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武汉会战,是抗日战争时期中国军队在武汉地区同日本侵略军展开的一场会战。传统观点认为:武汉会战大致是从1938年6月12日日军侵占安庆开始,到同年10月25日中国守军主动放弃武汉为止,历时4个多月。本文的主要贡献是根据新发现的相关史料,认为武汉会战应从1938年4月23日至24日安徽省和县保卫战开始,这就将武汉会战开始的时间提前了一个多月,整个会战的时间增加到6个月有余。并对人们知之甚少的和县保卫战进行了梳理和评价,提高了可歌可泣的和县保卫战的地位,颂扬了抗战女英雄成本华的抗战精神。  相似文献   



À la fin du XVIIIe siècle, dans le processus de fixation de la frontière linéaire entre le Royaume de France et les Pays‐Bas autrichiens, les cartes manuscrites thématiques des traités des limites jouent un rôle fondamental en tant qu'instruments de négociation. Ces cartes permettent de saisir visuellement la complexité des possessions territoriales et de comprendre les enjeux économiques et politiques des transactions pacifiques. Les cartes analysées, de concert avec les actes des traités, mettent clairement en évidence un aspect moins connu, mais fondamental des cartes des limites, à savoir leur rôle en tant qu'indicateurs des enjeux économiques, en présentant avec beaucoup de soin les grands axes de communication par route.  相似文献   

An examination of coin evidence from North Wales appears to show that coin ceased to reach the area in the middle of the last decade of the fourth century. The absence of sites from the Notitia Dignitatum in combination with the negative coin evidence is deployed to suggest that forces were withdrawn from the area by Arbogastes during the revolt of Eugenius (A.D. 392–95). The dating of clipped siliquae is reconsidered.  相似文献   


In July 1596 Christopher Saxton spent more than a week in Manchester with John Dee and Henry Savile working on a survey of the town. This survey has never been found, and the circumstances surrounding it have remained fairly obscure. An examination of new evidence and an analysis of both the immediate context and the links between the three men principally involved in the survey strongly suggest that it was undertaken for chorographical and historical purposes, but that it might also have served the needs of other important agents in local society such as the Collegiate Church, and the new lord of the manor.  相似文献   

The Philippine government's position on aggressive population management is in conflict with the Catholic Church's opposition to artificial means of birth control, particularly sterilization. The Episcopal Commission for Family Life plans to increase its campaign against contraception at their local level. The government effort through the Department of health will provide access to contraception in a network of 600 hospitals and 1500 rural health units. Government support comes from 2 Protestant churches, the Church of Christ, which is the largest independent church in the Philippines, and the United Church of Christ. Leaders of both churches gave the Minister of Health letters of support which stated that family planning (FP) was necessary to curb population growth which was too high, and China and Thailand are countries which are economically better off with population planning. The government position is similar to former President Corazon Aquino's. The new President, Fidel Ramos, is a protestant and wants economic prosperity for the Philippines; part of the formula for achieving economic growth is slowing population growth. There is limited resources in a sluggish economy and the push for zero population growth can be accomplished through effective contraception. The birth rate fuels poverty is the position of Juan Flavier, Health Secretary. Annual population growth is 2.3% and family size is 4.8/couple while agricultural growth is only 1%. The ideal family size recommended is 2 children/family. The Philippine Commission on Population in its 6-year plan is hoping to obtain 200 million in foreign aid and involve a larger network of nongovernmental organizations. Choice is the key component. Women need to be convinced that birth spacing will reduce maternal and infant mortality. Flavier has reassured Cardinal Jaime Sin of the Catholic Church that Natural methods or the rhythm method would be taught. Health experts argue that the discipline and sacrifice necessary for effective natural methods is lacking.  相似文献   

黑龙 《清史研究》2007,215(1):104-109
康熙二十九年(1690)六月,清军与准噶尔军在内蒙古乌珠穆沁左翼旗境内的乌尔会河①发生了双方历史上的第一次大冲突,是役以清军的惨败告终,史称"乌尔会河之战"。这是一场极为重要的战役,对随后的乌兰布通之战及噶尔丹的败亡均产生了深远的影响。由于史料原因,乌尔会河之战尚未被充分论述,也未见专文发表。笔者利用各种文献史料,考察此次战争的起因,战场的布局,双方的兵力、装备、战术、指挥等环节和战争的结果,以供研究者作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

论大凌河之战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大凌河之战 ,后金将围城、和谈、攻坚、打援相结合 ,是中国古代军事史上围城打援、亦战亦款的成功战例。本文叙述战役过程并分析双方得失 ,阐明此役的影响 :后金变革军制 ,开始组建八旗汉军 ,调整对明兵略 ,深入中原 ,掳掠财富。大凌河之战 ,后金获得战略性的胜利 ,明朝遭到战略性的失败———加速了明亡清兴的历史进程。  相似文献   

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