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Editor's Note:Dalai Lama has been changed so popular these years that it seems he becomes a logo to some extent.But who is the Dalai Lama?Most of people are puzzled.Not long before I read a couple of papers and enjoyed them very much.Maybe our read-ers are willing to share them and interested them.  相似文献   

4th Dalai Lama Yundain GyamcoAuthored by 5th Dalai Lama and translated by Chen Qingying and Ma Lianlong, the book tells the life of the 4th Dalai Lama who was the only non-Tibetan among the various generations of the Dalai Lama.As he was the first reincarnated Mongolian Living Buddha of the Gelug Sect, he held an important position in the history of the Gelug Sect. His period was a period filled with social changes, and little historical materials are found to cover his period. Publication of the book, published by the Tapei All Buddhist Cultural Undertakings Co. Ltd., is obviously a must-read book.  相似文献   

The uphill battle for religious freedom
Not from any particular government, but this time it is from the Dalai Lama himself who personally claims to be a champion of religious freedom. Yet he only champions those who follow him, anyone else is persecuted and segregated.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Ref.To our tele talk to day,I have the honour to write you as you claimed that"Rarely do journalist challenge the Dalai Lama". Dalai Lama is an hypocrite who used to systematically fool people and his principle of peace are too bogus,he must be stopped in the frame work of peace as his fol-lowers are sluggish and kept themself burried under ignorance.  相似文献   

Qing Dynasty Archives On the Dalai lamasThe Dalai Lama was one of the two leaders of the Gelug (Yellow) Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It won the honorific title of the Dalai lama in 1653 from Qing Emperor Shunzhi, and the Living Buddha had since been following the reincarnation system under the supervision of the Central Government. His soul boy was not legal until he won the confirmation of the Central Government. Whenever there is the need not to go through the set system, Central Government permission is a must.The Dalai Lama also did his best to seek authorization of the Central Government which would therefore issue him certificate of authority and seal of power.All these were recorded in archives, part of which are contained in the book. Its major chapters contain 154 pieces of archives related with certification of the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Erdeni under the reign of Qing Emperor Shunzhi, the demise of the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Erdeni, efforts made to look for their soul boys, selection of th  相似文献   

Between 1635 and 1642 AD, the dge-lugs-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism, headed by the fifth Dalai Lama, blo-bzang-rgya-mtsho, allied with Hoshot Gushri Khan to defeat the allies consisting of local forces and religious groups who hated dge-lugs-pa. It marked the end of a long phase of disintegration in Tibet. During this historical period, the Fifth Dalai Lama chose the hour and sized up the situation, exploited his advantages, escaped the disadvantages, cleverly utilized various feudal conflicts amongst his enemies, constantly held  相似文献   

Potala PalaceConstruction of the Potala Palace began in the mid-7th century for the Tubo King Songtsan Gambo to greet his Han wife, Princess Wencheng. It comprised 999 rooms then, plus one built atop the Red Hill, which, said to have 1,000 rooms, was later destroyed by thunderbolts and wars. What we see today is a structure built during the 17th century.In the mid-17th century, the White House was added to the Potala Palace, which spread along the Red Hill in Lhasa.The palace is a structure of clay, wood and stone. The palace was the residence of the Dalai Lama of various generations. Beginning with the period of the 5th Dalai Lama, major religious and political ceremonies were held there.The palace covers a total area of 360,000 square meters, with major building rising 117 meters high in 13 floors, and extends some 360 meters from east to west.From 1989 to 1994, the State earmarked some 55 million Yuan and large quantities of gold and silver to repair the palace.In December 1994, the palace found its w  相似文献   

When Qamba Lobsang bade farewell to his uncle at the Norbu Lingka, summer palace of the Dalai Lama, he didn't realize he would be doing the same job as the old man in the future: serving as a butler at the palace.However, what Galsang is doing is somewhat different from what his uncle used to do. As a senior official under the Gaxag government in old Tibet, his uncle was charged with tending the Potala Palace and Norbu Lingka. As  相似文献   

Most Sherpa people believe in Tibetan Buddhism. There are two monasteries in Lixing and Chengtang respectively with the name of Gongbasaba and Lagang. Most people follow either the Saga or Geju Sect, although there are also followers of Gelug Sect and Nyingma Sect. The disciples of the Sagya and Gagyu sects can marry and form families. They do not live in the monastery but farm monastery's lands, and go to the monastery to burn joss sticks, lay offerings and chant sutras. Even the people who are not followers of the Gelug Sect adore the Dalai Lama and Panchen Erdeni.  相似文献   

Referring to the point of the “middle road” made by the 14^th Dalai Lama, there is a concept of “Greater Tibet” which covers the existing Tibet Autonomous Region, the entire area of Qinghai Province, one-fifth of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, two-thirds of Gansu Province, two-thirds of Sichuan Province and half of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

In the late July of 1908, Ootani Kouzui (1876-1948, the 22nd abbot from of the Japanese Nishi-honganzi Monastery) sent hisyounger brother Ootani Sonyu (1886-1939) to go to Wutai Mountain to secretly meet the 13th Dalai Lama. The monastery of Japan and the local government of Tibet had reached an agreement on the issue of exchanging students. In accordance with the agreement, Aoki Bunkyou and Tada Toukan, spent three and ten years respectively studying in Tibet. And the 13th Dalai  相似文献   

For half a century since he fled abroad after the military rebellion of March 19, 1959, the Dalai Lama and his clique have been trying by all means to undermine Tibetan security, unity and happiness so as to split Tibet from China and restore the feudal slavery system. He has told various lies to disguise this cruelest and most savage feudal slavery system and to fool people into believing that the Old Tibet before his escape was really as happy as Heaven.  相似文献   

The International Shugden Community organized a protest for religious freedom in Italy on June 14th and 15th at the Modigliani forum. I was fortunate to attend this protest organized by the International Shugden Community and 500 other supporters from 15 to 20 countries to ask the Dalai Lama to stop lying and allow religious freedom to all.  相似文献   

正On an unforgiving land situated at an altitude of over 5,000 meters upon northern Tibet is a group of ethnic Tibetans who are keeping on with their nomadic traditions inherited from their ancestors.They are accompanied with yaks and sheep as they live on the land,but the tide of modernization has brought them  相似文献   

The relation between the wall paintings of Dra-thang Monastery and Dunhuang art is rather complex.In order to have a better understanding of it,two fac-ets need to be clarified:one is that the wall paintingsof Dra-thang Monastery are a kind of continuation ofTibetan-style paintings during the Tubo's occupationperiod (786-848A.D),that is,their dates are differentbut they are of the same essence.The other is thatboth of them share similar cultural elements.They arerelated but differ from each other.Their multiple links  相似文献   

New Books     
Facts and Truth:Story of the 14th.Dalai Lama Dainzin Gyamco What iS the story behind the life of the14th Dalai Lama.and what will become ofhim in the future?Tang Jiawei wrote thebook on the basis of mountainS of facts  相似文献   

<正>Generally, literary styles are used widely, such as novels, prose, poems, and plays. They have common characters: abundant words, lively language, variant syntax and different style. Literature is the art that uses language as a medium. Literature is a performance in words. It is the work of men who are especially sensitive to the language of their time and who use the skill of language to make permanent their vision of life. It’s very important and very difficult to retain the style of the original works while translating.  相似文献   

Originated from very early years in Tibet, pole acrobatics is a typical traditional folkloric acrobatics which pervades in Tibetan community, in particular was popularized during Tubo period. On the mural of Samye, paintings display tens of ways to practice such acrobatics. During the 17th century, the fifth Dalai Lama overthrew Tsangpa Khan's regime in Shigatse, with the support of Mongolia Chieftain, Gushri Khan. Soon, he found Geden Potrang Kingdom.  相似文献   

<正>Walking in Tibetan inhabited areas,you will often encounter a number of pilgrims prostrating themselves on the roads to holy places. When we see them on the ground-prostrating,touching their foreheads,clapping their hands-and hear the echoing sound produced by their wooden gloves...our hearts fill with emotion.Apart from Tibetans,there may not be any other group of people in the world who are so pious.The extreme religiosity of Tibetans is driven from the depth of their hearts to motivate them to take several months,even years,to prostrate themselves on long journeys in order to reach their much dreamed-of holy destinations.Observing their shining faces,we do not see their hardships or suffering or depression,but rather we see the brightness,strength,insight and wishes of their faith.Above all, there is strength,the power of faith!  相似文献   

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