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在海外,尤其是西方汉学和中国学研究领域中,其中一个重要分支就是对于中国传统史学的研究与关注,尽管迄今为止其成就似乎并不如其它领域。伍安祖、王晴佳合著的《世鉴:中国传统史学》①是英文世界出版的最新而系统论述中国传统史学史的著作,此书位列2006年美国亚洲研究书籍畅销书榜第九名,并被全美图书馆杂志《选择》(Choice)赋予杰出学术著作称号。西方迄今为止,并没有系统深入介绍中国史学史的著作。英语世界对于中国史学史的研究从未真正繁荣过,相关论著只是偶尔有之。1938年,嘉德纳(Charles Gardner)出版了第一部较系统的百余页的著作,书名为《中国传统史学》(Chinese Traditional Historiography)②。1955年,韩玉珊(Yu-shan Han)出版了《中国史学基础》(Elements of Chinese Historiography)③,1961年,浦立本(E.G.Pulleyblank)和比斯利(W.G.Beasley)等编辑了《中日史家》(Historians ofChina andJapan)④,一部有关中日传统史学的论文集。1975年王赓武等编辑了《中国历史资料论文集...  相似文献   


This article provides a survey and definition of the field of Commonwealth constitutional history since 1918, especially during and after global decolonisation. It asks what is Commonwealth constitutional history and how it differs from its English and Imperial counterparts. The article puts forward a working definition of Commonwealth constitutional history and introduces key and diverse writers who illustrate the range and potential of this history. The article provides an historiography and survey of constitutional history in the Pre-Commonwealth and Post-war Commonwealth periods while also assessing the opportunities of Post-British Commonwealth constitutional history. The objective of this article is to show how Commonwealth constitutional history can contribute to the historical study of state power and to see its worth to other disciplines and fields of history. Commonwealth constitutional history is a necessity to examine the politics, power and consequences of the British empire during the long age of decolonisation.  相似文献   

2005年中国近代史研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年,中国近代史研究继续稳步发展,并显示出两大热点,一是随着2004年中央《关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》的贯彻,马克思主义理论研究和建设工程的正式启动,史学理论研究出现良好势头;二是因纪念中国抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年,抗战史成为突出的研究课题  相似文献   

边疆理论论清朝疆域形成与历代疆域的关系成崇德(1·1)西方近代边疆理论的初步发展章永俊(2·1)相对成熟的西方边疆理论简论(1871—1945)孙宏年(2·12)冷战期间西方边疆理论的发展董欣洁(2·22)从地理边疆到“利益边疆”———冷战结束以来西方边疆理论的演变于沛(2·31)“五帝”世系与秦汉时期“华夷共祖”思想王文光翟国强(3·1)春秋时期诸侯国是独立主权国家吗?———与叶自成先生商榷杨恕王欢(4·1)边政研究新疆与历代中原王朝政治关系的计量分析王尚达杨恕(1·11)明洪武朝陕北边防及其特点周松(1·17)清末新疆禁毒研究周卫平孟楠(1·26…  相似文献   

许多翻译、改绘、新绘的中国海图在晚清出现,《御览江浙闽沿海图》(以下简称《御览图》)就是其中之一。已有研究对该图评价较高,但相关成果侧重制图技术的考辨,该图编纂的时代背景、朱正元在编纂中所担负的角色尚待厘清,而这些对于理解该图的历史地位同样至关重要。本文在考查《御览图》及其图说产生背景和经过后认为,正是在西方测绘技术的进步和清政府面临海上威胁背景下,洋务运动中兴起的西学教育培养了朱正元等测绘人才。而朱正元基于英版海图测绘和编纂的《御览图》融科学性和实用性于一体,是晚清作为中国海图由传统转向近代重要阶段的标志之一。  相似文献   

郑振 《安徽史学》2002,(3):36-38
广德发现的清咸丰五至七年宁国府谕札是太平天国天京事变前后太平军皖南军事活动的倒影。五折谕札再现了太平军攻陷徽州、战略放弃芜湖,后又败走宁国府的三次战事,反映了太平军在天京事变前后军事形势的变化,清政府在军事、政治、经济上所受到的沉重打击,各反动势力之间由此而产生的深刻矛盾。从一个侧面说明革命领导集团的分裂、各反动势力的疯狂反扑是太平天国革命失败的主要原因。这五折谕札具有重要的历史价值。  相似文献   

Recent historical treatment of Anglo-Irish relations in the 1930s has overlooked the complex nature of the legal disagreements between the two countries during that period. This article provides an account of some of the fundamental points of legal disagreement between the countries. It explains how differences of opinion as to the structure of intra-commonwealth constitutional relations led to conflict between the British government and that of the Irish Free State, with particular reference to the oath of allegiance crisis. It considers how other commonwealth countries saw these points of conflict. It concludes with a re-appraisal of the roles of Lord Hailsham and de Valera in Anglo-Irish relations, as examples of differing attitudes towards the commonwealth relationship.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the relationship between the construction of history by the textual history of early imperial China and by Chinese archaeology in the second half of the twentieth century, considering how these two fields of scholarship were directed by ideologies of the Chinese government. The locus for this investigation is the complex of imperial ancestral temples constructed by the emperor Wang Mang (r. 9–23 CE) for his brief interregnum dynasty. Although this group of buildings is described in the official dynastic history, compiled only fifty years after its construction, as having nine temple buildings with specific ancestors ascribed to each, its archaeological excavation in the late 1950s instead revealed twelve temples in a carefully organized plan. The discrepancy between the original construction of the temple complex and its subsequent revision in textual history is revealing in terms of the relationship between received tradition and individual action in the context of establishing imperial legitimacy, whereas the modern attempts to reconcile the discrepancy between textual history and excavated history are indicative of the relationship between Chinese archaeology of that period and the nationalist revision of history.  相似文献   

The creation of modern South Africa as an independent unitary state within the British Empire (c. 1910) gave birth to the Commonwealth idea. Jan Smuts’s views on Commonwealth were formative and they continued to inform the evolution of the organisation until the end of the Second World War. Also significant was the role played by Afrikaner nationalist leader J. B. M. Hertzog, who exerted a critical influence on the 1926 Balfour Declaration and Statute of Westminster. At the point of South Africa’s departure from the Commonwealth in 1961, the Commonwealth divided between new entrants, who cast South Africa as a pariah, and older member states who lamented the exit of a troubled family member. Even after South Africa’s departure from the Commonwealth in 1961, apartheid’s significance as the global exemplar of institutionalised racism and colonial rule helped to bind the Commonwealth as a multi-racial organisation with strongly defined ethical values. South Africa’s reintegration in 1994, with Nelson Mandela to the fore, was welcomed as a triumph for the Commonwealth. Paradoxically, however, this proved a pyrrhic victory and may actually have contributed to the Commonwealth’s state of indirection.  相似文献   

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