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正大运河是中华民族伟大智慧与辛勤汗水的结晶,是中华文明的金名片,是中华文化持续发展的核心轴。大运河南北一线连通黄河、长江、淮河、钱塘、海河五大东西走向的河流,使中国形成人工运河与自然河道共同构建的网络化水运系统,它在长达2400多年的发展历程中,对中国南北经济发展、文化交流、社会进步、城市成长、国家统一、中外交流等发  相似文献   

范淑萍 《丝绸之路》2009,(22):34-36
红河地区的交通开发具有悠久的历史。以近代新式交通工具——铁路的出现为分界,以前的交通可以笼统概括为传统交通。红河水运和马帮运输是红河地区交通发展的两个重要组成部分,在近代新式交通出现以前,红河水运和马帮运输互相配合,成为沟通红河地区城乡间的主要交通运输方式。随着驿传制度而形成的驿道,也成为红河地区内部联系与交流的纽带。  相似文献   

清代江南内河的水运   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国自古就有“南船北马”之称。在江南,水运是非常重要的交通方式。本文利用清代盗案材料,具体分析当时的水路交通网及水运对人民生活的重要性。  相似文献   

清嘉庆年间北运河张家湾段自然裁弯取直,官方围绕这一变化所采取的种种应对举措,反映了时人对自然河道变迁的认知程度和思想观念,是人们利用河流水运资源创造财富和维护社会发展的一个特例。河道摆动,先后在康家沟形成了新、旧河道。人为堵筑康家沟旧道后,新冲出的河道与张家湾原道又形成了新旧之别。其间,官员们因对河道水情认识的差异而产生意见分歧,并导致不同的治理结果。清廷在耗费巨资后,最终选择漕船走康家沟,从中可以窥见自然河道变迁对人类社会的影响。  相似文献   

《楚文化志》(以下简称《志》)第七章,在“水路交通”一节中说: 春秋中期,楚已灭夔,而夔在今秭归,秭归已在西陵峡内。巴人所置弱关也在今秭归,江关则在今奉节,可控扼三峡航道以抵御楚人,巴楚交通,三峡便是纽带。战国时三峡为楚所有,“楚为捍关以拒之”,此捍关可能就是巴的江关。由江陵至奉节,兵员装备的运输,自然就是通过长江水运了。《战国策·燕策二》记秦灭巴蜀后宣称,蜀地之甲,可以方船积粟,循江而下,至郢三千余里而不费汗马之劳。可以说,楚国当时的水路交通已穿过长江三峡而直达今四川境内了。笔者认为,这一段对于先秦时代三峡航运的描述存在着许多问题。  相似文献   

《朱仙镇新河记碑》对于研究贾鲁河水运与朱仙镇商业兴衰变迁之间的相互关系有重要价值。按《朱仙镇新河记碑》所载道光二十三年的黄河大水是朱仙镇水运衰落的转折。光绪八年新疏浚的贾鲁河道由王堂新河、李牧岗至张市镇两部分构成。贾鲁河河道的变迁是导致朱仙镇商业衰落的根本原因。  相似文献   

汉阳位于武汉市西南隅,东南濒临长江.北依十里九弯的汉水.西与什湖、官湖、太子湖等毗连.境内河道纵横,湖港相连.人们依水相居.夹映绿柳红花,堪与江南水乡比美.  相似文献   

一个国家的水陆交通与商业发展紧密联系在一起,交通越便利,商业越发达。中古时期英国的交通状况如何?目前在国内史学界还是一个冷僻的课题。要研究中古时期英国的商业经济,必然涉及到交通问题。根据近年来英国出版的相关文史资料,具体考察了12~14世纪期间英国的水陆通行及商业运输情况,提出了以下两点看法:一、由主干道即“王家大道”、地方道路和乡村小道所组成的陆路系统已经比较完整,可以保证商业运输的需要;大规模的陆路运输不仅可以有效组织,而且出现了比较高级的“公共运输人”。二、通航水路相当发达,尤其在东部地区水运河道密布,城市和大的集市都非常繁荣;水运价格也比陆运低得多。不可否认,以现代人的标准看,当时的水陆交通还障碍重重,运输效率不高。但是,这个时期英国的水陆交通条件已经为商业运输提供了必要保障。  相似文献   

试论春秋时期淮河流域之交通   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李修松 《安徽史学》2003,(1):106-109
春秋时期,淮河流域由于经济发展的加速,又由于地处晋、楚、吴、齐大国之间,各大国之间的交流、交往、战争.促使流域交通迅速发展。淮河干支流多已成为水上通途;“沟通陈蔡”及邗沟等人工运河的开凿,反映了其水运交通质的进步。诸如芍陂等水利工程,也为当地人民发展水运提供了便利。一些霸主还通过制定水利盟约,力图保证各国间水运的畅通。当时,各国问都有可通行车马的道路相连,新郑、陈、楚丘、徐等已成为地区间的交通枢纽,诸侯间的盟会也常于此流域召开。邮驿制度也通达于该流域。交通工具进步很快,道路管理制度亦得到各国的重视。交通的发展,对于流域政治、经济、军事的发展都起到了较大的促进作用。  相似文献   

抗战期间,山城重庆聚集了许多下江人(四川人对外省人的习惯称谓),得到抗战胜利的消息,人们在狂欢、高歌了一阵子后,大小机关和各阶层的人们都在想着“复员”回家了。但出川的路太难了!除极少数人能够乘飞机、一些人乘汽车出川外,大多数人都要借助长江水运这条大通道,顺江而下,奔回阔别已久的家乡。  相似文献   

Unborn in the USA traces the activities of antiabortion activistsin thirty-five states, documenting a range of antichoice activism,from exhibiting photo displays of aborted fetuses to a folkartist who creates life-sized sculptures of fetuses at variousdevelopmental stages. It offers only one side in the abortionwar—those opposed to the procedure—and only thosewho attempt to derail support for abortion by presenting imagesof aborted fetuses, even though, curiously, the  相似文献   

Latham MC 《Africa today》1993,40(3):39-53
Issues surrounding the spread of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Africa are summarized. Subjects considered include the disease's origins, proportion of the population infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS, the problems in caring for children orphaned by the disease, innovations in drug treatments discovered by African scientists, the spread among women, and the difficulties inherent in incorporating Western-based policy and aid provisions into the African context.  相似文献   


The chirality of living matter, and of its chemical processes, is reviewed. It is argued that the development of chiral self-replicating systems from nonliving maner is perfectly possible from precursors tbat are available only in racemic form, and that external chiral influences are unnecessary for this development. Minimal conditions for the nonbiotic development of a self-replicating molecular species are discussed, and it is proposed that this development could occur in a small self-contained aqueous system exposed to sunlight and incorporating a limited supply of simple organic precursor molecules, provided that polyphosphates are continuously being synthesised photochemically and that a catalyst for phosphate transfer is continuously available. The importance of hydrolysis, at a rate comparable to synthesis, is emphasised.  相似文献   

Aveni, Anthony F., ed. The Lines of Nazca. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1990. xii + 343 pp. including references, appendices, and index. $60.00 cloth.

Aveni, Anthony F., ed. World Archaeoastronomy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. xiii + 504 pp. including chapter references and index. $125.00 cloth.  相似文献   

As the organizers of an event on women in the global city, we wanted to create a forum exploring the intersections of class, gender and other forms of inequality that fracture ‘global Chicago’. In the panelists' discussion of the intersections of struggles relating to housing, education and environmental justice in Chicago's particular version of the global city, we found evidence of lives disrupted by neoliberal trends, as well as possible sites to contest these disruptions. These struggles reverberate to shape a new urban vision, as the academics and activists assembled for our panel aim not just to work on the local issues of specific women, but to create a city in which work is well compensated, housing is affordable for everyone, schools educate all children well, all neighborhoods are safe both from crime and environmental pollutants, and everyone has the time to fully engage as active citizens of the city.  相似文献   

The Walloon movement is the lesser‐known counterpart to the Flemish movement in Belgium. In contemporary political debate it presents itself, and is usually perceived, as a civic and voluntaristic movement predicated on the values of democracy, freedom, openness and anti‐nationalism. As such it is contrasted against its Flemish counterpart, which accordingly is characterised as tending towards an ethnic exclusivist form of nationalism hinging on descent, culture and language. However, the historical record behind these representations shows that the Walloon movement is rooted in ethno‐cultural as much as social politics, and that it has always contained both civic and ethnic elements to varying degrees. This article highlights the Walloon movement in order to analyse the language and national stereotypes in which national movements are characterised both in political rhetoric and in scholarly analysis. The case is particularly relevant for the problematic usage of the ‘civic–ethnic’ opposition, slipping between the discourses of antagonism and analysis; one type of such slippage is here identified as ‘denied ethnicism’.  相似文献   

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