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《Political Theology》2013,14(5):650-660

In his monograph God, Justice, and Society (Oxford University Press, 2011)response to his work uses examples from Deuteronomy, Jeremiah and other prophetic texts to explore the relationship between obedience to God’s law and the wellbeing of the natural world. It concludes that given the complexity and diversity of natural law within the Western philosophical tradition, it seems unwise to draw too direct a comparison with the biblical material, which reflects a very different world view. The close study of the texts suggests that, for the biblical authors, divine law was both commanded at Sinai and written into the fabric of the universe.  相似文献   

The article gives a quantitative evaluation of the elements of the hydrologic cycle (precipitation, runoff, evaporation) for the earth as a whole, for natural geographic zones of the USSR (tundra, tayga, steppe, desert) and for types of land within a given zone. The role of man in altering the water balance of individual territories through reclamation measures (irrigation, drainage, plowing up of virgin land) and through changes in agricultural techniques is also discussed.  相似文献   


Michael D. Coe and Richard A. Diehl, In the Land of the Olmec, two volumes plus maps. Volume I, The Archaeology of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, 416 pp.; Volume II, The People of the River, 198 pp. The University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas 1980. 100.00.

The recent publication of a comprehensive report describing the excavations at San Lorenzo, Tabasco, Mexico, In the Land of the Olmec by Michael D. Coe and Richard A. Diehl, provides a significant contribution to Mesoamerican archaeology and a suitable opportunity to review the present status of Olmec studies. The development of Olmec archaeology is a relatively recent phenomenon, with the modern era of research beginning with Matthew Stirling's surveys and excavations at several sites in Mexico's Gulf Coast region (1938–1946), and continuing with the University of California at Berkeley's excavations at the site of La Venta in the mid-1950s. The report by Coe and Diehl of the San Lorenzo investigations (1966–1968) adds considerably to our understanding of the origins and other aspects of Olmec civilization. These contributions, together with several continuing gaps in our knowledge, are reviewed by a resume of Olmec chronology, archaeological remains, external connections, and the implications of the Olmec for the evolution of Mesoamerican civilization.  相似文献   

古希腊神话与土地占有权   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王以欣 《世界历史》2002,2(4):60-68
一、功能主义神话学希腊神话之魅力在于其审美价值 ,但在古希腊社会 ,神话还有不可替代的社会功能。神话是透视古希腊社会的一面镜子 ,而研究古希腊社会也有助于澄清神话之真谛 ;二者关系密不可分。探讨神话之社会功能是功能主义神话学的主要课题 ,其奠基者是英籍波兰人类学家布罗尼斯拉夫·马林诺夫斯基 ( 1 884— 1 94 2 )。马林诺夫斯基的理论是在研究西太平洋特罗布里安德群岛土著神话的基础上形成的。他指出 :“神话在原始文化中履行着不可或缺的功能 :它表述、加强信仰 ,并使之有条理 ;它捍卫和强化道德 ;它确保仪式之有效 ,并包含着…  相似文献   

流鸢  尹杰 《旅游纵览》2008,(10):18-19
白雪皑皑的山峰、广阔无垠的草原、鲜红的莨菪花……在这片宁静的土地上,有静谧的湖水、神圣的寺院、淳朴的康巴人,一切都如人们梦想中的田园。  相似文献   

In post-modernist terms, archaeology, like history, is not practiced for itself but for someone or something. That much is clear with the archaeology of the cis-Jordanian region of the Near East where it has served to sustain anthropological-ethnological models driven by biblical and nationalistic-based theories. Words, terms, labels and names have meanings that not infrequently are consequential thus, constructing an archeology-abetted past of spaces named Holy Land, Eretz Yisrael and Land of the Bible belies the discipline’s claim to scientific neutrality. No less, naming the cis-Jordanian territories of the Bronze and Iron Ages a “Palestine” is anachronistic and not uniformly acceptable. As long as Archaeology is tasked with proving the veracity of ancient epigraphy and texts and legitimizing claims of ancestral privilege and ur-ownership of ancient lands, the more glaring its failure and the greater the impediment to settling the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.  相似文献   

This paper examines Biangai (Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea) expressions and transformations of environmental imaginaries through women's mourning songs (yongo ingi) and the songs of string bands. Biangai personhood, once intimately connected to garden lands and trees, hunting and forest paths, is increasingly influenced by global capitalism. Through their songs, they betray an increased tension between acting as an individual person and acting in terms of kin based relationality. While yongo ingi still memorialize the social spaces and land rights of the deceased, they also express conflicts in Biangai engagement with gold mining. Biangai string bands emerged just prior to Papua New Guinea's Independence in 1975, with the first band recording and releasing a national cassette in 1982. Dominated by young men, they depict the intersection of local music with a Melanesian modernity composed of compensation payments, gold mining, love, travel, and marketing. Both yongo ingi and string bands inform each other and provide insight into how local music engages images of both global economy and global ecology. By examining the uses, meanings, and performative contexts of these songs, this paper contributes to our understanding of the role of such expressive forms in connecting persons and their environment.  相似文献   

土地等级制度是维新政府为加快地税改革的进度,保证地税收入而施行的措施。该制度经过地方府县的试行后,被政府采纳并规范化,形成了完善的土地等级编制规则,最终成为政府向农民摊派地税的手段。本文将主要讨论政府的土地等级制度政策与县厅的执行情况,论述土地等级制度的产生、发展与变形以及编制土地等级对地税改革及当时的社会所带来的影响。  相似文献   

新年伊始,我应朋友之邀赴陕北米脂.拍摄个普通农家的婚礼.为好奇,为拍片.为看一眼窑洞.更为那句“米脂的婆姨绥德的汉,青涧的钉板瓦窑堡的炭”的民谣,人年三十,我如约前往。  相似文献   


Romantic Lochaber. By Donald B. MacCulloch. Edinburgh : The Moray Press, 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

The Cairngorm Hills of Scotland. By Seton Gordon. London : Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1939. (Second Edition.) Price 7s. 6d.

Highland Scene. By Marion Lochhead. With drawings by Mildred R. Lamb. Glasgow : John Smith and Son Ltd., 1939. Price 3s. 6d.

Albion : An Artist's Britain. By Stephen Bone. London : A. and C. Black Ltd., 1939. Price 15.1.

And so was England Born. By R. Welldon Finn and A. J. W. Hill. London : William Heinemann Ltd., 1939. Price 6s.

England's Water Problem. By H. Spence Sales and John Bland. London : Country Life Ltd., 1939. Price 18s.

The Water Supply of the County of London from Underground Sources. By Stevenson Buchan. London : H.M. Stationery Office, 1938. Price 6s.

London Fabric. By James Pope‐Hennessy. London : B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

Oxford. By Christopher Hobhouse. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1939. Price Ss. 6d.

Reminiscences of Country Life. By James George Cornish. Edited by Vaughan Cornish. London : Country Life Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

The Land of Britain. Part 31 : Glamorgan. By A. N. Thomas. London : Geographical Publications Ltd. for the Land Utilisation Survey, 1939. Price 2s. 6d.

The Roman Roads of Wales : An Historical Survey. VI : Brecknock and Glamorgan. By S. O'Dwyer. Newtown : The Welsh Outlook Press, 1937. Price is. 6d.

Baltic Roundabout. By Bernard Newman. London : Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

The Alps in 1864 (2 vols.). By A. W. Moore. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1939. Price 55. each.

The Eastern Question Revived. By Robert Machray. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1939. Price 1s.


The Throne of the Gods. By Arnold Heim and August Gansser. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 21s.

Menacing Sun. By Mona Gardner. London : John Murray, 1939: Price 15s.

Escape with Me ! An Oriental Sketch‐Book. By Osbert Sitwell. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.


A Date in the Desert. By G. L. Steer. London : Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1939. Price 15s.

African Escapade. By Roger Courtney. London : Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

I was a Slave. By Salim C. Wilson. London : Stanley Paul and Co. Ltd., 1940. Price 10s. 6d.


A Guide to Alaska. By Merle Colby. New York : The Macmillan Co., 1939. Price 17s.

Going Places. By Colin Hood. London : Collins Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

North American Summer. By Hilda S. Primrose. Edinburgh : The Moray Press, 1939. Price 10s. 6d.

Unknown to the WorldHaiti. By Mabel Steedman. London : Hurst and Blackett Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

A Forgotten River : A Book of Peruvian Travel and Botanical Notes. By Christopher Sandeman. London : Humphrey Milford at the Oxford University Press, 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

The Grasslands of the Falkland Islands. By William Davies, M.Sc. Obtainable from the Government Printer, Stanley, Falkland Islands, and from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, London, 1939. Price 5s.


My Australia. By M. Barnard Eldershaw. London : Jarrolds Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

Waltzing Matilda. By A. L. Haskell. London : A. and C. Black Ltd., 1940. Price 12s. 6d.

Koonwarra : A Naturalist's Adventures in Australia. By Charles Barrett. London : Humphrey Milford at the Oxford University Press, 1939. Price 8s. 6d.

My New Zealand. By A. J. Harrop. London : Jarrolds Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.


Two Men in the Antarctic. By T. W. Bagshawe. London: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1939. Price 15s.

Modern Arctic Exploration. By Gunnar Seidenfaden. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.


Introduction to Geology. By E. B. Bailey and J. Weir. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 18s.

Elements of Geology (with reference to North America). By W. J. Miller. London : Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1939. Price 21s.

The Birds of Tropical West Africa. Vol. V. By D. A. Bannerman. London : Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1939. Price 22s. 6d.

The Evolution of the British Empire and Commonwealth. By Sir John A. R. Marriott. London : Nicholson and Watson Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

Great Flights (” Epics of the XXth Century “). By E. Colston Shepherd. London : A. and C. Black Ltd., 1939. Price 7s. 6d.

Sky Roads of the World. By Amy Johnson. Edinburgh and London : W. and R. Chambers Ltd., 1939. Price 6s.


John Graham of Claverhouse. By Alistair and Henrietta Tayler. London : Gerald Duckworth and Co. Ltd., 1939. Price 12s. 6d.

Scott of the Antarctic. By George Seaver. London : John Murray, 1940. Price 10s. 6d.

Days of Fresh Air. By the Rt. Hon. L. S. Amery, M.P. London : Jarrolds Ltd., 1939. Price 15s.

One Man Caravan. By R. E. Fulton. London : The Travel Book Club, 1939. Price 3s. 6d.

Escape to the Sea. By Fred Rebell. London : John Murray, 1939. Price 8s. 6d.

The Voyage of the Cap Pilar. By Adrian Seligman. London : Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1939. Price 18s.


Map‐Reading for Schools. By Margaret Wood. London : George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1939.

Teach Yourself Geography. By J. C. Kingsland and W. B. Cornish. London : The English Universities Press Ltd., 1939. Price 2s.  相似文献   

LandDiversification¥byLiMingsengGiventhisfact,landsuitableforlivestockbreedingdecreasesfromthenorthwesttosoutheast,whilelands...  相似文献   

古代斯巴达的土地占有在较长时间内保持了比较平均和公正的格局。究其原因在于,古代斯巴达土地制度中包括了稳定性因素和不稳定性因素。稳定性因素包括限制土地买卖和馈赠,控制家庭规模和继承人数量的婚姻生育制度等,不稳定性因素主要有土地一经授出不再收回、土地的可继承性和继承时的析产继承等。在早期,稳定性因素较好地发挥了特殊的历史作用。但是,稳定性因素本身存在诸多的缺陷,并不能保证土地占有的长期稳定,随着历史环境的变化,自公元前4世纪,斯巴达土地开始迅速向少数人手中集中。  相似文献   

苏美尔早期地契研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴宇虹 《世界历史》2006,(6):95-107
捷姆迭特那色遗址出土的泥板文书中,6件土地分配泥板文书记录了分给5位官员的大块田地,但没有土地买卖文件。在15件石刻地契中,时间最早的8件也是土地分配文书,较晚的7件则是土地买卖文件。它们表明,起初用来交换土地的货币是牲畜、食品和羊毛及其它有价物品;然后,银成了购买土地的通用货币。除金属货币外,买方要付给卖地的家族成员一定的大麦、食品和羊毛作为附加物品。根据舒如帕克出土的早期城邦的经济管理档案,我们知道,国家把小块土地分给公民作为份地,但是首脑和诸神庙获得了大块土地。50多件土地和房屋买卖泥板文书表明,铜和银先后成为通用货币,大麦、食品和羊毛则是交易的附加礼品。国家从土地和房产的交易中获取税收,田籍书吏收取买田人的税铜或银和食品,房产测量官吏和街区传令官从买主那里收税和礼品。土地买卖先于奴隶买卖在人类社会中发生,由于大土地所有者需要奴隶为他们耕种田地,奴隶社会制度随着土地私有化而诞生了。  相似文献   

地理位置→位于浙江西南,距离上海约480公里"日出东南隅,照我毛氏楼。刊山开道七百里,峰回路转几春秋。"一阵悠扬且百转千回的民歌隐约传来,纯净、古朴。那是江山独有的味道,若是厌倦了大都市的浮华,不妨来这里,看看听听那些或真切、或梦幻的风景。  相似文献   

邸杰 《旅游纵览》2017,(5):15-21
<正>在前往罗布泊的路上,徒经塔克拉玛干沙漠时,我被一片一望无际的千年胡杨林深深吸引,不由自主地停下脚步与胡杨共度了一天。胡杨树被维吾尔人称之为“托克拉克”,意为“最美丽的树”。由于它在严寒酷暑的打击下还能顽强地生存,又被称为“沙漠英雄树”。活着昂首一千年,死后挺立一千年,倒下不朽一千年,铮铮铁骨千年铸,不屈品质万年颂。胡杨有顽强的性格,也有独特的美。在朝日、夕阳的照耀下,胡杨的的千姿百态显得更加文雅优美。  相似文献   

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