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Book Notes     

Book Notes     
Books reviewed in this article: Judith Wagner DeCew, In Pursuit of Privacy: Law, Ethics, and the Rise of Technology. Peter DeLeon, Democracy and the Policy Sciences. Herbert Inhaber, Why Energy Conservation Fails. Sheila Jasanoff, Science at the Bar: Law, Science, and Technology in America. Marick F. Masters, Unions at the Crossroads: Strategic Membership, Financial, and Political Perspectives. Susan E. Mayer, What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances. Pietro S. Nivola (Ed.), Comparative Disadvantages? Social Regulations and the Global Economy. Sudhir Chella Rajan, The Enigma of Automobility:Democratic Politics and Pollution Control. Paul M. Sniderman and Edward G. Carmines, Reaching Beyond Race. Elliott White (Ed.), Intelligence, Political Inequality, and Public Policy. Robet H. Wilson (Ed.), Public Policy and Community: Activism and Governance in Texas.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Books reviewed in this article: Donald L. Alexander (Ed.), Telecommunications Policy: Have Regulators Dialed the Wrong Number? John J. Audley, Green Politics and Global Trade: NAFTA and the Future of Environmental Politics. William I. Bacchus, The Price of American Foreign Policy: Congress, the Executive, and International Affairs Funding. Arnold Birenbaum, Managed Care: Made in America. Thomas A. Birkland, After Disaster; Agenda Setting, Public Policy, and Focusing Events. James Bowman and Donald Menzel (Eds.), Teaching Ethics and Values in Public Administration Programs. Robert J. Duffy, Nuclear Politics in America: A History and Theory of Government Regulation. Marianne Githens and Dorothy McBride Stetson (Eds.), Abortion Politics: Public Policy in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Christopher Howard, The Hidden Welfare State: Tax Expenditures and Social Policy in the United States Joan Johnson-Freese and Roger Handberg, Space, The Dormant Frontier: Changing the Paradigm for the 21st Century. Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld, The Changing Federal Role in U.S. Health Care Policy. Yong S. Lee (Ed.), Technology Transfer and Public Policy. James Midgley, Social Welfare in Global Context. Nancy C. Roberts and Paula J. King, Transforming Public Policy: Dynamics of Policy Entrepreneurs hip and Innovation. Denise Scheberle, Federalism and Environmental Policy: Trust and the Politics of Implementation. David E. Wildasin (Ed.), Fiscal Aspects of Evolving Federations.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
John D. Donahue, Making Washington Work: Tales of Innovation in the Federal Government .
Bryan C. Hassel, The Charter School Challenge: Avoiding the Pitfalls, Fulfilling the Promise .
Joseph Losco and Brian L. Fife (Eds.), Higher Education in Transition: The Challenges of the New Millennium .
Toni Marzotto, Vicky Moshier Burnor, and Gordon Scott Bonham, The Evolution of Public Policy: Cars and the Environment .
Gregory E. McAvoy, Controlling Technocracy: Citizen Rationality and the Nimby Syndrome .
Kant Pate1 and Mark E. Rushefsky, Health Care Politics and Policy in America .
Kevin Theakston, (Ed.), Bureaucrats and Leadership .  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Michael Ghertman and Margaret Allen, An Introduction to the Multinationals, London, Mac‐millan, for the Institute for Research and Information on Multinationals, Geneva, 1984, pp.143. $11.95 (paper).

June M. Hearn and W.A. Howard, Australian Industrial Relations: Case Studies, South Melbourne, Macmillan, 1984, pp.vi, 136. $12.95 (paper)

Felix Guattari, Molecular Revolution: Psychiatry and Politics, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1984, pp.308. $10.95 (paper).

W.E. Connolly, The Terms of Political Discourse, second edition, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1983, pp. 257. $16.50 (paper)

W.E. Connolly (ed.), Legitimacy and the State, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1984, pp. 281. $15.95 (paper)

B. Guy Peters, The Politics of Bureaucracy, 2nd edition, London, Longman, 1984, pp. 294. $29.95 (paper)  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Belknap, Michal R. 1987. Federal Law and Southern Order: Racial Violence and Constitutional Conflict in the Post-Brown South Dlehl, Paul F. and Loch K. Johnson. 1987. Through the Straits of Armageddon: Arms Control issues and Prospects Dorman, William A. and Mansour Fahang. 1987. The U.S. Press and Iran: Foreign Policy and the Journalism of Deference Figueira-McDonough, Josefina and Rosemary Sarri, eds. 1987. The Trapped Woman: Catch-22 in Deviance and Control Ford, Glyn, Chris Niblett, and Lindsay Walker. 1987. The Future for Ocean Technology Garritsen de Vires, Margaret. 1987. Balance of Payments Adjustments, 1945 to 1986: The IMF Experience Garthoff, Raymond L. 1987. Policy Versus the Law: The Reinterpretation of the ABM Treaty Gottfredson, Stephen D. and Sean D. McConville. 1987. America's Correctional Crisis: Prison Populations and Public Policy Hofrichter, Richard. 1987. Neighborhood Justice in Capitalist Society Hollist, W. Ladd and F. LaMond Tullis. 1987. Pursuing Food Security: Strategies and Obstacles in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East Ismael, Jacqueline S. 1987. The Canadian Welfare State: Evolution and Transition LeMay, Michael C. 1987. From Open Door to Dutch Door: An Analysis of Immigration Policy Since 1820 Macedo, Stephen. 1987. The New Flight v. The Constitution Osborn, George K., Asa A. Clark IV, Daniel J. Kaufman, and Douglas E. Lute. 1987. Democracy, Strategy, and Vietnam: Implications for American Policymaking Shearing, Clifford and Philip C. Stenning (eds), 1987. Private Policing Stern, Robert M., Philip H. Trezise, and John Whalley. 1987. Perspectives on a U.S.-Canadian Free Trade Agreement Themstrom, Abigail. 1987. Whose Votes Count? Affirmative Action and Minority Voting Rights Thompson, Dennis F. 1987. Political Ethics and Public Office Treverton, Gregory F. 1987. Covert Action: The Limits of Intervention in the Postwar World Werwie, Dories M. 1987. Sex and Pay in the Federal Government: Using Job Evaluation Systems to Implement Comparable Worth  相似文献   

Book Notes     
《Development and change》1992,23(2):196-199
Said El-Naggar (ed.), Privatization and Structural Adjustment in the Arab Countries. African Centre for Applied Research and Training in Social Development, Understanding Africa's Food Problems: Social Policy Perspectives. Penny van Esterik, Motherpower and Infant Feeding. Paul Cook and Colin Kirkpatrick (eds), Privatisation in Less Developed Countries. Gordon R. Conway and Edward B. Barbier, After the Green Revolution. Sustainable Agriculture for Development.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Joseph A. Pechman, ed., Comprehensive Income Taxation Herbert Kaufman, Are Government Organizations Immortal? Ina Spiegel-Rösing and Derek deSolla Price, eds., Science, Technology and Society: A Cross-Discriplinary Perspective Clark C. Abt, ed., The Evaluation of Social Programs Edward Sagarin, ed., Deviance and Social Change Kirsten A. Grønbjerg, Mass Society and the Extension of Welfare, 1966–1970 Ervin Laszlo and Judah Bierman, eds., Goals in a Global Community: Volume I–Studies on the Conceptual Foundations Yonosuke Nagai and Akira Triye, eds., The Origins of the Cold War in Asia National Science Foundation, The Study of the Future: An Agenda for Research Philip L. Dubois and Arlen C. Christenson, Public Advocacy and Environmental Decisionmaking: The Wisconsin Public Intervenor Charles Frankel, ed., Controversies and Decisions: The Social Sciences and Public Policy Richard G. Smolka, Election Day Registration: The Minnesota and Wisconsin Experience in 1976 Peter L. Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, To Empower People: The Role of Mediating Structures in Public Policy  相似文献   

Book Notes     
John C. Campbell and Naoki Ikegami, The Art of Balance in Health Policy Maintaining Japan's Low-Cost, Egalitarian System .
Terry N. Clark and Vincent Hoffman-Martinot (Eds.), The New Political Culture .
Susan E. Clarke and Gary L. Gailc, The Work of Cities .
Stephen E. Condrey (Ed.), Handhook of Human Resource Management in Government .
Timothy Conlan, From New Federalism to Devolution: Twency-Five years of Intergovernmental Reform .
William M. Epstcin, Welfare in America: How Social Science Fails the Poor .
Malcolm M. Feeley and Edward L. Rubin, Judicial Policy Making und the Modern State: How the Courts Reformed America's Prisons .
Stephen J. McGovern, Politics of Downtown Development: Dynamic Political Cultures in San Francisco and Washington, DC .
William K. Nester, A Short History cf American Industrial Policies .
Richard J. Payne, Getting Beyond Race: The Changing American Culture .
Jon Pierre (Ed.), Partnerships in Urban Governance: European und American Experience .
Mark G. Popovich (Ed.), Creating High-Performance Government Organizations .
Kalman Rupp and David C. Stapleton (Eds.), Growth in Disability Benefits: Explanations and Policy Implications .
Janie S. Steckenrider and Tonya M. Parrot (Eds.), New Directions in Old-Age Policies .  相似文献   

Book Notes     

Book Notes     

Book Notes     
《Development and change》1990,21(1):188-190

Book Notes     
《Development and change》1991,22(2):407-410
John V. Vilanilam, Reporting a Revolution. The Iranian Revolution and the NIICO Debate. New Delhi: James Lang, Inside Development in Latin America; A Report from the Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Brazil. Chapel Hill and London: Ram K. Vepa, Modern Small Industry in India: Problems and Prospects. New Delhi: Gerald Leach and Robin Mearns, Beyond the Woodfuel Crisis. People, Land and Trees in Africa. London:  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Martin Katzman, Cities and Frontiers in Brazil Philip Musgrove, Consumer Behavior in Latin America (An ECIEL Study) William R. Cline and Enrique Delgado, eds., Economic Integration in Central America Wayne A. Cornelius and Robert V. Kemper, eds., Metropolitan Latin America: The Challenge and the Response James M. Malloy, ed., Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America Merilee S. Grindle, Bureaucrats, Politicians, and Peasants in Mexico: A Case Study in Public Policy COURTS, CRIME, AND LAW Richard Lehne, The Quest for Justice: The Politics of School Finance Reform Ray C. Jeffrey, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Linda Medcalf, Law and Identity: Lawyers. Native Americans and Legal Practice Benno C. Schmidt, Jr., Freedom of the Press vs. Public Access Lawrence A. Gooberman, Operation Intercept: The Multiple Consequences of Public Policy Milton Heumann, Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges and Defense Attorneys enneth C. Laudon, Communications Technology and Democratic Participation Raymond Bowers, Alfred M. Lee, and Cary Hershey, eds., Communications for a Mobile Society: An Assessment of New Technology Roy Bahl, ed., The Fiscal Outlook for Cities: Implications of a National Urban Policy Mark Gottdiener, Planned Sprawl: Private and Public Interests in Suburbia Anthony James Catanese and W. Paul Farmer, eds., Personality, Politics and Planning: How City Planners Work Robert L. Lineberry, Equality and Urban Policy: The Distribution of Municipal Public Services John J. Harrigan and William C. Johnson, Governing the Twin Cities Region, The Metropolitan Council in Comparative Perspective D. S. Chauhan, Public Labor Relations: A Comparative State Study A. Lawrence Chickering, ed., Public Employee Unions: A Study of the Crisis in Public Sector Labor Relations Martin Binkin and Shirley J. Bach, Women and the Military Martin Binkin, with Herschel Ranter and Rolf H. Clark, Shaping the Defense Civilian Work Force: Economics, Politics, and National Security Richard K. 3etts, Soldiers. Statesmen, and Cold War Crises Selig Harrison, China. Oil, and Asia; Conflict Ahead? J. T. Pempel, ed., Policymakinq in Contemporary Japan Fred H. Sanderson, Japan's Food Prospects and Policies A. Doak Barnett, China and the Major Powers in East Asia Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Tactical Nuclear Weapons: European Perspectives Thomas H. Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis, eds., Containments: Documents on American Policy and Strategy, 1945-1950 William O. McCagg, Jr., Stalin Embattled. 1943-1948 Barry B. Hughes, The Domestic context of American Foreign Policy  相似文献   

Book Notes     
David H. Guston, Between Politics and Science: Assuring the Productivity and Integrity of Research .
Michael Kenny and James Meadowcroft (Eds.), Planning Sustainability .
Cathie Jo Martin, Stuck in Neutral: Business and the Politics of Human Capital Investment Policy .
Michael Mason, Environmental Democracy .
Michael Moran, Governing the Health Care State: A Comparative Study of the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany .
Stephen D. Sugarman and Frank R. Kemerer (Eds.), School Choice and Social Controversy: Politics, Policy, and Law .
Joseph P. Viteritti, Choosing Equality: School Choice, the Constitution, and Civil Society .
Jay D. White, Taking Language Seriously: The Narrative Foundations of Public Administration Research .  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Abramovitz, Mimi. 1988. Regulating the Lives of Women: Social Welfare Policy From Colonial Times to the Present
Bingham, Richard D., Roy E. Green, and Sammis B. White (eds.). 1987. The Homeless in Contemporary Society
Bogen, Elizabeth. 1987. Immigration in New York
Bowie, Norman E. (ed.). 1988. Equal Opportunity
Bryner, Gary C. 1987. Bureaucratic Discretion: Law and Policy in Federal Regulatory Agencies
Comfort, Louise K. (ed.) 1988. Managing Disaster: Strategies and Policy Perspectives
Cook, Brian J. 1988. Bureaucratic Politics and Regulatory Reform: The EPA and Emissions Trading
Cooper, Phillip J. 1988. Hard Judicial Choices: Federal District Judges and State and Local Officials
Culyer, A.J. and Bengt Jonsson (eds.). 1988. Public and Private Health Services
Danziger, Sheldon H. and Kent E. Portney (eds.). 1988. The Distributional Impacts of Public Policies
Davis, Charles E. and James P. Lester (eds.). 1988. Dimensions of Hazardous Waste Politics and Policy
Fagerhaugh, Shizuko Y., Anselm Strauss, Barbara Suczek, and Carolyn L. Wiener. 1987. Hazards in Hospital Care: Ensuring Patient Safety
Forsythe, David P. 1988. Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy: Congress Reconsidered
Gilderbloom, John I. and Richard P. Appelbaum. 1988. Rethinking Rental Housing
Hahn, Harlan and Sheldon Kamieniecki. 1987. Referendum Voting: Social Status and Policy Preferences
Kelly, Rita Mae (ed.). 1988. Promoting Productivity in the Public Sector: Problems, Strategies, and Prospects
Kelly, Rita Mae and Jane Bayes (eds.). 1988. Comparable Worth, Pay Equity, and Public Policy
Plowden, William. 1987. Advising the Rulers
Roessner, J. David. 1988. Government Innovation Policy: Design, Implementation, Evaluation
Weidenbaum, Murray and Kenneth Chilton (eds.). 1988. Public Policy Toward Corporate Takeovers  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Books reviewed in this article: Erik Asard and W. Lance Bennett, Democracy and the Marketplace of Ideas: Communication and Government in Sweden and the United States. Andre Blais, Donald E. Blake, and Stephane Dion, Governments, Parties, and Public Sector Employees. William J. Breen, Labor Market Politics and the Great War: The Department of Labor, the States, and the First U.S. Employment Service, 1907–1933. James W. Button, Barbara A. Rienzo, and Kenneth D. Wald, Private Lives, Public Conflicts: Battles Over Gay Rights in American Communities. Lynton K. Caldwell and Robert V. Bartlett (Eds.), Environmental Policy: Transnational Issues and National Trends. John Carver, Boards That Make a Difference: A New Design for Leadership in Nonprofit and Public Organizations (2nd ed.). Larry N. Gerston, Public Policy Making: Process and Principles. Michele M. Hoyman, Power Steering: Global Automakers and the Transformation of Rural Communities. David L. Imbroscio, Reconstructing City Politics: Alternative Economic Development and Urban Regimes. Sheldon Kamieniecki, George A. Gonzalez, and Robert O. Vos (Eds.), Flashpoints in Environmental Policymaking: Controversies in Achieving Sustainability. Samuel Krislov, How Nations Choose Product Standards and Standards Change Nations. Brian K. Landsberg, Enforcing Civil Rights: Race Discrimination and the Department of Justice. Duncan MacRae, Jr. and Dale Whittington, Expert Advice for Policy Choice. William R. Nester, American Industrial Policy: Free or Managed Markets? William R. Nester, The War for America's Natural Resources. Howard Risher, Charles H. Fay, and Associates, New Strategies for Public Pay: Rethinking Government Compensation Programs.  相似文献   

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