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This article examines the controversies concerning both customary cannibalism and missionary ethnography. Focusing on Fiji, it supports the conclusions of Marshall Sahlins about both issues, demonstrating that the attempts of William Arens, Gananath Obeyesekere and others to debunk “cannibal talk” are flawed in several ways. The eyewitness testimony of numerous missionaries and non‐missionaries in Fiji from the 1830s to the 1870s provides an extensive evidentiary basis for examining both controversies. Some of the testimony comes from indigenous witnesses, moreover, including Thakombau, who became known—or notorious—to Europeans as “the King of the Cannibals”. The article briefly recounts Thakombau's role in the processes of conversion and colonization. Two key texts that are closely analyzed as examples of missionary ethnography are Reverend Joseph Waterhouse's The King and People of Fiji and Reverend Thomas Williams's Fiji and the Fijians.  相似文献   


This article discusses how the civil engineers of the Corps des Ponts et Chaussées relied on a complex network of social, familial and technical relations to mediate between the central government and various local interests as they sought to introduce modern infrastructure in provincial France. It argues that local social integration, which was defined, measured, and encouraged by the Corps, enabled engineers to tailor projects to local needs while also strengthening the national reputation and centralized power of the Ponts et Chaussées. It hypothesizes that the illusion of uniform, centralized national planning was in fact the result of how the Corps’ engineers independently designed and regulated thousands of small local projects. This emphasis on satisfying local concerns as a means of introducing standardization and reinforcing the Corps’ national prestige underscores the importance of regional dynamism and local diversity in the centralization and modernization of France.  相似文献   


Nineteenth‐century Palestine mapping projects based on systematic land surveying reached a peak with the Ordnance Survey of Western Palestine between 1871 and 1877, conducted on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund by officers of the British Royal Engineering Corps. Various other nineteenth‐century proposals for an organized survey of the country—some of which bore partial results while others were never implemented—are also presented. The surveying of one region, Mesopotamia, during the 1830s and 1840s, forms the basis for the discussion of the reasons for the relative lateness of the topographical survey. The sacredness of the region seems not to have been a sufficiently convincing motive for entrepreneurs to organize and finance such a survey. The main reason for the delay in mapping the country as a whole was that it was not especially important, either strategically or geo‐politically, for the European nations engaged in the international struggles in the Middle East until the last quarter of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This article compares pre‐20th‐century Norway and 20th‐century Botswana—two settings separated by time and space but sharing a sharp rise in non‐nuptial births. The comparison seeks to create a synergetic analytical effect by combining firsthand, experience‐near field data from Botswana with solid historical analyses of bastardy in Europe. This radical comparison provides a perspective that highlights the importance of treating “culture” not as a residual category, but as an integral part of everything social. This implies that there is a need not only for a proper sociocultural contextualization of localities, but also for an analysis of extra‐local power structures as fundamentally cultural, reflecting not only bureaucratic and political concerns but also values and existential perspectives.  相似文献   

In his book Negara: The Theatre‐state in Nineteenth‐century Bali (1980), Clifford Geertz argued that ceremonial display, rather than material power, was the real basis and indeed the purpose of pre‐colonial states in Bali, and by extension South East Asia. This article argues, on the basis of historical and ethnographic evidence from one of these kingdoms, that he was largely wrong about pre‐colonial Bali, but that, ironically and presciently, his model makes increasing sense in early twenty‐first century Bali. The article also discusses the reasons for this and finally suggests a more dynamic model based on Bourdieu’s metaphor of material and symbolic capital, which seeks to bring Geertz’s essentially static model to historical life.  相似文献   

Starting with an analysis of the nature of economic internationalization in processes, this text tries to point out what effects these processes have on the development of large cities and on the restructuring of the hierarchy of urban networks. Based on a survey carried out in 18 European non‐capital cities, it attempts to highlight the common features of international cities. Some clearly differentiated processes and aspects of internationalization of these cities are described, leading to a dynamic typology of their profiles. The text also considers the question of planning strategies which municipalities can elaborate to adapt to new prospects of internationalization and analyses the limitations of such voluntary policies.  相似文献   

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