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The drainage of Lake Hula and its swamps in the 1950s created a new landform and changed the hydrological and sedimentological regime in the Hula valley. The affected area extended over 40 km2 and the work basically improved the drainage conditions of another 20 km2 that were periodically affected by flooding. This man‐made project marked the termination of one of the oldest documented lakes and surrounding wetlands in history, with a rich and diverse aquatic biota. The reclaimed swampy land started to settle immediately upon drainage, mainly due to the compaction of the peat layers. The mean yearly settling rate was 8 cm yr–1. Agricultural development of the reclaimed land was unsuccessful, and soils were affected by continuous underground fires. Weathered peat soils, without a vegetation cover, were eroded by wind. Another ecological effect was the release of nutrients by the decomposing peat, with the nutrients carried by the Jordan river floods into the eutrophic Lake Kinneret. To prevent the natural subsidence a small shallow lake, 110 ha in area, and a network of canals were created in the 1990s. This new wetland and the adjacent agricultural areas are the targets of a multidisciplinary monitoring program. An eco‐tourism development project is currently being planned. Almost 50 years after starting the drainage project the present trend is to restore at least a small fragment of the previous landscape and ecosystem.  相似文献   

Total runoff (R) is broken down into two components: stable underground runoff (U) and unstable surface runoff (S). The surface component may be reduced by agricultural amelioration measures that would retain a greater share on cultivated fields. The total supply available from runoff may be increased by long-term stream regulation. Water uses must be based on the stable underground component of runoff because the surface component is not dependable. The underground component is then distributed among users: industry and thermal power, which is largely provided by a recirculation system; urban and rural household uses, and regular irrigation. Rural and urban sewage may be used for sewage irrigation. The total elimination of discharge of industrial wastes and sewage is desirable so that all these uses represent withdrawal depletions.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the ionospheric detection of underground nuclear tests, we have developed an analytic computing technique for the acoustic effect of a confined nuclear explosion on upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. The relationship (32) is obtained, which relates the nuclear test parameters (depth, explosion yield, and mechanical properties of the rock) to the vertical displacement of the ionosphere produced by the shock wave over the explosion's epicentre. It is also shown that most of the acoustic energy produced by a confined underground nuclear explosion escapes upward, with only a small fraction being captured by the atmospheric waveguide.  相似文献   


Flushing time (Tf) is an important factor which determines the hydrological, ecological and chemical functioning of lakes. However, it has never been calculated on the basis of underground supply for Polish Lakes. Due to their high altitudes, the lakes in question constitute a distinctive group among the ??czna-W?odawa Lakes. They are located in the borderland of the Cretaceous Che?m Hills (part of the Polish Uplands) and Polish Lowland. The quantity of the underground water supply was one of the key factors which make these lakes so distinctive. During periods of low precipitation, water shortages occurred in the lakes, especially Pniówno and Syczyńskie. The ??czna-W?odawa Lakes are commonly distinguished, among other Polish water bodies, as super-passive due to their water flushing time (>10 years). However, the average flushing time of the water in lakes Tarnowskie, Chuteckie, Pniówno and Syczyńskie, based on the underground supply, amounted to 606, 211, 54 and 79 days, respectively. The territorial conditions (e.g. geologic structure of catchment areas or thickness of unsaturated and saturated zones) were the most important factors that determined seasonal fluctuations of the supply to the lakes.  相似文献   

The Grand Prairie of east central Illinois was notorious for a marshy environment that prevented dense agricultural settlement until late in the nineteenth century. While recent historical–geographical scholarship has focused on innovations in drainage technology, drainage-related laws and institutions, and the ecological impacts of wetland reclamation, it has largely failed to account for the persistence of agrarian structure, and its key component, land tenure, on the Grand Prairie. Late-nineteenth-century reclamation efforts were not quite so transformative as previously believed. The same landed elite that dominated in the pre-drainage era quickly emerged atop a system of public drainage that held the key to the region’s economic future. In this paper, we extend Karl Wittfogel and Donald Worster’s theorizations about ‘hydraulic civilizations’ from the realm of irrigation to that of drainage. While drainage was indeed important in shaping the history of east central Illinois, we argue that a distinctive social order in east central Illinois emerged from, and was shaped by, an older agrarian structure that had developed in response to marshy, unpredictable conditions before drainage began in the late 1800s. The beneficiaries of the old order did not yield power easily, and instead skillfully capitalized on the new opportunities presented by drainage enterprises, to create a ‘hydraulic society’ on the prairie. The new order continued to rely on the exploitation of tenant farmers even as the landscape itself was transformed into the intensely managed and highly productive Corn Belt of today.  相似文献   

At the distal western end of a main drainage canal running along West Gate Street in the Hellenistic city of Priene, an unusual masonry outlet structure has been found. The housed structure contains a doubly curvilinear, contracting rectangular cross-section flow passageway that allows drainage water flow through the city perimeter wall. A computer model of the complexly-shaped drainage structure has been hydraulically analysed in order to determine the function of the curvilinear passageway. Results indicate that the internal shaping of the structure hydraulically conditions the flow to create multiple circulatory mixing flows that agitate and entrain debris in the outflow stream sufficient to “self-clean” the outlet, thus preventing clogging. Further calculations of flow free surface shapes at different flow rates indicate the maximum flow capacity that can be processed by the drainage system without overspillage to provide a lower-bound estimate of the steady-state water supply to the city. The design of a self-cleaning, continuous flow urban wastewater system implies that Greek city planners maintained a high level of awareness about the hygienic conditions needed to maintain the health of the populace. The Greek attitude toward technical refinements necessary to improve the quality of urban life could therefore not be better represented than in attention to detail related to water supply and waste water drainage systems as a key to improved life standards.  相似文献   

The origin of micro-relief on till sheets of the Conestogo lake area, Ontario, is discussed. The micro-relief constitutes an extensive, integrated system of swales that represents a drainage network which functioned under periglacial conditions in the late Wisconsinan. At many locations within the study area, this drainage exploited the micro-relief of polygonal patterned ground. The present low-order stream system has resulted from contraction of this Pleistocene system. A qualitative modification of Devries' Groundwater Outcrop Erosion Model is developed to explain drainage evolution at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Today, the swales are routes for surface and shallow sub-surface flow from the gently sloping interfluves of the study area.
L'origine du microrelief des dépôts de moraines de fond dans la région du lac Conestogo, Ontario, est discutée. Le microrelief constitue un système de bas-fonds extensif et intégrè qui représente un réseau de drainage qui fonctionnait sous des conditions périglaciaires pendant le Wisconsinien supérieur. Ce drainage a emprunté le microrelief des sols polygonaux à plusieurs endroits à l'intérieur de la région d'éude. le système actuel de rivières de bas ordre est le résultat de la contraction de cet ancien système du Pléistocène. Une modification qualitative du modèle de Devries d'érosion par affleurement de la nappe souterraine (Groundwater Outcrop Erosion Model) est développée pour expliquer 1'évolution du drainage pendant la transition Pléistocene-Holocène dans cette région. Aujourd'hui, les bas-fonds forment des routes pour le ruissellement et I'écoulement hypodermique des interiluves à pentes douces de la région d'étude.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the study of simulations for spatially variable seismic underground motions in U-shaped canyons. First, a canyon ground cross-coherence function based on commonly used coherence function models of flat terrain, is deduced and presented. To further obtain the underground cross-coherence function, a mathematical expression, including its specific deduction process for describing the relationship between coherence functions of multi-support ground and underground motions, is also given in detail and adopted. Then, the key factors (i.e. canyon underground power spectrum density and canyon underground coherence function) for simulating the spatially variable seismic underground motions are obtained by a two-step transferring method from flat-ground to underground soil. Furthermore, a program is coded for generating the spatially variable seismic underground motions. The effectiveness of the generated seismic motions is further verified. Finally, two numerical examples are taken to validate the proposed simulation approach, illustrating the specific characteristics of canyon coherence function. The analysis results show the apparent differences of the simulated seismic motions using the canyon coherence function from those using conventional coherence function models of flat terrain. The proposed approach provides some insights for anti-earthquake analysis of soil-structure interaction or underground structures in canyon topography.  相似文献   

近年来,我国城乡建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,面貌为之一新。但在这个过程中,地下文物作为中华历史文化的物质载体的重要组成部分,遭遇了前所未有的严重破坏,造成了文物流失、文物遭毁等一系列严重后果。本文着眼干近年来城乡建设中地下文物屡遭破坏的现状,分析保护工作收效甚微的原因,说明加强和改进地下文物保护工作的重要性:并提出应以法律法规的建设完善和保护制度的健全为重点,从多方面制定应对措施,寻找当前形势下地下文物保护与城乡建设间的最佳平衡点。  相似文献   

故宫地下文物库开建于1986年,年代久,防震问题较为突出。为更好解决库房改造中遇到的困难,结合库房现状,研究提出了一种相对较适宜的防震措施。方案里提供的装置主要由夹头、导杆以及阻尼板组成,构造简单且便于安装。为评估其抗震效果,建立了有限元分析模型,并选取了三条地震波进行时程分析。从结果中发现:故宫库房内的独立储藏柜抗震性能较差,九度罕遇地震作用下,储藏柜摇摆剧烈,甚至发生了倾覆。而采用装置后,组合双柜能通过增大的滑移距离更好地耗散掉地震能量,摇摆幅度均明显降低,最大仅为1.64°(El Centro波)。因此,分析结果验证了装置的抗震有效性。  相似文献   

Although both the Caspian and Aral Sea basins are affected by fluctuations in the general moisture conditions affecting the Northern Hemisphere, the two drainage basins react differently to identical moisture changes both over the long term and over the short term. Over the short term, a shift in wet periods has been observed between the European part of the USSR, which contains the Volga basin draining into the Caspian, and western Asia, which contains the Aral Sea drainage basin. Since there is a direct relationship between general moisture conditions and level changes, the short-term level fluctuations would be heterochronous (out of phase) in the two seas. Over the long term, the comparison is complicated by the fact that Caspian drainage derives mainly from snow meltwater in the Russian plain while Aral Sea drainage derives from a combination of snow and glacier meltwater. Glacier runoff tends to increase in dry, warm periods and to decrease in wet, cold periods of glacier growth, while snow is related directly to general moisture conditions.  相似文献   

采用矿山考古、模拟实验等方法,对中国商代采矿技术进行论证后得出如下论点:商代,探矿采用了重砂法和工程法。地下开拓采用竖井、斜井、平巷等多种井巷联合进行。采掘工具已使用铜质专门器。采用多种型、式不同的“预制”木构件,用于各地矿山井下,形成了规范的井巷支护技术。矿山提升采用滑车等简单机械。矿井采用自然通风。井下有了排水槽、水仓等排水设施。井下采用火把式照明。  相似文献   

Single‐ and two‐phase (gas/water) fluid transport in tight sandstones has been studied in a series of permeability tests on core plugs of nine tight sandstones of the southern North Sea. Absolute (Klinkenberg‐corrected) gas permeability coefficients (kgas_inf) ranged between 3.8 × 10?16 and 6.2 × 10?19 m2 and decreased with increasing confining pressure (10–30 MPa) by a factor 3–5. Klinkenberg‐corrected (intrinsic) gas permeability coefficients were consistently higher by factors from 1.4 to 10 than permeability coefficients determined with water. Non‐steady‐state two‐phase (He/water) flow experiments conducted up to differential pressures of 10 MPa document the dynamically changing conductivity for the gas phase, which is primarily capillary‐controlled (drainage and imbibition). Effective gas permeability coefficients in the two‐phase flow tests ranged between 1.1 × 10?17 and 2.5 × 10?22 m², corresponding to relative gas permeabilities of 0.03% and 10%. In the early phase of the nonstationary flow regime (before establishment of steady‐state conditions), they may be substantially (>50%) lower. Effective gas permeability measurements are affected by the following factors: (i) Capillary‐controlled drainage/imbibition, (ii) viscous–dynamic effects (iii) and slip flow.  相似文献   

由于《水经》、《汉书.地理志》、《水经注》对周水、存水、刚水记载简略,加之这一地区多岩溶地形,河流常常变成地下河,导致历代志书在今柳江、红水河流域指代三河不一。实际上三河各有所指,周水即今广西龙江一段;存水即今龙江,而非源于犍为郡县境;刚水或与周水为同一水,或为红水河下游,而非今柳江上源都柳江。  相似文献   


The restoration of deteriorated wall paintings in an underground environment requires at the outset a complex analytical approach designed to clarify the deterioration processes. These can be identified and prioritized using continuous microclimatic monitoring with multichannel analytical loggers, providing abundant data on climatology, airflow and hydrogeology in real or semireal time. The investigator can therefore have an almost instantaneous idea of the evolving microclimatic conditions of the monument, identifying among other variables the condensation or evaporation phases of the walls and the rising or sinking of the underground water table when the monument ‘has its feet in the water’, as in the case described here of St Emilion (France). In addition, electronic image capture in situ can be used to decode and restitute very damaged paintings that have become difficult to read, with a view to their being eventually presented to the public.  相似文献   

The Ro?ia Montan? ore deposit (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) is Europe’s largest Au–Ag deposit. It also corresponds to the Roman Alburnus Maior mining site, known by historians and archaeologists due to the discovery of dozens of Roman wooden wax tablets during the underground works carried out during the 18th and 19th centuries.  相似文献   

石质文物破坏问题不仅在于人为破坏和表面污染,更多来自自然因素对文物的破坏,例如,日晒雨淋、风沙吹蚀、地表水的冲刷、地震、地下水的侵蚀溶蚀。为对第六批全国重点文物保护单位阳华岩摩崖石刻露天石质文物病害进行探查,采用无损探测的地面核磁共振方法和探地雷达方法,直接找水的地面核磁共振方法成功探测出摩崖石刻依附岩体地层含水分布状况。探地雷达方法探测出依附岩山体内岩溶、裂隙的发育状况。两种方法探测结果发现,石刻依附岩体内岩溶、裂隙发育,部分区域岩溶裂隙带已成为地下水汇聚场所或流通通道,对阳华岩摩崖石刻构成了极为严峻的侵蚀威胁。两种方法解释结果互为验证,研究结果为阳华岩摩崖石刻的病害治理和保护提供了宝贵的基础资料。  相似文献   


Damage caused by tree root growth to archaeological monuments buried underground, over the course of centuries, has been frequently reported in the city of Rome. The Domus Aurea, Nero's Imperial residence, now lies under the Horti Traianei (Trajan's Park) on the Oppian hill. These gardens, planted at the beginning of the last century, are located only 3–4m above the surviving archaeological structures. In some cases roots have damaged the underlying vaults, sometimes creating serious structural problems. Results of the study show that a variety of species with strong root systems growing for many metres laterally, and to depths of several metres, are present. Identification of the plants responsible for the damage has been achieved through a study of the anatomy of their wood. A real and potential assessment of the risk posed by tree roots to the archaeological structures has been attempted. The data collected will contribute to evaluating the risk to monuments under similar conditions and will also help to avoid errors made in managing the plant cover of archaeological sites  相似文献   


If it was not for the dangers of unstable ground, inflammable and asphyxiating underground gases, the Ironbridge Gorge would be a paradise for the industrial archaeologist with spelaeological and mining interests. In a two mile length of Gorge there are opportunities for scaling limestone shafts, crawling through tenuous, long-abandoned tunnels and the prospects of a 'find' on every trip that would make the surface archaeologist green with envy. This short article is an attempt to bring together some of the results of over twenty years underground research in the Gorge by the writer, and other members of the Shropshire Mining Club. More detail is available in the publications of the Club and in the other papers listed. It is stressed that on no account should any workings be approached other than through format channels and all underground workings located in the Gorge should be treated with respect.  相似文献   

为研究云冈石窟顶部土壤覆盖层的含水率变化情况,建设了土壤环境监测网收集云冈石窟土壤含水率实时监测数据,并分析其时空变化特征及影响因素。结果表明,平坦地形条件下云冈石窟顶部第四纪土壤覆盖层含水率时空变化特征明显:年变化具有周期性,垂向上随深度逐层降低(冬季除外)。春、夏季土壤含水率抬升、储水,秋、冬季下降、失水;在春、夏日土壤含水率呈白天上升、夜晚下降趋势,秋、冬日则呈白天下降、夜晚也下降趋势。土壤含水率时刻处于不停的运动变化之中,受温度、大气降水、微地形等众多因素影响,山体边坡浅层土壤可能为侧向饱和流的入渗通道。降雨对土壤含水率的影响深度与实际入渗深度不一致。云冈窟内顶板及岩壁上部、中部含水率主要受降雨渗透窟顶土壤层、沿岩体裂隙通道进入洞窟的渗漏水控制,而岩壁底部含水率更多受窟前不饱带和与地下毛细水的影响。多年的防水实践也证明云冈洞窟渗漏水主要来自于石窟顶部及附近区域。防渗排水始终是云冈洞窟渗漏水治理的主导思路,建议应根据窟顶土壤厚度、地形地貌和遗址分布等分区治理,充分发挥土壤的防渗作用,减少对土壤覆盖层的过度干预。防渗层材料在具有防渗作用的前提下,应具备一定的透气性,满足“洞窟—覆盖层—大气环境”之间的水汽循环。  相似文献   

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