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山东省地方志资料工作会议,今天开得差不多了。卫国贤同志就全省资料工作作了一个很好的报告,有关市县的同志交流了资料工作的好经验,尤其是休宁的同志、肥西的同志介绍得很好。休宁的工作有特色,能把19位状元考证出来,对徽州文化研究是一大贡献,可以说对我们安徽历史文化研究都是一大贡献。关于今后全省地方志资料工作,我讲几点意见。  相似文献   

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This article compares the solar eclipse records in Fan Ye’s Hou Hanshu “Benji” 本紀to those in the Dongguan Hanji (225 CE), Sima Biao’s Xu Hanshu “Wuxing zhi” 五行志, Yuan Hong’s Hou Hanji, as well as Espenak and Meeus’ Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses to comment upon the source, selection, reliability, and function of the eclipse records included in his imperial annals of the Eastern Han (25–220 CE). It finds that while Fan Ye stuck faithfully to the reliable observational record in the Xu Hanshu he at once replaced its interpretative apparatus of omenology with one of politico-ritual action for simple reasons of genre.  相似文献   

智慧的木木:我是个开餐厅的,29岁,谈过一次恋爱,被男友背叛。一年后他又回头找我,苦苦哀求三四年,我自问对他还是喜欢的,但没法说服自个儿再  相似文献   

Miller I 《The Beaver》2000,80(6):33-37

The article aims at assessing the impact of extra taxes on the Swedish peasantry in the early 16th century in qualitative terms, as reflected in contemporary correspondence letters. While the total tax pressure without doubt rose in the period, the resilience of Swedish peasants was remarkably high. Despite harvest failures, they managed to endure the hardships, largely thanks to their diligent use of the instrument of negotiations over terms and levels of extra taxes and the delicacy with which the Crown exacted them. This can be seen as a reflection of adjustments within the framework of the prevalent medieval system, and an acceptance on both sides of the principle of mutuality.  相似文献   

经过中日美等国学的艰苦努力,学术界对侵华日军731细菌部队的研究取得了巨大的成绩,有关731部队的细菌研制、活人实验及细菌作战的真相已日益明了。但学术界对另一支十分重要的侵华日军细菌部队南京“荣”1644部队的研究则显得较为薄弱,尽管常石敬一、松村高夫、水谷尚子、近藤昭二、郭成周、高兴祖和王选等中日有关专家学对此都曾进行过相关调查与研究。  相似文献   

可可西里,蒙语“青色山梁”--青海省境内、青藏高原上不可或缺的板块,竟然会和“无人区”三个字组成一个固定词汇--可可西里无人区。从拉萨出发,以每小时10公里的速度驱车到达沱沱河,需要1天多时间;从沱沱河进入可可西里无人区,需要2天时间,因为时速最高只能达15公里每小时。从青藏公路下来,进入可可西里无人区,变化的不仅是行车的速度,还有与外面的世界截然不同的生活方式。在这里,有着完全不一样的曰子。  相似文献   

Based upon recently published volumes of French diplomatic documents, this review article examines the course of the negotiations for British entry into the European Economic Community from 1961 to 1963 and the reasons why France vetoed Britains application. It is clear that even before the British government launched its application, the French government was aware of the threat it posed to the cohesion of the Community and to French interests. It therefore pursued tactics of delay. The British, who were in a hurry to join, vainly sought to convince the French of their conversion to the Gaullist conception of a con–federal Europe that would be independent of both the Soviet Union and the United States, even dangling the prospect of nuclear cooperation before President de Gaulle. The latter's position inside France was relatively weak until he won a referendum on the direct election of the president in October 1962 and his party triumphed in the legislative elections the following month. De Gaulle then felt secure enough to tell Prime Minister Macmillan quite bluntly at their Rambouillet meeting on 15–16 December 1962 that he did not believe that Britain was ready for EEC membership. He had thus already made up his mind to exclude Britain before the Nassau agreement between President Kennedy and Mr Macmillan in which the former agreed to supply Britain with Polaris nuclear missiles, although this agreement confirmed his belief that Britain was excessively dependent upon the United States. Although economic questions—particularly those relating to the system of agricultural support and to Britain's request for special concessions to Australia, Canada and New Zealand—did play an important part in de Gaulle's decision, it is clear that political factors were uppermost in his mind. He did not want either a diluted Community or one in which there was a possible rival to French leadership.  相似文献   

<正>奇特的语言和文字,从印度洋吹来的温润的风,未知而又丰富的生物,召唤着我,踏进了那滴在印度洋上的泪珠——斯里兰卡。虽然语言文字不同,迎接着不同大洋吹来的风,但是我坚信,对于爱鸟,任何地方的观鸟人都会没有异议地表示赞同。因为只有它们,才能为我们的大自然点缀上最靓丽的一朵会跳跃、会飞翔的花朵。至于我印象最深刻的关于爱鸟的一件事,曾以为,小朋友对爱护鸟类这种事情是还没有概念的,但是我经过这件事之后,发现我错了,这件事在平常人眼中看是一件小事,而在我看来,它的  相似文献   

正奇特的语言和文字,从印度洋吹来的温润的风,未知而又丰富的生物,召唤着我,踏进了那滴在印度洋上的泪珠——斯里兰卡。虽然语言文字不同,迎接着不同大洋吹来的风,但是我坚信,对于爱鸟,任何地方的观鸟人都会没有异议地表示赞同。因为只有它们,才能为我们的大自然点缀上最靓丽的一朵会跳跃、会飞翔的花朵。至于我印象最深刻的关于爱鸟的一件事,曾以为,小朋友对爱护鸟类这种事情是还没有概念的,但是我经过这件事之后,发现我错了,这件事在平常人眼中看是一件小事,而在我看来,它的  相似文献   

一号命令是1969年10月中旬林彪通过军委办事组发布全军的一个战备命令。这个命令是在珍宝岛事件后苏联出现一系列针对中国的军事异动,中共中央判断苏联极有可能对中国发动突然袭击的关节点发出的。林彪在发出命令之前向毛泽东作了汇报,但命令在传输过程中出现冠名等问题,致使这个命令在中央核心层引起一系列复杂反应。九一三事件后,这个命令又被称为林彪篡党夺权的预演,被长期追查,使之更加复杂化,至今存在许多误解。围绕一号命令出现的问题反映出军队存在的一些综合性问题。它与文化大革命中的政治形势,以及军队领导体制的不正常、军队正规化建设制度被否定有直接的关系,折射出文化大革命以来军队建设中潜伏的危机。  相似文献   

阳明“心外无理”的思想在近现代受到科学主义者的严厉批判,认为“心外无理”是用主观内在的心吞没了客观外在的理,阳明因此也被当成了一个主观唯心主义者.实际上, “心外无理”包含有元认识论意义,而且阳明并不是一个所谓的主观唯心主义集大成者,相反他是一个唯物主义者.胡塞尔现象学表明,认识论的起点在于纯粹的自明性,也就是纯粹思维的绝对被给予性,客观外在的理总是由主观内在的心所直观到的,因此, “心外无理”不仅不应该受到批判,而且更有利于中国文化吸收胡塞尔现象学之后的西方认识论成果.  相似文献   

《汉书·艺文志》不著录谶纬论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《汉书·艺文志》没有著录谶纬书,但这并不能说明西汉哀帝、平帝前就没有谶纬文献的存在。因为时代政治原因,刘向不会著录谶纬书;刘歆有熟悉谶纬书的可能,但未增添《别录》的内容,故《七略》不著录谶纬书;西汉谶纬书的收藏之所在太史不在秘书,而《汉志》中也有类似谶纬的书籍。更重要的是,班固作《汉志》前有光武帝钦定图谶81篇,有别于从西汉到新莽时期的谶纬文献,故难以著录。  相似文献   

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