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Wolfgang Scharfe, Abriss der Kartographie Brandenburgs, 1771–1821. Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin, de Gruyter Verlag, vol. 35, 1972. pp. 357, 27 maps, appendix with indexes. DM. 84.

H. Sigurdsson, Kortasaga Islands. Reykjavik, 1971. pp. 278, 69 × 42 cm. $ 55.

N. J. W. Thrower, Maps and man. An éxamination of cartography in relation to culture and civilization. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1972. pp. vii + 184.

L. Stegena, Maps of Hungary by Lazarus Secretarius. Budapest, the Department of Cartography, Roland Eötvös University, 1971. 5 plates, 63 × 48 cm.

W. P. Cumming, R. A. Skelton, and D. B. Quinn, The discovery of North America. London, Elek Books Ltd., 1971. pp. 304, 362 ill. £ 10.

C. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici. Volume 4, Celestial and maritime atlases and pilot books. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1970. pp. xlvi + 519, with plates.

A. Schäfer and H. Weber, Inventar der handgezeichneten Karten und Pläne zur europäischen Kriegsgeschichte des 16.‐19. Jahrhunderts im Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe. Stuttgart, 1971. pp. 350, 8 illustrations. DM 48.

G. Grosjean and M. Cavelti, 500 Jahre schweizer Landkarten. Zürich, Orell Füssli Verlag, 1971. 30 map‐facsimiles, 48.5 × 50 cm., with text, in slip‐case, Sfr. 260.

Capitão‐de‐fragata Max Justo Guedes, Anônimo ‐ Antônio Sanches, c. 1633. Rio de Janeiro, Biblio‐teca Nacional, 1970. pp. 25, 1 coloured and folded map, 37 × 27 cm., monograph.

J. Cortesão, Historia do Brasil nos velhos mapas. Brazilian Foreign Ministry, 2 vols., 1965–1971.

National Maritime Museum, Catalogue of the Library. Volume 3, Parts 1 and 2, Atlases and cartography. London, H.M.S.O., 1971, 2 vols. pp. 1166. £ 14 (for two parts).

E. W. Gilbert, British pioneers in geography. Newton Abbott, Devon. 1972. pp. 271. £ 3.95.

Wilcomb E. Washburn (Editor), Proceedings of the Vinland Map Conference. Chicago, 1971. ('Studies in the history of discoveries’, Monograph Series of the Society for the History of Discoveries.) pp. xvii + 185, illustrations. $ 10.

C. Sanz, Ciento noventa mapas antiguos del mundo de los siglos 1 al 18 que forman parte del proceso cartografico mundial. Madrid. 1970. pp. 150, 190 plates.  相似文献   

Lexicon zur Geschichte der Kartographie von den Anfängen bis zum ersten Weltkrieg edited by Ingrid Kretschmer, Johannes Dörflinger and Franz Wawrik with the editorial assistance of Elisabeth Tomasi. Die Kartographie und ihre Randgebiete: Enzyklopädie, Vol. C/1 &; 2. Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1986. Pp. xxiv + 988. ÖS.3000.00.

Cartography in France 1660–1848: Science, engineering, and statecraft by Josef W. Konvitz. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1987. 0 226 45094 5. Pp. xx + 194, illustrations. $31.95.

De Physique Existentie dezes Landes. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 1987. Pp. 271. Hfl.39.00.

Z Dejin Geodezie a Kartografie 5. Rozpravy Národního Technického Muzea v Praze 107. Prague: Národní Technické Museum, 1986. Pp. 222.

Catalogue of the MRIO‐Miscellaneous Maps of the Survey of India (1742–1872). New Delhi: National Archives of India, 1982. Pp. viii + 366.

Catalogue of Forest Maps of the Survey of India. New Delhi: National Archives of India, 1984. Pp. viii + 174. Rs.28.00.

National Archives of India. Catalogue of Printed &; Published Maps. New Delhi, 1986. 2 volumes: pp. iv + 446; 322. Rs. 145.00.  相似文献   

Grundformen der Verwandtschaft. By Carl A. Schmitz, Basler Beiträge zur Geographie und Ethnologie: Ethnologische Reihe, Heft 1: Ergänzungsheft zu “Regio Basiliensis”, Pharos-Verlag Hansrudolf Schwabe AG, Basel 1964, pp. 134. Price Fr.14.50.  相似文献   

Zehn Jahre in Aequatoria, und die Rückkehr mit Emin Pacha. Von Major Gaetano Casati. Bamberg : Buchnersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1891.

Anleitung zur Bearbeitung meteorologischer Beobachtungen für die Klimatologie. Von Dr. Hugo Meyer, Assistent am Königlichen meteorologischen Institut. Berlin : Verlag von Julius Springer, 1891. Pp. 187.

Klimaschwankungen seit 1700, nebst Bemerkungen über die Klimaschwankungen der Diluvialzeit. Von Dr. Eduard Brückner, a. o. Professor der Geo‐graphie an der Universität zu Bern. Mit einer Tafel, 13 Fignren im Texte und zahlreichen Tabellen. Wien und Olmütz : Ed. Hölzel, 1890. Pp. 324.

Bibliotheca Geographica Palaestinae. Chronologisches Verzeichniss der auf der Geographie des Heiligen Landes bezüglichen Literatur von 333 bis 1878 und Versuch einer Cartographie. Herausgegeben von Reinhold Röhricht. Berlin : H. Reuther's Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1890. Pp. 744.

Chinesische Studien. Von Friedrich Hirth. Band I. München und Leipzig: G. Hirth's Verlag, 1890. Pp. 322.

Die Bildenden Künste lei den Dayaks auf Borneo. Ein Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kunstgeschichte. Von Alois Raimund Hein, k.k. Professor und Akade‐mischer Maler. Mit einem Titelbilde, zehn Tafeln, neunzig Text‐Illustrationen, und einer Karte. Wien : Alfred Hölder, 1890. Pp. xiv + 228.

Ethnographische Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Karolinen‐Archipels. Von J. S. Kubary, unter Mitwirkung von J. D. E. Schmeltz, Conservator am ethno‐graphischen Reichsmuseum in Leiden. Erstes Heft, mit 15 Tafeln. Leiden : Verlag von P. W. M. Trap, 1889. Pp. iv+114.

Religion der Alten Aegypter. Dargestellt von Dr. A. Wiedemann. Münster in Westphalen, 1890. Verlag der Aschendorffschen Buchhandlung. Pp. 175.

An Appeal to Pharaoh. The Negro Problem, and its Radical Solution. New York : Fords, Howard and Hulbert, 1890. Pp. 205.

A Historical Geography of the British Colonies. By C. P. Lucas, B.A. Vol. ii. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1890. Pp. 343. 12 Maps and Diagrams. Price 7s. 6d.

Geography of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. By the Eev. William Parr Greswell, M.A. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1891. Pp. xii+154. 10 Maps. Price 6s.

School Geography. Kirchhoff and Sonnenschein. Junior course. London : Swan, Sonnenschein and Co., 1891. Pp. 144. 14 Plates. Price 2s. 6d.

Géographie Économique de l'Afrique, l'Asie, l'Océanie et l'Amérique. Par Marcel Dubois. Paris : G. Masson, 1889. Pp. 730.

English Rediscovery and Colonisation of America. By John B. and Marie A. Shipley. London : Elliot Stock ; not dated. Pp. xvi+151.

Meyers Konversations‐Lexikon. Siebzehnter Band. Leipzig und Wien. Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, 1890. Pp. 1059.

The Trees of North‐Eastern America. Illustrations from Original Sketches. By Charles S. Newhall. New York and London : G. N. Putman's Sons, 1890.

The Antiquities of Tennessee and the Adjacent States, and the State of Aboriginal Society in the Scale of Civilisation represented by them. By Gates P. Thruston. Pp. xv+369. 17 Plates and 246 Cuts. Index. Price 4 dollars. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Co., 1890.

The Antiquities of the State of Ohio. By Henry A. Shepherd. Pp. vi + 139. Maps, Plans, Illustrations. Price 2 dollars. Same Publishers.

Fort Ancient, Ohio. By Warren K. Moorehead. Pp. xii + 129. 2 Maps, 35 Phototypes. Price 2 dollars. Same Publishers.  相似文献   

Emin Pasha: his Life and Work. Compiled from his Letters, Journals, Scientific Notes, and from Official Documents, by Georg Schweitzer. With an Introduction by E. W. Felkin, M.D., F.B.S.E. With Portraits, Facsimiles, and Map. Translated from the German. Two vols., demy 8vo. Pp. 330 and Introduction, and 312 and Index. Price 32s.

Through Asia. By Sven Hedin. London : Methuen and Co., 1898. Two vols. Pp. 1278. Price 36s. net.

Pioneering in Formosa. Recollections of Adventures among Mandarins, Wreckers and Head‐hunting Savages. By W. A. Pickering, C.M.G. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1898. Pp. xvi + 283. Price 6s.

Wanderings in Burma. By George W. Bird (Educational Department, Burma). With Illustrations and Maps. Bournemouth : F. J. Bright and Son, 1897. Pp. iv + 410. Price 21s. net.

History of Australia. By G. W. Rusden. Second Edition. In 3 vols. Melbourne and London : Melville, Mullen, and Slade, 1897. Pp. 625, 688, and 521+xcii.

Th. Thoroddsen. Geschichte der Isländischen Geographie. Vorstellungen von Island und seiner Natur und Untersuchungen darüber in alter und neuer Zeit. Autorisierte Uebersetzung von August Gebhardt. Zweiter Band : Die islandische Geographie vom Beginne des 17. bis zur Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1898. Pp. xvi + 383. Price 12 M.

Die Beste der Germanen am Schwaraen Meere. Eine Ethnologische Untersuchung von Dr. Richard Loewe. Halle : Max Niemayer, 1896. Pp. 269. Price M. 8.

Die Weltervorhersage. Eine gemeinverständliche praktische Anleitung zur Wettervorhersage auf Grundlage der Zeitungs‐Wetterkarten und Zeitungs‐Wetterberichte für alle Berufsarten. Im Auftrage der Direction der Deutschen Seewarte bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. W. J. van Bebber, Abtheilungsvorstand der Deutschen Seewarte. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen und 125 Abbildungen. Second Edition. Stuttgart: 1898. Pp. 215 and Index.

Grundzüge der Pflanzengeographie. Von F. Höck. Breslau : F. Hirt, 1897. Pp. 188. 50 Figs. 2 Maps.

Perigrinazioni Anthropologiche e Fisiche. Del Dott. Tito Vignoli. Studio Comparative) tra le Forme Organiche Naturali e le Forme Geometriche Pure. Del Prof. G. V. Schiaparelli. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1898. Pp. 307. Price, L5.

Russian Hosts and English Guests in Central Asia. By J. T. Woolrych Perowne. London : The Scientific Press, Ltd., 1898.  相似文献   

Handritade kartor över Sverige i Uppsala Universitetsbiblioteket. Katalog av Åke Davidson (Handgezeichnete Karten von Schweden in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Uppsala), Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis, X (Uppsala, 1956), 136 pp., 5 tabs.

Franti?ek Roubik, Soupis map Ceských Zemí. Svacek 2, ?eskoslovenská Akademie Věd. (Praha, 1955), 311 pp.

R. Oehme, Joannes Georgius Tibianus. Ein Beitrag zur Kartographie und Landesbeschreibung Südwestdeutschlands im 16. Jahrhundert, Forschungen zur deutschen Landeskunde. Veröffentlichungen des Zentralanschluses für deutsche Landeskunde und der Bundesanstalt für Landeskunde, 91 (Remagen/RH., 1951), 154 p., 17 tabs.

T. E. Layng, Sixteenth‐century maps relating to Canada. A Check‐List and Bibliography (Ottawa, 1956), XXVI + 283 pp.

Dainville, François de, Cartes anciennes de l'église de France (Paris, 1956), 4°, 323 pp., with figures and XVI plates.

Takejirô Akioka, Nippon Chizu Shi (A History of Cartography of Japan) (Tôkyô, 1955), 10 + 217 pp., 1 facsimile map, 1 fullsize coloured map, 72 plates and 40 ills, in the text  相似文献   

Desert People: A Study of the Walbiri Aborigines of Central Australia. By M. J. Meggitt String Figures and How to Make Them, by Caroline Furness Jayne Land Tenure in the Cook Islands. By R. G. Crocombe. Primitive Polynesian Economy. By Raymond Firth. Census of India 1961, Vol. I, Part II-C(ii), Language Tables. A. Mitra Ngaju Religion: The Conception of God among a South Borneo People, by Hans Schärer. A Dictionary of some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language, by J. Frank Stimson, with the collaboration of Donald Stanley Marshall. Festschrift Alfred Bühler. Basler Beiträge zur Geographie und Ethnologie, Ethnologische Reihe Panorama der Volken: Deel I. Volken van Amerika en Oceanië. Ed. by Dr. P. van Ernst. J. J. Romen en Zonen  相似文献   

Philipp Apian, 24 Bairische Landtafeln von 1568. Facsimile edition in colour offset. Munich, 1966 DM 380..

Journals and other documents on the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. Transl. &; ed. by Samuel Eliot Morison. New York, The Heritage Press (1963).

Bo Bramsen, Gamle Danmarkskort. En historisk oversigt med bibliografiske noter for perioden 1570–1770. K?benhavn, Gr?nholt Pedersen forlag, 1965. pp. 160 c 100 maps. D.kr. 85. (Danish)

Karl Heinz Burmeister, Sebastian Münster, eine Bibliographie. Wiesbaden, Guido Pressler Verlag. 1964. pp. 143, 22 ill., DM 93.60.

Itinerarium orbis Christian!. Der älteste Reise‐atlas der Welt. Facsimile, publ. by Schuler Verlags‐gesellschaft, Stuttgart. 1965. Introd. by A. Fauser and T. Seifert. 267 maps and views. 20 x 27 cm. DM 30.—

The Fry &; Jefferson Map of Virginia and Maryland. Facsimiles of the 1754 and 1794 printings with an index. Published for the Harry demons Publication Fund of the University of Virginia. Charlottes‐ville, the University Press of Virginia, 1966. pp. 48; 2 x 4 reproductions, each 40 x 63 cm. In jacket, 35 x 24 cm. Printed in 500 copies.

Karol Buczek: The History of Polish Cartography from the 15th to the 18th Century. Translated by Andrzej Potocki. Cracow and Warsaw. 1966. 135 pages text, 60 plates, 1 table.

Sebastian Münster: Mappa Europae. Facsimile. Edited by Klaus Stopp. Wiesbaden, Guido Pressler Verlag, 1965, pp. 21, 24 sheets, 2 folded maps. DM 36.‐.

G. R. Crone, Maps and their makers. London, Hutchinson University Library, 1966, pp. xiv + 192. Illustrated. 11/6 paperback.

L. A. Goldenberg, Semen Uljanovi? Remezov, Siberian cartographer and geographer, 1642‐after 1720. Nauka, Moskva, 1965. pp. 260, ill, 3 folded reproduction. 20 x 13 cm. Russian. 3 Rbl.

Francesco Bonasera, Forma veteris urbis Ferrariae. Comune di Ferrara, Centro di studi sul rina‐scimento Ferrarese. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 1965. pp. 105, xxvi ill. 31 x 21 cm. 6000 Lire.

The History of Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer and his “Spieghel der Zeevaerdt”; (in colour facsimile). By Dr. C. Koeman, Lecturer in History of Cartography, State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Lausanne, Sequoia S.A., 1964. Facsimile, 12in. x 16Jin. (305 mm. x413 mm.) in case; Introduction, 8 3/4 in. x 11 in. (123 mm. x 800 mm.); 72 pp., 25 pls. price £40.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this Article: S. G. F. BRANDON: History, Time and Deity; A Historical and Comparative Study of the Conception of Time in Religious Thought and Practice. ARNOLD EHRHARDT: The Framework of the New Testament Stories. EUGENIO GARIN: Italian Humanism. Philosophy and Civic Life in the Renaissance. HERMANN BUCK: Die Anfänge der Konstanzer Reformationsprozesse. G. E. DUFFIELD (Ed.): John Calvin. (Courtenay Studies in Reformation Theology I.) ALICE CLARE CARTER: The English Reformed Church in Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century. J. BARRETT: That Better Country. The Religious Aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835-1850. P. A. M. TAYLOR: Expectations Westward: The Mormons and the Emigration of Their British Converts in the Nineteenth Century. PATRICK FORD: Cardinal Moran and the A.L.P. A Study in the Encounter between Moran and Socialism 1890-1907. LEONARD SWIDLER and ELWYN SMITH (Eds.): Journal of Ecumenical Studies, PETER WEIDKUHN: Aggressivität, Ritus, Säkularisierung (Basler Beiträge zur Geographie und Ethnologie,  相似文献   

THE IRISH COUNTRYMAN. AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDY. By CONRAD M. ARENSBERG. London: Macmillan. 8½ × ½. Pp. xi + 2l6. 10s. 6d. Reviewed by J. H. H.

LIFE IN A HAITIAN VALLEY. By MELVILLE J. HERSKOVITS. Illustrated. Pp. 350 + xi + xix. A.A.Knopf. New York, London. $4.00 net. Reviewed by E. Dora Earthy.

HANDWÖRTERBUCH DES DEUTSCHEN ABERGLAUBENS, Ed. by HANNS BÄCHTOLD-STÄUBLI, Vol. VII, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., Berlin. 1935–1936. Reviewed by M. Gaster.

MOTIF-INDEX OF LITHUANIAN NARRATIVE FOLK-LORE ; by JONAS BALYS ; Folk-Lore Studies, vol. II (Publications of the Lithuanian Folk-Lore Archives); pp. xxxvii and 295 ; Kaunas, 1936 ; price not stated. Reviewed by Kenneth Jackson.

THE FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH AND MORALS. Riddell Memorial Lectures at Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the University of Durham. By B. MALINOWSKI. Oxford University Press. Humphrey Milford. 2s. 6d. net. Pp. 62. 1936. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE RENGMA NAGAS. By J. P. MILLS. Published by direction of the Government of Assam. Pp. x + 381 +17 plates. 8½ × ½. (Macmillan, London, 1937.) 25s. Reviewed by J. H. Hutton.  相似文献   

Introduction to the History of Science. Volume III. Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. By George Sarton. Baltimore 1947. In 2 parts: XXXV + XI + 2155 PP.

W. W. Hyde. Ancient Greek Mariners. New York. 1947. XII+360. 5 maps.

Some American Contributions to the Art of Navigation 1519–1802. By Lawrence C. Wroth. Providence. 1947. 41 p.

Marcel Destombes. La Mappemonde de Petrus Plancius. Grav´e Par Josua van den Ende 1604, D'apràs L'unique Exemplaire de la Bibliothàque Nationale de Paris. Publication de la Société de Géographie de Hanoi. Tonkin. 1944. 52 p. XIII tab. Folio.

Ermano Armao. Vincenzo Coronelli. Cenni sull'Uomo e la sua vita‐‐‐catalogo ragionato delle sue opere —— Lettere — Fonti bibliografiche —— Indici. Biblicteca di bibliografia italiana diretta da Albano Sorbelli. XVII. Firenze. 1944. XI + 326. Fig.

El Rio Del Espi'Ritu Santo. An Essay on the Cartography or the Gulf Coast and the Adjacent Territory during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Jean Delanglez, S. J. Edited by Th. J. Me. Mahon. U. S. Catholic Historical Society, Monograph Series. XXI. New York. 1945. XIII+182 p. Facs.

Gamla Kartor. Varlden— Norden — Västkusten — Göteborg. Sjöfartsmuseet 4–30 Maj 1948. Göteborg. 1948. (Lund) 91 p. 12 Tab.

L'Africa Dalle Origini alla meta del Secolo XIX. Mostra Bibliografica. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze. Firenze. 1948. 81 p.

Catalogue of Maps in the Essex Record Office, 1566 —1875. Edited, for the Records Committee by F. G. Emmison. Essex County Council, Chelmsford. 1947, 106 p., 30 pl. Facs.

The John Carter Brown Library. Annual Report 1946–1947. Providence. 1947. 63 P.  相似文献   

R. E. Krane, ed. Manpower Mobility across Cultural Boundaries: Social, Economic and Legal Aspects. The Case of Turkey and West Germany. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975. vi + 222 pp. Maps, tables, and bibliography. Gld. 68.

Nermin Abadan‐Unat and Contributors. Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960–1975: A Socio‐economic Reappraisal. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976. vi + 425 pp. Maps, tables, appendix, index, and bibliography. Gld. 160.  相似文献   

The History of Cartography, Volume 1: Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean. Edited by J. B. Harley and David Woodward. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1987. Pp. xxii + 599, 40 colour plates. US$100.00

Kartographische Quellen Welt‐, See‐ und Regionalkarten by Anna‐Dorothee von den Brincken. Typologie des Sources du Moyen Âge Occidental, fasc. 51. Turn‐hout: Brepols (for Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut d'Études Médiévales), 1988. Pp. 117, plates.

Chizu no Shiwa: Creases of Map or Essays on the History of Cartography by Kazutaka Unno. Tokyo: Yūshōdō Press, 1985. 4 8419 0009 8. Pp. xii+338, illustrations. Yen 3500.

Maps and Plans for the Local Historian and Collector by David Smith. London: Batsford, 1988. 0 7134 5191 2. Pp. 240, illustrations. £19.95.

Maps for Local History by Paul Hindle. London: Batsford, 1988. Batsford Local History Series. 0 7134 5583 7. Pp. 160, illustrations. £14.95.

American Maps and Mapmakers: Commercial Cartography in the Nineteenth Century by Walter W. Ristow. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1985.08143 17685. Pp. 488, illustrations. $60.00.

Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History edited by Helen Hornbeck Tanner. The Civilisation of the American Indian Series 174. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press (for The Newberry Library), 1987. 0 8061 1515 7 (cloth)/0 8061 2056 8 (paper). Pp. xv+224, illustrations, maps. $29.95.

Cartographic Innovations: An international handbook of mapping terms to 1900 edited by Helen M. Wallis and Arthur H. Robinson. Tring: Map Collector Publications, 1987. Pp. xx + 353, illustrations. £47.  相似文献   


Africa in Transition: Geographical Essays. Edited by B. W. Hodder and D. R. Harris. 9 × 5 ¾. Pp. XII + 378. 41 figs. London, Methuen, 1967. 50s.

Libya. By Helmuth Kanter. Geomedical Monograph Series 1. 12 × 8 ½. Text (German and English) plates and 17 maps. Springer‐Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: 1967. $12.00.

South West Africa and its Human Issues. By J. H. Wellington. 8 ¾ × 5 ¾. 452 pp. Plates, figures. Oxford U. Press, 1967, 84s.


Australia's North‐West. Alex Kerr, 9 ¾ × 6 ¾. 439 pp. 19 figs. 71 tables. University of Western Australia Press, 1967. $8.00.


Recherches de Geomorphologie en Ecosse du Nord‐ouest. By A. Godard. 10 ½ × 8 ¼. Pp. 685. 180 maps and diagrams, 7 folding maps. 63 photographs. Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg, 1965. £7 17s.

Processes of Coastal Development. By V. P. Zenkovitch. Edited by J. A. Steers. Edinburgh: Oliver &; Boyd, 1967. 12 gns.


Readings in Economic Geography. Edited by Howard G. Roepke. 10 ¼ × 7 ¼. John Wiley, 1967. 56s.

Agricultural Geography. By Leslie Symons. 8 ¾ + 5 ¾. Bell, London, 1967, 30s.

Early Crop Production in the British Isles. Memoir No. 9, Symposia in Agricultural Meteorology, edited by J. A. Taylor. University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1966.

Quantitative Geography. Part 1 Economic and Cultural Topics. Edited by W. L. Garrison and D. F. Marble. North Western University Studies in Geography No. 13. 9 × 6. 287 pages. Evanston, Illinois, 1967. $3.75.

The Geographer and Urban Studies. By David Thorpe. 10 × 8. 24 pp. + appendix. 9 figures. University of Durham, Department of Geography Occasional Papers, No. 8. 1966. 2s.


Models in Geography. Edited by R. J. Chorley and P. Haggett. 9 ½ × 6 ½. Methuen, 1967. £6.


International Yearbook of Cartography. Vol. VI, 1966. Edited by Prof. Ed. Imhof. 9 ¾ × 6 ¾. G. Philip &; Son, Ltd., London, 1966. 52/6d.

Original Survey and Land Subdivision. By Norman J. W. Thrower. 8 ½ × 5 ½. Pp. xxi + 160. Chicago: Association of American Geographers, 1966.


The Pacific Basin: A History of its Geographical Exploration. American Geographical Society Publication No. 38. 10 × 8. 457 pp. Maps and plates. Edited by Herman R. Friis. New York, 1967.


A Sample Geography of Great Britain. E. R. Burrell and J. Hancock. 7 ¼ × 9 ½. 176 pp. 143 maps, diagrams, tables. I.L.U.S. map. 6 O.S. maps. 4 end cover maps. Methuen Co. Ltd. Price 21s.

Africa. By Ronald Miller. 8 ½ × 5 ¾. 272 pp. 61 figures. 68 plates. Index. Nelson's Geography Texts. 1967. 15s.

General Geography Part I. By G. M. Chapman. 7 × 9. 182 pp. Index. G. Bell &; Sons Ltd. 1967. 17/6d.

General Geography. By H. R. Cain and F. J. Monkhouse. 6 ½ × 8. 216 pp. Index. Book I of Longman's Graded Geographies. 1967. 12/6d.

Sketch Map Geographies. Bk. 2. British Isles. By P. Speak and A. H. C. Carter. 7 ¼ × 9 ¾. Longman's 1967. (Limp Cover 7/‐.)

North America and Asia including U.S.S.R. By R. C. Honeybone and N. J. Graves. 8 × 5 ¼. 446 pp. Index. Heinemann. Geography for Schools. Bk. 3. 18s. (North America is published separately at 12s. 6d.). 1966.

A Geography of New Zealand. By E. J. Baggaley. 4 ¼ × 7. Pp. xii + 228. Index. 38 plates. 15 maps. Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd., Melbourne. 1967. $1.35.  相似文献   

Deissmann, Adolf: Forschungen und Funde im Serai. Mit einem Verzeichnis der nichtislamischen Handschriften im Topkapu Serai zu Istanbul. — Berlin, Leipzig 1933. X+144S.

Dzikowski, Mikolaj: Zbior kartograficzny Uniwersy‐teckiej bibljoteki publicznej w Wilnie (= Kartographische Sammlung der öffentlichen Universitätsbibliothek in Wilno). S. A. aus dem Sammelband “Bibljoteki Wilenskia”. Jahrbuch VIII des “Ateneum Wilenskiego”. Wilno 1932, 29 pp.

Katalog wystawy zbioröw kartograficznych Bibljoteki Narodowej w Warszawie. — Warszawa 1934.— Catalogue de l'exposition des collections cartographiques de la .Bibliothèque Nationale à Varsovie, Varsovie 1934. 113 pp.

Catalogus Mapparum geographicarum ad his‐toriam pertinentium, quae curante collegio historico‐geographorum adiuvantibus viris con‐gressui ordinando in polytechnico Varsoviensi exponuntur. — Varsovie 1933. XV+296 pp.

Fischer, Josephus: De Cl. Ptolemaei vita operibus Geographia praesentim eiusque fatis. — Leiden‐Leipzig 1932. XVI+607 pp. 4°.

Almagia, Roberto: II planisfero di Arnoldo de Arnoldi (1600). — Publicazioni dell’ Istituto di Geografia della R. Universita di Roma. Serie B. Num. 2. Roma 1934. 13 pp.+1 Tab. 4°.

Buczek, Karol: Beauplaniana. — S.A. aus “Wiado‐mosci sluzby geograficznej”. Nr. 1, 1934, 36 pp.

Otani, Ryökichi: Tadataka Inö, the Japanese Land‐surveyor. — Tokyo 1932. V+IV +358 pp.

Kordt, V. Materijali do istorii kartografii Ukraini. Cordt, B. Monumenta cartographica Ucrainae. Vol. I. Kiev 1931. 34 pp. + 41 Tab. 2°.

Svambera, V. & Salamon, B.: Monumenta Cartographica Bohemiae. I. Feuilles 1 et la. — Carte de la Bohême de 1518 par Nicolaus Claudianus. Texte par Iv. Honl et K. Kuchaf. — Praha 1930. 2 Tab. 2°.

Feuille 2e. — Une Carte de la Bohême de la 2e moitié du XVIe siècle du type Criginger. — Praha 1930. 1 Tab. 2°. Texte par K. Kuchaf. Praha 1932. 31 pp. (französisch) + 26 pp. (tschechisch).

II. Mappa geographica regni Bohemiae ... XXV sec‐tionibus exhibita à Joh. Cristoph: Müller, S. C. M. Capitan: et Ingen: A. C. MDCCXX. — Regni Bohemiae... conspectus Generaiis... à Joh: Christoph: Müller... — Gallice et bohemice praefatus est Dr. K. Kuchaf. — Praha 1934. 1 p. (französisch) + 7 pp. (8° tschechisch), 26 Tab. 2°.

Sindik, Ilija: Les cartes anciennes de pays Jugo‐slaves. — Atlas de la Société de Géographie de Beograd. Fase. 6: I. Tabula Peutingeriana et les types de cartes médiévales. 1931. 8 Tab. Fase. 8: II. Les Cartes de la période de Renaissance. 1932. 8 Tab. 4°.

Karpinski, Louis C: Bibliography of the printed maps of Michigan 1804—1880 with a series of over one hundred reproductions of maps constituting an historical atlas of the Great Lakes and Michigan. Including discussions of Michigan maps and map‐makers, by William Lee Jenks. — Lancing 1931. 539 pp., XXXVI + 86 Tab.

Newton, Arthur Percival: The great age of discovery. — London 1932. XI + 230 pp., 30 Tab.

Fournier, P.: Voyages et découvertes scientifiques des missionares naturalistes français à travers le monde pendant cinq siècles, XVe a XXe siècles. — Paris 1932. 108+258 pp.

Berg, Leo S. Uroven Kaspijskogo morja za istoriieskoe vremja. — Niveau de la mer Caspienne dans les temps historiques. — Aus: Problemy fiziîeskoj geografii, Leningrad. 1. 1934, p. 11–64.

Schulze, Berthold: Erläuterungen zur Brandenburgischen Kreiskarte von 1815. Einzelschriften der Historischen Kommission für die Provinz Brandenburg und die Reichshauptstadt Berlin, 6. — Berlin 1933, VI+98 pp.

Adolf Schück. Historisk Atlas. Skolupplaga. Stockholm, 1934. 32 pp. 4°.  相似文献   

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