingdom. This paper summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the U.K. Study Group. The rationale for regular synoptic monitoring of the solar-terrestrial environment is reviewed briefly. Instruments used for solar-terrestrial monitoring in U.K.-supported research programmes are listed, with special emphasis on research instruments that produce monitoring data. Some important applications of solar-terrestrial monitoring are outlined and criteria are presented for determining the priorities of various monitoring operations. High priority is attached to monitoring operations that are important for:
  • 1.(i) deriving geophysical models and reference systems;
  • 2.(ii) calculating the principal solar-geophysical indices;
  • 3.(iii) producing long time series of good data, especially at sites of particular geophysical interest; (iv) detecting global changes;
  • 4.(v) contributing to real-time forecasts of solar-terrestrial conditions, or to longer-term predictions and planning; and
  • 5.(vi) providing background data for other observations and experiments. The existing U.K. programmes of solar-terrestrial monitoring make a highly prestigious contribution to national and international scientific activity. Synoptic measurements of the solar-terrestrial environment are crucial for underpinning present and future programmes of basic, strategic and applied research. Therefore, a core programme of synoptic monitoring must be maintained in the U.K. It is recommended that this core programme should be financed centrally through the Research Councils and reviewed quinquennially.

The observed variability of the semi-diurnal tide can be described as a composition of three effects:
  • 1.(i) a variation of the main tide, over scales larger than 5 days, which can be explained as a variation of the relative amplitude or phase of the different tidal modes;
  • 2.(ii) a short time-scale variation, which can be attributed to a combination of local effects;
  • 3.(iii) a longitudinal variation, related to non-solar migrating modes.
Though we can account for the main tidal structure with classical thermal excitation and propagation, coupling mechanisms related to background atmospheric structure as computed by Lindzen and Hong (1974) are necessary to explain the large scale variations. In this paper, we develop simplified coupling mechanism to extend such coupling to non-solar migrating modes, through longitudinal variations of the background atmosphere.  相似文献   

The VHF radar at Jicamarca, Peru (12.0°S, 76.9°W) was used to probe the tropical lower stratosphere on 3–4 October and 6–8 December 1977. Velocity data obtained during these experiments exhibit features indicative of winds and waves in the stratosphere as follows:
  • 1.(1) The amplitude and phase of a diurnal oscillation in the observed horizontal wind compare well with theoretically predicted values of the solar diurnal tide. An observed semidiurnal oscillation differs considerably from theoretical values, although minimal phase variation with height is a fundamental property of both theory and observation. The observed vertical wind oscillations are larger than theoretical values of vertical tidal components, although the data is consistent with recent rocket observations.
  • 2.(2) Dominant velocity oscillations with periods near the Brunt-Väisälä period are frequently observed.
  • 3.(3) Downward phase progression of the westerly regime of the quasi-biennial wind oscillation is observed during the course of the two observations. A long-period oscillation with a period exceeding two days also appears to be superposed on the quasi-biennial oscillation.
  • 4.(4) Systematic differences are found between horizontal winds measured by the radar and those measured by rawinsondes launched from the Lima-Callao airport some 30 km west of Jicamarca.

Scintillation theory is used to study the fading of radio waves returned from the ionospheric F-region in the HF band at oblique incidence. For both low and high penetration frequencies calculations are made as a function of wave frequency, but emphasis is given to behaviour near the maximum usable frequency for one-hop F-transmission over distances up to 4000 km. Estimates are made of
  • 1.(i) the fluctuations of phase both for long-term (~ 1h) and for short-term (~ the fading correlation time),
  • 2.(ii) the fading correlation distance,
  • 3.(iii) the quasi-period of fading,
  • 4.(iv) the twinkling correlation distance,
  • 5.(v) the quasi-period of twinkling,
  • 6.(vi) the angular departure of the arrival azimuth from the mean and
  • 7.(vii) the correlation bandwidth.
The slow fluctuations often experienced in long distance HF radio communications are a manifestation of twinkling, rather than fading. Under normal conditions in the F-region the correlation bandwidth is so large that the bandwidth of transmission at HF is controlled by the dispersive properties of the ionosphere, rather than by the scattering properties. The reverse is true in the presence of spread-F. For sufficiently strong spread-F the correlation bandwidth for long distance HF radio communications is of the order of only 10 Hz, thereby creating the phenomenon known as flutter fading. Theoretical estimates of the scintillation parameters are compared with experience in long distance HF ionospheric communications over the last 60 years. Agreement is promising, but future experiments should be designed in the light of theory; existing observational data do not provide some of the information needed.  相似文献   

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