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抗日战争时期难民垦荒问题述略   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
救济难民是全面抗日战争时期的一项重要而艰巨的任务,组织难民参加垦荒、进行生产自救是这项工作中的一项富有积极意义的措施。它既是解决难民生计问题的需要,也是坚持长期抗战的需要,我国政府和社会广大民众都在这方面做了不少工作。研究全面抗日战争时期的难民垦荒问题对于全面了解中国人民英勇抗击日本帝国主义侵略的努力和斗争有着重  相似文献   

新中国城市劳动就业问题在20世纪50年代和60年代初呈现不同的特点。50年代以解决旧社会遗留下来的失业问题为主,重点是对众多的失业工人和失业知识分子进行救助。随着失业救济工作的全面展开,党和政府制定了解决城市就业问题的总方针,多管齐下解决不同人群的就业问题。进入60年代后,解决城市新增劳动力的就业问题成为工作的重点,为此,党和政府提出了统筹安排,城乡并举,而以上山下乡为主的工作方针,一方面阻断农村劳动力向城市的流动,另一方面安排失业工人主要是城市知识青年到农村参加劳动,同时广开就业门路。这两个时期的城市就业工作取得了明显的效果,但也留下了一些值得吸取的教训。  相似文献   

1949-1956年,根据中央人民政府和华北人民政府关于社会救济工作的统一部署,天津建立健全了社会救济管理机构,出台了职业介绍、以工代赈、生产自救等一系列社会救济政策.通过这些救济政策的推行与实施,天津在增加城市就业、消除贫困人口、维护社会稳定、健全社会救济制度等方面取得了显著成效,具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

珠三角地区城市化进程中妇女就业问题的探索与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化进程中,农民变成了居民,生活方式也发生了很大变化。男性农民由于较多参与社会工作,比较容易适应城市化过程,而广大的妇女由于长期从事家庭劳作,参与社会劳动的机会较少,在促进新城市居民就业工作中,妇女就业工作意义重大。本研究选取广东城市化进程中具有典型性代表的珠三角某市一个"由村委变居委"的典型研究。通过调查该街道妇女的教育程度和就业现况调查和分析,对类似城市化进程中出现的问题做出分析,提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

曾小燕 《神州》2011,(23):217
近些年来中职学校学生就业问题成为社会普遍关注的要点,本文从中职学校毕业生就业情况的实际出发,阐述了毕业生就业的现状,分析了就业中存在问题的原因,提出了中职毕业生就业的解决策略,希望对中职学校毕业生就业工作可以起到参考和借鉴的作用。  相似文献   

曾小燕 《神州》2011,(10):217-217
近些年来中职学校学生就业问题成为社会普遍关注的要点,本文从中职学校毕业生就业情况的实际出发,阐述了毕业生就业的现状,分析了就业中存在问题的原因,提出了中职毕业生就业的解决策略,希望对中职学校毕业生就业工作可以起到参考和借鉴的作用。  相似文献   

对我国转轨时期就业与城市贫困问题的研究,学者们多集中在就业数量的扩大方面,以大多数人的实现就业作为解决城市贫困的目标。而就业质量的高低,直接制约着就业数量的扩大,影响就业工作的全局。因此,我国转轨时期城市贫困问题的解决不仅要依赖就业数量的扩大,同时取决于就业质量的提高。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业问题在全球性金融危机爆发,就业岗位急剧减少的今天显得格外突出。地方本科院校由于其地域性强,学生就业多为本地消化,导致就业面较窄,且各高校专业设置不合理,与实际需求相脱节,学生素质下降,动手能力和就业能力较差,难以顶岗工作等原因使就业问题显得尤为严峻。为了解决学生就业问题,地方本科院校应从做好转变教学理念、转变学生学习就业观念,强化职业技能训练,综合提升学生的就业能力等方面入手,以期解决学生的就业问题。  相似文献   

本文通过对东北农业大学成栋学院2010年毕业生求职意向的调查,详细分析了毕业生对职业生涯规划、就业形势态度等心理指标,对高等民办院校毕业生就业工作提出了一些建议,以便能够更好的帮助和解决高等民办院校毕业生的就业问题。  相似文献   

肖卫祥  邱永松 《神州》2014,(15):208-208
在当前,在校毕业生已经成为就业群体中重要的组成部分,是未来社会的顶梁柱。但是,在校毕业生往往缺乏工作经验和缺少就业能力,特别是中职学校毕业生,他们学历较低,年龄偏小,人格还需进一步健全。所以,其就业形势尤为严峻,如何解决好离校未就业毕业生就业问题,成为职业指导工作中亟待解决的问题。本文主要针对中职学校毕业生职业指导实践中的若干经验和做法展开阐述。  相似文献   

This article argues that Cuba's economic demise following the collapse of the former Soviet Union should be seen as a crisis in reproduction as well as a crisis in consumption and production. Using qualitative field research carried out in 1994 and 1995 in Havana and in the province of Matanzas, the author shows that the commodities and services required for reproduction could no longer be guaranteed through the distribution system of the Cuban state. Consequently, people began to devise a range of survival strategies in order to ensure the reproduction of their households, including trading in unofficial markets, leaving formal employment and engaging in a portfolio of income-generating activities in the informal sector. Such strategies were patterned by the existing sexual division of labour and show a reinforcement of traditional gender roles. The article argues that these changes will have important political as well as economic consequences for Cuba's future.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the trading trajectory of an Uzbek family of merchants from Tajikistan. This family runs businesses in both Tajikistan’s capital, Dushanbe, and China’s famous international trading city: Yiwu. The analysis is centred on the accounts placed by Tajikistan’s Uzbek merchants about their historically sustained experience, often across several generations, in trading activities. These merchants’ claims of belonging to a ‘historical’ trading community rather than being ‘newcomers’ to long-distance commerce are articulated in relation to notions of ‘hierarchies of trade’ as they evolve in a twofold relational model linking Yiwu’s Changchun neighbourhood and Dushanbe. I suggest that the forms of conviviality enacted in Yiwu’s Changchun neighbourhood need to be understood in terms of the historical, multinational and transregional contacts that have occurred within the spaces of the former Soviet Union, as well as along the China-Russia and China-Central Asian borders. Equally, the hierarchies of trade of Uzbek merchants from Tajikistan in Yiwu’s Changchun neighbourhood cut-across markers of identity that juxtapose the roles of Tajik and Uzbek communities in Tajikistan’s contemporary politics and economics.  相似文献   

This article examines how, in a global strategic context presided by the rise of Asia and the US rebalance towards that region, Europeans are contributing to transatlantic burden‐sharing—whether individually or through the EU/NATO. As Asian powers reach westward and the US shifts its strategic priorities eastward, classical geostrategic delimitations become gradually tenuous. Particularly important are the ‘middle spaces’ of the Indian Ocean, central Asia and the Arctic, in that they constitute the main avenues of communication between the Asia–Pacific and the European neighbourhood. The article seeks to understand how evolving geostrategic dynamics in Europe, the ‘middle spaces’ and the Asia–Pacific relate to each other, and how they might impinge on discussions on transatlantic burden‐sharing. It is argued that the ability of Europeans to contribute to a more equitable transatlantic burden‐sharing revolves around two main tenets. First, by engaging in the ‘middle spaces’, Europe's key powers and institutions are helping to underpin a balance of power in these regions. Second, by stepping up their diplomatic and economic role in the Asia–Pacific, strengthening their security ties to (US) regional allies and maintaining an EU‐wide arms embargo on China, Europeans are broadly complementing US efforts in that key region. There are a number of factors that stand in the way of a meaningful European engagement in the ‘middle spaces’ and the Asia–Pacific, including divergent security priorities among Europeans, the impact of budgetary austerity on European defence capabilities and a tendency to confine foreign policy to the immediate neighbourhood. The article discusses the implications of those obstacles and outlines some ways in which they might be overcome.  相似文献   

Tanzania Maasai began large‐scale urban labour migration in the mid‐1990s, impelled by livestock losses from disease, drought and land alienation. Although they were readily hired in cities as night watchmen and security guards, many urban citizens expressed condescending views of the migrants, typifying them as ‘unmodern’, and as curious young warriors who were lazy, naive, drunk and dirty. Interviews with about 200 Maasai proved these discursive characterizations to be largely incorrect. Although the State has tried over the last century to ‘develop’ and settle semi‐nomadic pastoralists, the Maasai image is widely used as part of an instrumentalist agenda, to advertise items from telephones to tourism. Lacking political or social capital, the migrants manipulate and reinforce Maasai identity by continuing to wear traditional garments (illkarash), and by engaging in practices that emphasize their difference from the ‘WaSwahili’, bolster cohesion and solidarity among themselves, and increase their chances of urban employment.  相似文献   

Former industrial premises provide material and symbolic resources for grassroots creative production, but planning is complex as these sites are transitory and excessive intervention may stifle creativity. This paper analyses the transformations of La Ribera (Bilbao), a mixed-use peninsula waiting to be redeveloped, where, in the meantime, creative-based grassroots projects have settled. Drawing upon relevant planning documents, documentary material and interviews with key actors, the paper explores (i) the spatial and built form advantages of these spaces, (ii) their impact on neighbourhood life and (iii) the contradictions faced in the planning process. The analysis suggests that spatiality plays a critical role, but it is threatened by market pressures, local governments’ interest to encourage the city's reputation and neighbours’ mistrust for the changes they may trigger. As a result, we contend that art spaces’ institutionalization in the neighbourhood is decisive for their sustainability, but the conflicts that arise for the symbolic appropriation of space should be considered. Regarding policy, governance approaches that preserve users’ autonomy and spaces’ built form and atmospheric qualities are rather suitable responses if they are part of a comprehensive agenda that includes local socio-economic conditions and neighbours’ aspirations.  相似文献   

This paper draws on anthropological fieldwork of a civic parade in Manchester from 2010 to 2012 to argue for engaging with creativity as a process rather than an attribute of a particular sector or individual. It shows how the focus on funding and supporting ‘creative industries’ defined as ‘cinema, television, music, literature, performing arts, heritage and related areas’ actually excludes and diminishes the potential for others to engage with ideas and creative processes. Two major events in Manchester’s cultural calendar – Procession by artist Jeremy Deller, produced by Manchester International Festival and Manchester Day Parade, a council-led civic celebration – both combined community groups with artist input to put large-scale structures and people on the city’s streets. In this ethnographic analysis, I argue that the ‘creativity’ sought from these artists is their adaptive and productive approach to making ideas tangible. By focusing on creativity as a process rather than a character trait, there is even greater potential for stimulating a ‘creative’ city.  相似文献   

In recent decades, many Appalachian households have experienced declining incomes due to the loss of traditional male jobs in the mining and manufacturing sectors. One response to this decline has been an increase in female employment in formal sector activities. Another response is homework, or the home-based production of goods and services for sale in the formal and informal sectors. In rural Appalachia, where formal jobs are often unavailable or inadequate to support a household, many women are engaging in homework as an economic strategy. Consequently, economic restructuring cannot be fully understood without analyzing household strategies and gender relations. This paper examines the intersection of gender, households, and economic restructuring as it relates to women's homework and employment shifts in rural Appalachia. Research for this paper entailed qualitative interviews with 50 West Virginia women who are engaged in the home-based production of goods and services. The study analyzes the variety of homework activities done by rural women, their contribution to household incomes, and the effect of these activities on gender relations and divisions of labor in the home. The research forwarded in this study advances a conceptual understanding of household economic strategies and has some practical applications for women and economic development in underdeveloped regions .  相似文献   


Research has shown the neighbourhood as an influential environment concerning children’s independent mobility and activity participation. However, its influence on the everyday experiences of children with disabilities is not well understood. This article addresses this gap by studying the accounts of ten nine-12 year olds from south-east Queensland, Australia, who have diverse mobility impairments. This phenomenological study reveals mobility is a conditional act. Conditionality is understood by the way social and spatial factors intersect to influence one’s mobility about the street – or in our case coerced immobility. The body-space practices also reveal a mismatch between children’s embodiment and the neighbourhood environment, which intensified and converged at the absent footpath, with crucial repercussions for their spatial agency and activity participation. The findings suggest the importance of understanding diverse body-space practices in mobility studies and the need to contest ableism in street design to create inclusive walkable neighbourhoods for all.  相似文献   

This study explores how the everyday geographies of city life and families’ access to social networks in the neighbourhood influence families’ school choices. The data consist of thematic interviews with parents of 8–14-year-old children (n?=?170) in three urban areas located in the cities of Paris (France), Milan (Italy) and Espoo (Finland) and are analysed via qualitative content analysis. The findings indicate that the families’ access to local social networks influences the reasoning behind school choice to the local school. The children’s relationships with other children and adults in the neighbourhood are considered important, but additionally, the parents’ networks with other parents in the area, mediated by the school, play their role. School choices as practices should therefore be analysed not merely as choices of an institution, as they comprise various aspects concerning the surrounding neighbourhood as a physical and social space.  相似文献   

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