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Jarzembowski, E.A. &; Wang, B., February 2016. An unusual basal beetle from Myanmar (Coleoptera: Archostemata). Alcheringa 40, XX–XX. ISSN 0311-5518

A new archostematan beetle, Stegocoleus caii gen. et sp. nov. (Insecta: Coleoptera) is described from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber from northern Myanmar. This is the first basal beetle to be formally described from this deposit. It shows a unique combination of family characters and is provisionally referred to Cupedidae in the broad sense and possibly subfamily Ommatinae. The dorsal ornamentation and expanded elytra with window punctures make it a very distinctive albeit rare insect in this rich amber biota. Some of the challenges in studying the inclusions in this amber deposit include their diminutive size, difficulty in preparation and deformation.

Edmund Jarzembowski* [] and Bo Wang? [], State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Rd, Nanjing 210008, PR China. *Also affiliated with: Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK. ?Also affiliated with: Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100101, PR China.  相似文献   

抗战初期杨杰等赴法寻求军援与孔祥熙等来往文电选(中)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
25、杨杰致蒋介石等电稿(1939年3月5日)重庆。委员长蒋:○密。并转孔院长。甲、合同草案原文……[下略]。乙、甲项括弧内之文字系职所加之说明,祈裁夺示遵。若蒙准办,请派专家随带职之全权证书及密电本多种,飞法协助。并请将欲订购军械之种类、数量详示,以便转告前途预备。丙、职在法进行借款,由张侃与黄正(驻巴黎总领事)密助,得到成功,拟请派为职之随员,继续工作,期底于成,请饬外交部密告顾大使妥为保证。丁、职本晨抵莫,进行担保,详情另呈。再职与阿氏约定于文日前确实答复,如有变更,彼便安排款项,以防损失…  相似文献   

抗战初期杨杰等赴法寻求军援与孔祥熙等来往文电选(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1、王宠惠致李石曾电 (1937年8月9日) 介公意:为便于接洽计,拟由政府予公特使名义,如赞成,乞电示。宠惠。佳。 2、李石曾致宋子文、王宠惠电 (1937年8月30日) 文公并转亮公:前两公电,介公使弟与霍等接洽,又拟授弟特使或相当名谊[义],弟已随时与霍等进行。霍参加国联文化合作,弟若参加,与霍同其性质,表面似甚自然,内容可收相当之效,避去特使名谊[义],免敌人注意,致碍行动。且庸公留欧,则特使名谊[义]尤不宜重复。故弟为此建议,若兄等谓然,乞陈介公决定。瀛。卅。  相似文献   

Alzira is situated in a cut-off meander loop of the Rio Júcar. Geo-archaeological study shows that the Islamic city wall was built during the second quarter of the 11th century AD, at a time when the river had a low-amplitude and low-energy flood regime. After mid-century, overbank silts began to invade the city as peak flood discharge increased, with a spate of destructive floods reflected by high-energy deposits during the late 11th century. Urban expansion within the city wall is dated to the later 11th or early 12th century, interrupted by local abandonment and moderate-energy flood silts. Major construction during the mid-12th century was followed by protracted abandonment (after a siege in AD 1171?) and further, moderate-energy flood silts that redistributed occupation and collapse debris. Reoccupation, during the late 14th century, was terminated by catastrophic floods in 1517 and 1571, after which much of the western end of Alzira was not rebuilt. Following further flood catastrophes during the 17th century, parts of the central walled city remained abandoned until the 19th century. with new occupation atop flood sands of yet another disaster in 1864. The change in flood regime after 1150 was a result of deforestation of the watershed, but progradation of a downstream tributary fan after 1517 created an unstable, aggrading floodplain increasingly prone to severe flooding. Climatic anomalies were responsible for periods of recurrent severe floods, archaeologically verified during the 11th and 12th centuries, and historically documented, beginning in 1318. The geo-archaeological methodology illuminates the constructional and settlement history of Alzira, allows distinction of fluvial and cultural components, and provides the necessary microstratigraphic detail and dating control to document the true complexity of alluvial processes during the last 1000 years.  相似文献   

Tarsal coalition (TC) is defined as an abnormal fusion of two or more tarsal bones. The fusion may be fibrous, cartilaginous or osseous and can be congenital or acquired in response to infection, articular disorders, trauma, neoplasm or surgery. We report a case of a talocalcaneal (TCC) type of tarsal coalition in a medieval skeleton from Northwest Germany dating to ca. 1050 AD. The fusion is of osseous type. Plain AP radiographs and computed tomography confirmed the macroscopic diagnosis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

抗战初期杨杰等赴法寻求军援与孔祥熙等来往文电选(下)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
51、黄正等致杨杰电 (1939年7月12日) 巴黎电 廿八、七、十二日到 阿氏准十三日来巴,面定数量、价格及起运日期.职黄正、张侃叩.  相似文献   

1923年2月,南方滇桂联军驱逐陈炯明,迎接孙中山先生从上海返回广州,重建大元帅府。次年9月,北方第二次直奉战争爆发。本组史料即为第二次直奉战争爆发后孙科等各方人士致广州大本营文电选编,反映了北方局势以及三角同盟反直军事战况,并涉及南北有关协商活动与对策等情,现予公布。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of dogs in medieval Novgorod. Based on the unique osteological collection of canine bones from layers of 10th to 14th centuries AD, research showed that the ‘classical’ medium‐sized mesocephalic animals were the most widespread in the city in the discussed times. Well suitable for the alarm guarding, they were rarely used for food or skins. Smaller and larger specimens are rare and most likely represent the luxury breeds of upper classes or prosperous citizens. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

抗日战争,除了战场上硝烟弥漫的厮杀,还有隐秘深藏的敌后地下斗争。关于前者,史家已多有研究;关于后者,至今尚少论述。兹就台湾中研院朱家骅档案所藏,参以“孤岛”时期的上海报纸,阐述国民党系统在上海地区的部分敌后工作情况。  相似文献   

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