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The rise of modernity in Europe resulted in the redefinition of social relations between those in control of the apparatus of the state and economy on the one hand, and those who worked and lived within that apparatus on the other. This shift in the definition of the basic social unit from subject to individual citizen was fraught with tension, and resulted in vast changes in the lives of colonized people throughout the European sphere of control. The social and material manifestations of these historical processes were many; this article considers how phenomena associated with colonial modernity impacted the lives of people enslaved at Marshall’s Pen, a Jamaican coffee plantation, in the opening decades of the nineteenth century. To this end, this article examines the negotiation of the social and material realities of nineteenth-century colonialism through the spread of mass-produced goods mediated through the rise of consumerism visible through archaeologically recovered material culture, the imposition of age-grade, gendered, ethnic and racial categorizations as manifestations of a rationalized social order, the increased focus on the individual as a self-regulating member of a moralized social order, and shifting definitions of the relationships between space and social organization reflecting in changing settlement patterns of village life.  相似文献   

In the age of decolonisation, Whitehall generally accepted the case for political advancement even in small British colonies like St Helena judged too lacking in resources to become independent states, provided this could be granted without risk to good government. The previous experience of Sir John Field in West Africa and his sensitivity to UN expectations lay behind the democratic reforms he introduced, which by 1968 had established an elected Legislative Council and an Executive Council made up mainly of LegCo members. But the steps he took owed little to sustained popular demand for self-government, as was common elsewhere, and much to his determination to make islanders politically more responsible. Public engagement was inhibited by practical constraints, local culture and a discouraging financial dependence on the UK government.  相似文献   

On 25 October 1983 the United States, supported by several Caribbean states, intervened militarily in the commonwealth Caribbean island of Grenada. Operation Urgent Fury followed the implosion of the Marxist-Leninist People's Revolutionary Government and execution of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and several colleagues. This article examines the alleged request for external assistance made by the Grenadian governor general, Sir Paul Scoon. It will examine the discrepancies between Scoon's memoir account of the episode and the official record to reveal that Scoon made no such request. The origins of the request emerged from discussions between Caribbean and US officials and it was brought to fruition by the Barbadian prime minister, Tom Adams.  相似文献   

<正>天空上飘逸的欢迎仪仗队山青则水碧,天高则云淡——这话一点不假。9月27日,我们是在临近桦甸的路上开始感觉到它的清澈。  相似文献   

美国卫生及公共服务部已宣布全国进入紧急状态,在北达科塔州洪水、总统就职典礼以及几次风灾期间,美国都曾宣布过进入这一状态慌乱你上一次经过机场安检口,要被检测体温是在什么时候?可能要追溯到2003年SARS爆发之时。但随着猪流感在全球范围的蔓延,至少在台北、东京、新加坡以及巴厘岛的机场,体温扫描仪已经悄悄地回来了,从墨西哥及美国飞来的乘客将受到特别的关注。  相似文献   

菲律宾女明星哈利利与整容医生海登的性爱录像不仅在网上疯传,就连女总统阿罗约也被惊动了5月30日,马尼拉最大的商场外面,一名中年小贩正在公开兜售片名为《卡特里娜与海登丑闻》的光碟,每盘售价60比索(约合1.25美元)。这盘由女明星卡  相似文献   

正这是一篇儿子的自白。父亲的爱有双重性质,炽热的和冷漠的,唯独没有对儿子的欣赏和尊重。这让生活中的儿子有点小叛逆,但终究逃脱不了家庭教育的"阴影"。他对自己儿子的期望是令我们欣喜的,好的教育要继承和发扬,有问题的家庭教育是应该摒弃和修正的。  相似文献   

一、"车子化"运动中,全县制造的车子堆积如山 "大跃进"时期,提倡"解放思想,破除迷信,发扬首创精神,大胆革新",提出"工欲善其事,必先利其器",各区、乡、社干部群众大搞工具改革。  相似文献   

In the early years of the twentieth century, city administrators in Halifax, Nova Scotia articulated a new, modern identity for the former imperial garrison town by identifying the local red light district as both a moral and a spatial problem. Between the twilight of Victoria’s reign and Britain’s entry into the First World War, middle-class toleration of a local sex district as a means of managing the city’s populations of imperial servicemen virtually evaporated. Haligonians were inspired instead by North American urban modernisation initiatives to eradicate this visible and physical space for the world’s oldest profession. This paper examines shifting responses to the imperial sexual and political ideologies underpinning collective toleration of Halifax’s racially mixed sex district, offers a case study of this crucial moment of civic refashioning.  相似文献   

我们正处在世纪之交。在这个转折时期,回顾过去,展望未来,可以清楚地看到一个现象:随着现代经济、特别是科技的发展,各国之间的联系愈益紧密、各国在各个领域的相互影响越来越大。世界正日益成为一个整体。可以预料,这个趋势在未来的世纪将会更加发展。面对这种情况,大至一个国家,小至一门学科,要想  相似文献   

李玉祥 《旅游》2007,(6):42-47
一切的一切都是那么的自然天成,一座接一座前店后宅的粉墙黛瓦徽派建筑布满了青藤与苔癣,靠河的一边是一个个现已废弃的码头,高大的红砂石筑就的店铺横成在那里,沾满蜘蛛与苔癣的墙面上昔日徽商的店铺名依稀可见。[编者按]  相似文献   

正【教材原题】(选择你最喜欢的景或物,写一个片段。想好再下笔,把语句写得连贯、顺畅。不少于200字。)在前一题的基础上,将写景或状物的片段扩展为一篇借景抒情或托物言志的作文。不少于500字。"古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。""春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。"这些诗句之所以广为流传,不仅因为其中所蕴含的真挚情感,也在于借助景和物委婉传达情意而带来的效果让人回味无穷,更能触及读者的内心,引发共鸣。"一花一叶皆世界,一草一木总关情",同学们可  相似文献   

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