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《European Legacy》2000,5(3):439-488

Books Reviewed in this Article:
Brenda Danet. 1989. Pulling Strings: Biculturalism in Israeli Bureaucracy  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles.
Understanding the Cultural Landscape . Wallach, Bret.
City of Flows. Modernity, Nature and the City . Kaika, Maria.
Talking About Sydney: Population, Community, and Culture in Contemporary Sydney . Freestone, Robert; Randolph, Bill; Butler-Bowden, Caroline and Randolph, W. (eds).
Territory. A Short Introduction . Delaney, David .
Worlds of Food: Place, Power and Provenance in the Food Chain . Morgan, Kevin; Marsden, Terry and Murdoch, Jonathan .
Urban Geography: A Global Perspective. Pacione, Michael.
For Space . Massey, Doreen.
Highland Sanctuary: Environmental History in Tanzania's Usambara Mountains . Conte, Christopher A.
After the Three Italies. Wealth, Inequality and Industrial Change . Dunford, Michael and Greco ,
Approaches to Human Geography . Aitken, Stuart and Valentine, Gill (eds).
Space Odysseys: Spatiality and Social Relations in the 21st Century. Bcerenholdt, Jörgen Ole and Simonsen, Kirsten (eds).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Electric Energy Availability and Regional Growth , by George S. Tolley, Charles W. Upton, and V. Stevens Hastings.
Geography and Inequality , by B. E. Coates, R. J. Johnston, and P. L. Knox.
Advances in Input-Output Analysis , by Karen R. Polenske and Jiri V. Skolka (eds.).  相似文献   





none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):162-172

Books Reviewed in this article: Anthology of Islamic Literature from the Rise of Islam to Modern Times , selected, edited and introduced by James Kritzeck, Holt, Rinehard and Winston, New York, 1964. Pp. 379. $8.50. A Reader in Modern Literary Arabic , By Farhat J. Ziadeh. Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1964. $8.50. Three Muslim Sages , by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Harvard University Press, 1964; PP- 185, $3.95. Botschaft des Ostens. By Sir Muhammad Iqbāl. Aus dem Persischen uebertra-gen und eingeleitet von Annemarie Schimmel. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1963, pp. XXX, 108. A Path for Pakistan. By Aslam Siddiqi. Pakistan Publishisg House, Karachi, 1964; pp. xv + 250; Rs. 16. The Significance of Muhamadan Law in Present Day Egypt (Dutch). B. J. Brugman, Martinus Nijhoff's Gravenhage, 1960. “Verhandelingen…”, vol. XXVIII, pp. 215. William McKane, Al-Ghazāli's Book of Fear and Hope , E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1962. Pp. XIX + 104. 18 guilders.  相似文献   


The application of wireless communications to the conduct of military operations was one of the transformational technologies of the 20th century. In the UK, despite this importance, it is a topic that has received relatively little attention from historians of technology and industrial archaeologists. This article briefly reviews the development of military communications technology and its archaeological and architectural legacies.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Regards chrétiens sur Pislam . By Louis Gardet. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1986. 219 pp. Indices. 96 F. Traditional Islam in the Modern World . By Seyyed Hossein Nasr. London and New York: KPI Ltd., 1987. x plus 335 pp. n.p. Knowing One Another: Shaping an Islamic Anthropology. By Merryl Wyn Davies. London and New York: Mansell Publishing Limited, 1988. x plus 189 pp. Index. $52.50, hardcover. Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religion. William A. Graham. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 306 pp. Bibliography. Indices. $32.50. Medieval Persian Court Poetry . By Julie Scott Meisami. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987. xiii plus 345 pp. $45.00. Textual Sources for the Study of Islam. Edited and translated by Andrew Rippin and Jan Knappert. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986. xii plus 209 pp. Map. Glossary. Index. £6.75. In Quest of an Islamic Humanism: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Memory of Mohamed al-Nowaihi. Edited by A. H. Green. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1984. xxiv plus 217 pp. n.p. Philosophy of Islam. Ayatullah Dr. Muhammad Hosayni Behishti and Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Javad Bahonar. Salt Lake City: Islamic Publications, n.d. 580 pp. n.p. Knowing the Unknowable God: Ibn-Sina, Maimonides, Aquinas. By David B. Burrell. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986. x plus 130 pp. $15.95, hardcover; $8.95, paper. Averroes’ De Substantia Orbis: Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text with English Translation and Commentary. By Arthur Hyman. [Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi: Averroes Hebraicus, Medieval Academy Books No. 96.] Cambridge, Massachusetts and Jerusalem: Medieval Academy of America, 1986. 156 plus 74 pp. in Hebrew numerals. Two Critical Apparatus. Hebrew-Latin Glossary. Bibliography. Two Indices. $30.00. Eighteenth-Century Renewal And Reform In Islam. Edited by Nehemiah Levtzion and John O. Voll. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1987. Preface plus 200 pp. Glossary. Index. $24.95, Cloth. Zwischen Faktum and Fiktion: Eine Studie zum Umayyadenkalifen Sulaiman b. Abdalmalik and seinem Bild in den Quellen. By Reinhard Eisener. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1987. ix plus 296 pp. Appendix. Index. DM 68. Studies on the First Century of Islamic Society. Edited by G.H.A. Juynboll. [Papers on Islamic History; v.5.] Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. ix plus 292 pp. $20.00. Islam Assembled: The Advent of the Muslim Congresses. By Martin Kramer. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986. xi plus 250 pps. Index. $30.00. Philosophy and Science in the Islamic World. By C.A. Qadir. North Ryde, New South Wales: Croom Helm, 1988. viii plus 218 pages. Index. $67.50, cloth; Canada $94.50. Urdu Letters of irz Asadu'llh n lib. Translated and annotated by Daud Rahbar. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1987. xlv plus 628 pp. n.p. Imam Ali: Source of Light, Wisdom and Might. By Sulaymn Kattn, translated by I. K. Howard. London: Muhammadi Trust and New York: Methuen, 1986. x plus 148 pp. $25.00. Egypt, Islam, and the Arabs: The Search for Egyptian Nationhood, 1900–1930. By Israel Gershoni and James P. Jankowski. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. xviii plus 346 pp. $39.95. Tchad 1900-1902, une guerre franco-libyenne oublie? Une confrrie musulmane, la Sansiyya, face la France. By Jean-Louis Triaud. [Racines du présent series.] Paris: L'Harmattan, 1988. 203 plus xxxii pp. Photoreproductions of 38 archival letters in handwritten Arabic (with 105 pp. French translation). 3 maps. Bibliography. Index. n.p. Amal and the Shia: Struggle for the Soul of Lebanon. By Augustus Richard Norton. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987. xxii plus 238 pp. $25.00, hardcover; $10.95, paperback. Passeé Turco-Tatar, Présent Sovietique: Études offertes Alexandre Bennigsen/Turco-Tatar Past Soviet Present: Studies presented to Alexandre Bennigsen. Edited by Ch. Lemercier-Quelquejay, G. Veinstein, and S.E. Wimbush. [Éditions Peeters, Louvain-Paris, la Collection TLrcica, VI: Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, la collection Civilisations et Sociétés, 74.] Louvain-Paris: Éditions Peeters and Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 1986. ix plus 563 pp. Photograph. n.p. Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan. By Olivier Roy. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. vi plus 253 pp. $24.95. Khoumani, Islamic Fundamentalists and the Contributions of Islamic Sciences to Modern Civilization. By Antoine J. Abraham. [Anthroscience Monograph Series.] Notre Dame, Indiana: Foundations Press of Notre Dame, 1983. 39 pp. n.p. The Gulf Cooperation Council: Moderation and Stability in an Interdependent World. Edited by John A. Sandwick. Foreword by George McGovern. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press and Washington, D.C.: American-Arab Affairs Council, 1987. x plus 289 pp. Tables. Charts. Texts of documents. Bibliography. $15.95. The Powers in the Middle East: The Ultimate Strategic Arena. Edited by Bernard Reich. New York: Praeger, 1987. 351 pp. $45.00.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
N ahmana A vigadh : Hebrew Bullae from the Time of Jeremiah:- Remnants of a Burnt Archive
M artin G oodman : The Ruling Class of Judaea: The Origins of the Jewish Revolt Against Rome, A.D. 66–70. Cambridge
J oseph P. L ynch : Godparents and Kinship in Early Medieval Europe
M ichael M ullett : Popular Culture and Popular Protest in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
C arol Z aleski : Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medieval and Modern Times
orna J ane A bray : The People's Reformation: Magistrates, Clergy, and Commons in Strasbourg, 1500–1598
J. D enny W eaver : Becoming Anabaptist
R onald B. B ond : Certain Sermons or Homilies (1547) and A Homily against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion (1570): A Critical Edition
G. J. R. P arry : Protestant Vision: William Harrison and the Reformation of the Elizabethan Church
D avid B erman : A History of Atheism in Britain: From Hobbes to Russell
S tephen J udd and K enneth C able : Sydney Anglicans: A History of the Diocese
A lan P. F. S ell : Defending and Declaring the Faith: Some Scottish Examples, 1860–1920
J ill R oe : Beyond Belief Theosophy in Australia 1879–1939
J. B. G ribble : Dark Deeds in a Sunny Land
M ichael H ogan : The Sectarian Strand: Religion in Australian Society
P atrick P. F ord : The Socialist Trend in the Catholic Church in Australia and New Zealand , Melbourne, John XXIII Fellowship Co-op
W. D. R ubinstein (ed.): Jews in the Sixth Continent , Sydney, Allen and Unwin
A rvind S harma (ed.): Women in World Religions  相似文献   

The Economics of Imperfect Competition: A Spatial Approach , by Melvin L. Greenhut, George Norman, and Chao-Shun Hung. Regional Labour Markets , by Manfred M. Fischer and Peter Nijkamp (eds.). Unemployment, the Regions and Labour Markets: Reactions to Recessions , by I. R. Gordon (ed.). Multiregional Input-Output Models in Long-Run Simulation , by Norimichi Toyomane. Toward a New Iron Age? Quantitative Modeling of Resource Exhaustion , by Robert C. Gordon, Tjalling C. Koopmans, William D. Nordhaus, and Brian J. Skinnner. Location Strategies for Retail and Service Firas , by Avijit Ghosh and Sarah L. McLafferty. Protecting the New Jersey Pinelands: A New Direction in Land-Use Management , by Beryl Robichaud Collins and Emily W. B. Russell (eds.). Regional Policy: A European Approach (second edition), by Norbert Vanhove and Leo H. Klaassen. Urbanization Policies in Pacific Asia , by Roland J. Fuchs, Gavin W. Jones, and Ernesto M. Pernia (eds.). International Economic Restructuring and the Regional Community, Herman Muegge , Walter B. Stöhr, Paul Hesp, and Barbara Stuckey (eds.). Land Use and Urban Form: The Consumption Theory of Land Rent , by Grant. Ian Thrall.  相似文献   

Property Taxes and House Values: The Theory and Estimation of Intrajurisdictional Property Tax Capitalization , by John Yinger, Howard S. Bloom, Axel Borsch-Supan, and Helen F. Ladd.
Spatial Price Theory of Imperfect Competition , by Hiroshi Ohta.
Advanced Spatial Statistics , by Daniel A. Griffith.
Regional Economic Development: Essays in Honour of François Perroux , edited by Benjamin Higgins and Donald J. Savoie.
Recent Advances in Regional Economic Modelling , edited by Frank Harrigan and Peter McGregor.
State Policy Choices: The Wisconsin Experience , edited by Sheldon Danziger and John F. Witte.
Resource Development and Environmental Issues: Opportunities and Constraints in the Hunter Region, New South Wales , edited by A. J. Jakeman, P. K. Parker, J. Formby, and D. G. Day.
The Urbanization of the Third World , edited by Josef Gugler.
Indonesia: The Transmigration Program in Perspective , by the World Bank.
The Economic Geography of China , edited by Sun Jingzhi.  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this Article:
Wayne V. McIntosh. 190. The Appeal of Civil Law: A Political-Economic Analysis of Litigation
Norma M. Riccucci. 1990. Women, Minorities, and Unions in the Public Sector
James R. Bowers. 1990. Regulating the Regulators: An Introduction to the Legislative Oversight of Administrative Rulemaking
William F. Shughart II. 1990. Antitrust Policy and Interest-Group Politics  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this Article: Danielle Jacquart and Claude Thomasset, Sexuality and Medicine in the Middle Ages,. David Levine, Reproducing Families. The political economy of English population history. Mikiso Hane, Reflections on the Way to the Callows: Rebel Women in Pre-war Japan. Sandra M Gilbert and Susan Gubar, No Man's Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century. Nancy F. Cott, The Grounding of Modern Feminism. Brian Harrison, Prudent Revolutionaries, Portraits of British Feminists between the Wars. Birgit Sawyer and Anita Goransson (eds), Manliga strukturer och kvinnliga strategier. Susan Bridger, Women in the Soviet Countryside: women's roles in rural development in the Soviet Union. Veronica Strong-Boag, The New Day Recalled: Lives of Girls and Women in English Canada, 1919–1939.  相似文献   

Church and City, 1000-1500: Essays in Honour of Christopher Brooke. Michigan State University Bureaucrats and Beggars: French Social Policy in the Age of Enlightenment. Fordham University The Revolution of 1905: Authority Restored. University of North Carolina, Greensboro The Tudor Nobility. Clemson University Liberty, Retrenchment, and Reform: Popular Liberalism in the Age of Gladstone, 1860–1860. Wayland Baptist University Martin Luther: Theology and Revolution. Portland State University Locality and Polity: A Study of Warwickshire Landed Society, 1401–1401. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Religion, Law, and Power: The Making of Protestant Ireland, 1660–1660. Office of the District Attorney, Nassau County, New York Trotsky, Stalin, and Socialism. University of Northern Iowa Cities of the Gods: Communist Utopias in Greek Thought. University of California, Berkeley Charles, Earl Grey: Aristocratic Reformer. Houston Baptist University Target Hitler: The Plots to Kill Hitler. Illinois College Golden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the Great Depression, 1919–1919. University of Nottingham Patients, Power, and the Poor in Eighteenth-Century Bristol. Eastern Illinois University The Divided Nation: A History of Germany, 1918-1990. By Mary Fulbrook. University of Tampa Shokan–Hirohito's Samurai: Leaders of the Japanese Armed Forces, 1926–1926. SUNY, Stony Brook Hidden Ally: The French Resistance, Special Operations and the Landings in Southern France, 1944. University of Reading Landownership and Power in Modern Europe. Oxford University Winning the Peace: British Diplomatic Strategy, Peace Planning, and the Paris Peace Conference, 1916–1916. Valparaiso University Women and the Labour Movement in Scotland, 1850–1850. West Texas State University Secrets of the Kingdom: British Radicals from the Popish Plot to the Revolution of 1688–1688. University College, Swansea The Republican Virago: The Life and Times of Catharine Macaulay, Historian. College of Charleston The Baltic and the Outbreak of the Second World War. SUNY, New Paltz The Later Crusades: From Lyons to Alcazar, 1274–1274. Holy Cross College The Palestinian Uprising: A War by Other Means. Tel Aviv University Liberty Secured? Britain before and after 1688. University of Kansas Scotland and War: A.D. Notre Dame College of Ohio Revolution and Genocide: On the Origins of the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust. Oklahoma State University Charles James Fox. Eckerd College A World without Women: The Christian Clerical Culture of Western Science. Texas A&M University The Engineer of Revolution: L. Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Germany's Rude Awakening: Censorship in the Land of the Brothers Grimm. St. Bernadotte: Napoleon's Marshal, Sweden's King. University of Leeds A Different World for Women: The Life of Millicent Garrett Fawcett. University of Houston, Victoria The Revolution of 1688: Changing Perspectives. University of North Carolina, Asheville Prosecution and Punishment: Petty Crime and the Law in London and Rural Middlesex, c. James Madison University Province and Empire: Brittany and the Carolingians. Michigan State University Our Great Solicitor: Josiah C. Cameron University Theory as Practice: Ethical Inquiry in the Renaissance. University of Maryland, Baltimore County Architecture and Power: The Town Hall and the English Urban Community c. Southeastern Louisiana University The Early Germans. Illinois State University Community and Commerce in late Medieval Japan: The Corporate Villages of Tokuchin-ho. Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies Fire from Heaven: Life in an English Town in the Seventeenth Century. York University, England Milton's History of Britain: Republican Historiography in the English Revolution. Florida State University National Crisis and National Government: British Politics, the Economy and Empire, 1926–1926. University of Portland Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred. Southern Methodist University Singing the Master: The Emergence of African American Culture in the Plantation South. Pennsylvania State University Conservative Constraints: North Carolina and the New Deal. Tennessee Technological University The Eagle-Dragon Alliance: America's Relations with China in World War Two. Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva John Marshall Harlan: The Last Whig justice. University of Tulsa A Ship to Remember: The Maine and the Spanish-American War. University of Oklahoma The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities. Cornell University Unholy Grail: The U.S. Saint Joseph's University Decision in the West: The Atlanta Campaign of 1864. University of Maryland, College Park France and the United States: The Cold Alliance since World War II. University of Leicester This Terrible Sound: The Battle of Chickamauga. Oklahoma Baptist University Watergate and Afterward: The Legacy of Richard M. City University of New York We Need Men: The Union Draft in the Civil War. University of North Dakota Richard The Salem Witch Crisis. Pomona College Settlers' Children: Growing Up on the Great Plains. Fort Hays State University Josiah Royce: From Grass Valley to Harvard. New Mexico State University The Orphan Trains: Placing Out in America. Pine Manor College A Preponderance of Power: National Security, the Truman Administration and the Cold War. Union College The Business of May Next: James Madison and the Founding. Berea College Anxious Decades: America in Prosperity and Depression, 1920–1920. Cazenovia College Early American Methodism. Wright State University, Dayton In the Web of Class: Delinquents and Reformers in Boston, 1810s-1930s. Fairmont State College The U.S. Raymond G. University of Miami The American Political Nation, 1838–1838. University of Wisconsin, Madison John Randolph Haynes: California Progressive. James Madison University The Shaker Experience in America: A History of the United Society of Believers. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Tea Party to Independence: The Third Phase of the American Revolution, 1773–1773. El Camino College The American Encounter with Buddhism, 1844-1912: Victorian Culture and the Limits of Dissent. Purdue University John Quincy Adams and American Global Empire. University of Colorado, Boulder Aspirations and Anxieties: New England Workers and the Mechanized Factory System, 1815–1815. Plymouth State College The Black Man's Burden: Africa and the Curse of the Nation-State. African Philosophy: Traditional Yoruba Philosophy and Contemporary African Realities. Austin Toyin Falola The Slave Coast of West Africa, 1550–1550. Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario The African Experience. Arizona State University The Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876–1876. Arizona State University White Dreams, Black Africa: The Anti-Slavery Expedition to the River Niger, 1841–1841. Science Applications International Coloration Science and Technology in African History with Case Studies from Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. University of Texas, Austin  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? By John L. Esposito. The Origins of Arab Nationalism. By Rashid Khalidi, L. Anderson, M. Muslih, and R. S. Simon, eds. Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk About Their Lives. By Bouthaina Shaaban. Saudi-Yemeni Relations: Domestic Structures and Foreign Influence. By F. Gregory Gause III. Live Theatre and Dramatic Literature in Medieval Arabic World. By Shmuel Moreh. The United States and the Middle East: a Search for New Perspectives. Edited by Hooshang Amirahmadi.  相似文献   

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